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T r ew_.A3vertisernen ts e, o o o DOLLARS WORTH -OI[ BOOTS SHOES .T OOST 2 In consequtnee of Making a change in my business I will sell Iy Entire Stock of BOOTS $ S1I0SS! AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, AT COST ! Now i the time for fnmiliei and individuéis : to upply thennelres for the ooming Winter lid aho for next Spriug and Sunmcr. My tock consista of erery variíty of Shoe fcr j Winter and Summer wear, and purohated at ' low prio. WM. S. SAUIíDERS. Ann Arbor, Dee 1, 1860. 777m3 BLACKWuüD'S AÍAGAZLNE AND THE i BRITISII KKVIEWS. L. SCOTT & CO ., HEW YüKK, cnntiDU to pubüih Uu fullowiug leading Unulj l'eriodicals, riz.: 1 THE LON'DX QUAKTEKLY (CooTTtive) . 2TUE EDLVBERUH RtVltW (Whir). THE NüRTH IÍRITI8H REVIEW (Fret Chnreh), 4. THE WESTMIXSTEUREVIKW (Libtral). ft BLACKWOOD'S EDINBUIUUI MAGAZINE (Tor). Tbe jireinnt critica, imti of Kuropean aiTairs will r. n der lli'-iv puhlicatioiiit unuaualty iiitwrefttiug during t :o i'i'i'üifi'iiHu yvar . Thoy will cccupy a middlo L!■ uti bttwoeu Vut bastily wiilteu nef a-item, cruile ! tiuuM, ii ii 1 liyiUi Juurual, aud the ponderou Tornt of the future liistoiau, Tiiteu alter the ti%-ing intfivst aud ciu-iiicni oí Vhe K'ri'at poUtieal ■ ttit ut' ttie time shall : i-asscü awüY Itistothcie l'eriodicnls thxt erit mutit look furth o:ly really intwlligible au i reliable ïnti' r" "i' c.ii'u-nL vont, tij-i ai f uch, inndditiin to thrir w.-U-eitabliliel IÍUtait, scicrntifTc. ami iliclgical ; cliariicter, we urgttbvin upou tiie cuasiUerUoo of tht reüdÍDg public 3E3arly Conios. Tbe rceipt of advance utira Irom tht British pnb líhliers gives additional ralue to tfawfl Kcpricts, man . much as they cao nw be pUced n the h:ifti ofiubsw i! in ri aboutaü i.n ae tlie urigitialdilioa TEBMS. Ter Ann. ■ For any one of the four Reviewa, $ O ', Kor any iwu of the four Kevitwt, 6 00 ■ t'r anv ili!- oí the four Heriews, ? (.K) Fur all'four of the Reriew-s, S 00 Kur HliickwoWu MagMine, 00 Fi r Ülackwuod and on Review, i 00 Fnr iïlackwoiMl andtwo Kuviews, 7 00 Fi r Blnckwowl and three BMfv O 00 j For Black w od unl tht four Keview, 1 ' U . Money curreut in the Statu wliere insued will b reciTtd at pur. O 1 11 1D l ï H S . A discount if lWLuiy-Övt jier cent irm the above ïri#ri wil! Iïv alUw-iï to nnlt ring lour r re otpiM uf any oneor in-, re ofthtabv winki. Thut: - Four OOplfl of Hlackwootl, or of onu Heview, will be st to oneadfirfsa for %; four copias of the four Kevicws and Ulackwuinl tor o0 n so on. P 0 S T A G E . In all the {Tincipal C'ition and Ton-í theae works will be deüvered FKKK OF POSTAOX. ff hen Mat by mail, the t m.y part of the United .-tatt-s will but Twcnty-Four Ccnti a %oar for 'Blackwoo()f" and bul Fourteen f entn a year f r acli o: tht Kevicwii N B. - The i riet in Qmt Britftlfi of the fire l'eriodical abure name4 Ii S31 per annum. 