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MRS. C. BUFFINGTOJJ would respectful. ly inform the Ladiesof Ann Arbor and its vicinity that she ha9 received the fall and winter tasïiions. MRS. C. BUFFINGTON. Nov. 14 1S44. 3')tf. New G oods ' New Goods ! ! THE undersigned hos jnst received his suppl of Fall Goods from N.Y. City. Besides first rat nssoriment of Sheetings, Cotton Ynrn Fulled Cloths. Brond Cloths, and other Stap Goods.. hc is just opening a splcndid lot of Rich, Woosied Damask Shawls, Ist quality, Brocha, do do Kabyl, do do . Cnshniere, do Fashionable Cravats. Rich Bonnet Ribbons. Fashionable head trimmings, Velvet " ALSO. A BEAUTIFUI, ASSORTMEÑT O' DRESS STUFKS SÜCII A Cashmere D'Ecosse, Muslin DeLaine, Pnrissennea, Robroy Plaid, Prints of every description, Plnin, blnck Álnpnca, figured, black Alapaca, Plain, colored Alapaca, fi;ured, cul'd Alopací Plaid, and Changeable Alnpnca. The undersigned Iia3 in nddiiion to n fir raie nssorttnent of Slap'e and Fanoy Dry Good a choice lot of Tens ana Coífee, for fainily use Also, a largc lot of Gees e Feathers, Paper Hang ings and Travelling Baskets. Mis Stock 13 well smted to both city nnd coun fy trade. Country people nre invited to cnll anf look and satisfy themselves ihrt his stock wi ben? coinparison eiiher in' qunüty or price wit nny other in the western country. W. A. IIAYMÖND. 148 Jêft'erson Avenue. Detroit. Oct. 14, 1844. 24-tf Éstray. TAKEN itp by 'lic subscribcr, on the 25th o September Jnst, in thé town ol Northfieli a email ehesnut colored mare, of the pone breed, with a stnr in the forehead, suppücted 1 be ubout #or 91 years oíd, branded A. C. on th shoulder. The owner is re(iesied 10 prov property. pny chnrgesrand itAté her awny. Northfield. Nov. I. 1844. 29-8w DR. OSGOOD'S IIMUIA CHOLAGOGUE. AMOiNG the most vuluable quaiities ut th medicine, is iiö restoring influence upo constitutione impaired and injured by previot attacksot billioús fever, or fever and agüe; o by n long residence mi those dimates which pro duce them. Thwre oréinany constitutione whic beconié grafTualfy undiermined by n rrC'xismnl in fluertce. v1ihoirt even a day'snctualconrinemcn Insuch ci)8es, ?he CholagogTöe acts like aechan - thesllow complexion, loss of appetit'e, lar Kuor, wearinessand depression of wit other unpleasatït symptoins which rénder life burderi. allyi!d to thisremedy when faithfull used'actordrng'to thedir'aclTons of theaertompa pamflet. It is entircly a vegetable prep aratiop, atid my be taken wuh perfcetstféty un der all circürtisinnces of 1I16 systétn. For sale by 36 V.'S. . J. W. MAYNARD. ■ole Agent, fur Ann' Arior nd vicinirj.AEWAYS OIV 33AND. 42LZ rriHE subscriber lias reScSr . X moved hia Shop to Main y?C "SjT} Sircet oppositc 11. Beck fl W$i 'r'S r'clí where u= flH$Ê lie may be found rendy to StV J9Ë$k wa'1 upon a" lat ni3-v S've w fnTn ílavinyjnst rcceivwddiect frotn New York nn elegant stock of JBWB1R?, nd Funcy Anieles, wliich he uitende to sell mcor íhiin has ever been sold west of Bufi"alt or Ready Pntj Onlij. Anvong wh.'cb nuiy be 'ound a good assortment oí Goid and Conuiíon Vaich Keyp, Gold Finger Rina nnd Bnsom íins, Gunrd Chnins. Silvcr Trr nnd Tnble poons, Sugnr Tonga. Butter Knives, Silyei 5encl cuses, SÜver ond Conmion Thimbles, Siler Spectaeles. Germán, do. Steel, do. Hnir rushes, Cintiles, do. Tooth. do. Lother, c). 