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Mrs. WINSLOW, Lnezperien ed Name nnd Female Phytician, presentí tu the attentín of mothertj, her SOOTHÍNG SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, vhich Kreatly facilítate the procew of t-elbiiif , by mfvix ni the guina, reducinj) 1I infla ra raatioa- will 1 itlity ALL I'AlN" an 1 hpasinutiic adío, anl is ■ SURE to REGÚLATE the BOWELS. Depend upon il, moVhera, it will gire rest to yourolTei( Mtd Relief and health to your Infants Wc have put up and and iold thi article for over i :en yen, md CAN SA Y, t.V CONFIDENTE ANU IKUTH of it, what we huve never betn able to a) ,f, any uthirmedbin- N&VER HAS IT FAILED IN A ■INGLE INsTAHOk., TU EKFELT A (.URE, when timely used. Nevcr did we know in inptince of 1 BBtmlactiuu by any one who uned it. Oa the contrary, kil ure dhghtxd willi its operti"Q', anl peak in tirms of cummeDflatii o of it magicitl effectrt and medical virtuf. W fpeak in tbii mattr 'WHAT WE l)O KN'OW," alter te yenrs' xperience, Afíft l'I.EDWE OUK MPÜTATICN FO.t THE FUlJ-ILLMHTr OF WHAT WE HERK DEI LAKF. In alunat evrry ,n ti nee where the infHnt il sufftriug from pain anl exhauni"n. reliet wil] bf lounl in fiftuen ut twenty miputei afier hf svrup i admlnistfred. Tb.ii valuablr pr par ition ia th presciptionof om of the mat EXPEIUENTED and SKILU'CL NURSE3 Á n New t.nland, anl bal beeo ued witb NEVEB F.IIHN i SUCCESS in T HÜÜSA.ND OF OASF.S. It not ocly relieves the cbil 1 from pam, but iorigoratel the stnmach and bowela, correcta aci'l'tj. and gira tne en 1 tnery to the whole system. It will almubt intantiy rolieve GRïrlNG IN THE B0WEL3, AND WIND OOLIC an 1 overeóme convulsiona wbicb if nrt spvedly reme died, end in deüth. We helievs it the BlüT and SÜREST KEMI.lY IN 1HE W('RI.I, in all ca of ' JY-ENTKRY aud IUARKHCBA IN CHILuRIN, whethT t anses ir:m tMtUBg or fr m any other cause. We would Kay to every motber "ho b i a cbikl ufftr.n{ , frira uny or the fcrugum'.' cumpla 'nt1- Hu NOT LET YnUR PREJÜ! ICF.S, NOR TUE FREJUWCES OF OTHER., stand betvreen you and your uf!r n? child, a.nd the relief tbatwill be' SURE- YES. AB.-OLUTELY - :o follow the use of t'iia medicine, if timely used. ['uil dieet on í for usin ill accoropany each bottle. f' n-o-i wi unless f. fac-tiulile jf CURl'IS tt ] tIN -Í, York, is on the ontsiile wrapprTt Sld bv Drugffists througout the World. ' Principal Ufllce, 13 i'.tlr Stript, IT. Y HRICE 0N1.Y tS CENTS PER EOTTl.K. For sale by Ebcrbach tCo. 1773, 1000 Fine Ovërcoatsl For Sale Cbeap kt GUÏTERMA.N & Cü'S. NEW GOODS SHIPPED everj wk from Botton and New Tort for ths IOolO's Store, in Ann Arbor. A. DeFOREST, Proprietor. S5vjO C ROGKE Rij Ï51l glass ware, China Goods, &o. Ütïf&viMïLf a' Pr'oos guaraDteing itiafcj -..#' faction. SILVEB, PLATliD GOODS! Tea Setti, Cak Basket, Cvttors, Knivet, Forhs, Spoons, Sfo.. qualitj guarantiod at REASONABLE PHICES. FUSTE IVORY, and common Table Cutlery, Amorican manufaoturt a superior article. KEROSENE and COAL OIL LAMPE! new improved burnar, warranted to betho best burn er in use, or the money rofundod. Also new pat teros fluid lampi, Kebosexb Coal Oil and Flüii guarantied to ba the best article in the State. ÉfB"'1,!'.' f!:4011 T"5PíÍ K Our Chinaman still Lives. That unrivalled quality of ïeai oan alway be found at the People'a itore. rj aa m.mjz mhz mm. m. muz BI of all kinds. Fruit, extracta, spiee, piokles, il Perfumes, Ae., reoeived every woek at the people's store. Pure Liquors and Wines for medicinal pur poses only. VJ AU kind.. WOODEN WARE, Stone ware, rope, cordage, Ac, a full stock. Produce, G-arden and Field BfTho object of this column is not to draw buiness from others eogaged in tb same profesa onga We aak you to cali once and nfter that you wil oall without asking. e are selling a few goodaanc ahall ooitinue tQ seli aa lorw aj they oan possibly be nffofded. a. DeFORESTj 8ft H, 18W 9 PcJi't Bw THE BANNER STOXE. 