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INFIRMAR Y. Fishcr'i Block IVrodward Ave Detroit, Dn. S. J UlRPKiVTÜK Jt BAINARD. :o: DOCI'ORS gen rally pretml that Omumptlon U ; incurable, because they cai.not cure il tuemaelves; but this does n t make it tr i, Manv ineclian.cs will wi rits on r job all day and aftet uuing nol jn( b,.t spoil tbc matural they will te'l you t m-v. r can bed. m .n Me way uu want it. But . byapply nz to a belter wolkuiuii- . na who thcroughly , un len-ttnd bis hui SM pi will get yuur work accumpUfthed in shape. In Üiis re. peet there ia tl. e same dinerene to be , founl in all tridos and profesaions. The bi.njltr-i in i mech iiiism, 11 the ait. in law, in tlioology, and in phvsii-, wilt "ay such tilines cfcnm.t be done. And it is , truc that they cnuld no', be il all men were like themelven. Hut hut iir.itely there is amithiT clan of men, ] and these, when tiiey take jour case in hand, do the ] job ii .- you want it, or resti re you to healtb, accor( ing ( to de.-iie. We have .n'.y tu rcmember tl is act to - uudintan wb.) one physician should pruneunce that incurable which anntlirr can cure. In mechaiiics, wenonut mes ttnd that by a posstsswn of uperi.,r muans, by sorae new inventiou, of which he , has the solé use, or by the ereater ingenity of hi mind, one person will nvike or do what no uthercan. Exacllv it rnay be o in physic. And tbia ia the , very reason why" ï have such greut success over alt others in the treatinent of Coiiauinption. By ha ving ( the uriginal genius, by pomessing the l.ung-AIeter, ] nhichenablesrne toclearl.vdettrmiiie the nature of the i dima#taa4 bv huv n such retned;en for Cousurnptioa 4 Do otherliyniciun ever had, ruake bold t lay that I , have, and can eflVct a cure of tilia ditese beyond th , reach of any ot er man. To prove tb to have ben the case, I mjght itive you numbers upon uraber of certificeos IVoni men and women glven over to the grave, who havs been rescued and rmtored to healtli i by the persevering use of my rnJifditB for Conflumptiun. j Hul it n nit wei y for me to do w here, for lh ! fact of niieiinin doing wliat another cannot caDnot. il evldont toali men oí cunimon ene. II the Cousumptive wishtw furthcT proef than thii, I can only say, I come iin.l nalisly ynurself by tril of mv êkiU in ttie cure of your complait I DnotorCarp'-nti-r will TinltYpiitanti, and Ann Arbor, I duriry UWMH . Ann Arbor, at f.'ook' Hoiel. 3d nd i '4tliof cach month; Hawkina Houe, Ypaibinti, 6th : and 6th of each montli. The reniainder of the frae, h ! wisl be found al hi Lung Inlimiaiy in I etroit lyïTi HEAD QUARTERS. Ij-i For all kinds of pbthoijitj ivr , 1 i GOAL OIL. & FLÜID i LAIVIPS. M PETROLIÜM FLUID, W Coal Oils. feS Superior qu lity, at prices guarP antying salisfuction. Lampa fe- alt d to the abuve on short S&. notice. gCX, A DeFOREST. -mm Not. 10, 1860. 774tf SEVEN_1TEARS. The even jaarn of unrívalled sucews attDdíog the "Cofmopolitan Art Association," hve made it a household word throughout everj qu&rter of the Cot.n ry, Cnde. t ie aupices of ihís popular In.stitution, over thrte hundred tkouánd hum have teamcd tu appreciate - by beautilul norks of art on tlieir wal.8, and chotee liteiMt-ire on their tblet, the great bt'nefitt) derÏTed from beconiinic asubcriber. Subscriptions are mw being received in a ratio uopai ftlleled witli that of any revious year TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Any persen O&O becomi; a memfcer by nubbcribing thr t j dollar, for whicli (um they will receive - ïne lare nl uuperb atel engraTing, 30 x 38 i nches, entitled, "Falstaff Mustericg His Recruits " i 'id. - ' ne eopy, one year, of thal elegantly illustrated magazine, 'THE COSMOPOLITAS ART JOCBNAL" 3d - dmissicn, durinj rlUBtwi n, to The Gallery of Paintings, 548 IJroadway. In adcition to the above benallts there will be given