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] td upon a lanely shore. Ose tur j'eamwl out ufo the sea, ■ff wr alone - th ocmd'i ror, That aolitarj sur aud aae. Bnt..jn-tMiid the clous there shc . Of kindrad Un 1I couatlaelly; Taought I " 'ti wh ara Ion, Tae ocean's roar aad me." 1 liatened to ihe hollew moan, 'Twm ware le wan sigbadmourofully; Ah! Ihea, 'twas m that wal alonr Vot itar nor vare bul mt. 1 wan a loar- no groial ra;i lly ifirit' iif pthi "f nu 'fy Cl forth to Wenl with otkroul Am dota tbe sUi io eoataDtlT. Tfciy ach to aeh, witti jojoui liglil, Btnd jrwtings throufh tbat taer , For(tting mol, ia all the nifbt, To kH a chamad corapaaj. ƒ was alone - jfli IbVp th war, Taat aaswers back upa tbo eca Tk moulnfi each brothtr wara, (o bollow and o drearilr. I oould not Ten speak nT wo, lod et mj bu' .'enei boiom fr; Bot atoad diximllar among 11 kind, er tan. ov sa. An'i I waa sad - had nature's birth Then trarailwl with a ahapa liL m Warmed into lif and br ulit me forth To hamr lier with defiffmity Waa I, her ehilil, a Kwpt yet To all that kouaekold companjf Mui, and dispassiona tp aad cold, Hid routh and loreand yaTely? Vo nliah for lila'a chitl aurtuita, For no aueceafl a TanitT , Honor, ntitl, triumph or joy, Wcre paltr tbin j t tne. Belf wrapaed and wretched I had tracad Mt way upon that wearj hor, Which treaeh'roua aands had wel! efiacad; So on th haart I lored of jora Had falle a aa in.üflercnc; I mifht nolgarner moi e Mj aoul, but atood all halte rleaa, Tor . X waa lored Da mora. By all the yaarn of faithfuloeal, 6 all the aacrifice, By all that oothed me ia diatreia, By all the sympathie Of time I waa consumad ana mocked; láy prida I saw dapart, And trustfulnea inhuaaaafood T perish from at t haart. And lif was broken in the aaidst, By ueh a awift ci)anlity , That part was lost, and but the past Shattared was left to me. A. C. S. AaaArbor, Norember 25th,lS60. iy We issued the President's age to our City subscriben yesterday afterooon, in ao Extra, and to-day give it in the balance of our edition. We hav no time for comment. LST We ara" "indebted to the J American Express Company for adranc . copies of the Presidint's Message. ty The first lecture of Mr. Oscan j tak's ourse will be deliv?red in th Methodiit Cbureh this Tening. 8ubject: - Turkey nd her Inititution?. Tickets to the four lcturei can be obtmned at the Book Stores ■ nd ;h door, at 75 cents, Qo and hear the i Turk. !FY Scuofï & Millbr niake nn annouacemeiit tbat it will be well for our j titiiem to read. In tlieir auortmect may b foucd valuabl present for Christmas and New Years. .11 ■ JC3ST Scorbutio diieases are the parent ■tock from wbioh aiists a large proportion of the fatal malndies ihat utBiet mankind. They ! ar as it wvre a tpeoics of potato rot n ,h human ronstitntiou , wliich undrnnines and ' corrupta all the sourees of ils vitality and bastens its dreay They are the gerra from ■whieh springs, Ooniutnption, Rbeumatism Eart Disase, LiTer Complaints. and Ure Diieaees wliich wil] be recogn lei as' aniong thos most fatal and üestructive to the races of men. So dreadful are its consequen , e to buman life, that it is hardly posible to Tr estímate the imrortance ut ao ctnal. re üable reaiedy, that can eweep out thi Scrof vloas eontamination. We knotr thrn we shal pro:! di welcome news to our readers, and still more weieome, whca we tll them tbat it snraly does aeeomplish the end ds iined We mean Atïr'b Sbsápaili.a and it is erlainly worthy the attentioa of those who ar afflicted with Scrofula or 6crofulo':s eom plaints -RegUter. Albany. N Y. ty Tbe Board of Managers of th Wihtnaw Countj Agrioultural nd Horti. cuitar! Sity, -will hold a Meeting at Koger'i Hall on Saturdaj. Doo 8th at 10 A U. J. L TAPPAN, Cor Seo.


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