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t:ie ban nek stoee. RECOXn AUIUVAL -OF- FA.LL Sc -WISSTTEft #r" r-. ifïk "snv g? tár LJr Jf JL-P SSiw OOODS FRO.M At;CTIONT. I Pacts for the Feople -W ASHTSNA -W ADJOÏMNG COUiNTÍES ! And their numerou3 quentions answered. Why is Evrryhodij trading at tht "BANNER STORE? '-Because. A. P. mSLLS, the Prnj.riotor of tliat EstaMUlimmt lias jast retorned from the Eaiu-r CitieBwuh the Largest, Handsomsst, Ckeame&t, and Most AtLractive Stook of STAPLE ANDFAKGY DRY GOODS! TOf brougiit to tiiiü part oí lis Stata. Wliy is Erarybady pleascd u-Uh his Siockf Becauae hisstyles are moré b#autlful, quality beUer.ancl prices lowor tKaa ftt eny etbe: stcro Ík th oounty. Why has ht afrJêatjé Sojtiething iTEto and Cheap to Sfroic? Bocauseba hasa friend connected with one of tte Iy gost Dry Goodl Üimism iuXew Yorkj wh8 i cjntinualAt ' DOBBING ROCXD" for cheap barv-ïiinsaml the lat e atv-k;, nu they appeur from time to time, and in tUa way kepa hiin supplied with t-yW-i, aol ooiuequcutl cuatoiDcn c&nulways Qnd lOitíWkingFiWlk, NEW CBEAP.iad DESIRABLE Why does 'ne teil eO mudi Cheaper ihan the restt Becaasc he has a buyer in tho elty jtll the time to tuit advantage of the contiuual change of the m.trkct, aud in that way uyn his guods iducïi ebeaper thua othen can, and thet he marlu them down to the IjOXBST PIGURËS. Why doe he Bell Ladies' and Childrins' Shoes so mueh ihan was ener hrard ofby the oldest Shoemakem? Röcauso he buyi bis stock io tli Ir-ni of shoemakers, oí tlie manufacturera, fully '2b per cent cheapur thua tht Xw York Jobbers sell tliem, and mueh bettsr ffork than they gencrully keep. lhisoursQ eaablei hiía to tú u het tor Gaiter for 35 Cents. thaH othorasell at &0 cents, and a bitter F0SED GAITEI' at L0 cbiiti, than otttan lU at 78 cnU. Has he any fíats and Caps? Yes, I should think he Ima stacks of them, eaou;h to supply the State, at pnccj UnNff than waj ovur htuid! round theso partí. Why U his Tea so much bHLtr for the p rice you pay ihan you get at uther places Beca use he takesgreat caro in selecting it, &a gÍT$kii custuiijera the benefit of a rea! guod 76 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS, It ía a way U has got. Vfhert should you qo to get ynur CLOTHS ana have them Cut or Made? Tü the BANMER STORE, whorc the Puij1'h Bannr I uufuiledfor Dio Peuplesgüod. South sidü ul' Public Squiiio, a fes? doors west uf Cuek" Hotrt. A. P. MILLS. lapt 18, 15"0. Tífitf 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTE1RS WAiNTED! TO ASSI3T IN" THK LIBERATION OF CUCA I iVhite folks, or of wluitevor color, etsta or nativity, be,ther icarried, single or of doubtful connexion, will be enlistad in the nolilu cauae of EMAKCÍPATJNG THE COMMUN1T - FROM THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! nd will reeeivo