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j ■ Fmpirè NJiËjIj . . J. ;: v. ! i:..r.i YS stNo.r íipl:ci a. ii.tuí t .kViï M(.Tific5-7f:. , .. N.v and CtnAiottktack et LAW & MEDICAL ÜOUlvN, ÖM.-.i fluís tan ViC luí tViuouu iMn-r. D &wtiQgAn4 M?' wniicriUnflfnimMiïit, KnA) TiiTwfliIilinrii .Fimilun. Iluíiqí C,j [5rUi.'%A '.T-T - , " ■ _ u . wT' - Shtlall mhsr li'mih of Pens nnd Pmcifi 'rAnvr Corri, HhftO fttld FfTtOT POCKET CUTLERY! Aad vOTytUing pevtainieg to tb trade, nní moi'ü lo wUiuütuey muid torlt tl-.c attentloa oi the c"iiDtry. Tn ocn.lQtinj our hmiimi. liall d Ml t'nat cits tw ifaiav,' iht u C8M0MÑ cm, nonan ot ohild '-ail a .!■ I au.v fnult . Wc pniMK fadütiea o-Uicli t'.U cr.dbic u to upp'.y ear t at Vu Lr.went Po-niWi Fig;ucei. Wf rrpowiofllfor BÏAOT PAT, ata emaMadvaeceCash Saioswiil Admit of Low FIGURES. TT hart. eoja?e.l lio iry1vs o( JAlOS F. ?rA!.PIXC, bref'iroar greparwl tn furnMi Vitihg, Wending nnrl all nlher Curdt writtm t'imder, wth nrntvfix and ditpatch, by mat' or nthcrwis?. The "KmalVoKSTOKK." is mannrt hr n goM 'cïic.' v tkff wiU alwaya bi' fnutl'i on the "quartr dockj raij' i"ii vciUm;; :ó altend to aU nili planuic, ho wffl : .-o: tbem with a calL líoroetnlier the '-EiTipiro Bonk Stove." JAMES R. WE.'iSTEIÏ & Co. Aeo Arwir, Mar , 13C0. Te O . BLiISS - - ""-"T""Tmnrn rrrnrtnrmiii Still in the Field ! xriTn a LARGE STOCK of GOODS iu cay l)ne lircoi from New York. Busl?n, nml the Dtï anuíac turers! I hart jujt recatad a tevgt ud wel. eJcctert assortment j CKOCKS, WATCÍH:, J IE7 W E Ij R Y. gíLVEK &PLATED WAKE, Musical Instruments, Table a d Pocket Gutiery ! GOLT) l'ENS. And it gront vnrwty of T:'nkee Nntion te I wimiI 1 cali particular ntUntiim lo iny large s'.ixk of = PEOTACIjES. of Gol el, ■ ilvtr, Steel, and J'lated, IrTfli i-rn scnpicnLASs : su icri'tr artl4o, umi a grfíit vark-ty of arücíís ín the BtlCÏ3EA.T for O AS XX. Yfr n '.'A' ii' '1 1 r - i t wMchwfc'Ilfl u" 1 1 itIa-- , c:n be :n:ciuBi"' af! a ni' t ri i-( I; r fnnl oompHtVi 1 ' S, Kp'ticulrr t ■ t n pw t t '♦ k e a.' i k i isr a Making & '■etting New J wels, PJIíIoN, BTAPF8 "i OTl IKDRR9, alao CLOCKr, AND JEW EL11Y, C. BLISS. FALL CarO OBSt AT C, H.Millen&Cos, "l.lFR INSÜRAIVCE. Tho Cor nec'icut Mutual Life Ins'irancs Company Aecuinulated Capital, - $3,500,000. 'JITII.I' N -L1ÏK LJVKd foi any stnount nut exeeedinfl W 1U,O '0 for tlie whole term oí' Life ur fur a term ui' ypnr?, un tbemot faYogabls ternw. N. lï 'fh Cmia:iy h purely mutiml ani the pol-cy hoU'.ers get hü the hui plus over tLe exact cont nf maurflticc It accomodatw tt;e loiorvd ld the etl -nrenl of thcir pn-rn unií US UFE POUCIJE?, if detired, by tnking a Dote for ane half the anmutit, beariog utcret at bix yéx cent, xr &DI1UI1 Dividend are Dedarcd Annvalhj! ktiA lince they now amount to ron per cent oo the prem uro, ca-h ftiui ñute, and are mcrcasiog tliny inay be applfcd to cancel theaotM, L Th r:itf of iirfniiumít RTOasleV ap any other r ■pbQMfole Companj aml tlio hn-ge accumulatt-ii íund of $3,5:;O,00O li ecuriy invcslfd, M BftV 'i' ufen by to the tatem-nt mnAc ticcording to law, on file in theuíficcüfthe (.uuuty Ana Arhr.-TF& JAMüS OtOliWlN, Fredt. GütK. PmtLM,Py. porpartienlanapyly (o JAME C. WATïH)Nf ?6S1 gent at Aun Arbor, Micb. NfcW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY. Accunmlatcd Jan, 1Sf0, $1,767,13.3,24 MORRIS FRANKLIN, Vresulent, J. C. KliXDALL, Fice PrrtMfvt, PLIXY FEBEMAN, Acluary $100,000 DEPOSITED .ith ttlí Ct'ini'troHerof the Staïff if Now York. DiviDdi averHgv 40 in-r cent, ammully. ASSSTS. ■uhlnBniik, 8165.40 cTc-trd ín atrcurítif-Teatí-tl nndr thf lawscf thpiitate r N'ew York aní of tli 0. i3., 258,870,79 'alEitate aad FSztnnt, No. 11 suv 114 Bnmtlwa; 132,450 04 ivnfl JIortta(!Cíi!.ratrlrg7p("rct. Intcnal .r)83,9S8 .39 Notcf recoivefl íor 40 per ccnt.of preíaíuuift ou Ufe policien, boaring InteiTfrt, 675,315.86 Qüarttwlv i.ii'l Sfmi-annual irpuiiuiLi?,lne subceqiit-nt'ta J'inuKiy 1. 1XHO 2O,5W).S luttrc-t ccruedup to Jan. 1.18CO, 77 Rn5 accrucri up to Jan. 1 , lfSO, l,70..14 Preiuiumt on policio ic htiuda vi Ajuili, 26.44M9 $1,78;,13S.'24 T)r Hui au] Liwrtí, Mdlfil Ejraiupi. rf ( J, ylLDKÜl sillín, ,,-.-. 3 T It O N G ' i , STRONQ'S, Í TI OKG'S. Lheap Cash Store, ( 1 tap (Vh c'orc, Cluap Gash Store. ftfewGiods, New Goeds, New GoodSj FUST EECEIVED, JÜVT RËCEIVED, JU8T REOEITED. CaU seo thcm, Cali and soo Jiom, CaU and seo th6m, SXCIIANGE BLOC K, EÏCIIAxNGEBLOCK, 'EXCIIASGE BLOCK, Dross Goods of all desciptions Doraestic Goods verj low, i'ANKEE NOTIOXS & HOS I EET, Ladics ard Childreu'a Shoes CROCKEUY eb GROCERIES. HATS Sc CAFS. HOOP SKIRTS, HOOP SKIRTS, Dnly t cents a Hoop. LADIES'COESETS, LA DIES' COSSBTSS, Ml sizos- Lfte8t styles. Wooien and Worsted Shawls, WOOLEN HOODS, CLOAK3, $3 11EMEMBER TUE PLACE, PvEMEMBERTllE PLACE. ÍXCIIANGE BLOCK, EXCI1AXGE BLOCK Ann Arbor, Oot. 1S60. 76Slf ECo for the Eïïminctfc ( abinet U'aje Ko nis. o MARTIN & THOMPSON, rjAVE JU8I OI'ENED IN Tilülilncw and Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDEOF MAIX STREET, A. m xl A r to or. A COil PLETK STOCK OF WOSEWOOD, MAI1OGAJNY and SETS OF PARLOR FUllNÍTURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALNUT, Plain and Marble Topped OSKI TT SIS TLIê, ROSEWOOD,! MA II' GANY, BLACK WALNÜT, FAXOY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, &ü., &C , &C, ÖCC. El e g a n t M I lUt O R S , Bureaus, Secretarles, B e d-R oom Sets, 1XCLÜDIXG LATEST STYLES, -oflllittAllt OF TUE BEST QUALITÏ AND Different Material. In Fact they Havo Evorything w.i-th w ii-i-c-h T-o r-u-R-N i-s-a FARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITTING KOOM, ÜR KITCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO loiigr go to Detroit or elsewhere To Fiud ALARGE ASSOUTMENT T-la.-1-S PÜANITÜRE MUST BE S O L D - A N D- And Will be Sold . A- T VER Y L O W PKTCES! Sf Let evry m;in and liit wífo orgomg to be Trife COMK A1 8KK Theyaliw havw a MËAft&Ë V 'A Ml 1 AG E, An nru ]v-iy rvy to atcnd to the bunal of thd dprt'l in the City and mljuitiing cuuntry. Ware-Kuomfteabt Bide "f ituin '.it-i-i, !j-iwt..