777w3 RSÜKFl U AK-'lFFl.'I 'RY Rojree'a EJnlruü ReUtffor internat compUloU, 1 sucli v Collc. ' 'ii"lfii Myrbus, l':iin in thf S torn ach or Bowela, 1'iarrhea, Dpf]si, fltwr anl .Agüe, Coughs, CoMm, kc Al( ior ."uts. Krh WoundiJïürBti.Spraïa, Khuntii&, Nei-mlgia, Influenza, Chüblainx, l.:uuc líck or .!. Toiiha.-in-, Kini.'lif, HtiuWche. ftO. IíesurndtJ. í;. ROYCíí'fl UNIVERSAL BELIEP. pnpánd in Wales, audl'ur áalu by 1 r JtrgisU au. i Ürjcers gnraUy. 777m3 STRA1TED FOM the T misen of tli nub.-criher ncrao time in August lUM Spring Calven, al! Heifer;; one dftlfc rtd, on üyeUowlsh rlf hd! the othr pottra. 1 will piiy a rCHoDbl rtwarU ftw mfuiinaliou where 1 MICHAEL SCHABLEE. lim ArhorToivn. Nov. 29, 18 00. 777w3 ÍÍQT1 CE. THE PUnl.ICtre oanti"nd agint giving nj ordfr8 IbriTWttM IHKOi OKE DtlJOIS, or arm him any nn.m-v in mr accuuut. J. D. BA1.DWIN. An Arbor, Pee 5, U60. Iw777 ADQ Arbor & Lodi Flank Road 1 '1 'HE ANNI'AI, MFl TING ot the Stnckholdir of the I Ann Arbor I-odi l'lank lïuan Co., f' r the eU'Otion ; of Director íor "he fnsuing year and for uch other buiineis ah mar propprly oflm' before the meeting, will b held at th Office of the t'ompany i n Ann Arbor on Tu. ! the lat Iny of Jminaiy i01. at 2 o'clock 1'. II. H. BOOTS, rrenident. Am Arbor, Dec. 6th , 1S8. 3w777 " BOOKS MISSING. VOL 1 DOWNIXG'S HUR1ICUI.TÜR1T, ani Eownin.'s Inducape G..rleninf he btn gone fl or 8 months the perdun li.i vine thetn wilt please nt trn to C. A. (.IJAI-IN-. Ann irbor, Dec. ,1850. -777 NOC1OE. ALL PERSOXS widhinf theïr srapti j-runed tnl trained i theriht wy. Krult tree hninOMd, :o an.T thing irtiich in thu line of iai'!erain di.iv pleae uall f.-r 11. liKKKll, -il Mr .-';itl.aiid'i place, or leaveordvrt at Mr. WIHENMAN'o Store. Ana irbor. l'c l. 1860. Iw777 „„______ i GO TO BANGSTERERFER'S FOR TOYS, YANKEE NOTIONS, CONFECT1ONER1E8, He has CTrything on hand that wiH pleato Old and Little FolkS. His Stock is extensiye, apd tlioso wishing to pnrcliM6e Chrisc.nas and j New Teare Gifts would do well to give him a cali as he is bound to geil chcaper tlmu any one this eide of the Alleghanies. Ann Arbor, Dcc. T, 1860 w Ö I F T S FOR THE HOLIDAYS! SCHOFF & MILLER A II K STII J. ON' HAND at sil Suií, A No. 2, Franklin Block, wíth the must complet' axiurtmect of Books and Stationery, PEKFUMElilES, FANCY GOODS, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, 8HADES, KOLLERS, C0RD3, TASSELS, GIJT CORNICE3, CURTAINS, IIOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, ftO. Ever offered in tliU Markot l ■j in j 1 1n-j wuuld flugeht to thow ia purart cf & lü SARTA CL A US' LJNE tli.. t i'ncy cao secure a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purcliaMug Trom tliis lock. as eaeb purcfeaMr t in additivnal present uf Jewelry, 4e., lïanging in valuc from 50 ets. to $10. 