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Washington, Uwc. 3. SssATfc. - The 8enu'e convenod at 13 o plock precielv, Mr. lirocLiuridgtt in the cliair. Ab-fi:t- Mewn. Benjamín, Chefnut, Clay, (rA'itti Katnmuud, Hurlun, IverKin, JoIuikod, of Ark. Jnhnii u, of Titan ; Mullorj'j Pugh, 3eba:tiaii. Sli ■ (til, 'ivií, Thotiwun, Touiub, and Vi ilkiliMll). I 'J he giilU-riea wcr (w!-tliii(]s filled. Prayw ttttttofiorud by tho Cbauluiü, , Mr. Güilo . Mr. lirijftit raovnl that lb Scoretary infunn t i o -llii.-e that ti quorum f tlio Sütiütu w j:ri.'sci)t and ru;:dy to jiroct'ttl U iHiMno.. Adop cd. Mr. i lor iotroduced tlie fullüwing reM'lutioii : RcitJced, That i eotnrn'tteenf three cí tlie Senutt', u .ni siuh hm muy be ap j.oiiilcd liy the Houu, wait upun tho PreMckint of the Uiiiiod Staten, uid iiifnfra bim lliutthere is ;iqiiiruiu in i'aoh liuuw ot ütwgrew, rcudy lo receio anv tKIBIliUI.ÍCtÜUU 1)0 id jilcitücj lo u.ake. AleSS. Bigler, Masón, and Collamor were appoiuted Uie comrnUteo. Mr. Pitzpairick bffored au order thut, the duily ineeling oí' the Senato be 12 o clock, until othorwiiío oidered. - Adnpted. A mensage woa recived froin tlie House, to the eüecí that it coiieuired ín Ihe Senatt 's resuhiujn, for a cuminilleo to v;iU on ihe President, aud h..d uppoibtéd a similar cominittee. Mr. Chnginan irioved to tako a reces:; for hall' an hour. Mr. ïrutnluU wan informad thatthey Would not get te messiigc lo-day. Adjourued at ten ininutus pust one. Washington, Dec. 3. IIouse. - Excessive goud humor prevailed pievijus to tlie Speaker takini; the t at noou aud caliing tht Huubo to crdr. A praycrwas offeied up by Rev, Mr. iSUnktofi, appropiiüto to li.e politieal uondltion of tho eouutry, a Inch he cuiJ that tbü good and wi.-e men from all scetions were at fault. He implored tho divine blttisiug to ijuiüt all Uistrau tion and feetional dlHOUfdxj that general brotherly l'eehng tnighi be reutored, tl. e ILopubiic porpetuated tnd the Union prerierved. Tho roll cí meinbers was Ihen call;d and about 2U0 rneiiibcic responded to their luimes. McKenta, frora Pa., oppeared in tbo pluee of Mr. Sttb naitz, deconsed. Mr. Uiirrett, "f Mo., and Juhu Young Browo, of Ky., iHtveraily appoaroJ and were ijiiiilifii_d. A message wud rocwived f rom the Sonat, aonounoing tdo appoiutinunt of Messrs. Bigler, Maon and üolktuer, ua a cnn:iiiUeo on the part of the tieiiate, to wait upon tho Preident und intorrn hira thut a quorum of boili housos was ia uttendunce, and reailv to raceivo any ciüiiinunicittiun ha ïuay be j leaaed to make. Mr. Morehead oRercd a similar resolution, wliich was adopted, and r.e nnd Messrs. Bocoek and Adams, ol Ky., were appointed tbe coniiijiltue on part of tbe lloutfo. Mr. Grow called np i motion made last session, to reconsidor tha voto by whioh the Hornesteud 13:11 wa-í reponed trom th CiHomittee n Agriuuiiuiv jind referred to the Jotiimitlee on the State of tho Union. Ha inuvud tlie previous (juestion. Mr. Piielpssaid the gentleman fiom Ponnsylvaniu oould oall up tho motiou any uther day. Il dimuld not i.ow lie iusisted on as navoru! muinbers Wöfo ub isent. Mr. Grow esplained, that his reasori for calling up tho mo:ion now was, thui thtsv migtit have business beforu the House, tor the genilemaii know there was special orders lor the fiist tbreo or fnur week of this sawiun. Mr