-u V;inbiiiton ;ui.l Liberty O. -u. -. . N. C. B. THOMFtiÜN GU TO GU1TERMAN & COS. LOK aBfcKLYti fATKM i-Ajjr. - an attiet i.d i J'iet the íh.n. 'lhry bavc the xclunire riïtt for Ui . 1 Ata. k h ;♦ ?.,. trWr. RISDON & HENMRSON 13 ij o o -es: - NE WnARDWARK STORE ! ! I ry F WOIX CAI1THE ATTOTTONOF TOK NJM.IC T to uur slocL ut ( ac-Jt k. cc bs-bï' a&_ rr ht SBB rXT S "W" JES SSS 9 IRON, STEEL, NA11.S, TIN, CO1TEJÍ, & SHEET IKON WARE. CHAIN AND &8TERN PUMPS, l'AIMS, OILS, GLASS, BRITAKKiA. UAliK, etc., &c, N c , iLc. And etery ktud of Hardware and House Furniahing AU t orl wi'.l bt ilrt as t'UlUl' a ui aay uiucr Es ublioUiueut in Viichinn. ft wc havo got th Best Assortment of Cooking P ARLO R AND J'LA Th II0" TUIS STATE, Acd will selltliem Choaper than THE CEEAPLST, naii oalï KuA ac uu. AH kin1 if tin ware kcft ou ParticuL&r atteution paid to all kiudb of (TJ 3TJ VT3 3 CD O2. 'r?r'T, ; Wbich vrill be done wltk NE A TNESS AND DISPh TCTL Plic cUaad ten our STOVIC R005I n ld story i( New Blütk. KISDOX i HENDERSQN. Ann Arbdr, Oct. 7, 1660. A Novf lty in the Art World ! Photograpby on Porcelain ! icurcil tiv lc!ttT paiem in t oVniíM Stateb, Ki)'_l:iilit Ki-HtiCf, ami li'-tv'iiim THE AMERICAN POHCFXAIN COMPANY No TSl Broadway. New Vork, havinsr iaoutwI thötro rel aal in0iio ü inntinn by Amer can ao-1 EEorop ;t;i patdOta, ;ire fa lijf prepuitü Lo ttxecute all t""r Likonessi's of Perrons on Chian, presenting al Ibeatiractivé #n'i Hnageou leatarea ofordiuary photoraptM, tli'b: tiAojr mi n watei'-color drawlng nul :v h'tberTo un;iti:un-l 'p'al y of liuruiii' tv, bv bfiog n-ii'lvn-il iiii;"'r baM6 i ; BH tur I proVerites ol 'llic un.cle-i uwu wjtc.i tln aittrantiferred- Afl'the patenled proces of tfcp Cmpiiny enaolea uie npradaction oí l'hotr-pr:ihs qú' on'v on plriin i-ur c s, bui apon su ii au are roamj r n nu ■ ai èè f irrmruïanty - purtrailsean le reprdurcl wltli RauUlfWi hccu rjy(DlifcíCA0jf0f lel'i'Atoii, up)n Porceaín wanof ity ilescrtpimu ütvl 'üin osutti usü i i arucliw 't Iu urynr nf hmi.-t-ti M utilily, Mich all LTrns,Vu3e8. Breakt'aaï. Oups.t'oil t Artic'cp.itc iheioby Becuiloa finihfttlpoFtraitftnd rurnKlijnft ui que ..d eiui-.iU' st} oí öiiiamentaliüD ol ari-c'' domeftiic i"-f. In order W t'urni-ii fciHtieK for gr:itificiiiifn o!" lli popuiftc taste, and to meet liewmJ erf thotfl ptrui ef tht Fine Arta desinms nf Inving Porrni! w I celaio, the ' Plllpanj hve iinpirtMÍ froni Kuropo :i o-. Iect!oo of inpenor prcclin {ondü, DWiOUfftOtured t tin bwo on er, wbfe i 1 h y wil ui c-i-l priw-Ah the AiiieriiMii Crtmp iny bWil i. f tli1 putm right, "'! chh q n'ntt) "uy hórhed Ui usp thf pn W8 th v bftve determïn 1 , in or Ier To nffortl Pople in ry seotion of the tJnfon au oppurtuulty. te iiïS-s Pi-r'raits on Cliinn, to nake the folkiwlng pro, osit.on io Kt-siaents in the Countrv, wlio Are nnabla to visit T Tsoii-illy the Ai' lir and Gnllorifft in New Veil; Pe'fjonn Beníiiojf a ohfltffraph, nnibro'ype, or daguerrtoijpe to the oifioe of tbe Company in Nw York, c ooiupimifd hy Five Dollars, wiïl receive in return by expres, free of other clmrge, A liclny o:narr.enLed Br'nkf:itt Cup aml Saucer, wit h the purtrait tnuifllVnvU u.crcüu. By truusmiUiu a üugiu-rreotyp? aad rJn lullare, thcy will receive in . A hnndftom F nol Vnp . r T.'it Articlo, , wi h ortrait ríproduce y the paient proo;. By icndinga pairui ddfawnpiyyn .tui Fittet n Dolltirs, they will receivo in turn A pa:r of riel Svres Vasci, wiih tb portralt exeoulwl q il to the na natura pnïnt inga ; MM in hU oUMUMTf puitruttd can reproduoed on porortato watei út Vnses of enry qimUty of finish, raiigiiitr tn price frim TwiTity to OtieHnndrcd Dollars the pair. N. il.- particular in wnüng th aiUin-, u'.vn, county au'l Stale distiucUy. Al letter to be adilre-setl to 'Manwfrr Amtri-an Phntugraphi'. Porr'nin C.o.,} ',i,:Z ibl Uruaaway, Nekw YuHK LOOMIS & TRIFP, Succtrisors to Chapín fc LoomiR.niulCliHpin, Tripp A Loorms 1M?. ahove flrm of Lcwmls & Tripp having purebawd the cutiré Lotcrest of tbe former compua1 will continue butlaeas a1 thcold ittiind here they will ready, ud tUeshortest aolice, to UU all orders iu the line of Castings ard Machinery, ín the most wot-kmnnllke m:inner, and on as liberal term a any other shop In th Ötate.Among th vmi ous articliínmniit'acturt'd by ua, we would enumérate STMAM ENGINKS of Allkinf; iill Gearfng and FJxtures, wroiigBtaad cast, allthft variou oátiñgs for maldng and repairlng Ilorse Powers t Threabing tiflebiues sucb 8R are at present, or have formo ly boen in une tn thli part oi' thi: Stuif, :is wol) is uil the nttioua kiiuls f caHtingh and machine rork oallfd fr by farmeri and mechanics inthin sCfitlon of ilu eoun ry. of alt the v.irinu.S pfttttTQA) U} in si.r.-. nnri prlCAfl. will b( kcj'i ci'ustiintly on haud, güt the luoht moikru and itnprovcd st vlei. HÜBBARDS WHOHGin IRON REAP1ÍKS & MOWERS. having comim'nced manufacturlnjr, tJns suiierinrMacliine, ingle aud -ne luimers nre invitod to culi and a peet men machine tiu) in our wart1 room, bofnre purcliAï-ingelst'where, bolieTioJ tbfti thlo niucliine ot-ed ouly to bf ■ nen to convince ilioimnicr tf irS SUPÈEIORITY orer theReaperrt nl Ifowwrlin thts market. Thankful for fermer patronage t'ttlienld Brtn. w wnuln solicit h eontlnuftnee from öM Mnd8, and á trial by all wisjiing fn :mv ihiiiir in our lincof ln:Hin LUUMIS ío TH1IM-. Ann Arbir,MT lSth, 1850. 97f Mo ney Wanted. Wlio will Leixl Monnyl IAM REQ0E3TBD BY 8ETEBAL PKR90K8 tu obtain müuey for then at ïenPorCont I itere st, (Or More.) Fur any one vvilling Ut U'n). I can nt D0C6 invpflt on good unencmnbfifd abnmtant IU.U. BsTATK fecurity an Humw of inoiioy aad auq thut thetitle and svcuritv :v!ca!. RIOHT. Tbo borrowcr payli.'gallcipon-'Od, iinhiilinp: rtconlinK. K. W. IIOIU.'AS, Ann Albor, Gct. 7.1 8S! 716tf 1000 Vests, Shirts and Drawsrs, For Ralcpbmip at GUITKKMMf & Co'i diíMTBAlUrAllNfc - AT RIayaard, Stcbbins & Wilson's Q ! : WE ÜAVE Afi.MV MTUNISHEIi ODR STORE WTT1 tLe mwi sy.-rn.