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lilOOWtl & LOOMIS Have Removed to tho STORE EKCENTLY OCCUPIED BY C. MACK, PhcEEix Block.'EUt sido of Main St., ' AND T - - ftj HAVE In Store í - & A I-'go and Com i V. Iilet0 STOCK JjP OF BOOTS SHOES Of every desoription whicli will be Tir.liV CIA' 5L BOUGJI'J IN ïiiis City. iUo a large aMsrtmcst o' HOME MANUFACTURE, Of all kinds maJo in tlio mout Fas li ion a bic Style SY OOOD A.Yü EXPER1ENCED WOKKMEN, -ounFEENCfl CALF BOOTS areyOTstTHPssiíDthissMeof Xew York City, and are warruntcU nut to KI?. Üur PTOGASAND KIPSs, are made of tho bet materiala Our stock of Moooco IJootees for La'lics is the the befft in town, with heela or without We Make to Order, and nevr miss of suma tbc first time eo give us :i ea.ll and we will show you our Htock free of charge We havo scured the services of two Kxperionced Journeymen , wlio do our mending in the JVe&t est Dlanuer, and oa shortest notice. Our motto is Qnick Sales and small Proflts Thankful 'fr pastfavors wo hopebypaylng atrletattentioti to our business to merit a liberal shaiu of yuur patronfisr for the tuture. JSf Remember we are not to be nndernold. f$& MDMRE & LOOMIS LUNG & BXiOOD INFIRMAR Y. Fither's Bock Wcodward Ave Detroit, Dra. S. J, CABPRSTBH & RAINARD. ■ p' DOCTORS gen. rally pretend that Conaumption Is incurable, because they cunnot cure it thumaelTes; but this due nut mnke t true. Muny mechanica will works on a job all day andar ter uoing not'iing but apoil tbe Diatenul they will tall yon it nevcr can be done in tlie way you want t. But ! by applyiog to a better woiktntiii - ona who thorouglily underitands hia business- you will get your vork c! complished in ehape. I In ihis rtspect there II ü,e ame diíTercnce to be ' founlin all traden and profwsloas. 'ihc b.:nyl(T.s in ï the aiti, in law, la theology, and in puyaic, will saysuth thin.js cancf.t be done. And it 11 true that they could not be il all men were like theni selves. But fortunately there is anothrr class of men, and these, when tlioy take your case in hand, do the joba s you want it, or redture you to health, accorc ing to desire. We liave cnly to rcniernber tl is act to unicvstand whj one pliysician should jir.nouuto that incurab' wliich anotht-r can curo. ta mechanica, wesumttimcs Qnd that by a possession of superior means, by lome new Urontlon, of whlch hu has the solé uso, or by the srcater ingonity of hia miiM one pcrson will rniko r do what no other can. EÏactly it may be so in physfo. And this is the Tery reason why I have sHCh great IUC06M over all othWs m the treatmont of CousUülption. By ha ving the original genius, by possossing the Lung-Meter, whichenables me toclearly detirmino the na-ure ot the diseaseand by haying auc:h remedies for Consumption as no other Physicion ever had, make bold t( say thai 1 have, and oan elli-ct a cure of tliis disoné bevond th reach of any other man. To prove this to haru heen the case, I might give you n-imbers upon numbera of certificaten trom men and women given over to the grave, who have been rescued and restored to health by the pbrdevering use of my rcmedlfl for Consumption. Rut it is not nucissa-y for me to do o here, for the fact of one ma n doing what another cannot cannot, is evi-lcnt to ali men of common ense. If the CouHumptive wishes furtlKT proof than tliiü, I can only ay, come and tatisfy y urself by tril of my skill in the cure of your compUit Doctor Crpenttr will visit Ypsilantl, and Ann Arbor, during 188-al . Ann Arbor, at Cook's Holel, Sd and 4 th of each month; Hawliins House, Ypsilanti, 5th aad eth of each month. Tlie remiinder of the time, hc will be found at bis Lung InEirmaiy in Tetroit Iy173 HEAD QUARTERS. - i For all of PBTROIjID1 ÍVC , I 1 GOAL OIL, & FLUID LAIYSPS. Ití PEÏROLIÜM FLUID, W Coal Oils. SF Superior qu lity, at prioes gunrWs antying aalisfiiction. Lamps feA altercd to the above on short go notice. SSX, A. DeFOKEST. ..