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SFECIAL 3SrO0TICE3IilPOttTANf .- Do LüihI L Cu.' Chemical Bulratuscau be purebascd frtm j-cur grocers: it iu pure, bealt'jful, and wUI produce Uw muit desirable roiulU,- Ia aftïaTS ralláSb, and can b dopenïed upo to bare tl o Mne.ff.Kt k-inorrow, :pon past.y, breid, to., m it had to-day. Wliy will you longur uscan inferior arücle wbon jou buy DjIandJ Co.' S.taMafor the nn ■ dumt üttt you bv. tonay f ra vr.--rihlos.s praratinn. Do Land iL Cü.'i Sa!cratui is mannlct'irod at Fiuruort, MonroeCo.,N.Y.. whcre it la for sa!" at Wholesale. Thegrot.„ „ 'the 'urge rUbM ai-1 cit.e also wbolesak-it, u jooi' grocors evtrjwhir ra '11 it. nisii som, L.ixu waIíhant, .SPECIE ANI BXCHANGfE QUOTATIONS. C&rcfull Ruvised and Corrected evry weülc. it.VTËS CCUREXT . AT Tfflt B&okipg House of D. Preston & Lo., 72 Woodwu.d A"., Detroit Dec. 1,1800 UA.N'K. NOTES. Detroit !i!y Bank, ... - - Par. Dida, (all Solrent Banks) " X. Knglandanil N. York, (SolTint Banks) - ■ " New Jersey and Oolaware, - Ühio, and Keutuckv, - " ,, Bauk of the State of Indiana, OKCÜRRENT FUNDS. ouyiiig s'Miing Illinois, Wiíconsin, Missouri amlluira 8 6 t o 6 Virginia and Dillrict of Colombia, 10 6 N' Carolina Tttnn and l.ouiïiiaait, lü o Ffennaylrnn'a aid Marylind, M 5 Iu.liin":i Stock Notos, 5 Ala., Ceorïl and South Carolina, O Bank of EngUmd Notes, L, Bank of Tecumneh. Hiclilgan, 0 dis Excliange Hunk of 1). BaliiiCo.. W " OUK KATES FOK EILIá OF EXCTIAXOE. Buyir.g. Selling. On New York anö Boston, Yi K On BaSUo, ü Oji Cincinnati, On Chicago, Í100 or upward. 6 per et. dis. GOLD AND SILVER. Buying Solhng. Am. Gold, lots of $100 or pirards, l S American Silver, ' 3 LAXD WaURANTS. It ivill beobserveil that we do not quote by ihe acre, but ao inany dollars for the Warrant. Buyinj. Seiling. 40 ACRK Wareí.-íts 40 $ 40 80 ' 66 7 8 120 " '5 95 100 " 105 135 PREMIUM COINS. SILVER COINS. GOLD COINS. Jpan Tillar Dollars, 105 Poyereigns, 80 Mexican DoUatl 1 04 20 Francs " live Franc Meces 90 25 Francs French Crowns 1 00 1(1 Francs 1 " (erman " 105 5 Francs 9' F'rusaian Tlialers 09 Ton Thnler Pieces I 80 GuilJer 38 X Thalcr Pieces 7 85 Enirlili Silver, (ahiUiiii Ten Guilder l'ieces 4 00 23c.; L4 00 Spanish DoubUjuns 10 00 Old Am. Half Dolls. 1 03 Patriot 15 50 JfW On lots of $100 or I California Gold $10s 5d war da. 1 Lc. additional $50s aud 20i ld. üold Dust, $10 to $10 50 per oz. ñpanish chance SI, 15 per oz. or22centsfor quarters, 11 for shillings, 5for six])(inces. Ou Iot3 of 20 oz, and upwards, 1 .IS per oz. DAVID PRESTON & CO., Bankers. 72 Woodward Ave., Dutroit. Office bours.from 8, A, il., to 5, P. M. RELIEF IK TEN MINUTES. JmYAfi'S PÜLMONIO WAFEES Tur. nriiual Medicine Establtshed in 1837, and the 8 ra articleof the kind ever introducid under the name o " Pi lmosic Wafbr ," m this or in any otht-r oountrj all otlier Pulmón ie Wafers :ire counterfeita The gen uine caá bu known hy the name HUYAN" bemgstampc ou each WAt-K. i Brtak'b Puimoxic Wafers Relieve Coughs,Cülii9, Qi r D.ruat, Huarseneas. BuTAS'a I'ciiro.vjc Wafhr3 Rüüere Asthina, Bronchitis, Difficult Breathmg. BRTAW'a PCIHOMC WaFKKS Kalievo Spitting of Bloot, Pains iu the Chest. Bryan's Pclkosm Wafkrs Rulieve Incipient Conf.umpti)n. Lung Diüeascs. BBTAH'a PUI.MONIO WaFKBS Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsila. Buvan'í; l'riMOMC Wfers Relieve t'ue.bove Cimplaints in Tea Minutos. BKTAN'b PUIMOSIC