ïld Stocli oi ' I i L. ooBS, : :lnt WAS cvnr offervd in ftny one MtftblUhmeut . :lm ëtatv, all íf w&ioh vte offer tor í LnJ vyuS tp uí vL LLJ J (iá? U ■ tslow as cau be ionr.i in the Uoion i We want Moncy i : i luí wijl mak : Great Sacrifices on Anyiliiu ; I wftlmye to obtAia iíf cot cxceptiog OLD NfTES AXD ÁCOO]}iU Wefrurdially iavltn i ALL CASH CÜSTOMERS tfl e-ill An eoraioe ouc Gooi!s and Pïioea. We al íaviU1 our ■ Prompt Paying Customers to cmo and bny thíír lappltot for Uo Winter. To tL' : líuhhiul uuvf. that are al'raid to ciU, we s,j tu tU?m, ;. 93BXjIj "S-o-w. TPBtEAí j A'ithout toneer waitü yfor higher prcí, come ín, ï=jau" XJ3P I oíd fccore, and thoa ;it uch priíoi a wilí ni ke p 11 Iorkcí. It la harii ticocösaary to caauiei ate our Coodti, t'or We have Everythiug A large aaortmont nf cARPETING, CKOtKEin DRY GOODP, MEDIIN'ES, GRüERIES, TAINTS, Oí LB. ÍTAT CAPS, BOOTS, Sil OES YANKEE NOTI0NS &c, &c,, &c. Oailil 50O OsumO; M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocatioii, For Human Flesb and Animáis. JN calllrifr the attentloi. '.f the PnMlo to t!i0N!o.l'clne. we wmilil shv that It haa hccn fully irU'il. un t Imndnrls wlio h use.l It. H]e:ik in tho mwt coinp'lnwiitary tcrrriü r lt wtwuU-rful otti-cts upmi Iluninn FU-kIi and ■ be brut,' cre;it!i)ti, iï ht fst pilninu' pil1ftrily. Wherever uscl íi i rceclvcd wïU tccai.isitn'm f joy, aiu] pronouncf'l .-■ Ik the tn-att-st iínn.'dy for AcbuSind l'ntns dveroffered Mtlia l'uhllc. Its m"Eerly ertVctí ov.t dlst-ane. wln-n appiled, píves it A ct'letiriry unMirjiwseI y aiiy extprnnl preparatíím now ín use. TI ie reforo v,c can -, iiti tlie uluiost. ooiifliWace, that the Ktnbrucatf p wtll Curo fthcumfttfxm. l iíurn-íindiScaMíi. Weakmwanf.ltrint fiweilirifpt and Tiimors lleinnrrholUsor l'llos, " Chnf.lalns, m Todthnche and ('hnipel llanda, LiabroetiO wül Cure )d lánren ml Ci snip, Bolla and Corna, " Ctractod MupcIm, Oailtüífail kind. H Kirie nnd Poli Kt, u Callón :md Stwvta, dnbrocatlon wlll Cuie and Sittvt. " PpringliHult ant f Wii) Pcmtehty or t:v.vv Exu-nml Pulaont, " Siind Crackc, - " Lamenta and Stralna, Snbrocatlon wlll Core Foumlereri Kect, u Manco ('rsuked Teata, OargTft In Cwb, KKt Rot in Mifpp. AdWIM. i. ., Marcii 9, 1ÍW. We, the nndfrBipmed, do ct'rtify, that we have hl M. W. Kawi.ry's Cklehrated EmiboOatkw. for Influnim torjt und (Jhrnnic iOieuniatiñiti, an) olicwrfully recommead It as the in -"i ri-itn'i! v we liave ever UM'd. J. M. Murri. M. D., JatllCT I, HewgOA, I W. Uwnentt. Orrin II uní, lelrr Kteni, S. F. (ïonid. J B. K(l)ÍnBn, f Proplitíitown. 111., : I etMTn Ik tbe beet Limnient 1 hsw ever known. It fffvwi uoiversái satStat'H ín, and I can u-tify to ita effícacy írum my owa jporlenfe. Maiuifattiire! hv M. W. HAWLKV. Auburn. N. T. C. N. TUTTI.K. Auburn. N. General Aijt-nt, to whora all nniers should be addresod. Bild hy all Drugglt5 and Mercluuita throoirboat Uw ountry. üí.u UJ MiiN.viii', & WL tN. Aun Albur, Mich . GOODS. ■ ■ ■ ■■ .Q ■ .- itICII GOODiS! CheapGoods! ! i i Q . i., .. BACH & PIER30N TTAVE JVST OPENfcP THE CIIOICEST STOCK _orF.ALL AND WINTER GOODS to bo found in tbis City, consisting oí GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN ! substnntinl and duiaule, GOODS FOR LAD1LS! GOODS FOR TIIE MECHAN 10 GOODS FOR TIIF. FARMER! DOMESTICO, STAPLKS, a'l Carefully selcctfd, Waranted to plonee, and for ale clicnp. BACH fc PIERSO Oclolx-r, 1SGO. "GStf ñpil E P EO UIA MAR fNËT&Fl RE ' X INSURANCE COMPAKY. OF PEORÍA, H.LlNOlfi. Capital, - - ■ $500,000; ■me of the HF.A VIEST, SAFFST tnd UFST Insuranco L)'n. in tbe U. 8 InmirfH m roiiionuble tor m, mlnlntav jtty ïiromjitt Trv ie M Hftor Pin? littnuwo? Ayer's Sarsaparilla A eompound remojy, designed to bo the most ctíoctual Alterativo thut can be made. It u a eqneentrated extract of Para SarsEpaiilln, eo comhincd with otbcr substances of stül greater alterativo power as to aíford an ciFletive antidota for the discases Sarsapaiillá' í reputed to cure. It U believed thst buch a remedy ii wanted by tliosc vho biifftr fioin Strumous eomplaint, and that ono v.hieh vvill accomplish their cure must prove oí' nninenso Bcrvico to thlfl larga class of our afllicted feUow. citizens. lloiv completcly tbia compound v 11 do it ha? boen proven hy experiment on mnny of the worst casca to bo 1'ou.ud oí Ike foüowiny conjplaints: - SCKOFULA AN'l) ScitorUI.OUS GoXtLhWtí, BltVl'TlO.Y AN'l) KiluI'TIVi; Pl.tB.V1ES ÜLCRTta, Pbll'LE, Ur.orcum, TuMom, S.u.t, llic.ui, Sïi'üit.i an-!) Syvhimtic ArFECTIOH, SlBtlOtlRtAr. Dnii.VSK, DltOPST, Nl!ÜRAWtA o.iTic DartfiouRKcx, Dmiit.rrT, Dvsrm-siv ani Indiqu tus. ËUVKVBI.A4, ltosn o St. Antuony's Fiiib, an;l indied til? wholo ciaiiof coinplaiiiu an-in from Impüihty oí : TUli lil.OOl). Tbia compoünd will b; {bimd a grent ' motor of lu-alth, whsu tttk.'n in ths Rpring, to cxp.-l thí ibul huinoi-.s which f.vt;r ín tha Moo.l at that ncason of ths y.ur. liy tli3tim ly expulsión of thjni many rankllñg di -oidor? are nippjd in tha bul. Multitud. can, by tl3 aid of tilia remoJy, spure thema.'lvja fro:n th- enduranej of fuul eruptiona an.l ulcsrom sores through wliich thj nystem wiit Btfivs to rid itidf of coru-.)tioiH, ifnot OisitUd to do i thii through tho natural chaim.l of th; by au altonitivo madicin's. Clsátua out tha vitiated blood hensvor yon fia 1 it umpuritie burstiiii throuh tliL1 skin In pimples, eruptjpnfli or sorc; claarnj it vh;n yon üiul it ii obstructJtl and sluggUU n tlu v;íií; el jan j is whensv.T it i( foul, and your fjeliiigi trill t;ll you whan. I2ir;n whvc no particular di -ord.T ia felt, peopb enjoy kittor hcalth, aa.l livj lona;ír, for cbausing tlu biood. Kwp tho blood healtliy, and all 'u well ; but wiUi thia pabulum of lifj, timo can b no lasting hsalth. Soon;r or later sontïthftv ' must rt ronj;, aiul th? great irtachiuery oí life ti disordoreil or OTerthrown. Sarsaparilli h:is nnd dïscrvJS mnoh, tlio reputatio;! of acoomplUhing thoja cnd. But ÜiB World hai been egrojrjously dociúvcd by preparatiom of it, paitly bréame the dru; alone hm not all ths virtue that i.t claiincd for it, hut morj bocau-e many preparadoin, pretendin to bs concentrated extracto of it, conta'm but littla of tho virtue