'ine Rnzors nnd Pocket Knives. Fine Slieiirp nd Scissora, Lnther Boxes. Razor Strops, VVnletts, Pulses, Violins ond Bows. Flutes, Violin nd Bass Viol Simiirs, Cluronet Reeds, Pcrcuson Caps, Puckei Pistojé.. Britunnia Candlecks, Watches, Letter Siimps, Sieel Pens nni 'weezers, ShufT nnd 'Tobacco Boxes, Fine Comhs, Dressing, do. Síde, ;io. Back. do, Shell, o. Necdie3 and Cases. Water Paints, Toy Vntehea, Kid Dulls. a greni variety of Toys too umerotis 10 mention, Beodj, Necklaces, Fancy oxes, &c. &.c. Clocks and Watchks of every descriptioii epnired and warránted; also. Jewelry repaired on ort nolice. CALVIN BLÍS3. NT, B. Cash paid fob O LD GOLD AND IL VER. C. B. Ann Arbor, Oct.24. 1844. 28-ti". PETERS' PILLS. TRUTH HAS PREVA1LED. PETERS' Vegetable Pilis have now been ten years befóre the public. During thai pertod ïey have obtaineda celebrity unparaileled in the ïistory of the most popular medicines whjbcji have ireceded them or have t'ollowed in their track - 'lie happy coml)inaiion of vegetable ingredients o which these pillsowc their em'cacy, isihe-reult ot years óf earnest study and expeiinient, diected by long previotis experience in the pröprties of medical substances, the ]nthology ofdisase. the nature and modus operandi ol the vaoua fluida whtch minister to tiic support and ustenance of the human body, andorganization f which those fluida are prepüred, modified and istributed. The triumph of skill, and patiënt xperiment has been complete. Throughout the ength and breadth ol our land, in JJiitish Amerca and the West Indies, and on the continent f Europe, the carative viriues of Peter's Vegeable Pilis, are gratefully acknowleclged. Tney lay be calledTHE medicine par kxcki.lknck, ol lie Southern Statec. Their eonguniption south of the Potomac, is énormous, and continually on heincrease. Nootherpill "goes down" therc, lowever sugared over rith hired puffs and home mnnufactured certifícales. Peters' Vegetable Pilis may bc termeu a universa medicine, for there is scnrccly iiny derangement or obstruction of the organs and 'unctions of the human machine Which thcy will not alleviate or remove when administered in the oarly siages of congestión of the stomach orbowels, ihey speedüy relax those organs, reduce the attendnnt fever. and re9tore the suiïtrerto health. Comaining no ïrrilating or drastic substances. their exhibition is never followcd by tbat prosiratiun of the bodily powers which characterize the operaiion of most other cuihnrtics, and thcy may bc adminisiered without the slightest fear of producing local iiifinmmntion, bo frequently eaused by the purgent composnions vended by the quncksand charlatan? oí the dny. Jn almos'. 11 stages of disease, Peters' Vegetnble Pilis will be found of beneficinl effect, bui they should always be resorted to u-hen the fitst sympt m makes its apptarance. The conques! of the complaint wíll then be ensy a,nd imnietiiate. In billious disorders, rcniittant or utermittant fever. dispepsia, dysenicry, chole.ra, cholic. diarlvoea, dropsy. sour or feted eruciations, enlargement of the spleen, sick lieadache, all complaints growing out of imperfect or too ropid digestión, torporof the bowels. femaleobstruciions. habitual costivetiess, and all other diseases in which a purgative medicine is proper, Peters' Vegetable Pilis -will be fonnd unri-dlJed in the speed, certainty and pentleness of their opera tion. It is asked npon what principie these extrno dinary effects are produced? We reply that P ters Vegetable Pili acts as a pnrifier of tl blood, by purifying the chyle and other fluida o which blood is composed. Chyle is milky fluid deposited by the digestive matter on the coala of tlie intesunes: and which when combined wtth the billiary aecretion, is conveyed into the veins ani becoines the principie oflile. 