WATSMa Are a t lessing to all Classes anl Constitutions. BRTAN'S l'CLMOMC VrAFKKS Are adapted to Vocalista and Public Speakors. BRYAN'á PULMOr-'IC WaI-KRS Are Ín a limpie for ni, and pleasant to the taste. BlU'A.Va POLMOHIC WATSJtS Not only relieve, but efTect rapid and lasting Cures. BRYAN'S Pri.HOMC WAFEBfl Are warrantcJ to give uatijfac tion to every one. Nofamily should be without a box of, 11 Bryan's Pulmonic Waft-rs " ! in the house. No tra veler should bf without a supply of " Bryan's Pulmmiic Vafer3 " in his pocliet. Nq person win ever object to give for 'Brya'a Pulihonic ffaferi" Twenty -five Cents. JOB MOSES, SoleProprietor. Rochetcr, N. Y. 8old by Grenville k Fuller, and all good druggisti in the Cuited t.itas and Cañadas. -ft. Cocííhs. The sudden cbanges of our clima te are sources of Fulmoxaby, Beonciiial, and Astumatic Affkc tioxs, Experieacc haring proved that Bimple remedies of ten act speedUy and crrtaiuly wben taken in the carly stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to "Brown s Bronchial Troches," or Loüengea, let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat bc ever so slipht, as by 'his precaution a mr re serious attaek may bi effect aally warded off. PcBuci'EATíiíBsand Vingers will find them effectual for clearing and strengtbening the voice. See advertifit'inent. 77CmG MOTHERS READ THIS. Thp following is an extract from a letter writtnn fcy the pator Of a Baptist Cuurcli to the "Journal and Messeneer," Cincinnati, Ohio, and xpeaks volumes ín favor of that worldrcnwned medien'.'- Mits. Yi.aLOW'S HüOTIUNti SYKLT FOK CHILDBBK Tl-.EIDING : i:'o age an advertiseraent in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup. Now we never said a word in favor of a pat'-nt medicine before in our life, but we feel compelledto say to your roadtr.s, that this is n hllinbllg - WK HAVE TKJIÍD IT, AXD KNoW IT TO UK AI.I. IT claims. It is, probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, becaane it is one of the beet. And thot;e of yonr readers who have babios can't do it bttter tlian to 1 y in a supply." See advertísement in anothcr column To Consumptives. The Advertiser, haviug been restoied to hcalth iu few weeks by a very simple remely, after having suffered aevei-al years witli a Beren lung aü'ection, and that dread disease, Consumption - ís anxious to makc knowu to hia ffcllow ,-ufferers themeansof cure. To all who desire it, he witl send acopy of the prescription used (free of cnarge), with the directions for preparing and uning the same, which they will find a BDRB CrHE for CONSl'Ml'TJO.V, ASTHMA, BROKCamiS. Sc The only object of the adyertis.jr in c. nding ihe PreBCriptioa Uto benefit the afflktad and spread infovmation which he conceíves to be iiivaluable, and he hopea every sufferer will try his remedy, as it will cost them noth iug, and may prove a blewdag. Fartiea wishing the prescripttoii will please address Rsv.. Edward A Wii.son, 768yl Williamsburgh, Kings Gounty, New York. Tlic Grcat Benrfartnr of hls R.ace.-g& The Great iïea Ier of Mankind! Hêrrick's Sugar Coated Filis Th" whole World United! Sich People thinkï After whick act. You'd scarce ex peet, atthis late day, With startling cures a bouk to fill t Thlfl is the caae, the mí Ilion say, With the cures of Herrick 's l'ill They come from East, and North, n,nd West, And with glad tidjtjgetke papers fill, Becauae they are the cheapest, eafest, bes t And superior to utherw is Hêrrick's Pili From Rootd, and Piauts, and Flowers they'rej They always curi?