of Sarsapaiilla, or any thing díe. Duiing latj yeara tho public havo boen misled by laigc bottles, pratendbig to givj a quart of Extract of Saraaparilla for oiu dollar. Mo .t of the.ij huv; bjLii (rauili upon the sick, fur they not only contain little, if any, Saraparida, but ot'tcn 110 curativo propcruud v.hatcvcr. lI.UL-f, bitter aiul pauiull disappoiiitmcut lias followctl tho uü of t!iu variou extracta of Sarsapaii.l.i which flood tha mórket, nntil tho Sanio itsclf i ju-tly dospüed, nud has bicorne ■ynonyinoiM with impo iïiou and chcat. Still wc culi thid compound Sarsaparilla, nnd iutend to supply Kuch a remedy ai shall reacue the uamj from tlio load of ubloquy which rests upon it. And wc thiuk vj havo ground for bjliuvin it h:u virtuej whieb aro irresistible by the oidinary run of tho di eascj it i i intendcd to CUT2. In ord.r to secura thcir complete cradicatio:i from tho systim, tho rotuody should bo judieiously takcu according to diroctionj on the bottie. rUEl'AREI) EY DR. J. E. AVEI5 & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Frlce, 91 per bottie t Sii Boules for $3. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has won for itself such n. reiiown for tho euro of evcry variciy of oud Lmig Cumpl i;it, that it is entircfy unnabweary for iu t recouuttho c vidence oí its virtuc.i, wnerover it h -m been cinplüvod. As it hiia long been i;i constant usc tUrbughnut tin sectíon, we nccd not d inoro llum assure the peopte its nuolUy is kopt lip to the best t ever hns heen, nud th.'H it may bo relied on to do for tlieir relief uil it Uua ever bceu fouu d to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pilis, pon tü ctrr.i: o? Coslicaiat, Jcumtüee, Djipeptia, hulitjctfion, Viientcrif, Fmi' Slomaah, lirgvlpela, leadache, Ptlety R'icwnn.tism, ISrHptions-otxlSkut DtMOSts, Limr Complaint, Dropstj, 'J'citer, Titiaora and fait Rfumm, Worini, Con', Xet-"Htlyia, as a Viimer ril', and for Pw-ifjinj the Blond. Thcy are ntgar-coated, s" tli;it i)ie maat sensitive ca: t.iltP tlion pliNiwuitlVt nml they aro the best apcrient in the woilJ for all the purpuses of a f miily phys'O. Pri33 25 ceaU per P03 ; Hva bo=33 for Cl 00. GreotrmmbcraofClorn.vnien, P.hVMCÍ!ms,State' men, and ominont pomonafces, htvc lent ilitir names to rertifv Ihc tini:ir tllcled iisffiilne-i of theso remedies, hut our sp:ice bcre will not pennit the lnsertion of them. Tlie ÁRents belAw nmncd furnish rratisnur Ambuii:s Ar.M ISAOin which thcy aregiveu ; with n ftill dnsrriptioiis of Ihc almve compl lints. :iiil the tieatment that sliould be follow,'(ï fir thoir cure. I 1 not bc p'it olf !v unpvincinie.l doiU-rs with othcr jrt'):irations they muko more protir on, Deinaiul Avr.u's, nnd take no otliers. l'he i'!i w mt the Ijcst uid tliero i. for l!ic:n, ana thcy Sho'ald llave it. AU c jr remedies are for saie by . ï..ij n.M.i.t WI1.SON, flind iy ijl Druiigisi nivii DeaU-rs evrry.lierff. J. 1UHI.1I L Tnv fni! Aprent,. L" ._..:. ■ - - -="-- Ax at crien t St mach ie pr'jnraiiou ofTïlQN purioi '1 m Oxi geo and Cari ■ . .. in Hydrrv1 c ii(..i.i'ii ' v the iiifüu'st Menical Auiliorttie, b Mi in Ku n'jiv aud the L'nitr'l Stálésanü prescribe! in their pntci ice i be et ]■' ■ tem f t tonnandn dailj prove tl;ai do prejpi;;iii. nor Iron au le cemiiuen wit h i' . Impuritïpd f tin blood, deiii ■ uns of vital vnrfy, palé and othör .vise aickl.i complexión indícatcti it.i necennity in almost ■viTv cuneen ; i . i ■ cak Innoximts iu ñu ..i;il;i íes in whlch it bas been trici1., Lroved .-ilwUitely curativein each ui the folio wng Iti Ï1-11 l!y V(ivim nVrUoMi, TCinni littiDD f 'J1M IMi, niiitifpniloli Ini-rltcrti. l)j-ii (r■ y . lm Ipltrit Oi vunijt ion . Strl"ul us In. b--r nïo-I-i. Pnk Renm AlismtnftfUhn 'hut Chforoëh, tlw Oimplafnt: Ckrmic. adnrhef, tftn'f maliimt, futtnniUrnt I'.ko-, Pimplegon 'hr Focr. c. In ca -oi GknkkiJ kuii.iiv. wheilior tlierflsull ufacutt , or of the eunttnutd rtimínutihn ol iwrvotia dná muscular energy from clirnniv xpnaplftiois, otfe irinl f tliis ruMtoraüve baa proied sucee? ui u au extcut whicb no Uenci iption norwrittcja att&ttAtfon wuuld ronder oredible. Invalidi sn loug bwi ridden aa to bavi hec'ine forgotten in Huir own neigbborhoodi, have ud■ieii'y r6app6sr(d in buv wm -i-l as If Josi returued (n ni prnliacle1 ira'vel In o dlniant Isnj Poíno very i nal (rfutaDoeii of i his kind are attesiod of female uffifrers, hiácíafvd viciims (f appai"cn1 niaramus, itanguineout extiaurttioD, crltiíal changa?, and t.hat com plica t oc of Lervoua and dvitppptic avtrsion to air nniï e,e.:i' foi whicli thephysician luis no tí: me. In Nervoch Aotciio.vs f all kitwls, and for reaftonfi f;i miliar u taodical inn, the npenttion of tins preparo turn vf IfOU ni i--! ii ■fi'-i.-nnlv hc siihiMifv, fr, tlie old xMcs, itirtffigoron Jr tonic without belng tclting md ovcvl.i-atiuir; aml f-nttv, ir.-uln i ly nperient, even the . nn'it obstínate canee of coüttrenetti t!nnit peu beinjrá gasi i mi 'u;itif, or i i) tl ir t ng ;i diAgfectt-bif sensatioQ. ! It is t mu íatter property, itnittne oiÜerH, wWch nmkes it so 'markíibljr' effectuH l no l p6rtna ucni n. romcdjr for ƒ i .-t : üpnn b hert it also apjteai s lo pmti ii dMtlnct un! upe ! ciöc iction i'v difijXírsing tliy local toodency trlttoh formi ! tbcm In Dvwkpsia innumerable ji atoits cfiusos, a ainplv bos uf tlu'-p rhalybcute l iü- liave oftcn sntïic-1 lor tlu vhqaX hiiuitual ctmeé4 i.iclu Hug lbo attemlout Costiertp.