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rhis diseape lias bean of late, nnd espcciiilly since tho commencement of! fa.l weathfll, frequently rneiuionud in , our exchanges. "We hnvo notieed j death by it, wt Fox Luke, Wi., at St. Paul. and scveral. pluce in IHiama. - We taku tho lollowing account of the diseasij from the columns of the ! lae County Denwcrat, publiuhed ai ■ Ravuinia, Ohio: 'Dipthrit8 i the name (mean;ng ! exuding in patcho.") of au epideniic now ■ pruvailiug tnnugriiat tho country. ' prora al! points trom whieh we receiTo papers, niention iw mude ot t. Il i? cotittidered by mot people. and con foundud by many physiciaus with other itKiligr.aut ili eana nbiofa attauk the ' throat - croup, gangrenouti and hitimiiis angina, &c. The same dis , ease, umiwr othr naines, was tirst ' known o America in 1771. Between the y f ut 1818 and 1857, it appeared in Frunce a un epidemie, umicr ihu name ty whir.h it i iiow known; ■incu 1857 it has tj read over England and in this country it hus prevaiied inoro or les, alwnVM in au upidvinKial fonn, ñimw 1845. A n.edica! writer say: "Dipthefiiis, (dipthoria) proper is an eiuinently taUl, inmtiy pidemic but not unfivquentiy Hporadic diseaso oi a very peculiar characier, appearinj; with a great variety of symptoijM. but pre.-enimg as general ieutures a inarked j.rustratiou of the nervous gystem, and the lonnatiou of a pseudoineuibranous exu iation, vsh'kh alwaya commencea witli patthes on a congested surlace, and uiamfeHts a particular propenity to attMck tht; mucDiis meiiibruim of tho lxuces, spru imif dosvnwui'ds and upwardxj it is howvr occiwiouly seen iiii'n otliur uiuouou-i intMiibrunt'S, and uvom upon ihc iskiu. Cliildren euifer particularly, but young person uud adulta ure aot exumpted truin attacka of tllu lIlriOilHl!. An old ptiysician, writing to the Aitxandria Qaxelieïrom Muaoo GouHty Viiginia, upon th is tüibjecl says: '1 hUüection oi our tíialu lias been refliarkubly healtny, until quite lalely, vetten it biu been vitiid by a diseast deenied by inaoy to be a new one; but this is a fallaoy. I allude to a malady callud dipiheria, and by the JbYeneh diftheri e. 'Jlie doctors divagree au to ihu charaoter of thH disease, as they are too t.flen to do rugarding the ills th .t ftosh te iieir t. Butit is indiaputably a ino iticution of carlatina, or the puirid variety of Richter, a very old aullior, and theretort), un old ili.-uvise instead of a rew one. And, in plain English, it i nothing muro nor less than the put iid tort firoat, one of the most appulling and dangerouH nalatiies thatcan po.sxibly risit ar.y cornuiunity. Th ere m nuthing naiv in it with me, as I have been familiar with it, at different periods. i"r upwards of fif(y-six yeara - a period in which I havo buen un gaged in the &tudy and practico oi medicine. In a commiinication like the present, I can only drop a few romurku respecting the troatment of thin terribla disease, wltich has alrpady proved s iatal in several instances, in thi and other nuighboring Counties, as wull on the ( )hio mde at the river. A man of tho name of Svarz lost both of his gons with it - one nearly of age, and tho othor sixteen - only a few dayg a go. Ernetina are eminently uneful in this disea.e, and the earlier they are renorted to, the more beneficial will be their effects; indeed, they may be reourred to ocnasionally throughout the whole coiithi! of the dieeawe. The bowols ahould be kept in a soluble state hy the milder laxativas. But all activo purging ahould be avoided. Whru the fever i on, adininiffer cooling, aeidulated driiika - lemonade, oold wur, and a little ico. In the opirezia, ov wlieii the ystern fiagtt with tnueh proHtration, adminixter warm, utiumla. ing teas nnd drink. The ocal truatnient - I employ vnrious applicationy; but to intntion a few of thm munt ufücu Make a strong solution f thenulphate of' limt, with a plentifu! addition of hotiey, and use íiM a garglo ieveral times; or diHsolve two drachüM of al nmirioiiia in a pint cf water, sweaten well alin with ' honay, ana gurgle the throat three or , four times a dity wilh it. Th:ie ffargles ' i may be employed altorns.tely. The I êxternnl applications to thu throat may ; be volatilo liniinent.or the camphrrated lniiment. But when the neck is very i hot, it shou'd be kept as cool as poHibl, ! ; even whea niakiug those top. cal applicutionri.


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