49" TIn-v trut tbat thcir 1-nu etpïrience in seleWag goodii for tliii aiurket. and strict attenlion to tli wute of í,'uí:ome:s, m.iy entitle. tlit-m to a liberal tsar oft Patronage. Anu Arbor, Pee. 5. 18C0. ITTlf IOHIGAN SOTJTHERN 1A KOKTHEüN INDIANA RAH.ROAD. l0. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. JW1.. lraiDB now run on thia ruad, futdajs ftxofi4l follows: Leave. Toledo rur Chicago 'ïarlr exeept MnmltT at A M.,and l-.Jll 1'. M .and via Air lia - at 9 A. M. luir [letrolt lor ( kicago 11! 10, i A M. and ,O II. A'-riring in Chicago froin Toledo and iJfttroit at 104 A M. nd 11,00 1'. M. Ar.-iveat Detroit from Tltr at :14.A M:, ■;# r. m. Arriva in Detroit Trom Chicatro at 0.00 P. M. , and .l , P. II. Arriv in Tuleilo from Chicago 3,4a V. Jk 11. Leave Adrián for Jackson at 3,15 A. U. ami ,15r M:. '■ Jacksun Tor Adrián at .1,30 A. M , and U ,5if. H. CONNECTIONS. At Tur.RDO - With Cleveland & Toledo SaJ. witki Watuah Valley Hnil Road. AT 1IKTROIT- With (iiüinl Trunk líílwa_T, wiïh. Grcab Wwtora Kailway, albo, with the Detroit and MüwawiteV, Raitrond At Nkw Aiaun fc Salbx R. R. Cbossisg - WRk ï ■ for lafayette, New Albany and Louisvilte. At CmCaSO - With Ch'cago and Ho& Island, Oalex&, Milwaukee, ChícaKO. Burlington and Quincy - Nmia I YVeat Hailway- Chicago, Altim aml S:. l.oui, Illiuii Central, and to alt 1'oiutK West and South. í Trains aro mn by Chicago time, which fs 20 Mts ! liten blower than To!elo time. W.ii ..Ir i'.fs l'at -nt Sleeping ('ars accompair f N"i,-lit Tr.iins ontbinRoute. jr Timo and l'are the sane aa by anr otbfr tWül i Road Koutt!. JXO. D. CAMPBEXL. Gene-al Superintenit. Q3 PREMIUMS Xü FOR SUBSGRIBBRS. % THE METHODIST,; Tlic New Religioti8 Weekly, j- j WA8 COMMENCKD IN JULY LAbT AI IS L1 PVEL1M1LD ON -d: SJTURrAY o OF KAtH WKEK, O ! At No. 7 Beekman St, N. Y. KDITKI) BV T.iE M 1 Rev. GEORGE R CROOKS, D. D. ASlSTKD BY THE ►.' ! Rev. JOHN McCLINÏOCK, D. D. 3; At present rethüng fa Poits, m C aospondag Edï' tH";anl hy nuiwr'ui c i tributors wl Knvrn as t?S ', riur-f far tho Mopte, Ülrbu c.wo promituuc to all matton of lntret ertnining to the Chinch P1 h ' who-e muñe it beary,atid su t:i"ing its nstitut ons t I hfain.-t ■li.-iorjan aen w-tliin ils iKijiim ani Hlted ( ! t ion) without ,tytt. in a spir t of lr tlierhooit - t ( conveys Mit i-c;h1it full dptolfa of paKi"?j cv.