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Beginning To Relieve

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'Bubble,' of tho California Golden Era, gt) s oö tliu following : I begin lo bélico that, novv a 1 .ys, mo;ioy inakod tlia man, HDlldrtM" :he genilwuian I begin to believv that tho pnrse is more potent thiih the svvord and the pen togdthjr. 1 begin to believe th:it thosc who sin íhe du ring the wek uro the most JüVoiit upon Siüdi)'s. I begin to '-lieve thal honoty is the best piliuy - to apeoulate vyit'h until yoii have gaineU evurybody's confidenee. tlion imoyour puofeats. I t) gin to bjlievü in humbugging peoplo out ui thair dollars. It ia uoith er Btüulin'è or bugifm, and thosu who ire liumbngged tiuVd thbiniwlVes to biaine. I besta t-o believö that man was not made to enjoy lile, but to kuep himselt incurable in tho pursuit und pusscssiuii of fiches. I begin to biiiievo tlr;.t the eure t roinedy tor bard '.mes and a tight money marlet is a:i uxtruvaguiit expendituru on the'. oí' individúala - to keep the uioniy {[inving. I begin to balieve that none but knaves aie qualTfiod to hold ofíice nnder OroveiMiineni, - wiui tho t-xeepiion of a few natural b 'm iool.s and limatics. I begin to bcheve hat a piano-forte is more necessary to a fauiily lliuu meat and po a: íes. I lieyin to beliyve that a boy who doesn't Kwe;ir. btuofee and cuow tobac eo, inay be a vin'y good boy, bul id ui. urally íítupid. I b.'gi.i to believe that if the devil shonld die, one-half of the woiid would tbrown out of employrnont. I begin 10 belwve that lie has l(H) most merit who n.akes tho .nosc noise Q his owa behalf; and tíiat lien Gabriel comes, nof to be behiml the tiui'js, he, too, will blow his own liorn pretty loud. "Jauob kissed Rachel," is tho earliost recmd, vvo boliave, of a lovi kiss. - Though wo feel assured that Ipng befiire ll'Xükv was ii.dulgt'd in. In olden ti:no pmiph) used to yreout each other wnh a real heölty k:ss, but !;ishion haf) subsiituted tho ti.rmal bow, aixi tiie uhijicilig of iianils. Puur txrhangv, we say. Mark Autony roaiunod the woila lor a ki.--s. Our poets havo wnlten sjme of their svvooiest nnun m praise of ki-sing. We liuinbly bey our t'riends, those who uro w) insolisiblo as pot 10 ifjcii Uio ple.isure of a kiss, i not o pester iho nsuives m picking uu to piaot).", buoause we havo tlïuü oxprasüed ourse f. Ii ihey do wo'il pay thein back. 'J'iifi'o's ono tning prelty cei tuin, thoro's only oxe objoution wk woulci raisu to kissing; if any ono wishts to knov, lot thtin inquire thro' the ilurald rü do not !:onaeinn Uiss'mg; but if any orio was to itteuipt to kiss u9 - wel!, riover rnind the rest.


Old News
Michigan Argus