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fSnsiuess irtrlntn. I. O. o. F. WVHTEN'AW I.OÏCENo!,of the Independent order uf OM FeUowümeets :it tbeir Lodge Boom, Terv tri Vv evn'ns, at 6 K u'clock. u. n wil' on, s!o. f, horq, y-c?. B. I1ESSF, PBTSini & SuibKOS RMfNUhUr tsnrter lus pro[Uion.1 „ervee, to the oUaeiw "f M Albor and riolmty. Uffitv in Hck' New Building, Main Mtrt-el, Ann Arbor Mici. N. B. Night ulld prumply atlended to. TWITCHELL & CLARK. Arromrs and OoBnuellon at Uw, General Lito and Flre Insurance agent. Offlie in Uty Huil Block, MlIuronSt.. Ann Arbor. OeHwUoa prompUl ma Mdremitted, ml special attent ton ijaid to cuiivt-yancing. D.S.TWITCHKLt. Pn ■ r' CL"KK JAMES B. GOTT, T AW OFFICE, N'o.2, ovfrSIawsou & Gter's Store. IJ ___ - SCOTT & TOBEY. Axbotttï & PHOTofiiira Akt.bts, in the rooms formerlyoccupMbyCorJley, over the store of ïperry fc Moore Perfoct tistaetlon guaranteed. . D. GODFREY, l Ttorxity ASiiCoi;.NM!i.uRat Lsw, Arm Arbor city. A. Office Sorlh EaalCorner of Ihl Cuuit Duute "SUTHERLAND & BELT,, tTTHOlKSALK ketjiil gkucers. Kast si'lcof Main streel VV Aun Albur. IrovisiunB ooughl and mjIii - "w7n. S'iKO NG, Dsai.8b m Bry Gouds, Buots andShoes, Groccrics, Bonml,, VWncjr (iuorts, Re. Kxchange Bruct, Ann Arbor. W1NB8 & KNlüHT. DKAiiRamiitaple. L'ancv Dry Uooda, BooU nd Shoes. fíe. ke., Mam siivei Aan ArDor. MAKTiiS c TiiuMl'buN. FrRxrrVBE AHK-lïooll.s,IJ.akr.nallliiulsut Kurniturc, Kc. Kew liiook, i'i"" HUWrt. KIöDON &HENDERSON, DEALEltóin Hardware, SUives, housi furuishrnggoods, liu Ware ,vc. icc. , .S:e lilock, ilain Mreet. A. P. MILLS, Deaj-kk in títaple l)ry Guods, Groceries, Boots nnd 9UuM uil tuda Uoluiug, Uarun'itreot Asm árb.r JOHN W.MAYNAiiU, DEAt.HK ín St&ple Fanoy IiryQoodsi Uuots and Shoes, a. me. , .Uaiii oireel. Aun ArUur. BEAkEc: & ABEL, ArTOB.vKyii A: CoujfSWXOfta t Ia, aui s-lJcitors in (jLauury. (JlliciMii Uiu ula lot Uiiice büitoiiig, Aiin Irbor M.-IN&S1JCY & dORbAN, ïtok.'eys, Coaasellurrt, Solicitors, and íiotarieh Public, Uüve liouks and i'Utft .ihuwin tules of all Umi o tüt; joauty , itnilatieii'l lucoavey&iicingtuldcolleiaBg muutln, ana lo payiag taxea and -ciil mterettt in ai. part ol tu e tate. uilice eaatfiie ui t lic Square, a uu Arbor. JAMLS K. ÜOOK, JI'STïce of tuk PKACB. Oflice near the Deuot, YpsQant!, Michigan. J. LOVfcJOV, M. D, Pdyfician & Surgkon, ha.s permanent ly locaterl in the City of Ann Aiijnr, nul hui-ls ii.m-cil n reuuii.ess to tteiu to ill eüllti in the lineot ui.-. profieasion. Keaiutnce nnXorth St. . - bouw east of CatholicChurch. Wm. J-riWilT, M. D.y Physician A: Sckgüox. Office at hia reiieuce, North bi1b ui'JIurou airuct, ara -d iiuue est oi iuv.ou jtrfet, iua Arbor. ti. COLLIKH, MATirFACTCRERanJ dealer in Boots and Shoes. Excnaui; Uluuk, - dour Öoulh oï .Nhiymtrü, btebbiu k Wlfcon's jlore,Ann Atour, Micii. M OKE & LOOMI-?. T txCFACTURKRH anf) italer in Boots an1 rhoes, IVl l'hoenix Hlock, Maan treet, oue door Nuitli ot WttsiiingU-n. vVm. Ö. bAUiNuKKiS, D kaler in BootrijShoeti, and Rubbers, Ann Arbor Cash Boot ie E&oa store, soúth si' ie of fublic Square. BI. GUiiKKMAN Ce UU, VTnoLE.