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A Nov lty in the Art World ! Photography on Porcelain ! Secured by letter patent In t!-o United StatCM, Knglaud F ranee, and Ilelgium. THE AMERICAN POBCELAIN COMPANT No 781 Broadway, New York, tifcTinft 8curf!'i thrir n vl aul ineaiuua in?ntion by Ainwican aud European patents, are fully prtpared to ixecutt all order for Minittlurc Likeneases of Persone on China, prescotiug all the attractive nnd advautageous featureg af ordinary phiHoLrapUt, tuebríUiaao ku1 minh of a water-color drawírig and a hitherto uaattaittttd tuali' j jf ilurabilitj, by being rtnderpd a-i imperihaole eb lh Büturnl proprts of Ihe articles upou whion Uiey are tra dn fe r red. Al tbe patentod proc8 of the Compiiny enaMe the reprodtiction of Photngraphit, not only ou plniu curTac i, but upon flunh an are round or of anv deiftee of irrcuAnly- portraits can be reproduced with faullleas aceuay, ani delícacy of del a-at on, upun Porcelaia waroi anv dcriptíou autl dimensión usedas articlodof luxuryor of houehuld utility, such as CJrnB, Vates, Brenkfaat Cups.TuiUt Artieles.dic. thereby securing fait hf al portraits and f u rniihiiiK a udíue and exquixite style of oraameatation q! artiaU Ín dotntstic us. la ordr to furnixh fucilitiet for the grailftcation of the popuiar tante, and to ineet 'he irantl of thoe patrons if the Fine Arts deairous of haring Portrai'u oa Por;eiain, the t ompany have importad froni Europe a col[ection of BTipenor porcelain ({oods, munufactured to Eht'ir own order, whic1! thry ell at oost price.4. An the American Cnmpaoy are ovra rs of the patent :tfht, and ctn quently the nlj parsooi auhoriifd to iae the procesi they have determined, In order To afford Pople in Try ieotiou of th UnloB aa opporiualtjr to poesets Portr&Us on Ohilft, U make the foilowing prootitioa to Rtid#nU in th Country, -who r nnble to risit persontlly the Atelier and GaLleries in Wew York. Prona laodiDg a nh'ttfcraph, ambrotype. or daguerraotype to the offloe of tke CbmpaDj Ín Xew Tork, a Dmpaniod bj Five Dolían, rill roeT return by expre, free of othar cJiarje, Aiick'j oÁaranted Breakfast Cup and Sacr,with the portrait tranfrrid Uro. BtrA8aittin; a aguerrtotjpe tod Ten Dollari, ey will receire In like mnaei , A handionw Frek Vate or ToiUt Article, with the portrait reproduced by the paient prooeai, By eudiatf a pirof daguerreotype) aud Jineta UüUnn. they will reeeire in tura A pair of rioh Stvrc Vas?s, witlt the portraiti ezecuted Aqaal to lije m nature paiatídL and 11 lilce manuer, portraiti caá be reproducid, on porcelain wareí or Vases of very qualuy of finiih, ranffing in price f rom Twenty to One Hondrd Dollar th pair. N. B. - Be particular in writiag the 4drMr towa, count and St&te diitinctly. Al: letlert lo be addreed to 'lêanfger Amiric, Pkotogrmpkic Forclttin fío.,1 7ai5 781 JJruadwaj, Nbhw Vübk. THE CHEAP CORNEIi. SESK lío FARTHERl New Store, New Firm AND LOTS OF NEW GOODS ! In Mack & Schmid's Ne4 Block. T)URCFÍAFED reccntly undtr themokt faTorable círcute i. stiinces, so mucti co that e feel cnliUnt in sajín t j all our oid cutt'jiQt-rj unU ai m-mr new taei au ca crovrd iBt'j our New aud Spacious Store Roon Corner oí Main and Llbe-ty Streets. That w are now prepired to ell you better Grls vi Iowlt prtces tUüD our usual luw prices kuu ure nuw ic daily recüipt of endless Tarietierf of STAPLE AND FANCY T "El "X" GOODS. LADIES' & CHILDEENS' SHOES HATS & CAPS, BONN ETS, KIBBGNS. RUSHES, CRüCKERY, GLASSES, GLASS AND STONE WARE, GEOCERIES, &c. of every vanety Lot more of the same good 50 cent Tea, thitt others sel. at 75 cts. Bear in mind that ur Goods art all f the best quality. Ey Our Staple and Fancy Drj Goodí furpass all previous stocks for beauty, vari' ty and exctllence. L#" Our Ladies Dress goods, Shawlf. &c , wero never be'ore half so attracfire and cannot help but nin pmiles of approval froin our fair friends. 8f%-Our Hats and Caps surpass all for stylo and cheapness ever hefd oí in Aun Arbor, cali and nee them. BfSuOur Ladies' and Childrene'ShotM combÍDeeiliganceandeas witb strength and durability. G? Our Cloths, Ca88Írnere & Vestinga are uil of the best qualities and styles of the French, English & American productions which we wll sell ut the minio price that others auk for slop shop stuff. IEP Our Groceries & Crockery are fresh, new and cheaper than ever. t& Our Yankee Notions and small fixings in general aro too numerons to inention here, embraeing every thing that a Merchant hould keep and a Customer thould buy. ld" And novr having purclased a much lurger and better stock of goods than ever before; we confidently re'y upon the appreciation ol the public f.r aready Sale f the same, feeling conti dnt that we cannot help but suit all in prices quality and styles. All kinds of Produce taken in Excb&nge lor gooda as usual. C MACK, 772 F. SCHMID. Iiving's "Works - National Editiou II'HIS Fin Edition of the Worki of Wsbikcioü Ii I vlvc (including the life of Wahhingun), wiil bf pub iibed lor SUBSCRIBER3 ONLY In Monthly Volumes Price $1.50 Pajable ou Delivery. Beautifull Printtíd on hearj luperñne paper, of thl very tm.-t quality, kud nubstautialljr bouüd ia he;iT; biivolled boards. ICTEash Voliime ilhistrated with Vignettei pn Steel aud Wood. XI Kniekerbocker's New York. Sketch Hu. ik, Cloth. ('iiimii nut , 3 voU. Bracbridge Hall, Antoría, Tales uf a Traveler, Crayon Miscellanj, Capt. Bonnevüle, Olirer Goldnmith, Mahouiet U Tolt. Greñuda, AUiambra, Wi.lferfi Root, Lifo of WaNhington, Stoü. Balinatundi. This edition will b Bojd KXCrrsrPTLl to Subscriben and will be greaily superior to ever beforo BBuetl,A veiy hnudsom net of the-íe imivi-ríally popular worlc. ia thuo placed witliln the in an of all. 'O. 1'. l'UTNAM, Agt.,Publihor, 116 Nassau Street, ijew York. Mo ney Wanted. Vho will LciulMoncy 1 TAM REQUESTED BY 8EVE1UL lEKSONIi lu obUin luonej for thein at TePerCemt Iiterest, (OrMore.) For anj one willinf? to lenrt, I cn at once nTent on good uneaemobered abuo'iaut LAL KSTTK ifcuritj nyftamt of monej and ie that the title aod Mcurity are áll riobt. JV The borrowftr paying all ixpentc, innludin re rUni. L. W. UOUGAN, Avé ArHr: e. T,UW. T15U


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