-rt-m JTov. 10, 1860, 774tf WIiNES &KNÍGHT have received their eecond purcbasa of FALL A.KTID WINTER GOODS, Which will be old at the Lowest Possible Prices, tor CASH, BARTEft, OR PROMPT We invite all to calí and be saüsfied that our GOODS ARE AS GO O D AND PRICES AS LOW asoau be found in the city. Nov. 10,1860. 7T5tf General Land Agencj PEROKS wanting CnririB, or reiidenceiin ornear Ann Arbor, chd by cultisg on me ftelecl frotn a list of over 1 OO Farms Kor Sa]-! Ofrariouf 3Í2CB iroiii S, tí, 130H acrcfDach ;(omo a good asany inthis Connty.) Morrthan .5(1 OweiiiiK llousi-s inthÍBCtty,fromtwo iundrcd to t'jurthousa ( do - ars each ; an d ovnr % o o adifiOiirr. lotii Amoniitheiarms arethe KUhopf larm, ISOOftoret, the Potter farm, Ín ij re en Oak; thf l'lnrf tarm, a j 4 ) acres, tbc Blandón nnd Janki ftirms, i n VVebster; th títbs, Michei Cíaucy, Np.wton Iítíegan, and ['nllnbfn ("urms, i Anr Arbor: J.KÍBg-ley'4 farm, in the ílitch and Hirk farras ii; 1 odi:tlio PatrickClayutarm in Freedom; W. 8. Dayibon, B. O. Bulcer s and. Iïuck's farms in rfylxSii . Most "f thesf and rnany otbers can be Hvldod to ê-uit purdhaeere Annrboj, Jan . Is. 7fH BI DK FOKEST, AKMSTIiONG & CO. DRY GOODS MCttCHASTS, 76, 11, 79, 81,83 h 85 Duaae Street, New York. WOÜLD XOTïrv TUK TRADE that tney are optnte Weekly, Eb ntw and beautiful p&ttero,ibe W & M S M? 'S? %L & aWÍSf WÍBs -UH TUK A New Print, Ybícti oxeéis tvtty Print in the Cnnntiv fo perfect io of cxpciiüon and ilcsifü in fuU M.vltlr Colora. - Oui Prints are clieaper tuaü :vy iu sarket,aod ïiK-otinit Avth f'-í(ons;c ttaA%. ■ lirff ■■■ 1 ■- '" 78?rl j fiXn. WINSLOTO Aaexi'fcrleo.e-i Nuho nö-1 Fcmale I'hya'ciati, pruenti to the atteüUon oí inothcrtftïu;r SOOTHING SYRÜP, TOR CHILDREN TEETHING, whleh reatly facilítate h prense? of toath'Bg, bj , uftsaag Lhe gum-, roducfng n'l ínlUroraatlon- will ( a'l;:.v AL!. PAIN' iM spasmndio act'.cn, a I 1 SÜRE to REGÚLATE the B0WELS. Doptfed üpon tt, moviera, U will gíve rjjt t your4voi, and Relief an] health to your Infanta ■Tc havc i)i.t up and an-i boM tilla urticle fr over i tm ycara, and CAN BAT, Uf (.'UNHHENCE AND TI'UTH of it whflt ■we have nflrer ti b! to sa nf any utlK-rmi-d:nc- NbVER HASITFAtLED ISA Í?IXLE ÍNSTANCK, ÏO EFFECT A ( UKK, when tmelj .'! N'vinad ve knnw an ItutaOM of dbotislaction hy any ;B" wto UMü it. On tlie contrary, olí ars ddighted wlth iM ofent.oni, aal ipeak n U rma of commendatiun of ita mágica 1 ffccts ílnd mcd'cal virtues. We tpeak in t'.iia r 'WHAT WE I0 KN"OW,"after ton vrnart" erpfrlfBCO, AND FLEDÍiE OUU RH'UTATION FO'.t TBÊ 1 Ul.flLLM] S f Oí' WliAT WE III KK UV.( LAKK. In almont cvcrv m t. nce whi-rc the miont is Buffc-ring frora pain and hauntioo, rr-iief will be iound in ñftctn oí tntnty m.nuba af;er th" sjrup admTnistcrecl. This valuablo prepiratlon II the Pr7"'i)10nK.rV,„ of the most KXPSRIEXCED and EKILLïOt NJMg in New Lln.'lnul, anl liaj bccu used wilh XLvtB THOUSAND OF CASKS. It not orly rolievea tbechülft-om pain. but iovigoritos tbo sfruach and bowcb. crr.;tt uciil t.y. unlgivos t. ns ! end eiiaty to tlie whoIeüySLem. It Trill alm.ut nslantly relieve GRIPING IN THE BOWELS, AOT WIND COLIC and overeóme convulsión", wWch if nt specdly r.'me died end in deatli. We believe it t)ie Biüi' nnd SUUEST REMEliY IN 1HK WORLD, In all cacs of DÏENTr-RY and MARKH05A IN CHILDltiN, whethcr it arnés frim toething or fr 'm any otbir cause. We would say to cvery mt-tbcr who b s a cfcild aurTcrinj from iuv of the foregoine cimplaints- !