Orow yiolded to a sugfifestion to powtponu the motioD lor ttio present, that mombor migbt proceed to draw lor seatn. On rnotion of Mr. Florence, the daily hour of meeting was tixed at dood, til otherwise ordered. Oo motion of Mr. Grow, a messíisa was sent to the Senate, inforiuiug thein that n quorum ol tho riouse was present and ready to proeeed to busiuess, Tho House, pureuunt to th rexolution previously adoptad proceedud to draw for seats. All thu ineüibers retirod wilhout the bar, und a Uie dusm of each tiR-mber wai taken Iroir. a box and called by the cierk, he cameia aud made his choioe. Mr. Wabhburn, of ïlaino, said as ho would vacate hia seat on the firat ol January, he askod to be exoused IVom acting on th committoe ol Wavd aud Mean. The Speaker replied tbat tho com mittoei appointed at the last es.sion, would be coniiuiiud throngh tho pre.s tnt sessioo, subject, however, to tho vacanoius thut may occur, which vacancias willbo filled by him. Mr. Washbura was excuned. M. Grow renewed his nioüon for the recoDsideration of tbe referenctt of tüe Homostead bill. Mr. Wushburn, oí 111., naid as it was understood llio Presidont's message was not to be transmittuU to the Jlouae until to Inorrow, he moved un adjournmunt until to morrow. Carriea. Washington Dec. 4. Sbnatk. - Messrs. Gwin, liarían, Johnson, of Tenn., Thompson aud Wükinson appearod in thtir oeats. Prayer wug ofifered by the (Jliaplain. Mr, Bigler, iti bfhulj of ihc coinmittee to watt on tho President, repoited that it had performed its duty. 'J'ho Presidoüt'B message was ored bv Mr. Gloïsbreuuer, bia prívate goeretary, and rad Afterthe rouding of the message, Mr. Clingman moved to havo u puDlished. Ho thouglit it feil hort ui in▼esligating the criáis. The President elect is known to bo u duiiguruu man, his party would eventually coniiol the Govermnenj. tho Supremo CourC includad. Iludid not tliiuk tho tátattifc liad acted prei ipitately. In hia judgiuent a number oï the ÖlaUsf would ceuede within 60 days. In South Uttroliuu tüu submiaeiop party wuswnuil. The winest thing Congiess ca do is to divida the public propenyaa tairly as potssible alter paying the pubho dubt. Mr. CiiHonden replied, hoping the examplo of the gentleman would nol be lullowed. They tid beitur nu come liero at all. Thu Ulliim Wan wonhy of great sacriñces and uoncesHÍ0118. He looked forward to diuuuo with fear, diurna, and trembliiig - They must aeareb for meaoa oi reeonciliation and hannony. Ho boped thore would be no angry debates. - North Carolina alwuys haa carned the olive branch of poaco. Mr. Clmman approvod of thu deitiro to preserve the Union. Wi.oj tne Union ceases to proteot North Carolina, he will bid it good bye. I The usual copies wero ordorod pripted and tho Senato adjouruod. Chapla Stocktotj offwed „p „ pniycr ttmi Qongnea rony W]f ! onmtder ttio propositionw preaented in the l'at'siilcni'rt ssaift. and delibvr:ite!y act on tliem in all rigtueoiUQesw mul truth. The bpiinkür luid ln-f.ire the IIou!e the imnual eitlijbflte of tho Secret a ry f thu TreiiMiry. Rcíerred to ihe Caíninit.teti of Wiivs :md Meuntí. Mr Jlmtliead, ÍVoin vho coinmitteo to w;iit upon ilu PresiUfliit, reportad iliat they luid parlonoed (bot dnty, and that the Prtwdllfit had requeMed them to Bay thut l:e wou ld coiuiiiuioaio his moK8iige to flouso in writing todi'V at IliHil). Air. Phelpa. - That hour haa alrcady arrivcd. At;or 8(mo further proceidings the [jli-ssage v;is laid befare lile Hmift aiid retid by Col Poroev. tho Speaker liaving ttret rtquetited geLlleiiien lo be ti leut. Aftcr the Mesingo had beon rond, Mr, IS h orinan moved that the Me.