-'g In unclifH-kril DlARRiiou, oven when advanced to Dystn te.ry ooofiroiM, cin.n.'Kitiii and appatootlv niiilinaiit, effect havttiff i-m equaliv decisivo and ustonínhing In the loc! paius, loss t ñesh and ftreiigiit,debU!tat{ng coQffh, anl it-mi'UMit licctic, whicli generalij indícate luripirui Owêumpiion, ui Kovoral very latiiying and iutereUoR in-'a cA. In Sc-tifn!oiis Titbcrcnatniit hn mediCfttod Iron has ha-I 'ar m ro than th' gno i utTectfl of the mout cautlous ly bilinc"l prepara'lonn o( iodine, wtthoat any of aoelr well known Rabllitlea. Tho iilti'iiti'in if cannnt beton confiUnt!y invited t thls remedgnwi rtstorotite m tho omob peouïiArlv alfectincr tin m hi tihr.umnn ■!., both ohronlo and nflammatory - in tlie latter, hwei er, more deoido'Uy - it lms bren invariable weli roparted, bulh aftfiUeyifttlnfi pao and ic-lucing the BwollfnaMnd HtlfTnosso) tUejomt and ffiuseols In InUrmiUm'. F'rer it musí O9C ftuidlv a gwat remeily and onvrgetic rotorative, and ita prnffrefu in the ner seillt-mciti-. l il.r Wwt, wltl probabtv bc one of high reQowii aii'l ufiofulneft. N rvmedy h& pyr boen dweoverod in rhnle bttory of mt'licin1, whicli exacta 8uoh prompt bapny, anj íully reiterativo elTects unod apptjie, coropLolQ .i geitvor. ropid acq liritlon if trength, with an unuHcal di-]Oflitnn fur active and cbeorful oxurci.-e, inunedlately folio W ..- Put up in nent (Int nidal bnxes containing M pïilfl, pric í'O con tu per box; for aio bv drugjDats and doalors; Will ba -'T,! e t.t any (uHreR or recetlrt of the jinco. Ml lettere, order. t'te.( Hhould bp ndlrtitBed to 11. lï. LOCKEt&Cö , Reneml Ac ■ . , 477yl ■ ■ IVuahviiv.N. Y. H?iritd A.9SÖ01 .tioa, Piiilaielphia. A Btnsvotent Tntitttlon tsiabVsl rd hu si-edal eml u-men for the rrlhfftf rhe S;-.i; and stnsar.ttl, njlicteti r'h Vinimt and Fpfdttmir, DÍears, and espfuüly for ffiñ Chtc nf DiêMët fiffhe sxual Ör% ?, bifipensary firm tm patiënt tn aUpartonftht Uuitot ütatm, VALUABIJ REl'ORTVonsperniHtfirrhWH.nnrtotberrHaeaaea al the Sexual Ontnnn, in. on tho NfclW RliMKIHKd emctl, eut i; Hm niBioed m wealed onvolopoft, frcjl of c.h;u' e. l'wo or three. S .-■;■ bo uil) tf Oentable. IfíT AiM:v[)n. J 8KILLINH0ÜGHT0N, Actlng sur LOO0 lluward A&ftcjiitiou Nu 2t0Utb NiiHh Snei't . 1'imIitl.tii:i., THtiyl 1000 Fine Overcoatsï For Sule Clieap nt (Uil. R MAN OO'S. GaEAT.GREATER GREATEST B A. KG &IKS EVEK ( 1 ] ] 1 ] 1 1859. iQisra Iu tilia City, :irc nnw heing nfJVveil ut t!:?. CnEAP.CLOCK, WATCH, & Jo w t)lry &-tojr&'MIV- rihbscribT wouMany to thcitizTP Ann AiI bor i mrtH'iil'ir. im1 th' r'-t of Vjht''n;iw ■Vun" in cpihth!. üii lit'hn'juet IMPOUl'EO DlRJKCTLV fr'ini KOUOPK.i TromenslouB Stock of WatchoeJ M, oí wliich hr rr-n ruKM'V.R Iban !"■ Nottahl wrrt1 of Npw Yoik C'ty. f)pn Fca ("yiiuiti r WntubM imm ' to #]o do án Levar d' rio to 21 ülititing (o do lo 14 Ml 3': .i.i Ho Cyllnder do do 9 to 28 CJoM Wütehei from 20 to 150 1 1 are Uu me klkhkateo AMER'CAN vV ATOIIES, whlcfa I w"l "Ml Itr &3". Rrary Vv atch warrantod to pei iui tn we 11, or mon,y rtfunded. jowflry, Plated Wr, Faney Qoodi GoW Pen, Música] Icistramt'üts a-i átílng, tïit)c-ryt A-e.. and In fnt nvnricty of evi-i y nfri uminTly t'%l by Jcw tl')r can he -uühtt'o1 hu neSfl nio'-ty ut T'ic O W N J' 11 I C E R ! l'ereone buTinu hi, thintr Ht thiíi w 11 Vnown 6ftftb li-o.ow di h:i r-ty u;nin y ilidg good' xnft n renrrwnt d, f'T thuiüii'-y rt-tun Á d, Ca atly and té un tlif best barsaloa crtr offered In ihl ity One word in regard lo Rfpfliritig1 : VV nr )rc('r'H to mak anv n n_r o? fim nr rommoñ U'n-'-li'H. Vi t t" ni kit) ff C er the ei-prc i h, 1 iifci tnry. ltri.irmj I h ka ul o .liwt'ry a' susl. MfO tHe miiffutuiii p J KINüs Kil ■(" H-, ir Huy'tii'iK iltHtroH, 'rom tuit" rui old Oh ih rt no ■',-. Bncnüna i lliu irttnchi-:sf. uti wil ut i.'-(ie and übRt'h, J Í V T1S. lm nj, .T n. & PM. W ■ W HOK AC E W 'l ERS; 4 " E ff t 3 3 il r o ft 4 ÍV:á J , N i iv Y o r k PublUlicr of Nu Ie m.t Buoks AW DKA1.F-K IV Pumos, Melodeoni, Alexnnrïrc Orans Urgfln Accoríieí'n-, Murtín'H ceiübratea miil othVr GTiiitnnt, Virtlirt, Tufior Viols, V-ioliiKteHoft) Accordoonp, Fluiinus, Flutes, FilVs, Triangles, Clari ifiottje, Tuninjï Poi-kn loipes uiKiHnmmeri, Viiiïn Bwí, bost Ittiiian BtrinÉ, Btifl Tustninionts for Band, Piano Stctols, anH covei", :md ill kinds of Musical Instrumente. JE íl o o t 1VX xx S i o, t'rom uil the publishra in the ('. S., BertinlV Hantln'a, ind Miniem tíohool, and all kind of Iastrnotiop Boolw :'or the abnvt? imrtnnjKMdtrt; ("hmch Hum c tVmkfe; Musie clcgantiy bouaüj niuic paper, an'l all kiuds of Music A t t heLowest Pvices New t i a ti o a At $1T5, $eoo, 32$, $?50, and up to (. P"il, H;ni'l l'iaiK-K frum $-5 up to 160 Xew Heiodeons, $45r CO, $7ö,$10i lid up lrt J20Ö; .--pciin'l H.unJ MptoAeooti frm $o0 to $80; -lex;indreirirniis, rlth 6vetpf. $160, iiineftop, S1S5 and t-"-.r: ijijtieenatopa $■ 51, ö-Tó :in-l SiüO; ürtci (itopH4 $S20 and SííT6; . liberal diftconni to Cleiyraen, ihurch( ínobalh PcIiooIk, eroinaríea and Tachorp. The lr:i(ie suppüed at the usual trmle dueoupffl TesUittOiital Öf he Hornee AVntcrs Planos .iii ?tc.i(Icoii:. Jolm Ilov.-f-tt, of Cm-Umi;-, Ni'w Vork, vrhn bas had of the HoiactVTatern Piemos, vrUi folhvws: - "A Wond of mine nrluboKme topurchase a pía do or her, Shi' Ltkee the one yiö gold me in IVcmber, 185i. lv piafto u beeomiDg popular. In tlfin pi ie, an'l 1 thinlt I can iiiiio luco one or tf more; they wïll bv mure popa,r ihac niiy other mak." have Iw,i of Wntcvrs' l'ianns in soin ourScmi. unrv. one of whlcli ha bwn neveiely festen fnr thrtv pvftñt. and re Mti slify to thelr kom qnÜty aul durai.j; ,'- Wi A S: Qrufforjr, Moun Carroll, UI. H, WjittT-, Eq. -I vak sik: Havihg u'l onoof yonr l'.aiio ];oi-ifs fnr tjVoyeaw pat. 1 harp fonad t i wry fittperior ItBtrumrnt. AlrtVRO 6ïaT, Principal Bmohtyn Tfriehts Semmnri. '■The Pianu I cpceived t'rcni yon continúes tn piveyntEsChcUud, 1 wgardit Mono oltlio itrwi instrumente intlie E8 U CtARKK. harltMon, Va. ïho MeljMleon han safely arrl' wi, ! tv.-i oblji tn ynu :' i ftyr l-r:il dÏPCOUnt." Kcv. J. M. MtCoKiiick, ïarq'.isrihiS (7. 'ilie. jh DO was duly rorcived. Itcamf in cxwiirnt ciMilitiun, md is v(ry imich aliniri1'! t ipy numorous lüiiiily. Accept niv thun] fnr ynnr prom pttteái.: KoíÍkkt ConFKK, ffltrrenham, Bradjoed Ca. Va. m' ; 'Vour [inú oleases q wejl, it in--r nne ín our , ciutTv."'-Tn im;is Latiiam, ffimpeUtnv t Ga. 'We are ver,1 much oWijwltoyow fnr lui vine fot MCll :' ftlie in'riiniiïllVfor ."k)."- ltlfAK,llKI.n ÍC Co., Bujfalo Ih-m crat, ' l"he Hrac watern Pianware known ha anionx the vt-ry bost V are enah,lOT to -i'ak nf he nstrnments witli ennfldenco frrtm personal knnwleAcp of their eKcellPDt ton? and ilnmhle ifoalitjr.' - 19. Y. CvanreliM. "We c.iii fipeuk f the merïts t" the Horace W iters pianos trom pjTHonal knowledjce, ;i Iwïog the ?ery flnefli quaïi :'."