-uLiL and Retait deatert and manufacturera of V Ul-A'Iv Mii'lf Clulliiiigj ltupurtun ol Llotüa, Caasinert-H, Utwukina, -ve. -Nu. u, New BLocfc, Ann Ar&or. (J. lí. FOÍíCÍÍLTC, jpy. Surgeox De.vtist. Oftictj corner of Miiin jK Xfe aud llarou sU-uutstovur 1'. Üach's store, JjWfQQfy Aun Arbor, Michigan. April, l&fiU, Wk. WAGNEU, 0.lLER in Rearly Made Clothing Cloths, Caseimeres and Vestin'ftpn, Hiiii, Cup:-, iiLink-,, Carriel Bug.-., &c. Main ft. , Ann Alt,.:. M. (JAMI'ION, % 4 KROIANT Tatlor anl dealer in Ready Made Clothing VI No 41, l'hainix Bluck, Ann Arbor. liAOli S riLiibUW. DEAïxnti in Dry Goods, Grocftries, Hardware, Boots k öhoen, &c, ilain stipet, Ann Arbur. M.AÏNARI), SIÉBBINS dè CO., Dkílkrs in Dry (ioods, Urocerie, Drugs & Medicines '.booth A 8hoe.-, vc. corner of M;üu anl Aan strwtA, ot oei w tlie Kxchange, Ann Arbor. EBEKlíACH tV CO., pVEALBRfl in lïriigs and Medicines, iVrftniH-rv, Toilet artiX) ele, a few doors south of the Kranklin House, Ann arbor. SLAWSON & GEERT" rocers, Comiftfesion Uerchaa4,siM dpa.T lerflin Watkh bun, I.and I'i.asik , and i 'laster ok Paris, one door Kast of Cook's Hotel. ü RU-S, DBALSR inClocks, Watcliei, Jeuelry. and Faney Goodn, t iig& of Hig Watcti, Nu. 27, l'liuuix üi.ick J. C. WATTS. DKAUIR in Clooks, Watchea, Jewelry and Silver Ware No '2. New Ulock, Aun Albor. T. B. FREE.MAN. Barrer anrt F&shïonable Haïr Dresaer, Main PtroM, Aun Arbor, Mich Huir Ftoflta ud Curlü xmstantly on aand. SCI1OFF & M1LLER. " B-ilEiis u Mi-cclUncou, School, and Hlnnk Books Sta IJ tioncry, I'aper Hangings, &c., llaia Street Ann Arb(;r. D. DkFOREST. yCTBOiftui.1: and Kotnil ]f.ulciiii I.urnber, I.aih, BWn' ilui, SaBh, Doorn, Blind, Water Urne, brand River PUtster, i'Ianter l'aris, anrl N'aili of all 8Ízes. A fnll and perfect moiiment of the above, and all oiln'r tinds Dl buiMing material coiutantly on liand at th liwcst nosMble ratcs, on itetroit -treel, a fe rud fr.-m tho Railruad Depot. Also o.eratiiii; uxtensivt-ly in the I'atent Cement Koofing. W4ttTBSAWC0tJ.TÏ DIBLB SOCIETY. 1' EFO8ITORY of lïiblcK anfi TestamenU at the Societv 1 pnm .t W. C Voorheiw'. CHAPÍN, WOOD & CO. Sl'CCKSBt' Rt TO -mXJNJD, CHAPÍN Go MANUPACTUKKlit-OF 3Pocixit, Bools., - AND - COLOREO MEDIUMS, Wvapping Papor.c. j AIÍ.XIM HlvH. miss jennieê71jnês frWMOi Ui i-.auu turtt-, üiitar.anu b,Bglu. f,. J. dtBiruusul eDliirgiiigliur clao, VlU „.,...,?,. =' , B tb. limón Schoot, WUI be v.r, CUmuli,tmí!r v, ?=' S'' ore Mtuuuing tlarc who mu wih to pu.-sue the tSdv nl musicia uuaut:ction wiiü otber braucbea T.rnnio, halt to bc paid ut the niiddlc arJ the tai. ancg at thccloie iof lie terai.


Old News
Michigan Argus