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Cultivation Of The Chestnut

Cultivation Of The Chestnut image
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[A correspondent oí tlia Farmer and Qarihner ot PwpijaylviHiia, g;vos tlie i'oliovving dirccíious ior líio growtti (í' lliti chörttnut ;J Select the !;iiírtiat :md best ripened cbiirttuu; yon chii fiud, prepare u bed or pluntutioi] by plowilig diep and pulverising tb'ircuighíy Draw drijls twelve luchen apart and three uchw deep, plüht 'jiourohesl-iiu s-two-incbeti apart n ihe ctiill, with tlie poiot uj waids, tv er tbein and press Uih sojI cIomjIv arnund theui wilh the bai-K of the ruku. 'l'liis .sliimld bu done ni November, 'Iviiigh if the fall is imlavorable, lli plaiiiini had better be döferred until uüi-ly Muri-.h. Bb caretul to have your grut) d wul! drained, that thö nul may uot rut. Co. er thu bcd th lung nninur, or speiu tan bnK-, it' well rotted, tliis wül proieut tlieiii irom the ftwi, Wlien the yoiing pkirixf begin to p paar, keep tliem cleal' ot' woed. Hoe ïequently, it will help their grouili vury iimch. If the weaiher is very dry in the suiijmei'. i litllu watering ouca 01 twice a week will provo advantageou-s If the raason has been favorable aoU thov been well irntnnged, they will be ready for tranaplunling the fail Jollowiug. Trim off all the sidü shoots before transplanting, luaving only one straight stem. Plant in rows eighleen inches apart, and eight irusbea in the row. - Let thein reinain twoyears in this bed, at ihfo end of which tnny they will Uu tit for tritosplanting They are Uien to be set out whure Uiey are to retnaiii untii fit for use. Alter they have becoine lioroughly rontud, fhen head tbttin down lo two eyus abve tlie grouqd, tho out slui'iiig lo the north, o lliat thu shoot which is ihrown out niay proteot tlie stüins dunng t.he ür.-t sesbions. Ou Vigoro u sterns, thoso roots will reach even or eiulu feet in ono sea ia. Headlug dowo is all important if you would have fine .slraiylil ireeá. Yon will uot get thöin it you Deglcot this, but remeinbur not to htiaU thuni down uu' il they are well routud. 1 am led io believe that tho uhestnut diluid im votíu.b!} gfoHUiíor polus lor Liioa liuaiKi, !oy


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Michigan Argus