1 nis medicine actsdirecüy uuon ihechylel Irom which it expela all acríd parncles, and al, humors detrimental to a healthy circaifltion. Il cleanses thejuices and fluids before the change takes place which fits ihem for i.heimrnedintepurposes oi vitality. Tliis s begínning .".t the beginning. To embue the streams of lifc sviili health, it is necessary to purify them a( their sources. Such is the radical mode in which this medicine performs its cures. Testimoniáis whicb would' hll volumes (niany of theni from high scientific aiuhority) nro iis vouchers, nntl it is used in the praclice of he first Physicians hore and abroad. For sale by F. J. B. Cranfi, W. S. & J. W. Moynard, J. H. Lund, Karris. Partridges & Co S. P. &, J. C. Jcwett, Dnv.iison &, ïïec!;er, H. Becker, Chriatian Eberbueh. G. Greaville. D. D. Waterman. O. J. Garland, E. T. Williams. Ann Arfor; Georce Warner & Co., D. C. Whiiwood, J. Millard & Son. N. II. Winp, Dexter; M. Jackson, L-.oni; Pnul Rnymond. Jackson; Brotherson & Kief. Muvcheslef) v Kcys, Clinton; D S HnywoodV Saline; Stone. Rnbcock & Cü.. Ypsilunti; Pcntieruood & Co, Plymovth: Pierre Teller and T. H. Eaíon & Co. Detroit; also in Adrián. Tecumseh. Bmoklyn, Pontíac, Chicago, txriñ almost every o!?e. Ann Arbor, Jan. 15. 1844. 27-1 y"tature añd Expcrieiice our Ctaidc." THE e.itraordin.irv and well nuihemicated cures wrougbft by the celebrated íugar Cuatkd Pim.s, or Dr. Smiih's Improred Judia Vegct&blc Pilis, have nnturnUy drawn public at tention to the'in. Perhnps in thc history o! Mee cine, f rom trre time of Hippqcrates to the pres eni day, ibera is no instance of a medical conipound 'ibtaining equal celebrity in so short n time. There wns never a medicine recomineBil ed by siich higli authoriyr, as ür. Srnífh's Pilis. Besides their greut curative proporties, (possessing as they do, such as'toiysfíing powers to ppen all the naiural drains of the body, viz theLüNCis. Kirneys, Skís. and Bovvels.) ihey ore, unlike all other pills, exiremely pi.p.asvnt, l)cmg conted vvith sugary and as they tio not írripe nor produce nausea, or any otiier unplensnnt convoquenees, they have beconie veiy popular for Dypep8a, Head-ache, Costivcnéss, Bilious compiaints. Foul Stonioch, FtVérs, VVunns, VVani of Appetite, Impuriiies of tbe Blood, O!siruc;icinsand Feniale Complnintsgenerally, Colds, &C. One ot'the iTioEft iiiJluenlio-l nnd benevolent ladies in New York, Mrs. S. A. Guuld, Matron of ihc U. S. Naval RFospItaí, saysr. {ibero isno medicine ín frer knowledge eo wcll adnpied lo íhe ninnerotts: ailmeni8 of niarrkind as Dr. Smith's Susnr Coated Pilis." She cspecially reconïmcnds iheui to Read her Cürtiíkale in tlié pamphlet. Olfico devoied exclusively to the sale of these Pll9, J7y Greeinvich Street. Ñew York. Forsale by W. S. fc J.'AV. Maynard an.i Lund fc Af'Collum, Ann Aréor. 4 w Tké ífirney Portráiís. THE Subscribers haveon hand aquanlity of ihese large and splendid cngrnvincs.benutifully executedon sleel an excellent artis!. írom a paimingby E. W. Goonnitr Esq.. r Al- bany, N. Y. They are aatriking likefiïfesof thï Mas, and-' make an elegant oinnme:it ior the pa rio r.For iholesale and re'nil, nt .-jj? per dozen, or $1,01) eacrr, by A. McFarren, Boykaellcr. Detroit, átoil; by BECKLEY & FÖSTER. Ann Nov. ). 13-14. 28 tf ÖN tho 27th of Sept. lat, lietwecn Árin Arbo ahd Whitmore Lake. a Lndy's brown me riño cloak. The fincler will ho compensaied b giving information at this ofíic. Nov. 4. 