- they never kill Thousands now in their graves were Iaidt Were it not for Ilerrick's Pilis. Eiich l'ill with sugar is coated o'er - A rare discovery of matchless ski II, Their Iike was never Bttenbpfore, Until itüppeared in Herrick'a l'ill For years he's vorksd to heal the ïick, With joy elate his bosom ñlls: For ten.sol' thoutmnds now rejoicp At the maffic Power sof Hernck's ?U1. '■T HERRlCR'SMATCHLESa VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS have nundatod tlie world wth tbeir populaxlty. Over (ive million of boxeyare usedannuuly. gtviagemplóyment to eighty-five men and women to put thém up, Theír cures are nuuiberelby thoufiandR - their praisea OD the tongues of all, Citijens of Washtenaw Co-, and elsewhere, have y on ever need them?í'ut up in EngÜBh, Spanish, Gorman, aodFrencb directiooB. Large familv boxea, 25 cents! íive boxea for $1. Sold everywhere. Seeadvertisemeni oa3d pnge Important to Females. - I) r. CH BESE M A W 'A PÏÏI.S. Pbepabf.d by Cohnklius L. CnixsrMA.v, m. d., New York Oity. Thembïnatïonol ingrediënt in these Pillj 'are tlie reeult of t long and extensive pfLce. '] boyare mild in their opftration, and ertaia in eerrecting all irretïularities, Painfu) MenturatioBs , remo ping all obtructkms, whetber (rost ooldor otherwise, headaehe, pain in the JpaUtion of titehfcart, whites, allnervoui affec tion.s, bystericM, fatfgae, iaiu in the back .i ml limbs, kc. distarbedbleep, whícliariaesfrom interruption ui' uatuie! TO MARRIEDLADIB8, Dr. Cbeefteman'f Pilla are invaluablo, u tboy will bringon tlie monthly period with regularltj. Ladiei vho tíkve been dlsappointed in the use of othea'l'ills can plact tbc utmost coniidtfiK.'t' in Dr. Cheesemaa's Püly doing all they represent to do. y O T 1 C V. Tkereis mie condition (fthr. fernale sysicm in which the. Ptllt carino' he taken vñtkmA prodvcing n YF.CULIAH RESULT. TUp, condition rtferred to iê PREQÑANCY- thn retuUt MICAUHIAUK fwh t the irrczixtable tcndency of the medicine to restore the sexual fnnetions to a normal condition, thal can the reproductive power of natura cattnot rcsiAt it. W;u'! ' ■ ■ entable, ana freo from anything iniurioua, Explicitirectlons, wlrich ihould be b box, íJont l.y m:il on radunna SI te I)ECoRSKUusIí.CnEesEJfAy, Box 4,681,Post Oflfce Nen York i ' t'&M Soliï by onc Drugist in every town in tbc United States. B. B. IIUTCHI7ÏGS, GlCÍERAl AGBXT FOB 1IIE CniTCD RTTW, ifo,14, Mroadieay, ffem fork, JT3 To all Whoieaalfl shouJd bv addrepff Sold in Ann Arbor, by May.yard, Sjeiíüi.vs & WiLBOXj a:i'i G, i T86yl m Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 3 9 O O O i DOLLARS WURTH [ i ] -or1 t BOOTS SHOES ín eonsaqmiioa of Making a chango in my business I will sell My Entir Stock of BOOTS $■ SU OES! AT WHOLESALE Olt RETAIL, AT COST ! Now is the time fur families and individuals to supply thennolves for the coming Winter and also for next Spring and Summer. My stock consists of every varidty of Shoes fcr Winter and Summer wear, nd purohaeed at low prioeg. WM. S. SAUNDERS. A.nn Arbor, Deo 1, 1860. 