-sngu be refurred to the Uiiiumtej of iho Whole, and tho piin;i:ii of 20,000 copie bü rulenvu to the Priuiing Coinmirtew. Mr. Biitolor oflered an amendmeiit, that to luuuh o the Mnsjge as ivfirved to Llm peuiiliar cond tio.i ut' ihu country be ruferred to u sptiüial coin iniuctí of uu frum oach State, to report at uny linio. Mr. McClennuul offered an amendmunt, Unit ao mucli ut the Meisc uy ;is rulatefl tu jrievaiu-eM be:vecn the '. lioleiiiiy; íslales and the propowal by ; Congioás ot' uniendiiientii tu tho ! ótiiution tur tlia raiitication by the several tiuitet", aud tlie question ui Stu o KOCOiTiioii, bu relelTc'. tu u coilliijiitee ot one trom e'.oii Slutu, to Lo appotctcd by tlm Sj)tíikor,8uch oon.iiiuu-e to repjrt by uill or umeudmunt to the (JMisiauÜcn UpqthiUOh ubjí;ts ; partioularly hclher lttgislatluO or aiiiuulii)'4ot to the (Joiistkuiion is nee-. eB&ify to ive plompt, iiill,aiiu oeitain effect to tt,e anide ia tho (Juustiluliuu : comxTiMiig fugitivos Mr. liole'tr declined to accept : üluilnand'a nnuinduieut, - Mr. riuernian proponed to Mr. 1 er, tliut tho onnniiitee bu lifioun. in dU'RÍ ol uue l'ruiii euch SSlulo. [Cnos ut "oh, uu 'J Mr. Bubóuvl: ruised a point of oi'Uer in retureUiM to Wr. ÜDteler's aiiiumi inent, tl ie coiiiiniUeu ouuid but repirt ui uiiy time without I'.hj su.-ponsiou ut' the rules. Tl.a Speaker Hcided in favor of Mr. Bubcuck, but the latier withdiew Iiím objootitm, mid Mr. Cuny and Mr. i iiöU runtiwü.l it. Mc lorris, oi III., oftered an amuiidiiien!, read lor uiforiuation, .hut wu are unultwubly uttttchod ro üi Union, and reoognizo iu tlie Uuiiin tlic pnmaiy CUUatt of the pre eat gieuliitss tilul i prospurity ui tlio coiintiy. and ue vel tiHVtj suei nu tl) ing, uitliet' in tno eluouon if .Lr. Jjiiicoli!, ir ther .suurcus, to jii.stity diwhiluiiun, and p odye our louor to inuinlaiil it. ÜHjeclod to. Alter m mo siigges.itim the qiioíttnn was tnkeii on Mr. liutclur's röoulutiou via an uinendiuent. ■ Mr. tiinyieto:), of Mi?1., deeüned voling, lus Stata haTinjr oullud u couventioii to considör the inutier. '-r , Iones, of Ga , dec'ined vuting for u similar reason ; hIxo Hawkins, of Lh. Mr. Menu-, uf III., rai.-cd a poiot of order, that w hile the qtiesnon was pending, it wus OUt ot' order to opeu ttie bule. Mr Clnpton, ot Ala., and Garlrell, of Gu , (iecliiiotl voting. m Mr. Uurry, of Al-., Htteniptento addi'üMt the iJoute, but-was rulud out ot (líder. Mr. M'iore, of Ala , declinedto vote Mr. Miles, of S. C, saiil hi Cvate was OUt ui the Union, excüpt by i inuio l'orm, tlieiffoie lier delegatinn took no interctit in i h is ijue.-Uon ïha reiiiurks iis it'ceived ith uod hutnor. Mr. Pusjh, ol Ahí., decliiitíd to vote. Mr. Bo.eler's retr)utkU wa adopted - veu 145, nays 38. The iioiisö agrHXÍ to Mr. Shermun's motion witli Mr. Uo'elcrV a intuid munt ihureto. Mr. B.,teler deolinod tervjug on the connnittue A r. Morris, of II!., endeavored to introduued bit) runolution, bilt it wan ol jcted to, and the [Iodji idjouraed.


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