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■ ■ ■ I I Grcat S? ób Awuéíim . ■ wojiai OLD ■■■lünlly mito ALL CASH l.lSTü:,!.. tor.ill .uní examine . .4 . Pnces. V. uur Prompt Payiiig Cu&tomers io come Bashful ones tb , qptmtfte ■ ■ oíd Kores, and tiion t Rlich : ■ ■ ■ . . . ■ We have ZSverythicg! A arge a.-Borína! i.t f CARPETIXG, tROtKERY DRYGOCmS, 3 WéSfli HAT1, CAPS. TS, SIL @M. [L & M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human Ficsh aud Animáis. rr csllliif thc attentim. of iho Public to tMs Medicine we would say tbat It lias been fully Iried. fin I lnindreds who liavo nsed it S])e.ik ii tlie most coniijlimcntnry terws of lts wondorful eliects upon Huinnn Fleéh nncl iba brute creíitlon. It ísftvst gHinint; populnritv. "hficver used it iy reeeived witli acclamiitions of 'ioy, aud proDouncotl :o bo tlie erefttest RemedT for Aches and l}aiu3 dvoroífered to tlie I'ublk. Its nipterly offeets over dispuse, wíien ap])l!ed, gives it A celebrity uiípurposíed by nny externa) prapantidn uow ! in use. Thereforo wo cau say, with ílio utiuo&t confldouccL that tho Eiabrocat) will Onro Ehenmatlsm, " " Biirns and ScakK Wealcneesof Jolata, Swellings and Tumors, " Jlenmrrljotdsor Piles, " Cliilblains, 44 TooUiaclio and Ohnpped H&odií aibrtcatlOQ will Cure Oíd Sores nnd Cramps, " " Boils and Cojm, u Coutracted Muscle, Gallsofallklnd. Hini; nnd Poli EvU, " " Callóus and Spavin, Lmbrocstlon wlll Ouie Kwoeny and Sitfast, " " Ëprincüault and Ftsblli, Bcralches or Qreaa " Esternal I'uuu.-., " Sond Cracks, Lameness and Straiuv Zmbrocntlon will Core Kouudercd Feet, Malino " Cracked Toat, 0 Garget in Cows, " i'oot Kot in Sbeep. ArBUKN, íN. v., March 9, 1880. ■We, ttie nnierslgned, do oertlfy, that we have used M. VI.'8 CiiLKur.ATri) Ejrooation, for ' tory and Chronic lvhcuiuatisin, and cberfully rocoiniaeíMl it as UiO best reinedy wo bavo ever used. J. M. Morris, 1L D., Jumes 1 Ilewson, L. VV. Clement, Onln Hurd, Poter Fiero, 8. F. Gould. J B. Robinson, of Prophotstown, 111., paya: I esteem tt the best Liniinent 1 liaveoverknown. It gives universal uV.yfaetion, and I cau teíüfy to its oflioacy from my owb xperience. Mauul'aclured by M. W. HAWLEV, Auburn, N T O. N. TUTTLK, Auburn, N. T., General Agent, 't wbora all orders Bbould bo addrcssed. 8old by all DruggisU and Mordíante tbroughoat tía ffnintry. iiiiu o.v ■ IiaÍkÍEP, . W ■ ■ . Ann Arbov, Micli. ' GrOOD RICII GOODS! CUeap GootH! ! BAOH & PIER30ÏT E AVE JUST OPKNLI) THE C II O I C E S T S T O C K ' - or- FALL AND WINTER G-OODS ; tobe füund in tLis Ci( y, coubisting oí ' GOODS FOR GEMTLEMEN.' , 8ubstautinl und durable, GOODS FOR LADu GOODS FOR THE MECHAN W GOODS FOR THE FARMER! DOMESTICS, STAPI. all Carefully selected, Warahtcd to picase, and for sale cheap. BACE ês P October, 1SG0. rFTr HAEtN] A [NSUROE COMl'ANY. O F PEORÍA, lí.LTNC, Capital, - - - SCC0.000 one of i thfl I'. .-:. 1, . , ! wayn Py prompWy Tèere ia ao bettr t :re luuruaOT i Hjloodr ior - ÍIlíl.,. ■ t ■ ■ ■ ever bu ik ■ i i will v upon .n tha ;(l on il eöri the cm . MTOttlloUS COIUstnnd (■rckrs : aturo, Llii i taint i:i the iption wM scrofukms coni ; - :n:my ie liver, kiilncy, Liain, ï.i'l, mdpcd, i om or :ausb. pcbpla arq serbf I ■ tlvir persons aro lurkingio- ■■■; ! tiicif hcalth öiidcrminetl bylt. ■ t rono'vate medicine, and in■ ! it hcalthy food mul t.