777m3 GIF T S FOR THE IIOLIDAYS! SCHOFF & MILLER RE STIIJ, ONHAKD at tbsirold Stand, A No. 2, Franklin Block, wi'tb the most complete aasortment of Books and Stationery, PEKFUMEEIES, FANCY GOOD3, WALL AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADE8, ROLLERS, CORDS; TASSELS, GIJ.T CORNICES, CÜRÏAINS. H00K3 AND PINS, STEEEOSCOPES & VIEWS, &c. Ever offured in thia Market ! and thejr would suggest tothoao in purauit cf anj-thing m SANTA OLA US' LINE that they can secure % Doxible Christmas Present ! by purchafing from this each purchasor getñ un adüitional present of Jewelry, kc, lvanging in valué from 50 cts. to $50. Ö2T" that thelrlong expricnco in selecting goods forthis market, nw strict attention to the waats oí CuEtomers, may entitle them to a liberal share of Patronage. Ann Arbor, Dec. 5. 1860. 777tf BL'VCKYVOOD'S MAGAZIJN E AND THE BRITISII REVIEWS. L. SCOTT & CO.,NF.W YORK, cnntiout to publish the followiug leading British Feriodicals, vil.: 1 THELON'DON QÜARTERLY (Couservatire) . 2. THE EDIXBURGII REVIEW (Whig), 3. THE NüRTH BMTI3H REVIEW (Free Church), 4. THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal). 5 BLACKWOOD'3 EDINBÜRGH MAGAZINE (Tory). The present critieal state of European affairs will reader these publications uuusually interesting during the forthcoming year. They will eccupy a mkldle grouud between the hustily written BBWt-tteaB, crude speculations. an 1 Bjin( Journal, and the ponderous Tome of the future historian, written alter the living interest and excitement of the great political events of the time shall have paesed away lt is to these Feriodicals that readern must look for the only really intelligible and reliable hiatory of current events, and as such, in ddition to their well-estabhshed literary, scientiffc, and theologicul character, we urgüthera upon the consideration of the j reading pubLic Copios. The receipt of advanck shebts from the british publishers givea adilitional valuo to theae Keurinti, inai much as they can now be placed n the haflda of lubscribers about as aoon as the original edition. TEBMS. Per Ann For any one of the four Reviews, L3 ■ 0 For any two of tbt; four Reviews, 6 00 For any three of the fourReYiewi, 1 00 Fot all fout of the Reviews, 8 00 For Blackwood'ü Magazine, 3 1)0 Pi r Bhickwood andoae líevíow, 5 00 For Blackwood and two Reviews, 7 00 Pot Rbickwuod and three Koview, 9 00 For lllacliwood and the four Reviews, 10 Oé ft, Money curreot in the State where issued will be received at par. Olubbing. A áiscount of twenty-five per cent fr.;m the above priaes will be allowed to Clubs ordtring íour or moro copies of any one or more of the abovtt works. Thuu: - Fout copies of Blackwood, or ot'one Review, will be sent ■ to onQ&ddrftss for $9; four copies of the four Roviewa and Blackwoud for $30; and so ou. P O S T A G JS . In all the principal Cities ana Towns tbene works wil! be delirerod FKKE OF POÖTAGK. Whcn fif-nt by mail, the Postagc tojiny part of the Uniced States will bt; but Tweatjr-Foui Cent a vear for (Blackwooil," inü but Fourtera Cents a year for each of the Reviews N B.- The ince in Great ÏJritain of the ütc Periodicali above nameilis $31 per annum. 777w3 GO TO HANGSTERERFER'S FOIITOÏS, YANKEE NOTIONS, CONFECT1ONER1ES, &c, &c. He has everytliing oa hand tbat wil] please Old and Little FolkS. His Stock is extensivo, and those wi8hing to parchase Christtuat and New Yc-ars Gifts would do well to give liim a cali as lie is bound to siill cheaper than any one tliis side of the Alleghanies. Aun Arbor, Dec. 7, 1860 4w 3VC. O. H. H Passenger train now Ieave tho several Stations tu tliis Uounty ,as fullüWH. G O I N G WEST. l'ail Ex, Kalamazoo Ac. Xifhl Es Vps.ilanti, 11.35.. M. 6. 