their outfit at the ExtGüsíve FurnieMng Establishmeut - OF THí-G ÜITERMAN'S HEAD QÜARTERS! baving been estaUislied for the LAST TEN Y E ARÖ, our known rulo of warfare ís an Undisguised Deslniction OF HIGIT PlilCES ! For all ges! Sex and Condltions! ín consequence of Lhe very fl.itterinff eneourngeiijeiit wliicb vie have rec-ivod sinoe our location in tliis cio'i vrc have iucrcnsej our Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHIfyQ ! To moet the doinnmls of our cii3toinors, and having become more fully convineed than ever, that our modo of doaU ii)jL, iiaïDely: at ihe lowest pouible rutes for is the only true plan; we -will oontinus t: serve tlie public ns chirreg the euming fall and winter. Our Stock consiste i a every viuiity of READY M A D E CLOTlIiSO ! PI:. in nnl Funcy CLOTHS. CAbSIM"KRS. KILK. AND SILK VKLVETS. A lnrRe lat of GJENTLEííEN'SFÜRNI8HING OOODS, which are all worraated DOX'T FAIJL TO OÉLXiXj-ia T Gr. JEK. 4&. For past fa vors wc aro gratefnl tu al], Tlieeatne tor laroje ones in proportion, And thoie w: o see lit to cali Shall rcccivo our best smiles and dovütion. 1YE. Guiterman & Co. TT. 1!. Stii'l'MiU and all cit hom who want foseo SO-NDÍÍElM'i newode of cutting will do #ijl to cal! and leavo tiicir mcasuiu For a Nice Fitting Suit ! 3-ÏJZ1XI33Xï.lS:xV2Kr $2 CNp Aan :'. ' . ' ■ I). L WOOD & CO. ïlavo acboivod a. XíA:r,g-jb stoce: of Seasonable Goods Ï FAJ.L AND WINTER TRADE, or iaeoí WHICH THEY WILL SEIX CIIEAP FOK CAS 11, OP. READY TAY CuH and sce Befere Purchasxjig Ë?si' wkire, D. L. WOOD, W. G. FOSTER. TEE H Y DE O P U L T Aa uíveoliM for Ehrowing water by Imnd-power, patea te3 by W. 'f VOSS. Itttona'of th moftt vuluibU ia TOntioai of the tlay. THE HYDROPULT wil], bv the poffer of ene imn, Ihrow water nt th i? of 8 g-ilLona ptirmiouta iilty feet liïgh, witligrettt krc. It 3 the beat articlo ertr imventud for ETnSOCISHUfO A KJKK, PROTECTIN'Ü A ROOK KROM TAKIXG FÍEK, WAflHINU WIXPOWS, 31'BINKLIKU ('LAKT, WATKÍUN'O QABDEK3, CLKANSINQ TREES KI10M WííECM, wiíi ti.v; el )- WAlKa, SPKIKEUNtí STKKEP8. WASHINtí CARB1ACE8, CLKANI5ÍG CISTERNS, EMPTYINO WATE1'. iKOM SAII. BOATá, Wt.TlIVG KA1L3, A Si'KAY BATH, S.C. ThU artiele should bo owue-1 by ftvery houseliuklof - It does away with the ntctiSíitv of a lijiirant. ll U I ltht, p rir.ble FOIICK PÜMP, alwaji nSj', eatüj ue& and will come in frequent use by evety fainiw, nchant ami iD6c)uiníc m tiio í:i mmunltj, l'leiie umU anti examine the articleat th!a oiHtp. AMtRICAN HYUHOFULT COlfPASt , 41 PARK RUW,. H Y. WALLACE WCLCn, Agonl r. r Wasl.t naw C.uüt', 771ra3 YPPILAMIÍ. Htafc. Herrick's Sugar Coated Pili O" CHILDREï CEY FOR THÏM ! XB sfp-x5. Tliis rtíiiiíiikuMo r f?V.