8ECOND AhRIVAL TAJZL. Os -VTTCTTEÏÏ, C3r O E X S GOOUS FROM AUCTION. Á Facts for the Feople % -OTWASHTBNA"W DJOTMNG COUNTIES! And thcir numeroua queationi ar.fwerod. IWv t EvrntborU trading at tU "BANNER ' iTOKET -Brcutt A. P. MILLS, ,he Proprietorol tlist Establishment hatjnat retumcd from the Eaiieru Cilic wiib th Larcferi, Ilandsomett, Chcapest, and Most Attractive Stock of STAPLE AND FANGY ( DRY COODS! iw brontflit U thk part of O 3tet. WA EaryMy pUastú vth Ito Stackf ' Recame hts at vlei ar more beautira!, qnality btter,&nJ prict lowr tíian at auy ther Atora in th ooont. WHy ha$ he alway Something Neto nd Cheap to Shu w7 Becauiieb hatafrind conncotO wlth on of th ly at H'itisefl in New York, who Is cuntinualii " BOÈBIHQ ROUV&" íot cbeap bnrgainsan(l the lat e styltrt, au the appear from time to time, and in thia waj keeps him supplied with s y les, and conaequeotly culociün canalwajn flad symttliiug frosh, NEW CHEArani DESIRABLE yhjf doét m teil to much Cheaper t han the reit f fecauie h has a buyer in tke city all tho timt to takt dvaniage of the coutinual chance of th m.irkt, and n that way buys hin goods much cbeaper tbaa otiiyr in, and thee be marká tlmm duwa to thw XjiOTTÜ'IjïSI1 PiaUHES. Why doti he teil Ladiet' and Childreni' Shott to tnueh eheaper than va teer heurd oj by the oldeit SliormakmsT ïecauB be buys h!l Itoek in the land of koomnkers, of be manufacturers, fullv '_6 por ceat cheaptr thaa tbf S'ew York Jubbera aellthem, ;iu'l much btWr wurk thaii bejgtneralif kj. 1U' iuuri nablcn hiia to hUh bettar Gaiter for 35 Cent. han othenstU at 50 cent, and a better FOXED CATTEP at &0 ctati, thau utbori sell at ,it caaU. Has he any Hat and CopsT fes, I ihould think he hal stacks of thora, enongh to upply the State, at pricM loww tkaa was ever iitturdoi rouudtheaa part. Why is his Ten so much brtter for thé priee you pay than you get at uthtt plncwJ ïeojiuse he taken great care in aelecting it, aad giveihi cuitomeis the beuefit of a real guud 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, Ui waj he hai (ot. Wier êkould yu go to gtt yiur CLOTHS and have ihem Cut or Made? To the BAN'XER STORK, whero" tli Peopla'a Banner il uufurledfor the People sjfoüd. South aida of Publi Squaro, a few doorl we of Cooki Botal. A. P. MILLS. 8pt. 18, 1860. 76tf 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEIRS WANTED! TO ASSIST INT THE LIBERATION OF CUBA ! ffhite fnlks, or of whatover oolnr, easte or nativity, whethor rcarried, single or of doubtlul conntxion, will be enlistad in ihe noble cause of EMANCIPATING THE COMMUNITV - FR01! THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! and will reeeire their outfit at the Extensive Furnishing Establishmsnt -OF TUB-G TJITERMAN'S HEAD QUARTERS! having been e6tablÍ6bed for tbe LAST TEN Y E ARS, our known rule of warfare is an Undisuiscd DestructioD OF HIGH PRICES pon ozjOthing For all ges! Sex and Conditions! In eonsequence of the very flittering eneourtigciiicnt wliicb "we liftv recüvod inoe our lucation in this ciiy, we have increasej our Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING! To met the demanda of our cuitomers, and having beoome more fully convinoed than erer, tliat our mode of deal ing, namelv: at ihe lowest possible rates for ia the only true plan; we will pontinue t: erve the public as heretofor duncg the coming fall mul winter. Our Mock consista ia very vnrictj' of READY MADE CLOTHING ! PI in nnd Fimcy CLOTHS, OASSTMKRR, SILK. AND SILK VKLYETS. A