- Ckriztian IrteHis rnCer. "The Horace Water pmmis aré ouilt rtf the het and modi thoroughlj naoped matorini. Wehienodoubt that b.iyrs san flo as iro41,pi4ipH beítvr, t t hint han al anv otherhouse in the üalon." - Advocóte and Journnl. vVateN' piftiios -■ii'i raelodenns cliatLense -"marison with the ftueöt made anyhore in the country."'- ome Journnl '■Horace Waters1 Pi)no Fortefl .tr of full rich and ovoa t.!.:i-v p-.rf il- .V. Y. fxsicnl toton. '-Uur friends ft-ill fiml at Mr. Waters1 tfore the very besi ,sMiiinMii of Mnsic and of Piano tftba Found In lbo United Siati'vuid Wa -tt! thern and western i,, bhn a cali wheuever they go to New Yorli." Graham' Altiaaziiie Warchouse 333 Broadway, N. Y. Sa b ba t h S ch ooi Bell. 104) ooo Issveti f n ten Montlis. The unprwdentod ale af thisbon!; haa induced the publishfr to aW mine r:) nei tonwand hymiw tn itn prt--t-iit SÍW, ftlthOUl ftr;i ciiaryf, cxci'i't mi lhPChApediI tion Amme many beu ut if ui tna and h miu added. i may be foun-1:- "1 oñgbt to love myinoiher;" "OIll be a ood cliUd indeed l irlll." Theneand ijrlit otheni frbm the Bt'H, wer riUnsrki tbePdnHay Sobool Atuur fctry of the M. K. Chore at the Acadmy nf HoMo, with proiit applauw The ttell em taUnn many üOO lunea and livninsiiivl is one of the best clletums pver lsued Pi ■ ■ 13c; $1" perhundreiLporta4c 1 U-pnnily boute], embojified icilt, .5c, $_0 per 100 lt ins ln-cn introducod i oiiny nf the Public School. the e is publftthed In ithwll numbum eatlÜM A nelversa v and SuivlaV School Mnsic Bonks, Kos. 1 , -, 3, 4, in urtier t ajKuinmodate the ípsilon; pricfi í- Üí pet bundred N'o. 5 11 sonnbe Uxuèd - cumineneeinehi oi another boqk Mso, ReyjTal Husic Booíb, N" i v -'. price Í1 ft $2 Pr loo. pitxtage lc. More than 300.001 copis ii' the abore boflke lmT4 boon (moed the past elghteen mouths, aud the drinand israpi.llv iticrt'aintr Publtthed bv HURACK WATKP.S, Auront, 333 Ür.adway, N. Y. 33"o70p 3VIxxio, Publised by Hoi-ace Waters N. 333 Broailuiiy, New Yoih. Vocal. ''Kind Word can nover díe;" uThe Angels told me ao;' "W;ids of the;"! "ThÓugbta of (ïod; ' t i;.v.i me back iny ifountain Bume;" wDaj nrcamm" "DandyCock Roblo;" 'Tm irltn thee still; rPet namen;" There's nn darilng llkft mine:" "Saiafa JaneLeè;' "Ever of thee:" "I'm Iimtíiij? thee in 8orrow;' 'Mlirdof Beauty;" ''Home of our blrthj" "Gava i.i Bosabel,1' and 'V:iki, ladv, wak(-, ' price -5c oach. lNSTKf.MKTAi. - '1'aiaft' ;:iniii, or cÍiiGring Hirrt Polka, 40c. "Swininfif Schóttischt;" "Mirabel Pchff. t M}h: ' 'Tilomas iíakr's Scliottwche;" "Piccolomini : Polka, 3! cents eacti. The ttboeniecO hare beau tifujl Vignettee "Welmw Polka :" "Arabmn Wai oryMnrch,? ■ the. very In i ; 'iVaHHOvia pxm I krnkilU Uaturkfl ; uRea 1- i ni !''dkH;'' '■Crinoline WlHl " nnd "l-Tncci"1 (na drïl]e("-;nc each. ''Tbr Smpireof Relch'a Quadrille:" a in-w dance, and 'The Hibernian QuadilUe," R6cch. ' M:u.y of Ihèw pïec are playad lv HakerN cetbrateíl i orebest ra with grtat applruse.flTJ" M.iik'd frec. A ; large lut of Foveign ñasfe :it half price. The Horace Water Planofi and Melodeotw, for denth, purily of tonp find lurahility, are iiniirpass-M. 1'riees ímv uw eonpd 11. uv! Planos md Melodeoua from $ 5 to $150, Mmic and Musical ÏIWtTiietlóiM of all kinds, al the lowest prices. U0RA0E WATEB-S. Anont, No, 3:í:í lïroadwrty.V. V. ThNTiMovuri:- 'The Horacc Wüters Tiaitos are known na among tiie best.' - Fvowetitt. "WVean jeak of tiietr nn-ritn from personal knowled;e." - Chrhtipn hxtr.lutrcnccr 'Xothingat the Fair dlsplayed greatcr excellcuco -"- Chitrrhman. Water' Piunos and HaSoöeonl cï'-m With the flBMt m.tde anywhorciu the countrv." - Ilomê Journal. 7l9tf - Irving's "Works - National Editiou 'I'IIÏS Fino Kdition of the Works of WraOTOH In I vixo (includtug the tife ol VVanhingti n), wilï be pubMi ud lor STTBSCRTBERS ONLY In MontMy Vohinifs Pnce $1.50 Pagable oo Dflivery. lïpantifully PrfDted on heavy KiprrQná ppW, of th i v i.,--t quality, and HuVrftanliaU; bound n beavj bi-voib'it boar-ls. 'Jj'Eiich Volume illuat rated with VignettCí on Steel and Woed LJ KnickerVncker's New York, Sketch Bonk, Cloth. '.i umuuo, .'i vols. bri.ige Halt, Astori:i, Tul of R Tr.ivd.T, i ' ;: . on Wiricetla ny Tapt. Bonnet ' !■■. Oliver Qold.-nitih, i Mnhmnrt '4 vul. I Grenada, Alhambr. yolt"qrt'a Roo=t, Llffl of Washington, 5 vols. Ralmaffundi. This ediliou wilï be snld BXcrrPivnr.v lo Subscribir.' and tf ill be ffTMt lyiuper'oT to anyevcr bofora Innedi- A veiy han Isome sel of tliy-e univer-; popular work. Ín vhiiM i'lacud witiiiii the u nns of all. G. H. PUTNAM, Agt., Publteher, 115 Sa-iAau Btroet, Nc-v York. 3ST03W SOTÓLE 1 ftlEW GOODS! i The 0Jti7?ns of Aun Albor, Mich., and viciiiity, m ir. i loi'iucd tlií.1 i A. & C LOEB II WE OPENED A TS'EW STORE aád etockM it cntirríy wiih NIAV GOODS, cnpcially adauied lo tbe commg RQaon mid selecta! triU) carj. Al (he Cleveland Cfolhiiig House tVill lc fuunJ QverytblUfduinblQ .ind neccasary for -al tbe- LO WEST MA 1ÍKET PIíICE-. Am wo are rVtermi-iel to OIAfc or Bto popular, an'1 tu bÁavuiM tbf pu-jlic that uus Ij Ujo CHEaPEST STORE IN T II 23 STATE ! OUR STOCK OF READY-MAÜE CLOTIIIXG ! ís minio up in tlio II A NDSOMEST MAN NEB -fiT- LATEST STYLE GOODS! JEvery atteniion paíd to Cut and Fit ! Ve have Hkewise próettrwl from flrst claas hoasea a fine aríHorlnu'tit of II ATS, CAPS, Trunks and Carpi-t Bags, FUBN1SUING GOODS d-c,, de. AU or whicb n ofler at ASTOXISI1ING LOW P1ÜCES ! Our fücihtie.