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The Right And Consequences Of Secession

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In Üio o . yeiii's a go i ii t.Ji e LTttiLüdnis intro dubcd iiito ihal body by i'Ir. ím.u.'.íons. of ' Rbode Island, Mr. Oaíhoun,' in the : coiirse of speech he ai : t otqasiou, dtísignají u tp vvhonj, a# I lio coneeived, belungod the honor of 1 Iri the doief authors of the Federal [ wtitutioj. Wh e to the morit of oUiertí, "i. io uiLj" suid .i, ü Í ug - I spcak it horo, ia honor of xNrevJinhind and the Norihïru - it is Uiajinlj to the U'junL'Otiout apd 1N' vf J.j-; ■ ;y th.a wj iüvu a Federal instead of a National Govevuiucnt; that wo have the bjst Govjnimeüt, instead of tau qijjst deppotie and intolerablq on the eatth. WJo wcro the man ot' theso títatos ti wutun ïa aro imleb, Imirablj üovenmiout'' I will name them. Their names ought to he. engraven on brass, aud live f ji-uvli1, They were Cíiiuí' Jiistico EfHswottb, Jogm Shenui!'., and Jadge Pattisou, of New Jersey. - The other States turther South were blind; they did not sec the future. Bat to the sagacity i ..; of tbeso three men, aid'ed br a . ' ra, but not so ptomiaontj wo owe tuo preseat Coüstitutiúu" Cliief Ju.-itice Eljsworta havfng taken so con pari in the fprmation of' the Constitutiou, it is b:it reasoaable to conclude tliát he unders tob'd its character and desiga. Did iie regard it as a mere partnership, frota wliich anv oue of the partüors ínight. at áñy tinic, Dnd from any motive, witlulhuv? Cfcrtáinly no't. He was ouo of the Senators fioni íjaaneotcat ta tito Srst Oo::; Now York o.i ti O a tí, , aruae iu tlio Suuato as tu ttie í'r ' of rcuioval from otfice, Ellawórfb oocaíion to expn-ss t taiúea as to the pownra oí tho Góvernlueiit. iJid ii hold its existuuoo orily by the sutïorance oí'üiñ Status? Could they destroy it whonever thoy ple:;s d by regaiping t.lie po.i'crs with whioh they liad clothed it? Such vvus not the opinión be entertaiued. iie i that the r l of tho ConsMtutioii were al' ed -parted from the péople; fróm tuü -and vested in tlie Uuvernmont which tito Constitntion eoviteinpiiitcj. - l'hatwas the view lie niaintaiucd and eni'oroed. Baving gitéu np, surreudered to tha General Guveniment, certuin powers, J who does not se that the attmnjrt i sumo thüse powers, by uny oue oíj of the títates, is a:i atttiutpt to tutfe I does not beio-.ig to tbem, and ;i:i invasioa I of the riírhts a-id preroatives of the gonerai authoritv, whioh it id by tívery consiileraüon 6f dut; l'-pfOffervaiiou fj rèstsfï And, I ! , the Constitütion has ólothed it w-ith eüuieat meaus of resisiance. Et does not act directly on tho States in their politica! oapaoity, bot on the pebpte of tiie States. - If thojpol.iiu tho niïvs of the i fisuee with t'ue man of tuair owii p u-ticuiar ritates. 