Urge lot of GENTLEMEN' "g FUBNISHING GOODS, which re all warruuted DON'T FAIL, TO oXjIj t ca-, zx. q. For past fa vors we are gratefnl U all, Tlieeame forlargeones in pruportion, And those w! o see rit to cali Sljall receive our best emiles devotion. M. Guit er man 9c Co. Stuilents and all others who want to aee ut mude of outting wil! do wll to culi and leave their memuru For a Nice Fitting Suit ! i&TjT.'vyaiTvSA.jsr ets co Ace 4iltf, fcf. r. ifiO. D. L WOOD & CO-. Hnvo Icosixrort a. xa-xigs stock: oa? Seasonable Goods 1 Ifor.tlxo -Fil-L M WINTER TRADS. or ïaco: WHICfl THBT W1U. BXU OHEAP FOB CAS II, OR BEADT PAT Caïï a m Btftre Purtkfuuig ffltwktrt. D. L. WOOD. W. O. FOSTEft, THE HYDROFULT An inveotiun for throwiiig wkter L_v iialid-uwer, pte teel by W. T VQSE. Itll onaof the most rUutkW ia ventions of th daj. THE HYDROPULT will, by the power of one man, throw water at tk rw of 8 gallons per minute filtT feet bifh, with flat ( lt il ibe bast article erer iavejitad foc EXTmQCISHINB A FIRE, PKOTkCTINU A B( Of lfRO5L TAJCEfO tlRM, WASHlNii WINDOWS, SPR1NKUNU PLANTS, WANCitlNU (i ARDEOS, CLÈAN.-J{.NQ TH.fEh FROM DfiJECTS, WETTI.N'U SI E WAl,SS, BI'RINKUMU STKEEÍS, WASHINü CARR.AÜE9, CLEANIN'G CISTKRMS, EMKT.Y1NU WATEK FKOM SAIL BOJLTS, Wi.TTISG SAILS, ASl'RAYBAÏH, C. TtiH article should be otüií by e-rwy hoaachaUUr It d' awuT with the necessity of a hyilrant. It U ft liilit, i, rtable FORCE I'UÜI', alwar. Manto. ally m4 and will como n frequent use by pv:y fjiiBif, ia rhant and meclianic in ihe rnmmuiiitj. J'ícamj gaU 4 eiaraine tlie nrticle at thii offlre. AMERICAN HYDKOPÜLT COMPANY. 41 PAltK KUW, X T. WAI.I.ACE WELCH, Agent fcr Waiht naw Cm bít, 771m3 YPIU.SlI, Mtoh. ! , Herrick's Sugar Coated PUI ' CT CHIL0REN ÜKTFOR THE1Í ! jy 3 tCHVW the huma tyiita Ib '■' 'V - Kibü direcIlT on the bitxi is attnded witu the happicst elfoct. In oW ütandlrtf canea of gicknesü, pmall dones - rt-peated frequiitlf to I clenses the srsttin, that good health i th renult. N ch-uige in frnijlovmont or diet is ntcettarv. llu-v aevr cause Kore mouthii, swelled jointg, ac)ilnglimbsr elM u do many other kinds. Tliey are Wïirranted to gï P n:itisfacti(.n. orthe price refundcd. lh-. a enRiLct4 cheaper, Rafer, prettier, aud in all respecta nuprk t any jmrgative pUl ip the vtrld. JEJ-ILa d:ictjvry al! coétMf a pill with s;fir rmanaleil with Ir. nU All otheri are oounterfeits, and f used, wil! do A#rm,asi4 disai point the c. Herrick's ].ills areeinly pu.u, i 30 in a box , viíA a large clieet of direeUuti, " ■L fte -5 cents jerbox; 5 boxes for $1. Herrick's Kid Ptrengthenin Pi.akI ERS. The grrvt Strrnsiher and Pat D-strnyrr. The Brtt and chmpttt Househi.ld Remedí in the wortti. These renowned Piaster cure palns. weknaad ík. tress in the back, sides and breait, in üve hours. Indeed, I so certain are they to do tlii, that the projirit-tor wrrali them. Spread from reMns, balsaics and tuna, ca bcautiful ki.l Ienther.rendersttiemi,i.aullarlj adapte! t the wants of FrmaUi and others. Their ap lieatina ia universal- eq ually to the Irong man ,the delicate uu and the fecbl intant. To each and all tte will orore a balmand a blesslnu. Their use i airreeablf and vitliool annoyance or trouble. Fach Piaster wlli wear froi tu Ïto four mnnths, and in rheumatic ccmpraints. spraiDa and bruueê, frequently effect cures when all othr runtdies fail. Full directions wül be found on thabarkat 1 each. Public peakers. vocnlit, ministers of thegn!! and others, will trenythen their lunfaaad imprevv Llt voices by earing them on their breast. rric UK cents. $& The ahnre articles ara ioH byall tk. dtsWi la Ann Arbor and br Drugirists throughoütthr VmUd Mjiis, Cana das and SoutU America, at wholeMk