-... Öutth medicino vo supply in AYKR'S Componml Extract of Saesaparflln, I remtdy whioh tlie mcdicnl tkill of our times f:v. devisé for this cveryI h 'Tailiijp and fatal naalndy. It is coin:'..e Jnost active remediáis that liavo ■ the expurgation of this foul ai order fro ■ ', and the rescua of the doBtructi . ilie cure of not only ScrofiJa, but also lhoe olher affections whieh i it, surh as Ehuptivb -. stiiony's l'im:, i,Ti:!Olts, TetTI'.U and Sai.t Itimw, ScAtifl ÍIead,' Rixd-yroRM, BiieümJitisM, SïruiMTicandMr.iïcritiAi, 1);RASES; J)r.!)PSY, ])Ysrl,];IA, DbHILIT, aiu!, , AI.I. COJIPUINIS AKISIXO riiO.IE VlTJA■'.i ii : ... The popular belief i:i ''Hlrtpwily of tile Houd" U foundcd in truth, lor M-roi ui.i is a tl;-;! hciu'lÍwu oí' Ü1C bloúd. ïhfi particular jjuipo.e au'l virtue of thU fcarsapariila is to j;i te this vitalfluid, ■■! ■ vh; h bourid healtji is bnposs: contam i Lons. AZEB'S Agne Cnre, FOK THE BPEETY CUPE OF Intèrmtttcnt Pevcr, or Fevcr and Agne, Kii:,. rér, CXiill Fevcr, Dsiatil) Aruc, PorioUit al HcadacUc, or Biílous HcRdaclie, and HllioiiH Percrs, indeed for th wholo clcss of diftcasos oriyïiiatiit in Ijïlïnry dcraugcmciitj caiiscd Xy tlio SZalaria, of Uliasxiiatic Couutrles V.'e art enablect hcro to oiTer f!ie community ft remedy -vliile H cn:cs tbo adovo complnints witb , taiuty, is síül p ■ quiiiiiity. Sach r remedy is inv:ilaal)Id in die tilo te whero UieSff iillcting . preval]. Xïiis "(Jcrb" expela the iiii;mmatïc poison of Fevek and Aguf. froni the system, and pre:j düvelorrucat of the diseatfe, il' taken on tho firat appvoach of its ras. It Is uot ï ' diecovered for this dnss of j coruiilfti. ■ ■ '. Tïio Isrpo qiuintity '■ v for a dollar brings nitbin tlio rcach of every Bil AND AöL'5 prevuils. every boriy should Ikivo it amï vfio it freely both foï éure and protedtfon. It is fiöped this prfee wfll placo i ir. wjlbin tlitiroach of all - tho poor fts woll nat A groot Buporiórity of-thJi rtnitly ovor any otlier ever (ïiKCovered ftw tho hj teuts is, tliat it con tal ns 110 Quinino or mineral, conse quintsm or otlier iujurious eiTtcLs QStitutlon Those catea by it are oever hná the ü r : t i Agüe is nut alono t!.' i teuce of tïiO f disorders nri .. liicb ore ■ latisnt, ' ■, . . ' tite fyleen, ■ ach. nl! of whicli] v ■ iiii; in this cause?, put on the itUcrnv'Ueni type, or become rom tbs in nll alike. It san iuy&lual . igrants and personB truvt'lin ilio malaviou taken octít5Íoi)íilly or daily whfle exposcii to tíi" ínfec . ■ ted fiom tho ysifin, mul canuot accnmnl ■ " ■■■ . ■ ' 1 viUuablo for protection iuun curo, and few wiïl over suffer froin Iiiteruiittcatb il' tl aaü tliemKcIvfes of tliñ pr I .K-'dy nüorda. Prepaxed by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., LOWELL, MASS. MATNAHD J. BITRKT1 T. T AN a; ■■ ■ ■■■■■■■: ■ o t'p.iir.l Si;:' . ;;ii i.rfjícriijL'ti in ihii prlM... i ■ ■ i rey coi. curativc iji each of tbe : ■ u, t'ysi'i.U1ry, Inc-lpleril Conmimplton, Scrofiil us TnbtrctUosl, 8a& Rhenm Mismmtru . ■ ■ ■ one 1 rial "í' tlii.s resto ■ ■ : ■ ■ I ■ ■ DKtraxmus, Rfiogufntous ■ i ons fa■ ■ .. . . ín Dtppkfsm, innum 0X üf I : 'hemwi . i dtogtho aílendent CostiveIf.fiá ncod to Dystn. , ■ müot cautiouí. i - ■tooconfidTillr nvi- . tiiStratlvein uliarly ■ i. i - ■ . i . - ■ ' pilla, priOG -"'0 ■ y.rice, AI1 ltítU r i tn ■ B. B. LOOü -nt, 4T7yl : ■ '■ .■■y.:;, g. Howard Así . - ' : .:a. ■ ■ for tte I ■■■-ree ; . ICDIES Miiycíl, ■ :. ■ ■ . freo wUl be ' Ion No 2,south N'ntl GO TO OÜITEiíMAN & CON .i -- Q I? ju3t I . . oicIuííto rlglit for A'co ir í'i1 pfttmt Brac Stisptníw.


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Michigan Argus