2 iwWRICíHT'S POOR RÏAWS PIX.Z.S A 11 excellent vegetable íanuly Medicine, in cnXX. seo of Indigestión, Dyspcpsi, ïvei Corulaints or Jaundieo, Agüe and Fever. Coottd 'ongiie. Sicknwis nt the Stomach, Sick Head. che. Romittant and Inu-rniittem FeverSjCnuj-h, 'oU.'s, Catnrrh, &c. &-c. Entirdy vegetubl, ley nre emphíiticnllv'1 'J%&TÚRJE S fntSZJY&i, ondncmií to lusilth and counteíocfing iswe y paril'ying the blood, cleíinsing the èysièftt of liated hümors, removhig cbstrüctioní, stimúting the orgahs of secretinn. mingling wnh ih od nnd acting every way in hnrniony with tbé f6tém ; For Infiíimatary dgeá?cs ueed n cohnectiori iih the Rheumntic Plasier" they will be founi ronly to nid in tho renioval of tiisentes for liich the flnaicr is nbovc reoomniended, nnd aniciilnrly ar9 they calculotüd for I! derangeenis of ihe Digtstivs and Biliary Organ, tb rimary ori"in of a niMltitadé of disences. Price- 25 cents nnd 50 cents o Box. For sale ot Mosely'e Booli8tore. nnd by í. Ti tocking, Travelling Agerú for Michigan. 16-1 y Certifícales. WooDsrocK. Lena wee Co., ) A na. 20, 1-Í4-Í. For t wel ve years I liavc been troubled wúh a ie mntic aflectiuii in my b.ick. so ihnt i hav inri ly ever been Iree lïom pnin during the wbole me and wiihm twelve hours nfior I bod apio soine il VVright's HheumiticPlnster, I wal erfi :tly easy, and liave luid nopnin ince. STEPHEN CARY. Jacksuv Co.. Coi.umbia, i Aug. 2i), 1844. 5 This mny certify that Í knve used Wright' 'ü my fninilv in violent utlacks of chili nd lillions iever. nnd have rou tul ihem to be iha est Pilla that J ever utsed. nnd would recom mend every iainily to keep tliein on hnnd. . JAMKS AVVARTOUT. Thoh:sok, Geavg Cö.. Ohio, April '28ü, 1844 . This may certify that I have usfd Wrigbtt' 'onr Aian'a Pilis and Rheüínatic Piaster in tai )ractice, and would sny to the public that they in idy upon their recomniendatiön with th tmost confidence; in short, they only need tryig to recommend themselvep. REV. R. R. SCOTT, M. D. Lorainv. Co., Grken, May 16, 1843. This mny certify thot 1 have uted Wright' 'nor Man'8 Pilis in my practice, and find tbem o be one of, it not ntirely. ihc best pills nowin ise; nnd would recommend every fnmily to ceep theni on hand, egpecinlly those who liv ear low, mnrshy land, or mili ponds, or in aa unhealthy climnte. JOSHUA BASCOMB, M. D„ Without adding more tcstimony oí the efficacy of the above nientioned medicine, we do h6t hestote to say that we are not afrnid to have its virues tested by the side of any other of the kind that ever has been ofiered to an American public, and we will let ii stand upon itsown merita, For 8a!e at Moeley's Booksiore, Ann Arbor.By Kellogg & Brothers, White Pigeon. R. Willian s, Jr.. & Co.-, Sturges Prnirit. Sitneon Gagct, Quincy, Branch councy: A. K. Hall, ' W. A. Bliss, Jamestown, Ind. Elisha Steer, Angola, "t-nester moes. Albion, Michigsn. A. P. Mann & R. Sibley, Marshall, Miei. A. Caüendcr, " (r E. Packerj Battle Créefc, f. C. V. Vining, Galesburgh, f Capt. Brown, Pruirieville, " D. H. Medwood, Adrián, " Qunckcnboss, & More, Tcctrmten if S. A. Ilowley, Jonesville,f II. Oilbcrt. Manchester, W. H. Patlerson. Saline, " Harmon Jfc Cook, Brooklyn 'i Pierre Telter, Wholesale Agent or Detroit. Geo. P. Wright & Co., solc proprietora (of the United States, and Upper andLowerCrnada. All orders and business letters for the present, muy be directed to Geo. P. Wright, Columbia ■ P. O., Jackson Co.. Alich. It is for sale also at Monroe, Mt. Ciernen, - Utica. Pontiac, and by Dubois & "Wright, Jefler-" 6on. AgörrfS for thè State of Michigan. Kn.GonE. Carrol Co., 6., Jhii. 25. 