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'jn, Doe. 13. Sevath - Mr. Johus m, of Ter.n., ' troduced a joint reiólution propnsing ' amendments to the Coiistitiition of the U. S. n :ico)rd;in;e witb the fiFth art'icla ! oí' tlic Conututlo i. tin also ihtruduoof] a resolution tl;at tfae Select Comniittoo bo inntv,ctcJ tn ! qu'iv into t hc i-xpodiency oí' establishing by o 'ïia'itiitintial provisión, n line running tlirju'i tbo Turnt irios of the U. S. making uu ouitalilc! divitficm. ro tbat s!avery c n exist South of' tho line, but not North of it. Si-condly. Tlmt tbe States prcvcr-ting tle return of fugitive sluves sball pny doubla the value of said fagitives. Thitdly. ïiiat s'.avwy shail exist ia tlio Navy Yard-: where it now exista, but t.qi in others. Fourthly. That Congress cliall never intcrfero with slavcry in tha District of Culumbia so long as it rcinaias in tho Hiaiis of Mt.ryland. Fiflhly. That Congross glia'l not touc-h the represeutatiou of thrae-íifíhs oí the alavés Six'ldy. That tho amended provisiuns sball ba considerad a part of the Cousiitut:on of 'hu United State. A message was here received froia tbe House tliat it concurred in tho act to amend the fourth suctior. of the Jt f(r t'ae admissioti of Oregon. Mr. jfvereoi) callcd up the biil relative to our Commisnion to Mexico. An ameridiuent wasoffércd to autUurizo a Sülioitor. Mr Ilamlin opposcd it, and said a Seeretiiry v3 alrddjí aliowed to the Cummission. Mr. Hale's proposud ainendiuënt to tLe Mciicán Cominissio., Bill, provides that tLo act shal! not taka eflcei tul tLo public ■ debt of the U.iited átatea shall Kti paid. A message was read tVoiu the House. ' It öoncufi in the ürgt Sa..a:o amendment to tiiü loan bilí, but had made an auieuúmeni to the sscond amendme;;t, Mr. tluuter said lio woujd liko to take it up. Agi'sed to. Mr. H linter said he would li!o to havo : the same provisioi.s app'y to the $10,1)00,00) as to the 8o,00i',000. The SenatTe oonourrod in the JIousa ameudiheut. Mr. Da via submitted a report of the Joint Coiuniittec, iiratttutéd by tlio last Cwigress. to inquire iuto the affaira of the Military Aciduniy, vhich was ordcred to ba nriiited Mr. líalo moved tliat when the Benate adjourued, to-day, it be till Mondav. Car ried. The resolutions on tlte Stata of the Union were taken up, wlien Mr. Tigfall coucluded hia remarks by talking abaut treason. Adjourued, Hocse. - The Speaker appointod Mr Hughes a inembsr of ihe t oannit tee on Military AffaTrS, in pince of Mr. Banham, eicus Mr, Morris asked laave to intrcducoa rosülutiim expix-.-isiiig proper estiinatioii of thu iinneti8e valuo of our natiorial Union; that we will dis-jountunance whoever may suggust even a s ■ispiciou tbat it eau in ai;y cvent ba abandjiied; aud indigiiamly i'ro'.vo upon the tii'at dtW.nittg of every attompt to aliénate any portion of ftttr country ; that whatever evils of abuses rest uuder it ought to be corrected wit.hiu the Union in a peaceful and stitutional way, and tbat t is a patriotie j duty to stand by it na our hope in peaee and our defensa in war. Mr. Curry objecwd to the introduction of the resolutiou uuIcsj it be roferred to . ioct committee. Mr Morris liad uot the sliglitcst idoa of letting it be buried iu the cjifiu of j that committee. Mr (Jurry objected. Mr. Morris said he wanted a vote on the resolution, and it would suooeed. Oi) motion of Mr. Sherman, the House ; theu took uu the ïreasury Note bul, as j rotunied froia the Sonata with amenduiauts. The House agre-od to that ameodment whii-ll restores the denomination from $100 $50 The other Seuate imeud ment propasad that threa millions of the Treftsury notes may be sold at a rate of interest highur thau six per cent., but not at less than par. To this the House agreed, but exleuded tliat authority to all tuenotus issued under the law. After a debate the bilí was rtferred to the (Jommittuo on Public Lauds. Mr. Haskiu presentod letters showing that Mr. Ford. the H use printer, was absent, and that the sub-ooutractjrs, 5{essrs. Eugliah & Lathaiu, deeüned j eeuting the wurk, the House having at ! the last session reduced the prieus. Mr. Haikin oíi'urcd a resukuion that the Superintendent of public priuting COBtraoi with eouipeteni, and responsiblo parties lor the exeeutiou of the House printing, and to bo ordi'red by the pres ent session at prices now authorized by law. Mr. MeClernand saw no necessity for passing tho resolution. It is understood that Mr Ford will bo liere by Satunlay, preparad to perfor:n his duty. Mr Bui'nett expi-essed surprise that the resolution wqs oti'ered without firatj deqiariug the ofiiee vacuüt, whün iJr. Haskin must kiiow, that iu the absence of doiu; this, Mr. Ford would be entitkd to cumpensation, provided he eau show he is prepared to do the-woik. He wanted to kuow how it was that $iS5,O0Ü was paid for VVeadell s cstablishüient as the lubüshing office, when he luid t con told it was i'wruierly off-rel at 10,001), aud ot wurth Slü,OÜ0. .Mcisrs. Grow and Stanton opposed the oonsideration of the resolution Mr. Haskin showed tho necessity of passing it; and as to the purchase of Weudeli's oliiec, that was buught for $50,000 kss than eost. He would iuform ir. Jiurnett that he was as rearly for hiin to investigate this subject, as he hiuiself (tlaskiu) was to investíate the De Groot claim. Mr. Burnett s.iid, at tho last sessiou be prpoted to veter the DcGroot to the Urar Department for settlement - 'J'he gentleman cauuot thua deal iu insinuations iaiust me. I ask what )io uieans. Mr. Haskin - I am as well satisfieu that you shall investígate the govern uieiit office priuting questiou, as you are that I slkiuld the De Groot contract. Mr. Burnett - I asktho msmbrr whetlier by lii.5 rem,ark he iutoiwjs iii -ty, indii'eetly or remotely to refleet. upoa ïae iu any luaunar whatevcr. Mr. SaskTn - I did not, sir. Attor further debate, the resolnt}oa was tablee!, uud tho ílouáo adjouruo . 31'nday.


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Michigan Argus