-j for precuring Geoda on The Most Favorable Terms and from the % Best Housl's in the East AK.2E UNSUBPASSED, an 1 all wc ask of vrho want giwda is to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ! ! and saïisfy themseives that ive sell tho Chrapest nnd best ííocr's. A. & C. LOEB, Bonlli of the Park. a Tfftfaotm ireat'of Ci'ok's ïliite;. Hurón S.rwt, Ann Arlw r Mich. 7C5tf City Oheap Lumber Sash, Dnors fili', ''laster Paris, Grand Ui ver llastcr. Water Lime. Nndls of all sizes, Glass. Paivt and l'utty, i&c. tfec , D. DeForest, H AVINO incroBBfíi ht t"irilitie6 or 'ioiig huinPfrP 4,1') BDlrgnd lii Yard aud -t.k,is prei'iut'd the prefiní tJon, witb tl hpj lagesi 'trirt rhfR Oëi WBitwnpn atck verin thl mirktt to ant1iy tlie reMOBabl' dxrtoutfrton# ti u. Oui móttn is n'M t" h und'TPoM'nr cueh o leüvrry 1 wlll nol 'ifil'rtHk tofrtgbiPitttiF'pttMIr bv iftylng thnt th'-y wil I ifni shnvcH il 'K''y nu lr ■ prc-unn' ihat otlierr sí1ic11r1ow they can üffnrd tü. All kinds of ThnTier, JoistsJ nnd ScaQjtUogj IMnc, Whitcwood, lïasgwood, Hom I.M'k Planed and M?.tched Pine, 'Wlxite-wood .ah looi-ing. l'lnupd tnd r'niL'h Plneand Whltwpod idlnK Fnc i'oiu. ti.K ;md i'filHi and l'icket ol II kindi. {Jinf í'atl), aníi UHjitcivooïi L .0 l'tii'1, XgU an"i VVhltewooil "'blngliVi Barn Boards and Barn Flooi Plank, KlnekWi ..ut.irnl 'h rr ml tliin -tuH, vVacK hïk LSUGCY AXI and TONGUEti, l!o xnd linily ■.unliiT.M'ii'li' '.Of Tiinbwr, Ilii kor , Oak, Ash, Blm, Beech, Uf iï(;ÜicltOöft,wittlM andleiuitb, Ac ace, JMashr Paiis. and Piaster olxllkimia. IVCTiVÜIS Ol all izf, o., 4.C., SAS. DOOUS.A BLJfDS, 'nudo hy hii rul to o 1 luw hs ttu'iin y pi icee. on tho liorti!stntitke bythf best o) workmen and Best Seasoned Lumber. Biltf otal' 'ieajripMon in the Hhov1 building line furnishedonthf-h irN'eioi notfer tor We have MHh Cutting llezularly. A ful' and perluct mtorlinciii ol ihe above and othcr kind ol tSuilding Materials CoiiRtanliy on hand ai th liwest p.issihlc rates Call and be Convinced. A few rotis .tnuth fmm li. Depot on Detroit Strft. Ann Arhor, Mw.h li f) O F r N O. N.B I amnow operating Extensively in the Pateat Cement Roofing. Ann Arbor Marble Woius. o i;fcele & Vandercools. I AVE on hanii a fine ansortracut of Aonncan and 17 A L I A N 3ÍAÍBLE wliii-h they arfl pivpared to manufacture irilo liONUMENTS. UJSAÜ STORES, TOUR TABLES, TABLE Ï'OPS c, Ac, fec., Ac , n all thcir varicties, and in a WUEKMANUKB manner UaTiDg h.trl consi.lcnible pii-ri ■ in tb bn-in-Ihcr flatter tbÁmslvB that they win bo ablc to pleuc all ohu ra.iy lavur them ttb tiieir onierf. Thcir pnces are an LO W AS THE L O WEST, riio?o wishinir anr thinc in Ihpf 'nü are reivclf.illy In liud t.. eaU ElflELK VANUBU5UOK. o Arbnr. 8ept. 88, 1860. '.rl gËYE and ËFT. .' EIÍ F. A.CAD'ELL, SÜE Ol'EJfTOIt (N TUK KYK AND "ÍAR. For Doafiiew. Blludne, nnd all defect of Slght and Hen Ing. Dn C. REIN1' A REGULAR FhyioUn,wlth TWENTY YI-AU ' exclusivH pniclice in thu tri'aimcnl of dacases oftha EYKÁKU EAR, wil befouqd jualiBett tQ givo relief or cfTcct a cure in :.ny c m H ithin l!i: reacta i)f hum 'il kiil. iVd r.hnrgt tin ctainlnuilon ar an opin ion . or fitr uiisticfcsxfiil eerziers. Da C.'s Tkemuk üü tuk KvK ax Ear, of 300 pp., boutaiob rafrranoMi Testimonial, I e-cr irüonof Jim.:.-■-, (■:.,. nn't othrr imp. r-oni m.ittrr. llus:r.itl witb hut, to be bad fri hv "" r'" , ' " postage A.Wies Dr. Cíuweli., 03 Randolph blwet omtrPiaborn, Ctilctio Hl. ifivo Kct.ioiiibli! :uid ll rt AgCUta rpilHorcriOl'T tbc Unt Btairk, to linin re wfl 1 pay a alnrv of irom 2n ti $rOper montli and e.xpeoe. TUIS 18 XO BÜSIBÜG. For partieulan, ad■ Irtui (inclotiing lU'd Stamji, for rctura postag,) or i ppW jn normen Vq TWvma mi? 0,aK, FbTmwn, Sfem, Attacluneut Notice. QTATE OF IHCHIÜAK , Circuit Conrt for the Ounky of Wahtfii:iw. üeorgv H. Gooper. Williara D. Tuompton, ftnd urnumin Newklrk, v.., Jim ThieUoo Hnllip Krm-wt i mi PliilHp i Wt'sin-ii. 'ltle notic thatontbe kjBih dny ol October A. i). 1&ni, a writ o{ Altacliment iraaisstted 'ul of the C.rcuit Court for ibn Cuuu y ul Wiuíhte aw, State of .Micl-igan , iu f;iror of the above uamed PlaíutiOa agiiniiHwiii Ihú-Uon and PhilUp KrminiT, two o i" Ihu 'ibovc i::un-ii efen lunU l"ir the uní of Tbroe ThouKund Bre bundrad and xUty dolía re, wlllcll sukJ rit a re i urna ble on th 'Üd Jay of OctODcr, A Jí. 8"0, ,tt iu o'elock ni thi forenon of ail da . By Hu' teUira énooned on uM writ it ppOitTé that "-ro]n;rlv hna lx'u att.ichcí b" virtue thvvof iad tliat -lili-, coull 001 bé !"i j 1 .IwHN.-ON A: llk.ÜY, Attya. fur l'lamtiff. DateO, Otvbor 2tHh ISttO 7726 Mortpage Foreclosure. T7 BERRAS (IHüult hit bcpfi mlc a tlm pnvment of kl ■ .ni hi.m "i tm -tji-y , eecumd U be paid br a cerLain I u lenture - ■■ arla ilate lite tweñty Ofth ):iv of April, i 1). i85ó, execiited ljr Henry J. MUU-rauá ,..,■ to ti i II )].■ v ::■ , uü'l Cordcu W thfi fffiw of the ii-'i. ■:■ ut i redo in tli County ot" WnMcnHw mul -late ni 011 Ihi Uii-lM y-!niirtli riay tú Muy of kkí1 vi-ar, i n Líber '1 ot MnrtgaL08 OD folio M ,ih her mu said crt:ijrc wa-dtily aflfgnttd ln me ('fi tlic sixtb day .rs.-ptciniMT, . I) 1805. Ií? tli uit Levi H BarDm. H'hicit Htii iisiMnn'iii was áuly reeorded in tii oflicw oj tbo RegMer of 1 puda in the ( ouuty of Waslitenaw afr ad,ihe 13tlnl;y of ."eptemlwr, A. I , 1800, To IJb.-r 't oí Mortgagef on Mió 6 0;&nri trbtfttea, therc i nfw dus id iin;.tiil Apon wüi] ';[ hum f threft huodre laúd ni'U'ty ilin-c ollara ao'l forlythrw centK (S3i3,4ö) ; iii'i no snit ot i r. at luw or in eqiitty búflny ttct-n in itïtlUted t" rc 'Vi ;■ ti. -iih-. or any íart (lie rof; Nuw . therefnrc, m .;'■ ,. hcroby givín that by virtue of a pover ni sale in u 1 Ikforlgkge a n'aiind, ,d Haturtly thel(UxcU) of 1 eccmber i.ext ai tuvolveo'ctock, II ,t i lie froni (uutfi) looTttf the Cuunty ' ourt ícu-ct in tb í i v of A;m ArbT) í'ouiry anl .ifit afoncaid, tW &id Court House íeing tbo place tfüoWiag the CfrouItCftuVt iü aml for t?aíl ''oaiity of Wavhienaw) , 1 shall hfllat íubtic-ttUCiJOtt, to tbe bJffhest lí"ll-r, Úie hhícI Mortjjngftd )remiflei% or a much fheroof as shall be necewary to ,.,-iy sátd Hmoant de, together wth interest trom thü ilaic. ;m I thc coit and xjicnsfa of Mte, UovroJ by Ín, ■nid ijrcmiscs beinj; descrflwd fta follows. to-wit: Aífl lha4 ei ruin tract or paroel of wv situatcl in the villano uf iline. Connijr anrt tule aforesaMi lying n1 being ir soctinti nvmfcr i!ir--(í (i ) ..í bil(] Sswá i ti the Villaffo pial ota.