to sub.scriberti, as gratitutous piemiumA. over Five Uundred Beautiful works of Art coniprising valuable painting, marbles, parians,, aic. , fcinnirt a truiy national 'lenefii. Tan ülTKKii t.UKiVi.u, wliich every subscriber will cive, enntied, l%YiBZn Müstkki.vü ul Riccauns," is one ot tlte moal beautiful and popular engravinf ever i.siied .ntiiiü country, k i uone onsteei, in üne line aal tipple, and is J.rinteü on heavy plate paper, öo by 38 luches, uiakia. a m.nt choice ornament, suitable for the wailsul eitiier tlie libniry.parlor, or oflict. lts subject is the celeuruteil uixne oi'Sir John Falalaff recciving in Jutice Sballuw's i.Uice, the recruit.i which have been gatlicred lor his' raggen regiment." Itcouldnut ba furmulied by the irad lor tesuthao fivu dollars. 'Ihe Art Journal in tno well known to Ihe whole count y lo a eu c minendaiion It in a magniíictntiy illustraled miiganue of Mt, sootaiolng hssayf, .■ tones, l'oeras, c,obsp, -c.,by t..e very be.t writers in Amer c. 'llie Kngravin i.s sent to any part oí the country by mail mili salety, being packed in a cylinder poslage prepaid. Subscriptions willbe received until theEveninj of the Ms of Janaarj, 1881, at whxh time the buuks will clcse and tu premiums be given to subscribers. NoptTiou in re.itncted to a sinzle miuM-nption. Thoe lemuting $15, are enlitled to live rnemberships and to one exlr.t PBgTHVing for their trouble. JsbaarlptluBi from Cailfornil, the Uanadas, and all Fureign CoLiitries, must be a 50 instead ol tJ in order to detr.iy extra poatage, etc. ioi furlher particuiars send for a copy of the elepantly ihustsated Art Joiirna, pionounced tiib HA.NDdOMhtT ■uoixunt ra Aamu. Itontains Cutalogue ol 1 remiunis.aud uumeroufc superb eiigravings Kegular .rice, 6j csnt per nuinbir Spedmen couien, h ever, will be sont to tboM wishing to subscribe, ou receipt ui 18 cent-, in slampa or cuin. C. L DERBY. Actúa y C. A A. N. B - Subi-cripticmmvceiveri aud lorwarned by E. W. MUKaN, Agu t for Aun rbor and ionty, wherê specimen Kugranngs and Art Journal eau be seen. WLAES &KNÍGHT have reoeived their second purchase of FALL -A.KTID WINTER COODS, Whioh will be sold at the Lowest Pcssible Prices, FOR CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT We invite all to cali and b satisfled that our GOODS ARE AS GOOD AND PRICES AS LOW asean be found in the city. Nuv. 10, 1860. 775tf ICE!, ICESIHE HÜB8CKIBKR would rcspectfully lnfo.rniB his cuttiuK rs an I the Citi.tns of Arn Aioorgfanorily tliat he intends bV'ing a large quautiiy ot' ïce during tri eóminf w intcr, an 1 would beglad lo furnih all p r. Bon using Ice flrith tht'ir suppiy during the 'Summor Faflon. He is satisüed that he can them for leas. f money Ihan tfaay can lili their Ice Houses. tíy punctuality and htrict attention to the wants of I all who inay niiiy tiivor him with their orders, thé sub, scríberhopes toobtain a libereral patronage. ( LEME.NT K. THOM1'!ON. Ann Arbor, Not. 20, 180Ü. Ï"öw4 General Land Agency PERRONS wanting farm, or reairlrnrol u ernnat AnnArb'ir, can by callinp ou me telecl íVmjii a liit ; ufover KM Farms For Salel Of varlou slzef trom 3, te 1301' aorefiaoh (ome i good atauv inthia Connty.) Moretban 5 OiveliiiE lldiispf. t inthiiClty.fromtwo 'ïundred tp tuurthouun rdo r ■riaach:and over 2 O O 1 ( I I . I I . LOTS! Amoniithrfarme are the KiitipOf raroi. j.tOOacrc. the I'otur farm, ia Green Oak; in, Placpfarm. a J ) acre, ttjeBUndonand Jfnki farma, in Webster; thi 8tub'-, Michael Clanry, Newton Ri-i-ian nd Fallahii. farmn. In Anr Ab..r; J Ringilej '4 farm, ' InPitiüfleid-the Hutch and Hi-k inruil II 1 odi.thé ftrirll layularm in CreBOom; W. H. JDaribon, B. f!. Baker and Buck'g farm InSylvSin. Mut-i th!p and many otters can be divtdedto ruit parabaten K. HO.IQ4K. innArlm. }n. I , 1656 ij


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Michigan Argus