-"& . Ameiitaii refciíáy W. oom s'k? . '" tllt wid bf Korw. Oyer (ivo iu , i f bojuti &r Süi4 uall 7. nj-d II t ilflv OÍ ritWNW -jl Kunt. I aUntns tuid c ' ■'y tr;. ets. Oiuir LrH n. Hilr ■' iuioui1 'ktu ti vSSII1 ■ ■ ■' cntnnt ui tifuc4hf '"lt ;iT1i successul. Acftf PL' djrrctly en ik iio3 X I LA gliinfli, solidK and ILuM, - -- -' of the body, their um ia attfnc!ed wïth the hanpiest effect. In oid tunela casea of nicknesa, small doses - repeated frequntlj oteoaw tlit; evstem, Ihatgnod heafth i tfe resul t. ! changa i ti employment or dietia aecestarr. ÏL%y imrw cause ore mdths, nwtlled joints, acli'ng hiul8, üt.f rto ïiimiy ntlit-r kiixlfi. Tl:py are urranled to gt sniiafaciion , ortlie pricê re fundad. Thy -jv oarvj44 clicaper, sufer, pret tier, auil in all rsjfets uxinr iv :iny purgativa pül in tlie tcorld. i'-ilie disc-ry (rf coáziflg a pill wiUi i!íir eiuannieri witi Ur. lwrkk All utbers are connterfeits,and f usel, w dn ftr,a4 lisa; point Iha ttefe. Hf-rriak's r-ills are eleïtr.-;-. jjt'; ua, 30 iu x box, wiíA a lnrjfo slioet o( dirocttwai, ü iiJl iet ■26 ceats per box; 5 boieö for $1. IIerkick's Kid SwïKaxHona Pi.awERS. The grent Strengt her a 1 ld Pam Destróyer. The Bett avd chcoptêt Household Rcme.djj in the world. These rcnoTned Piaster cure palas, wakrK ruí M. treai in t In: hark, idm and breast, in Cve houi. Indeed, sn crert.aiii are tb#y todo thÏB, that tl 10 propritr wktraala tlivin. Sjipea'l Trom rf-itis, balsam and ubíj, ti lK-autiful kid ]cnthvrt readers tfiein ■crulinrlv sdai-tW t tbe iranta of FumaUs nuil othrt. '1 Heir nfj i;eatu U univerwil - equaüy to the siron umn.tlic dflieatv (uta, ml ihe feeW rt'ji:t. To earh and all the v. iil jxon a balmaud iiblesxing. Tlieirubau ■frVMAIa noJ withnMt annoyanoe nr trwubl. fcoh riastrwil]-iar f re. i to four monihf, and Ín rhcumalic complainti. spruuM and bruifet, freqnontly effect euros whn al! uthrr ro ilifis fail. Full tiirt'ctionH wIU bfew4 n thbiui.l oach. Public sppakers, vocnlistR, niniittn of LuT andotbers.wilJ Rtrengthea thwr lunpsand imprort Ui voicea by wearing thwn on thvir brtait. Trie l!jr .i TUe abore ariicka are noldbrall th dvukwi ia Ann Arbor nw by DnjffHuts throuplmutllif Pmid St.tea. Cüua das and tíoutU AnHrica,at bf H b DrnjgUtiin tho Krfndpjii citios. KffiRRlCK íi BIÍ0THKH, PROK L. M.1LLEI?9 ' HA1R INV1G0KAT0K. AN ttTFECTIVE, SAFE AND ECOXÜMICAL CVMl'OiyD FOB RESTORINÜ G1UY IIAIR to it origimvl wlikoul djauig, aud prereali Uie lUir friu turuing frn. FOR PREVENTÏN(3 BAIJ NfóSand corfcf tt.mhwi Umsm U tiiu twut a ticiü uf ritality or reoupi-iutiw ommjf reiuuinin?, FOERESTOVTHQ SCÜRF AND DAXDRCFF, aad aM oatneous affécïioiu of tlie Scaip. FOK BEAUTIFYIXÜ ÏHE ÜA1R, ïnirwrtinjio tt an Hftquallod gtasi and brilliancy, inaking it sof t ana rflt iu itt texlure and causing it ti curl rodilv. Thegruat celebrity and the inorcusing diuand foc ifcw unequalkd preparaüoo, conWac the propriior téuil trial is only ueceewary to satisfy a dUoeraiupublk