■' NOT LET YOUU PRKJÜI.ICHS, NOR ÏBS PKWCDICE8 OF OTHERS stand between you nhl your suffi-riu child, and the relief thatwill be SUBE- YE8. ABr uLüïKI.Y - to follow t'io uso of th'n medien, if timely uaei. Full diectoni fnt ueing wlll acompany eacli ïotüo. ffongename unless t.e fac simile of CuftUS & FEUKINS, New-York, is on tbe outside wrappor, Bold bv DruggUts througout the wi.rld. Principal fllco, 13 Cidnr Sxrri t, Sí. Y PRICE ONLY 25 CENTS PEE ISOTTLE Foraale by Ebcrbach &Co. Iy778, THE CHEAP COENES, SE EK NO FARTÜERi New Store, New Firro AND LOTS OF NEW GOOD3 ! In Mack & Schmid's Ne Block. T)URCHASED reccntly under the most favorable circura J_ sfcmces, so much so that we feel conftdtnt ín Kayin to all our old custoraers, amias m&oj new cues as ca crowd iatJ our New and Spacious Store Roou Corner of Main and Libe:ty Streets. Chat we are now preparctï to sell you better Geoda U lower prices thun our usual low jjrices and uro mow ie daily receipt ofndlesi Tariètiw of STAPLE AND FANCY I -FL "X" GOODS. LADIES' & CIIILDEKNS' SHOES HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, KIBBONS, RUSHES, CROCKERY, GLASSES, GLASS AND STONE WARE, GROCERIES, &o. of overy vanety Lota more of tlie same good 50 cent Tea, that others scl. at 75 ets. Bear in mind that our Goods art all (f the best quality. ËPOur Stapte and Faney Dry Goods purpass all previous stocks for beauty. ty and excellence. tdPOur Ladiea Dress goods, Shawls. &c , wora never be'ore half 80 atlraclivt and eannot help but win siniles of npproval from our fair friendo. B@„Our Hats and Caps surpnes all for 8tyla and cheapness ever heurd oí in Ann Arbor, cali and sue theoi. B,Our Ladies' and Childrens'Shocí combine eiliganee and easo vvith strength and durabiiity, t3p Our Cloths, Cassimeres & Vestings are all of the best qnalities and styies of the Freoch, Englush & American productioiis which wo will sell at the sftme priee that others ask for slop shop stuif. ï3F Our Grocerie8 & Ooekery are fresh, new and clieaper than ever. flif" Our Yankee Notions and small fixings in general are too numerous to rnention here, ombracing every thing that a Merchant should keep an fi Custorner t-hould buv. ï ■ E3 And now having pnreased a mueh larger and battur stock of goods than ever before; vo confidently rely upon the appreoiation oí the public far aready Sale of the same, feeling conti dent that we cannot help but suit all in prices quulity and styies. All kinds of Produce taken in Exchiiiige lor goods as usual. C MACK, 772 F, SCHMID. Rifle Factor y! A. J. SUTHERLAND RAS removed his Gun ö 'nop tot he Nuw Block"-n Hton street, south of the Ou'ji i Htutro.ontne seoood Boor, wherr he s prepared to fu misa Guns, Pistols, Ammjmition Fia-síes Pc hes Game Bags, and Bvery otlier artielc in his Line. Oa the rfifisonnblr trrme, aud to io all l-iiids l-í n the ahortft notlce.and in the beet mnnnei , BfêSL.J3E2 "UíT üSES ? Aluil 0i6ortmeiitalway8:ptonh&nd, ond mude to oTder. MANHÖOD How Lost and How Kestored. Just Puhii.ihcd in a Seaal Envtlope, A LECTDRE ON' THE NATÜKE, TBEAtMKNT AND R-H1I'AI. CCRE OF -I'KK.-.ATOItKUOKA, or Seminal Weaknew, Sexual Debility, Píervousntsji ano Invoiuntary Emlsaioaa produciDg Imputency, Coasumption, aud Muuta! a:id l'bysical Ilebility. BY ROB. J. CULVERWiaL, M. I). Tlic important focttbat the awful cítifcquencca OÍ f-rlf ii'mse ta&y be effectuallj remOTd wtthoat Lniexnal remedlei ur the dsiwerouft upplicAtion ot pausticfli iuatruments, Boedíoflted bongiea, :ind uthsr empyrícaJ il xices,!! here olearlj deíaoBatrated, and Uh firiroly new and higlily suocensiul treatmept, adopted by the colo[ratel uithor fuUy explflÍDe3, by mcans of liii-h eveiw o ne is cnablM to ouiti h imsalí urffl íy, and t thp least jíoíititl toit, thercbj avótdmg all Iho advortíad DOBtrums of tb 'iny. Thla Lfcture will provo a bon te tkotwaodi a-od timn ■ fr'nt undcr sea] ("mv ai'.lrc---, post i'-'.i'i. mn tli receipt f Iw wwtufro rtftups, by addreMinj Dr. CHAS ■J.tMiLl.VW, -W8 Fhwt 'w;rti, ïHw Yrl:.Po Box-, 4,300. ' Oysters l Cysters ! A SUPERIOR AUTTCLEof Oyutm cnnstautly ... A andatvery low pricps, Dtaicra aml H ,. wíRhiag Oystors will do wt11 to givo us ;i cj.11, wc can íar nísfe ;uiy qu;riti(y (le&ircd oo jort noticc, and will ■ i nt '!■■ ■ : ■. mu ín hi - '■ ':- y


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