-uTj Cji in all bister churcliei, anl in tii" wr)(l at large, " I maii.tiiïiioii nt theeuno thny a high literary tone O , , anda liíDí".ud a bst induce from all unneccsry conCj , troversy, rjn 1T ÍS PKINTKD IN Inipei'ial Quarto rrin, o On the Best Paper, and in the Beet '1 ypographical Style, 55 ! n Fmtllisln.'l fix-rn tim to lime by 9 Í PORTRAITs OF EMINENT MEN, t IN THE MINISTRY AVD LAITY, An i h thus ci--n-tUutc, editurially and z+ ■ ; "J. t , ! A Reli'i'ious Family Newspaper L i OF THE FIRSTCLASa. - ú Terms $2 Per Yetr. oq ) Sub'crüera paying for the Ytar to commenet ' Urntituuslij up to tliat dat. m Premiums f x Subscribers ö. AlthouSl,"THE METHOI IST" lins met with S I most vui recevlentwl success. yt-t. in r-lr to place EÍ b it witliin the reach f every Mt'i"dil Kamily, we L2, hae Iktii nduaed tiolhraliBtor Pravaioms to any ?T who t" i cure MibsmU r. lítese Tremiumi CZÍ' are otïi-red 8ev-r-iily lor Twoubscribei , and up to 2. j tifty Bubjicribers. nd (mbrac PJ x Carhart, Needham & Co. Melodeon. oa t VVlieelor & Wilson Sewiug Machines I B Wilcox & Gibbs' Sewing Mí, ÍJ. French's Conioal Washing Machiae, M A MJMBF.R OF DE IBABLK BOOKS, SUC1I AB S Harpor'l llluminut.ivc Biblc, r Washington Irvins; Works, Agi'icull iii-iil lïi'oks. J Stevent' History of Melhodism, Bnns;' History of the 'il E Church, jh j I ANDNUMEIOUS OTIIER BOOKS OF PERMANENT gE I 1XTKRKST AND TALUE TOGETHE VTH t A OBFAT VABIETT OF BOOKS SLITABLE TO TUE S0 . S13BÍTH S2H00L LIBR&RY; AflVirding t who whfa to present thtir Pastor _ with a pt-rpetually UMftÜ Iinusoliold convnienc, or ?' who wish to pvoctii e one for thcir own comfort, or 7j who wish to lurnish one asa nnan'i' UvéUhood to " some frien!, ir to any ájindaytfehooi Papil orTeaeh ■ vw ur whu ilesires to enrich tïie S, S, I,ibrary,a ready m. mcans f dotng no by tbXpD3ltare "ly of a l LIÏTLE EXERTION, ' A.D THK OCCL FATI J.V OF A Specimen N'os ■ st nt (, oa applicatlon, to f any adilrv&t, ful parüculars of Premiunii.- I Address L. BAXü, HubOslMr, ! 77tiw3 Office, 7 Boekman St., New York. ■ . , , -■ - ■ i. ■ -..- -... . ..- .- . - ... - .i ■ ■■ i , I 1 % RtJPCCTFULLV OFFtR TMtTÏI (Ö&Vt+ESSENCGS OPLIQUORS ■■ in tXiir BcKaowledqed purUHtellie ! trad. Xidr... carl ERLER MAKAW( -= CHICAGO ILL. il ÍÍflS (Travcljng Asentí WanttdT)jr ___ ...____ 'T DE FOREST, ARMSTRONG t Ca ' DRY GOODS MKKCHANTS i 76, 77, 78, 81,83 & 85 Duaoft Street, Waw York VTTOULn XOTIKV THE TRADE that tney are opeoia VV Weckly, in ntw and beautiful patterns, the i A140 in A New Print, which cel evcry Print in the C.ontry fo perfrcti.nof.-xccuti.n and desijtn in full Madder Color - Opr Print vlu}r tUaa any ia laartet.anl meeting wth exen.-ive sle. OiJra (■r.iapil ac 'J JL' C H. IC 1 Pafsngr trains now Ware the nre-ral 9taMpk4 % tLik' l-uiintr . as 1'mIIi'Wi. COING WEST. Vail Ex. Kalamaw, A. Nigh E j Tpilantl, 11.35. M. 6.61) r. M. ll.SS r. M I Ann Arbor, 11.55"" B.18" " 11.30 '' Deiter, 12.25 P M 6. " " 1 Chelsea, Ü45" " 10Sf' " I G 0 1 N, O E A 8 T . v-1,1 Ft. Kalamazoo Ae. Mili K 1 "hel... .40A. . S.S8T. ' 10.06 ■ " . " . Ann Arbor, 40 A K 10M " " " ' ' '


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