'EheJ iucui' ueverthetess the penalty. And this, for the plu.u rea ayiitiiu laWs, öiade in pvfrsuanea óf it; :;-o the supreine law of llie land, miytlwiig in thu (Juiistitution of laws of any ÜUie to tho c.;;itrary uotiyithstuudiug. It v;;jiJ Lü vain for a delinquent ludiviiiual to plead Unit the Stat8 had sooecíod froui tue Uaion, and, tb we for e, dischurged lus obligation to oboy thd laws of tiiu Uttiou, Tii3 aniwet vcöüld ba, uu State bau withdraw h-om the Uniou witüoat resvimiiig powor wbieh it iiaa glven up, without assertmg uuthurity wlncn it lias surroudured, aud this 110 átato eau do of Usulf. The aent of tha party to whoin the surrvJiidor lias boen ïiiade must iirst bo taiiied, aud this coiistíüt eau b? obtamed only 111 oua mode - Bamely, by au atn;:udment ot' tuu (Jonstitutiou. But suppoH the delinque, t individual shcmld receiva the support of lus State, aud that it should marshal its torces for kis proteetiou - ;vhai tlieüï Wc do not couceive that the caj admirsof d.iüeulty. Iaw8 of the Uaioo must bo onfoivod. tt' thLa eau oníy be dono by neans of au ariutíd torce, thén au aruied force must be einploed. re pray that the daj in.iy nver arrive wheu the (ienorul Govüïumwit shall be brouglit ïiito hoátiiú ooutüct wita any Ötatej bat whut would bo the uousequenoü iï' it shoaid quietly permit oao or more ui' the Status to throw off its juriadiution, aud ereot them into a separatu sionalityï Fracticiiily, there wuuid bo nu ead to our systom of govemmeut ii' Esouti Oaruüna muy sacede 10 da.y, New York may sucede touiorrow. iatate after Statu vvould wiihdiaw in the imiation of a püiitical dofoat, or to subleve a looal poiiöj luid posea interest, uutü uie luir iaunu oí ou. , üyvunuuejjt iv-uiá topplo to the gi'ound '■li' t lie Dniou to expire,1' s;ud Uuit-'t Jue'tfca KÍlswo'rtli- and we have sucu bal bh C: ' Hím ot' che c:.ici' areiiit a Gon.,,u_"liu; least that n.iy be oxpeoted is tliat the Európean Puwors will funu all.anoos- somtí witíi ana State, and witti aüother- aud pliiy thuS.atus it únuther, aud that we shail bj invplved Inálj tlie labyrinihs of Eut poíuicB. Euough has bué Baid to suow that a power iu t. I öovsnt to eufbroe the decreea oí' tbu Union is absolutely neee'saary." "VVithuut cóèrcive power, governinent Is i or, i-atb'er is no governmíüt at ull." We oouour witb the sagaóious, c.aar liuadod auteamau of Coiinectióút. Without a courcive po er ití the General tioveriimenf, and without art enovetio tion óf tiuit powor whe.i an occ ita èxeroiso arïsSs, the nberitunoe beaueathed to us by I ot the lievoiutiou will bo fWttere id i d. Tho pnvcr existe; and ii' the to all sensa or thé h they hold ii) the ejoá of mankind- f ttóy have to be wortliy dascëndauts of tho men of tlie 11 if they meará tiiaoonstitutional liberties sball remara ! aud iuwolaj i, - , Will insistuponi ■ ercièe. They' siiould cali i ii-s and RepresonfatiTes in Goi . ■ i oleW anil uumistakablS tones, to dopt rea iu the prowmé e ate lhO rayurity of I It ia tliüt., Fr.táid r.ithmüy cxoonted. We rejeufc 10 hoar that Mr". Baohanan, hïa ou óffloc, ti-ü ■ attach to Uis exnked station, iü not allow j ia or uny oiiu-r bta.e, „o far . j yj .vxt t j e cxeciiti the laws of tbe U'jted States i: ■ ■,■■ ita I 11 act, i the pr ais, wiih something of tlie spirit of General Jackson in a sil c;:i ;';'■■:■■■.■ (tfid 't: 'vil! cani ! ing si-.:t:tude of bid e.mutry. förGse.e ttet Lu wiil Lü assailed njent dötftiueifitiotj on tbe part b! State: bUt let hini i ; i t!i Odnsfitution and the Uüittn, ;ui'i, .: y pile uvouii'l Iwn ali ber tlajniajg biauris, hu niay cpuüdtíntty on the support and applifttdii - iu grcut bddy f his HMtryñiett: - Odir.iii is teraporary, but houor &c(jai i,i the feailcss dfichargo of dufy a au everlastiua possessiDn.


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