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SÜGAR CÖATED OR "improved Indiau Vegetable" PILLS For lntermittent, Remiltent, Bilious and Fnflnm mntory Fevers; Headaehe; Indigestión-' Dvs" pepjn: Henrtbum; Perverled Appetite' Cortivencss: Dinrrhain; Dysentery; Bilious'Coli Wornis; Puin in the Head, Side, Fou'l Stonuch: Serolula, Scurvy, or ony Inmuritlpa ' of ihe Blood; Obstructions, and-Feniale Com plaints generally. npHERE hns never appeared a mediein. X which. vvhlle u cr.n do no harm. is calculé to doso much good. They excüe a heshhful dm spirntion. and open all ihc natural draïnö óf , system. The obstruction of Wnmbi.k fe&? kation is the causo of a gieat prouortion of l„, 'J hese pills pc,scsstke0Z? in an extraord.nary degree. of removing allVh' s.ruci.ons, and restoring a healihful" circulntinn Uicy must undöubtedly supercede all other uur med.c:ncs, ns they have a fourlold nctiond,akit g bylheWs' -, .f ■Chimjbxn will not hesitóle to ond they may be relieden, bcyond nny other rernedv os nn efiectual nnd snfe medicine for WORMS and all complaints incid nt to children. ]yjok ! diildren have heen cured in New York the nica ent ywir, by the use of Dr. Smi-ih's Pu.t.s, ib,m all other medicines cembined- as ïherc ia no need.ol foreing (Urn dozen, other medi eines. One important ndvantnge tn taking these pril is, they do not gri e, nor produce nausea nor itny o her unpleasnnt sei.sntion. I'j8 ),nve' in tliousands ot instances, produced Pw.k?, nnd otbe.r consequenees f ar irorso thnn the dísense lor which they were administered. Th'is is var tiadurly guurdulagainstm th coml.inntion of tho many ingredients of which Dr. Srniih'g pi!3 are composud- thus rendering tlieni HARAIThese pills, nre made of ihe pcbest matcrialsand we have the satisfaciion of',h;uing nioved to the Medical Faculty, tljcy possess unct'nniiün viriues. The directions and trentmen of diseases nccompanying every box; n n circular. of Voupapes. No -SUGAR COATED PJLLS" can be genuino witliotit the signfriiirë nf tlie'soie inveuter "G BENJAMJJV SMITH. M. D., President of the N. Y. College of JHealtk." unon every boy. ' - Office exclusive?] lo (he sale of thia medicine, ]?9 Gienwich street. New York, and No. 2, Water' streel. Bosion. CERTIFICATES. We are not in want of ceriilicatcs of a high chnnicter, coming from the most respcctable sou rees. [l'roni a Nopliew of the late Judge Thompson.] N) w Yohk. ilay 15, 1S44. Dr. Smith's 'liupioved JiKÜmi Vegetable Pilis' have proven i valuahle to myi-clf aid family, in ihe cure of violent hkaiuche. pnin in the' side and Kot childicn. no lietttr medicine can he produced. In' the case of our linie girl, two years oíd. tho must Jmppy eflectshave resulted from their use: i hinve never known a medicine which ] could so confidenilv recoinmetid as these pil! s. R. THOMPSON. 56 Northmore St. The follovving: lady is too well known in New York for her inidligence and philanthropy to be doubted: [From the Matkok of ihe U. S Naval Hosntal:] Accustonied as I am to administer to ihe sick, Ican nppreciate n vakabie n c'icine. II therebe n medicine adnptcd to the nviuierons ailnients of mankind, j; is Dr. Saiith's Suicnr Pills. I have used thcii] and seen theni uiid with the mobt dblonishing results. in ee'vernl insinnces witliin niy knowlcdge. restoring tho piicnt from extreme lowness and suflering io eiiengrti and health Foiladies during pregnancy, these pills are a soverrign balm. i recóniniend them to all as a valüabie family mkdicint-:. SARAH A. GOULD, Mntron of the U. S. Naval Hospital. Brooklyn. June lüth, Jd44. [From the Depnty SherifTof New York.J ür. Smjth's i:SuL'aied Indian V-egetablc Pilli" have been used n'tho Eldrigde-St. Debiors' Vn 9OT1 with uncommon satisfaction. 