bj ail Imtai DrnggistE In ihe principal cities HERRICK RROTJTER V73? PcticalC)4wisi, Albtey, K.T. PROK L.M1LLEJP8 i HAIK INVIG01ÍAT0K. AN EFFKCTIVE, SAFE AND ECONüMICAL COMPOfXD FOR KESTOK1NU ÜRaY UAIR to it original ! iih. out dyemg, and prevent the Ilair from luraiug gray. FüR PRKVfcimNO BAI.I.NESS and ourinj it.wh Umm la tho last particlB of vitalily or rdouprntira tuin runiainin?. FORBSUOTnra SCURF AND DA.VDRUT, ud aU euttv 1 neous affeciions of tbe Ircalp. FOR UEAL'TIFYINU THt HAIR, ittprting to Ie b u. eijualled glossand brilliancj, making it softioattUdr la itl texture anl causing it to ourl roadUj. The great celebrity and the iucreaüing deniaad for wr unequalled preparatiun, convince the proprietor khat oaua trial la only ucecssary to satisf; a diMiarning publk of iw Ruporior qualities over any other prejiaratiou at punnnl in use. lt cleanses the tiead and scalj lrom damdrmf mmd other ntlrtnwui disuuts. Cause the hair to grow lü) unantly, aud givwsit a rich, bolt, glossy and uaxibU ap V jiearance , ud alsowhere 'h hair ia loo.eniug aad thiauing, it will give slreugth and vior to th nuk -J ? restore the gronth to those partí which hare '---Tni buld, causiug it to yield aM coming of hair Tdereare hundred of ladie and gentlemen In Nv Yoik vrho have hail their hair restored by ih asa e tuis lnvigorator, when all olher preparations bad falk4. 0 L. M. has in hik possession letteas innume:ab!e testifrtoc to the above fait, froin persons of the highrat reaieot? bility. It will eiJectually prevent thestr from met graf until the Utest period of life; and in casas wam the hair has changed it color, the ue of tbu Invlgorato will with'iertainty rtiton ü to in original niu a dark, glossy appearance. As a perfumo for tha UsM and a Hair Restortie it i% paftiau'.jrly recommnada4 haring an agrefable fraitrauce; and the Ereat fic litias i iltords iu drtttinf tltkiiir. wUi$h, when laoiit with lba . lnviKprator cah be dressvd, u any required fona io ■ to pceserve its place, ii.thit plain or in bene the great demand for l by the ladiej as a itamLtrd n,itm arlide which none OHght to be without, as tha trio places it within the reaeh of all, bemjr ONJjY TWENTY-FIVE CENTS per buttle, to be bal at all respecukie drufit' as4 (jCffumer. L MI1.LER would eall the attentlon f I'arrnt a4 Guardian to the use of bis invigora'.or, ia case vliere the ehildrens' Hair inclines to be weak Til ue of N lays the foundation for a good heiid of huir a It reaon auy irapuritie that may have beeTOe cufteelá lli Uie scalp.thcroinoval nf which ''s n(cn:lrï Uolh foi tb j hcaltli of the child aud the future ippèaran t!f (W UT(TÏÏ!iïïfTi' Kpnuin withrut thefac sfmiW IXIC1S II.I.hRbeinir on the outer; alo, L HILLÏK'S HAIR INVKiORATC, V. bloVu in the glM. " Wholesale Dpot, t. Dey St. and sold brill ihe ptll!ple Merchnnts and Drugjists thn.ughimt the world Libaraldiaoosotto purchaerk by tL cuantitr ' I alsu ucsire to j.rejent t„ the AniiTican Publio'my ' New & Improved Instantanecu Liquid Hair Byo dwjlteh after years of sci(mti6o enperimeuMWÍ I ban bmught to perfectum. It dye blank or brown in.taitlr Without iiijiirvt.. th,. Il.irorSkin armnted the ki artiole of the k:nd in eiistenoe, PRICB ONLY FIFTY CENTS. DEPOT, 56 DEY ST., New Yory 'gl 'p W. MOBOAK, Afwtlor Mutual T.ifr Insurance Conipany, Kew York Atcumulalfil Asst-t, .... 5 340 uóo Ihe Undtu Ufe Insurance Compsny in the U. S. ' Knic.kt-ibncker Life Insurance Company, New Vork - n ftral class rt Ca - terms reasonable. ' Hnmboldi Kire Insurance Compsny, Vew Vork Capital, with a lurse surj luj, - . kSjo to Peón .Variar 4 Fire laturonoc C.. ImKbi -w - y. 1 r;rl tmnac le-, ma


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