50 r. M. 11,06 r, U inn Arbor, 11.65 " " 6.15" " 11.30 " ' Dfxtcr, 12.25 P M 0.45 M " thelaca, 12 45" " 7.05 "" G O I N G E A S T . Kight Ex. KalamaiooAc. Mai] Kx "holsca, 9.40 A. M. 3.38 p. M Dexter, 10 05 " " 3.55 " . las Arbur, 4.40 A M 10.35 " " 4.20 '■ ' ípaiUntl, 5.00 " " 11.06 I' .4O " ' ItHE RÜBSCRIBEB would respeotfullj Informa bis cu. tomen nad tlH! Dtixenj ol' Ann Arbor gcueraliy tliat bo nteuíl.s storíu(f a hirgo quautily of Iré during the coming w ínter, and would baglad iü furniftb .til p r. I boiu ualng Ie virii thstr aupply duriog lb Summefl sl-kjji. l!c is aatiafled tbst he can furnisli thcm fot lean poney Umn tbey c;tn till llieir Ice ÜOttsaa. tiy iiuui t.iiility and ririct utteníioc lo rbe want f i ;ay msj favor him with their ordorBj tUe 6ub 1 scr.btv húKtcg touutain a Utwreral patv mge. CIEM1ÏNTK. THO.MIVdy. ' b ■ ■" '.i . ; ";, ; I I -SBISS Cure Couvh, Cild. íj-íct.iss, Irf.ufitMttfA Ttroai; KMivc the vq l iSMHPWhn '' Omtimp'-imt, lironehiïit, .K'ïIÜaIÍ1íÜíVs9 nía rtfl CaïflrrA. Ciar and vUpCjflKgFw y?iüu' ttrtftgth to the roirc uj fw!Wfflr PCBL1C SPKAKFUs, Ie are of the impovtm ',e of c)iecking a C'ongb or "Cumuion CoM" n itti Qrst stago; tfaat which ia tiie beginning would yiold toa mild r-mi'ily, if neglectcd, stun ftttnükn tbe ).i,njs. ''Browa Bronohlal TrochM," corLiiiiüg dcmulcent iogredunts alluy 1'ulicQLü.ry nut? Dr tnchial Trrtation. ! BKOWN'S '-Thnt trouWe in my Thront, (for whidi the "ïruclies" ire kpecl&c) havingmade TROCHES N. P. WII.U8. "I rscommond thelru.e to l'rliLic ï'I'EakBKOWN'3 l:Ii3-" r'l:v K "■ CHAJ IN"Have provpd ext:X-mely servicaabie fcr TROCHES MEÍiev' HEN'RY WARD SEECIIER. " Almosl iusiani relief in the distressiag BnOWÏi'i iabor oi brealhing peculiar to Asthmí." _„,,„-._,„ "Contain no Oi'ium or anything lnjuriTROCHES oll9. DR. A.A.HAYK8, Chrmist, Boston. TilïAWNN "A simple and Tiloasant combi :m1 ion for lKUn =Cocans4fc.i. DR. Ü.F. U1UEL0W. Bo3ton. TROCHES "Beneficial In L'aoN'cams." iiK. J. F. W. LANE, URHWIÍ í Boston. tvuvrn ö ,,j ])avs pr0TeJ them exoelieiit for WnOOPLVÜ CoüGH." TROCHES KEV. II. W. WAKREf, Boslon . BSflWli'S "Boncficial when compellcd to speali. "nU " sufforiug frotn CoiJ).' ' REV F. J. P. AXOFUSON, TROCHES St.Lou. "EITectual in romoving Hoariient-ss and RRAW'i liTitution of the Throat, so commün with citu w ix o ariiAKlïM anl, Pru . M . STACY JOHNSON' , TROCHES La frange, Ua. Teachpr of Music Southern R ROWN 'S Komnle College . 1KU"n ö "Great benefit wben taken bi-tore and after preacking, as thoy prevent HoarseTROCHES,iess. From tlieir past effect, Itliink tlier win be of permanent advanttige to rae." RBS.( BKV.E.ROWLEY, , M. 1JK.U W IS President of Athens Collega. Tenn. O, Sold by all DnurgWa at TWENTYTROCHES FIVECENTS A BOX.- 1V('m6 TO HOU8EXEEPEBS. SOMETHINÖ NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S , Best Mecioal Salebatus. Is roanut'acture'l frotr. cuinmun salt, and ts uj ' prepare entirely dilferentfrorn other ï-fulerutuH. QJ - I All the deleterious matter extracted in auch u j ! r manner as to produce Bread, Biftéúif, and all 9 ' Orr liinds of Cake, without containing a partiële ol (J i aleratus when the Bread or Cake is bakedij thereby producing wboleaome resulta. Every 3 partiële of Saleratus is turned to gas, and passes through the Bread and liiscuit wbile baking, d L f? -"asequentlv. nothi'ig remains but cornmon Salí S HO .'titer. and Flour. You willreadily perceive, b} H ïhtïtasteof tbiy Saleratus, that it ís ODtirel ]y different fromotber Saleratus. J It is packed in nne oound paperg, eftch wrap Q perbranded, "B.