184 Í.' Ten years since, I wnö tafeen with theSerofu-la, po thtit I had no relief day or riiglit. my limbs iiciugmuch swelled and covered witb Ulcess, my breast and back in great pain, and nerves much shattered. I applied lö different Physicians, nlf of whom said there was no help for me, and alt' the remedies I iried proved unavailiiig ntil I made use of Wright' s Anti Innam, and Rheum. Piasier, which redueed the inflnnmtion, beuled' the ulcere brought the skin to it natural color, and relièvcd the pain. I wcüld récómmend it to all similnrly airiicted, and arn éure they wiU' be satiBrien after givine it a fair trial. CATHÁRINE ALLENSWORTÏI. Thosifson. Geauga Co., Ohio, ) April 20, 3843. I cerlify that my little boy put hls arma intö' boiling water, nearly to the elboA. so that wherrthe dtess wa taken off the skin enme with ii: níter applyinsr several remedies to no purposrí- the arm becoining much swollen and the chïltf in great pnin. f npplied '"Wright's Anti Inflammatory and Rheuniaiic Piaster," and withirf tWó hours ho tfas perféctly ensy, and went to sltép. Afier to or three dnys I removed The piaster, and npphert anoiher. and when :hai was removed the arm wns hcnled, except a place the size of a shilling which was soon well. I believe it tó be the best artiele foraburn that CBrt be produced, and would reconmiend all to keep it on hond in case of accident?. ELTZAÏJETH BROUGHTON. NERVÖTJS DISK ASES ave grentty benefit tetl by the use of these pills; - asNervöiis Hendache, Tic Doloroux, St. Vitus' Dance. Src, thcir tondeney being to soothe the irrifubiltty of ihe eystem, allay pain. and induce quiíí ail repise.' Those nfílictfd with Coaghs, Cólde, InÉuenzp, &C, will find relief from the us'e' of bese puls. Exposure to cold cl oses the of the' the skin, check s perspi ration, retards the cireulation, aiid produces varions inflammotory dispnses. Does nny orre prreetve n cold coming upon him? Let him on going to bed, take 8ufleient to opérate smnrtly, and then every nipht,rake enoiigh to produce a mild opcration till the ilisense abates. In case of Woriris löt a tea of Pink be laken frerly for 12 hours, tuld thon ndminister Pilis 6uñicient to produce a brisk cathartic operation. 20-ly. THE TRÜE PAIN 33&fËACTOR SALVt WHICH. cures liko a charm all BURH by fire or water, and evcry e.xternal SORK,PAIN. LNFLAMMATION, ACHK or ÏTCHL'G ever yet found upon the hiiman which it has been applied, must al"ays be soOgh: genuine from Comstock arid Co.-, of New roik,or their authonzed agenttf. All a.-e öautioned against any spurious anieles, which moy alway bc avoideci by knowing the orlé buy eoriif? frotn Conisiock & Co , who are now the onlr proprietors and manufacturero. Iriquire for Cort-' nel's, which re wananted to do áll ï. ever would' whencnlled by tmy other name, or the pic shalF be retundcd hi any case if it doei noT pleatie. To place it within reach of ar!; the p'riöé hr been rednöed more than foar foldy aild is now sold for 5L cents, the formerprice bciüg.too exorbitant, 'thé ?jO cent sizc now comaina fout linies ff much ns tlie torrriér, afld the $ï sizé' near terr fimea as mnch. No taTniiy that rrtis-ariy titfe to hinnaniiy, wilV fait to have Coknel's Pain Extractor OintmentT álwa'ys at hand, tö save lifö, allscarï, and réduce :ill naony frdrti any burn in fivt' minutes, provicled they hnve'seen it uned, or wiU beliéve thoeé whc hayo usad it. ' COSlSTOCé &. CÓ.y 31, Coürtl'and Street (H Bc flitre, thercfir'e.nnd ask fo Connki1,',ns our pinte wítb Diifléy's námé oó' ii halbeen stolen, atd the övnriöus may appéar witli that nnmé on! n. Know. théref'dré, that it comea dlrectiy from Comstock & Co.} or shnn it. WM.-S. e. J. W. IÍIAYNAltl1), 36' Ácérir fof A'nn Arhor. CAMfi itno thfi ciiirnéuré f the SubscriHcr on' or nhum the 2Dth of Scfin-mbtír Rfl, , á' AbxW red h'eifèr. idnoiii tbreé rtr four years ol'd'. , The ownér is'réqueartpff t'ö'próVé propert pay (Wgerf nnd ink hér aviay. . IR ei BECKLEY. Ánn Oktober 7, 1H4J. Íw5# WOOD ! WÓOP ! ! WE wimt ome from suosctibereimwüiliat} Oot 12. Ic44-.


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