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Do You Want Eggs In The Winter?

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Then givo the manufacturera materiala to work in. Let the egg-lcss say whut thc-y will, we speak wbat we know. wlu:n wu assert that it ig perfeetly feasibla to keep the kens layiug all Winter. Give theiu uuimal food to supply thü placo of the insects they catch in Suramer, and then let them Irave a warm place to run iuto, plenty of uufrozen water, n.ot show, and u frequent tasto of green food j sucb. as cabbage leaves, potatoes, ete., and re.ncmber to supply soma gravel lor tbeir griuding rnill, ftnd lime to nlake fliell3 j out of and we'ü warrant the animáis to rtpay uil the care stud food, in nice plump eggs - uo matter what the particular breud may bo. Try it. A hou withuut somo kind of meat. and gravel, und liuie, compulled to eat snow j tor watjr or ga witliuat. cun't in:ike eggs. If slie has to kuap constantly changing trom standing ou one fuot to the other to keep botu froiu freuzi.ig, aha cau't stop to thiuk about getting up eggs. If all she eats and can digest, must be espeiided" iu keeping up the iicut of her bidy, she Las notiiing left to turn into eggs. If htr body is all shrunk up witU cold, she bttsu't room iuside for an egg of respectable size, and though her iustineta inay sometimes induce iier ta producá a thin shelled -'pullet's egg" at the expense of the lime in her buues, her pride revolta against such a dwart'cd production, und ahe gcldom farnishea beyond two or three. Givo Madam hen the odd bits of fresli meat, aud tnu other fixiuga natned above, not forgettiug the water, and make her quarteraao free from air-holes hu a comfortabb, and she eau't help giving attuntioii to her natural oceupatioa of manufaeturiiig egga, much to her owu satis faetion, and tua proüt of her owuur. -


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Michigan Argus