ï. Babbitt's Best Medicinal lj fQ .Saleratus;': aiso, picture, twisled leaf of bread, V O ö Ith a glass of Bei-vescing water on tiie top.- Q Whchyöu purchase ouepaper you should pre k. ,9rve the rapper, and be particular to get P uext exactly like the brand aB above. Li rjf Kuil ilirectionsfor making Bread withthin Sal I J eratua and Sour Milk OT Crean TarLar, willac company each package; also, directions for ft makmpall kinda of Pastry; also, for mking , Soda Water and Seidlitz Powders. O MAKEYOUR0WN SOAP with U B T JJABlilTT'S PURE COXCIiNTRATEl) f Warranted doublé the strongth of ordinary H Totabb: put up iu cans- 1 lb, '2 lbs, 3 lbs, 6 Jn ibs, and VI lbs - wtth full directiona for Bo&kirjg r .1TD Hard and Poft Soap. Consumera mil ftnd th! ht1 cheapest article in market. r" Manui'""tuvcd and for sale by M B. T. BABBITT, 4 06 68,70,&74Wr.jhin?ton at., Xew York, Q m j ' au 1 Nu 38 India st, Boston. j? Conway Fire Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capkitl paid up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Oasb), - - 209 963 IS Liabilities. - - - 16,440 03 D. C. Eofrers, Jas. S Wbitney, Secretar y . Presiden t. DIRECTORS. J S.WinTNEY. L. HOPMAN, W. EI.I.1OTT, UI0WI.WI) D r McGILVRAy, E. D. MOKGAN WAIT BEMEKT. JOS1AH ALUS. A. HIBU'1-EN W. U. nlCKINSON, W T. CLAPi', D. C. ROOERS. Ann Arboi' Rpferenccsï Dr. E. WELLS, 1.. JAME L. DOrGE, ENOCH JAMES. CAPT. O. S. GOODRICH J W. KNIGIIT, Asent. Ann Arbor, Michigan. City Me at Market. THEIR MAEKET ÏO THE CORNER OF ANN AND FOUETH STREETS, And will keep constantly on hand a full asaortsaent of I-i--o-ei-li. IM-o-ii-t-ei-, which thev will ahvays De found in readiuesslo cut upon Süll1 CL'SÏ'OMERa. Xo pains 11 be apared to keep their market Clean, and Meats Sweet and patrons may reïy upon getting the best kíustx 8TKAK.S CUOF8, etc. , that can be feund inHheCíty. CALI. ANDTHY ÜH. VROíTOR T. WALKER. AnoArbor.May 4, 1860. '45m6 Important National Works, Publiehed by D. APPLETON & CO. , 346 AND 348 BROADWAYNEW YORK The following works are sent to Subsoribers in any port of the country, (upon receipt of retail price,) by mail or exuress, prjwaid: THE VEWABIF.niAN CYCI.OF.2EDIA: A Popular Dictionary of Ueneral Knowledge. Edited by Gro. Ripley and Charles a. Dasá, aided by a nunierous select corps of writers in all branches of Sciences, Art and Literature. This work is being publitshedin about 15 large octavo volumes, cach containing 750two-column pages Vols. I., II., UI-, IV. V., VI., Vil.. VIII. , & IX. are now ready, each containing near 2.500nriginal arti cles. An adüitional volume wül be published odco in about tbree moptha, I'iice.ia Qoth,3; Sheop, $3.50; XltiJf PaiS6iat $1.50 each. The New American Cyclnpfc-lia is popular without boinR superficial, learned without beiug pedantic, comprehensiví btitsufficiently detailed, freefrom personal pique anl party prejmUee," fïesh and yet accurate. It in a complete statement of all tlit is known upon f vury important topic witnin the scope of human intelligence.