1 have never heard a medicino spoken of with inore inlerc' by the sick who have taken these pilfs: JAS. J. BEVINS, Depnty Sherif [AN EXTRAORDINARY CURE.] 1 kave to record an insta nee of unparallelcld su' fering, which must have terminated Jiiy cx6t tence, had not Dr. Smith's "Sugared Indian Vegetable Pilis'' come to my rescue. In the fnJJ of Irf48, I had a scrokdous aflectior, which nearlv covered my body with sores, and rendered me iinfit for life'. In the course of two niontlis I wns attacked witli 'cvt-r, which raged with great violence. I icok many prescriptions, but wiihom relief. Mv sufïbring was great. Mrs. Gotild (whoin Í shnll ever remember with esieen) advisci me to use these Sugared pills, which J took in large doses n few days, when the fever and pain abated. ] continued thete pills in sniall dosus, about five weeks, when my fever and scrofula were cured, my bjood completely purifud, and niy gcneiiii heallh improved. I 'am ceitain I owe niy life, under Providence, to the use of these pills. E. M. PARK, New York. [From Jas. M. Turner, Esq., late of the U. S. Navy.] 1 have heen afflictcd severa) yenrs with a weakness in the breasi, cosiivencss and n difficuliy of hïeniliing. I waslmely inore than ever troubled, ihough I had taken niany presciibed remedu-s - Thrpugh the adyice ol n Iriend, ] procured Dr. Smith's Patent Sn ga red Pilis, which 'I'used. and tljey have? not only relievcd, but eiitirely cuvd my compliiinis. My wiie has also' used thcrli with the most happy efïecis, I believe them the beet medicine in the world. JAMES M. TURNER. 531 Greenwii-h St.. N. Y. Refers to.IJoi). Silas Wright. U. S. Stnute. PERFECT CURE OF WORMS. Our little girl, 6 years oíd: has suflered all the worst stages of wonns; and we have never found an (ffjctual cu;e, un'il we adniinistered Doet; Smith's Sugar PiHs, wliiclr little girl took .with.out the letisl rcsisttinccj in -of two at a time; and we nevrr witnessed Jtt changc in so e'noi't a time. The pills biought aft'ay a mapa of worme, and slie at once improved. She is now in joyous heallh. We have nlso found the greatost bmicfit from their use. JACOB CARLOCK, 8 Stople et., N. Y. We have niany certificates of cures in case of WORMS. [From a lady well known in New York.] I have been troubled for years with dizzineas and pain n ihe head, atlended with depression, dimnessof sight, Jt-c.. which have been entirely cured by Dr. Smith's "Swgarod Indian Vegetnble Pille." I prize this medicine abovenll others. SARAH DOUGLASS, Coner o( Ludlow nnd Walker-Si[Tlie foil'owing is irom one of the oldcst oud niost respectable iarmers in Madison Co.. Í?. Y.j Cazknovia- . Juiy 28th. JR44. ' I have used 40 boxes Brandretli's Pills,. nndl ns many niore of difieren t kinds, and I hnvd never found ihat benefit from tfieuse of the w huift, tiiat I have from the U6e of two boxes of Ur. Smith's "Iaii'uovy.u IkdiaN Vkgetablí" Phxs. They pecm to strike at the foundation of my disease, which is of a bilious characier. IRA ALVORD. [Mr. Alvord wns. with nnother, the first set- tier of the beautiful villagö óf Cazenovia, aboiW 50 years ago. ] O LD MEN nnd YOÜNG MEN have, without number. given their trstinionins foi thesft excellent family pills. And M'OtHERS ! we wish we could Iny before the woild all the eipressions of npprobaiion whichwe have from them in New Yoik. They would alone fill thw page. The fact is, there never wussuch a ínedír cine for the complaints of C-Kir.njRKN. For sale by G. & J. G. Hill. Detroit; Tho. May. Jr.. Plymouth: Perrin & Hall. Northvillc; Lund & McCöllum. F. J. B. Ornne, and W. S. & J. W. Maynard,f.nd G. Greuvillc, Ann Arbor; nlso in Dexter, artcí thronghout the United States. Office devoted exclusiVely to these Pilis. 179 Greenwich-St., Nèw York CAUTlOÑ.Bewarc of imitotións. .. . . 20-ly


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