(Ui Villugt', böing in L'ovatfb pnumber four (4) 8outb of range nunwr flve (:")) f.tí nul boun1e as followi: begtntnflg DO b eiteriy Uo of tlie Aun Arbor or Adrián streel oue hun'lif'. am' fifty-flve Ceet fioutherly fr.a wliflic it é i !'.i.!;Mt'.;'o i ví th the Chicago rond running thpitcc Kiuttorly along tlie wetrjj lino of Aun Arbor or Aih i;tii ft'icoi live rodi in-I ten fect . I henee westeriy parallol w,th ChirágO wmd twelre n da, (henee nortíit-rly jiarlloi wiih strOBt Ove roda aii't ten fwt, tlienc onter y arallpl with thc Chicago roaI twelve roda to th iilaceof beginuiii. ('. VaXIIU-AX. Assigne. V. A M ïïitr, tt 'y for AüJtignoe. ImtH.Sept ii, 18H0. MurtgHge Sale. FKFAULT fiaving bein made in the coniitinn f i I Moitgiijie exeeuUtd by HuImt ('lintin w C'aih& nne Chruttaer to Luther J-.nm-, dated Ju!y twcnty.-tfc A. 1 1858, and recordcd in th' lïogister's uflïav ta Vii-.hic!i:'w ( (uiiitv, in !.ib,T 24 oPMortgigM, ut pafje 668. .'.'y 2Sth. A. i . iSM. al halt past even 'clek, A. n., by wbieh def&uH tbo powvrni ale coniainud ín c.ú' morpgfi became oporwtiv ahdno uit tir proceding hav ng been in-titutcil t law tr recover tho dfbt a#Duiw y ti"l nu ir tg ge, or any nri thereof, ajxd the surc of ïwk KundredaD-1 Kighi Dollars beiDg now clairae'1 to lo 'iui thtire u Nut ice is thereforo hweby given that Ihe,nnid.iuortgagj0 wiH h(; ftirectowd ïy sule of the nsortgagéd pivmiae, viz: Ominn'ncinif r Ihe snuth-west -f lt Ni. r.Yi'iity leur in b'ook No. ftix in the villngc of Chelfiea, Pounty uf Wahteüa.w anl State oí Mi'jïiigai. f hik! running tíifnco north twenty degre wentf igbteeo 'aai. thence oortb seventy degrees eai finir roiÏH, t henee soufh twenty derecn et eighteec lo.l-i, UkbDoe Atitii M'vcniv degfMH west four ntds, i ome j);irt theraof nt j ublic veudue at tlie Couvt llon ui thecity of Ann Arbor on thu 15th dny of IcerabeC neoti at njon. LI'TIIE:í JAMES, Mortgagee. ::. W MoKnv. Alty. I)ftte.leptcmb-r'':Otht A D. 1860. 76fttd Morrea ge 1A recios ure. OEFAUI.T havinii been maile in the cnndilion of a Hortgate pxecu'od by l'atnck Sulllvan H11d Joannt Suülvan io Luthi'i' James rtated pniciRhth, A. I) 1858 .ii.d rec-rtled 'n thc fteRinter'a Office in Waabteuii Líber '-A of Morlgages, at pae 'l'2t April Ih, A. D.lJ5-,Bt balf past tUrw o'clnck, F M., by whicl. v duit the power of sale cootaioed in nul mortjffigi- beenme nrative. and no suil Or priícwrtiog itaYïng ■ii.ii iiisti'.utcl :ii law to n-cover ihedt-bt 84Mura4fef j3 mortgitgp ur any part thentof. in'i the son of öBe hua Ir-'i! and twonty una Üollatd Wing duw cUtimcd to be due Ibf rron iiii'l lurtber sum to bccoin" rtuc; N'otice is iic-n-by given tliat sju! mortnge will be forctosed byasalp f the muctgaged premisest to-wit: Tlxt noutli-wcst qunrter of the north fcuat quarter, and thi South -east quarter f the north-wet qtmrter of sefttifBC N'f. -seven, an-1 the ttoutb-east leo of the swiidi-wiBl q aar ter of Ihe nnrtb-eftut ijuartcrif section. No. nina. extt-nding seventy nids ca-t trui vi-t, and north. nd outli far enough ti COQtain ten acre, -'11 in tmKn&lMif Xo. one south ttf moge easi. bei Dg :n Webtr, in thi ','ounty uf Wiihliti-iiitw, iuil M;itc ol Michigan, or mine ]rt thoreof,)it public ven'liic, at thr i'ourt House in th ciïy of Aan Aivor uu tJ.tí lótïi Uy uf Lecember next at M'TIIRR JAMES, Mortgagee. K W. Mohí;an, Atty. Dat eí, Seyt. -.Olh A. D. 18K0. 760td Chnmvry Sale. I N run.'KKt F a n: OREK nf tbp ;rcu:t Cour I r tii- C ..nt1 o1 Wafiaw in fim ni 1 1 iMiti y tic 2 t diijr oi .i n . á. D. 186ü, n k èi rfr a oauH %' r n Pniiniiei C VmDoMi h c-mpl, n ot nd W 1 tam M. Hrown, W.lh m J.ldeanl C. rnMiuhnoui Kn D n1 nt . 1 -ii:ni s.. t ui 1 1 c aiMt n t tic highi bidritr ;,t .f' -■'■■l'i!. n t ' f' r n n " t f nft--ntt day of I) (■ ui li r n t t the r nf tr -l t'ie CiM.r House ii t .■ ■ t ol .Tin . r- r W -itarti r-nnj M cl::p; n. AH t t certa 'n i '■ r pi-rcd uf l;-nl -t ■ ■■fi n Tu ji h,ip oi M n i tórp bthê tv { V s'ii n ■ n t of Mlol) g n n ■ n, bo nled a ntí as tol u . f wit : H-nr t ie Nth half ot the aourti we t f rt r rff Pi-, t n KlêW Ml) m Toun hip ntfDiltT F-ir (M n.i t . oi lï-n- N nnbn (ó) t. c ntiiap.; Eigl t-v ncre uf lanlbeth íini" m -re ■ r r m much t r tot tut shuliib necc-r to oatif] tlie detree in nuil eauw w.tíi inircat tind t. C K. VANn; VK, Crcuit foi rtonvnii-i n: r. t Rkaki k Abki, t-'olicili 1' r Uvmput nut.t D..utM, NovemlkrUt, itidu ANO'nililï m % ARRIVAL AT THE KOLD&ND RELIABLE B CLOTHINC EMPORIUMÜ öl' II 3ST O - PHCENIX BLOCI.J MAIN STREET. . o Wm. -OTOMKriEÏIEtha? j iM returne! fr -m the Ea-stcrn Cities, with a lftrf and -itock uf F ALL AND WINTER E3r OOBSi which he is now offorinj; at unusually LOW PKICES! Araong bis AmotttDént may be found BROADCLOTIIS, DOEÖEIXS, fe VEöTINGSv. of all (lescrij)tions, especially for FALL AND WINTER WEAR f hldh is cultinpr aii'ï iBlhing t" ur'lcr, ïn thelatfgt and best stjrtes, together with i superior assort ment of READY MADE CLOTHJN0Í TIU'N'Kri CARPET DAGS, UMBRKLIS, and Gentlemen's Furnïshing Goods, wilh numcrou.H other artxïea usiully found in limilar estublisLiintnts. As ANËMPOFItlM OFFASÏHON, the snbsciber fl.-ttrs hïmself, hislong experien au-! genera. siicceoïWll! enable him io give tlie gre&te't ,itist:iciioiï litüit who i"'y tuist him in the way ofmuuUeturiug garinvntü to urdr. 7i59ii tvm wa(;kkr. Campion's Platform ! ,'I'HE sutiiTibsr bas jast r. t..rn;J lr..m the it with 1 hU Fall and Winter C O O 33 S Whith ho is Determ iíied to Sell AT THE LOtVEST TRICE FOR CASH l nt which. Fiist Qual:ty Gk)Ods can ne afforded in th8 city. My c-lul lis uru uil uf the FSNEST QÜALITY and ns I miimifftoture tlnm nlo clothing tnyeelt, 1 mu enabied to WARRANT EVERYGARMENT I eell io be WELL JIAPE, wliich is a strong iiduccmeiit to customeri to patronizc my sluri' in prefcrenoo Io )iln-cs wüefa large quantitii'8 of linli mul giioiU aru kep for eitle.- ] :luLATrsT fa ui'Sü nnil can give you as pin and wel FMing O -mienta as can in bowjld anytehere. I tim buuiid to sell CI1EAPER AKD BETTFR GOODS I tlmn any otlier eimilnr ostabliebratDt in thii ci v Vour custom ia m st rospectfally iimted. M. CAMPI0N. Ann'Arbor, l-50TT_1


Old News
Michigan Argus