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Washington, Dec. 10. There now fccius no doubt that Mr , Cobb bas resigned tho Secrctaryship af the Treasnry. His friehda sny he will repair to Georgia on Ttmrsday, he boing a candidate for niember of the Stato Convention to as?euib'c on the Tth of Janna ry. Hè -iid not attend tho thrce last meetings. The Times1 Washington correspondent says: "Mr. Trescott, bcarcr of the President's message to South Carolina, was also chargcd with the duty of consulth'g the State nnthoritics as to tlieir purposs after tho ordinaneo of secession was passed. He rcturncd last evuuing and reporta everything quiet and no danger of a colusión with tho Federal Govern ment. ïo-day the arrangement is perfectcd, and things remiiiu in statu quo, until after the Commisaionors shall have failéd to arrange fot a peaceable 'soparation. "Seorelarv Thompson will soon follow Mr. Cbb. He entered his officu to-day, but did uotliing more than ltjok over a few letters on his table. Secretary Cobb has at last resigncl, but his successor has not been npminatcd, altiiough rumor says dilierently. ''A messenger from South Carolina arrived to-d:iy, briuging the voto of that State for President, for the ensuiug four yeurs. He delivered the vote and drew the pny for his services." Tho World' s Washington correspondent says: "It seems well credited, that Postmaster Holt ivill be transferrad to the Treasury, and Mr. King, First Assistant, will be made Postmaster-General. Krast us Corning is also ïiamed a3 the sueeessor of Mr. Cobb. "Messrs. Miles, Bonham and McQueen callcd upon the President to-day, and h:td a long cousultation with him iu regard to the secession of South Carolina, and the terms on whieh she will go out of tho Union. "The business of the Treaoury was entirely snspended to-day, as the President did not commission Mr. Clayton (Mr. Cobb's assistant) to fill the office temporarily, as hcretoforo. This omiasion was consideren! signiöcnut. "Keverdy Johnson, who lias jtist returned from California, declares hiinself for the Union at all hazards, and agaim't uil opposition." Washington, Dec. 11. The Dcmocrats from the North-wet have had several conferences relativo to the present condition of political affairs. Tliey generally take the positiou set forth in Messrs. McClernand acd Vallandiugham's speeches, yesterday, namely, that the Union eannot be dissolved peaoeably that the Nortli west will, undcr no circumstaneas consent to be eut ofl' from the Gulf of Mexico and the city of New York, that the govtriuuent, whatever may be its fauhs, is of inestimable valué. The leadiug idea is a oentral government, embracing tlm Middle, Western, and border slave States, but depanding fer it cousumraation ou future circumstaaces. Lieutenant-Gencral Scott will arrive here to-niorrow. The Postoffice Committre of tho House mot this morning, to consider an overland mail bill, submitted to them by Mr. Colfax, chairman. Afier coupultntion, they unanimously adopted tha bill, the details of which are as follows: That the Postmaster-General advortise for proposal for carrying the entire mail overland daily, between St. Joseph, Mo., and Sacramento, Cal., by the central route, from Juiy, 1851, to July 1865; Denver City and Salt Lake City to be supplied weekly without extra charge; the amount net to exceed $800,000; letters and papers to be carried through by the contractors in 20, and pnmphlets, magazines and public documenta in 30 days. The bill also authorizes témporary Bteamship service from New York to San Francisco, at the rate paid to Commodore Vanderbilt. The survico isto be subject to discontinuance on 00 days notice, and is to continue until otherwiso ordered by Congress, in case the daily overland mail contract is uot taken witl:in the sura limitad, The bill is to bo reported to the House this week. The Secretary of the Navy, Mr. Tou - cey, was to-day requested by the President to act as Secretary of the Treasury, in addition to his present duty, until a successor to Mr. Cobb shall be appoiuted. Mr. Cobb formally took leave of the President, the interview being pleasant and of a private character. Gen. öcott has prepare d a plan for adjustinent betweeu hc North and the South, whioh the Committee of thirtythroe desire to have before them, Tho Committee orgauizcd to-day, the mombers from Arkansas, Florida and South Carolina dcoliniug to appear. Iïouston, of Alabama, urged prompt action, and freely expressed the opinión that the Committee inight adopt a report whiuh will restoro Union feeling at the South and avert secession. The Committee, after organizing, ad ! journed till to-morrow.


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