- Every important article in it has been upecially written for íts pages by'mcn whn are authoriticB upon thé topic on wliïch they speak. They are requiredto bnng the fibject up to the present moment: to state juat luiw it stands now. All the statisticalinforraation is from the latest reporta; the geographical accounts keep pace with the latest explorations; hi.storical matters include the freshest juat views; the biographical notJces ads ak not only of the üead but also of the living. It is a hbrarj of itself A iRIDGEMEXT OP THE DEBATES OF COXGHESS Being a Political History üf the United States, from the orgunization of the ftrst Federal Omgress in 1789 to 185fi. Eriitedand contpiled by Bon. Tho Hart BE.vTON',frinn the Official Records of Congress. The work will be completad in 15 royal octavo volume of 750 pages each, 11 of which are now ready. An additional volume will be jmblished once in throe mouths. $3; Law Üheop, Half Mor., $4; IiaH Culf. $4.50 oach. A WAY OF PROCÜRIXG THE CYCLOPEDIA OR DEBATES Form a club of four, and remit the price of four books, and tive copies wül be Bent at the remitter's expennefor carriago; or for ten subscriben j elevon oopiea wlll b1 seut at our expense for carriage. To Agrents. No other work will so liberally reward t!ie eatertins of y gente. An Auen't wa.vti;d i.v tuis COUWTT Terms made known on application to the Publishers. Ann Arbor, March. 1859. 6902amt "=&(Jl Iïev Thos. Witium, agent at Kinne & Smithe Bookiitore, YpsilaoUMICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHEKN INDIANA KA1I.ROAL). 1860. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1 Irains dow run on this road, Funóaya excep-ted, a follows: Leave Toledo por Chicago daily flicept llondays at 12.15 A II. , and 12.40 P. M ,and via A!r Lin ■ ut u A. II. Leave Detroit íur Cbicngo ut 10,20 A. If. and 9,30 P. II. Arriving in Chicago from Toledo and Detroit at 10.30 A II. and 11,00 P. M. Arrive at Detroit from Toledo, at 0:15 A. M., Si 6:00 P. M. Arrive In Detroit from Chicaznat 6.00 P. M., andS. 15 P. M. A rrive in Toledo from Chicago 3,40 P. M. and 4.20 A. M. Leave Adrián Jor Jaokson at 0,15 A. H. and 6.15 P. M. ' Jackaon for Adrián at 5,30 A. IL, and 11,55 F. M. CONNECMON8. At Toledo - With Clee!and i Toledo Rail Iload, ivith Wibuta V'alley Rail Road. At Dktkoit- VVitli Graad Trunk Kailway, witla ÜTat Western llaihvay, also, with the Detroit and Milwaukee. liailroad AT Nkw Aliïant & R. R. Orospixo- With Trains for Lafayettft, Kew Aibany ;iv.ü Loulsville, T Cbicáoo - With Chicago and Roek Tslan.l, Galen, Milwankee, Chicago. Burlington and Quincy - Nortli Wi'st Railway - Chicago, Alton and .St. I.ouis, Illinois Central, and to all l'oint West and South. flr" Tniius arertin by Chicago timo, which Is 20 minutes slower than Toledo time. WoodrufTa Patant ilecping Cars accompany tile Night Traini on this Bonte. &jr Timo and l'arc the Game as by any othor Rail Road Route. JNO. D. CASIPPEIX. Gcne-al Superintendent. STRAYBD IpUOM the prPTnises of tlia suh.criber srme time in August lltr'O Spring CalvM, aíl Heífcr; one dark rwi, ont' a yellowish rut], anl the other ipotted, I will pay a reasounble reward for Information where I may iind them. MIOIIAEL BCHABLEE. Ann Arbor Town, Nov. 29, 18fiO. T77wS Ann Arbor & Lodi Plank Road Co. rjifflt ANNtT AI. MEETING oi the Stockholdtn of the I J. Ann Arbor itLodi Plank Roao Co., fqr tho f Directora for Ihe enauing yc.-ir and tor mrb other Tuslneis aa may propacly r.iiw bíuro the meoUog, wil] be held at tho office of the Ooinpan t n Ann Arbor on Tllesday tïlc Utday of Janumjr JS01. at 2 o'ciock 1'. M. i. rjocrrn, ridat. 'r. '


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