of il su.i#rior qualflfci 1 er otlier prepara Uod hl 1 ni ín use. It cleames tlie hcad auú acniji írvm dav.drutf md oihcr cutan en u & ducosts. Cautei th huir tigrón luiuriiintly. and iretti a ricii, toft, glfBJ And tiftxffck itfppfirance, and iUü where 'he ha'w 10 l(tUrOliÍDC huií tliiuing, it will givè strengtli an.l vfgor ie be iorta,aA4 refiture the gowlh to Uioie partí whïeli bar l4oi bld, eaasintt it to yleld ajnh coce'jn ohtir, Tdereare ttundrwis of ladios and gentfeoiM lo Yoik who havu had their ha:r rcatored ly A tta V thli Invigomtor, wben all othor prepara tiuns V.-xá flUi. L. ÏJ. ha in hU possesuoti lettoas iniiumabl ui-tifj4h to the above facU, ftom pertom of tbe high est iM.e4nbility. Il f.::.:ctiri!!y prftvoot ihf Jatrfrotn ttatr fray until the lateit period of lift; and In ea tr'm the half bas öhangod its color, the use of tbc lurigorafcw wiil witliVertniiity rtsiurc it to its original Aè , jnlug ft ft dark, glOBBj appeoTBnce. Ar n perfumb Uit Ht aad a Unir BwturatWe it it partlealarly rcrtnn)w4 having Mi bjeW nbU frflfc(raiico and tho rcai (aciliiifli il affonlï in dressitu' thchair, nhich, whn iut öt with U ínTignrator cao Se clröaaed tn nny reqntrml fbrn bo mm to prTo il : Ivo, whethfr jiain or in cnr) Lus tbc great dcraaad J"cr ii by the !adift as a #.'umíri I4mJí aríio'e whU-h nnae mipht to 1h wtihoat, as h prio placea it wiiliin the reaoh irf all, büíu ONLY TWENTY-F1VE CEK-TS ,cr b.uif, to ba hï at all rwpwtaVle dr;jit' ün porfuia 1 ■ :; :.::i: woId cali the atteniioa of Ia'rwta m4 Guard(tïs to the nac "f lii ïnTigorator, iu &'!).■; irb the eltiMreus1 Hair rndtnea to be 'nk, T)ir um { f% atlon fbr n pod hwHj o. b&fr.Mtt K.irfi tha1 m.ty hum beocfan apiw#ttc4 wttk ■ theremovii) orn hïih Is ncc iifj Uth fur ik h::alrh ui okálá and the ftfl ;;;■ r.prcai inct rf" h Half. ■ v - N'une geauint' ríiauí ihe fnc siwiW 1OL"18 MI! Ï.EIt b(-in7 on the 0Qt#r n rapper; .-!?. I,. JIIlXiK'S IlAïUINViüORATQR, N. Y. blowïiln ïbeglAM. Wtiolöiale [h pot, 56 I'oy Pt. ind wld by.-ill Hm am -. Nferohants aml íruskrbt8 tlu-ou#hout the werk.. itÍHCOunt to purchMir by the njintity. I abjo di niet to nient to tUe AtucrionB Publie raj Noy & Improved Instantanecus Lxquid Hair. Bye whieli frfter rvkti "f ndcuííüfl txprtftéRïnm I fcT# bronght to pn fec1 :' ■ ' . ; ■ h black ui brawn ju run U wiliiout in.iiM tn tbe urSkïw v. nrruniv b Iki article of the PRICB ONÏaT FXFTY CENTS. DEPOT. 5C' ZZE# Sï'.', iVéar Jnrv. ■ 5 W . 'Ai OR 6AN , Agenf iúr ■■;■ In KTKHCCOtH] BI , KW Vnrlc. ArtillUUl. ■■:. -i ■ " . - -' ,. - í.,oU,000. inx I.ife In iirancv Compungí mthH'. s. inpoRj1, Nv V&rfc, i ■" n ■■■ t .. -■■ ■ . . "■.-■■ 'puk, ■ ■' ■ , - - 1 tfc'S'J'itt.' Peorij NTnu-jc k fcivn j:i,urmic Cüu' U ría Ij i. .,;.. r j. v ' ■ -■ h. ' 7'VTtf


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