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The Remedy For Existing Evils

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The causes of tha present troublea ia. cur polifieal system, aud of the threatencd disruption of ího Federal Union, lie deeper and wax stronger upou investígation. It is eas7 to say t'uat tho Nortii tiiiould ropeal its 'personal-liberty bilis," and tliat the Soutíi skouid be satidfied with tlio congressional majurity under the control of Uuion uitiii, bat whoti W come t laok to tho origin of'oiii' section-, ti[ difficuitics, and txaminé into tho oon dui;t of tbe püoplt; at ktrge, we find that the raul i í alarm ia tu bo foutid iu! the miatitkau public sentiment whiijj pcrvad'js tbe.peopls of th, Northeru States, '1 o this we lüuat go for a sdlutioa of tLo queatiuna which uow ugitate the couutry, aud serio. sly tbrouteu tho csisteuce 01 h üovcriiiiicut Wu no uware oft'io tlauldsesuess of t!i uiidvrtiúiii.g, wnicü suuietimes forcea it$ulL upqu thu cuiisciuntiüus jouriialigi of ruiiuiug eouutqr tu pehlic. opinión, and of exposuig ilü ériora aud thu foliiea wliio i Iiuvü aken root i.i t.lio public uiiiid, It is ensiür to go with iLe cunent. and to d.'Wü tbc tftream oí tim lazily and sluggishly, witbout any cfl'ort t resist the evila wíko'u soiiiotimes fustea upjü the miüds of cuimnuuities: but sucli ia liot tlie idty of muu iu public position, wlieth'er üf au official or o.ber cliararter, anti ns v,u huvü uure tlian once bien compelled, byl;e steen dictutus of duty, to st-jiu tlie ti'dé of error, so now it shall not be liiüd tiiat we siuiuk iVoin t'.ia respons;biiily iu tiie hour of our couutry's. tñ" and daiigors. To rebuke aakuöwledgcif viée and criuiinal aotious ia au easy task, sbas ir. is bat eehoiDg the voicu of all good citizons, but to byurd the monster, piifjlïo sjiiüiiieiit, when he appcara under the guisa of huuiauity, of inoralily, uud oí pki!;'.uthropy, ia uuite a difi'cïyU uüuir. "o ftfsuiae that lh fuudainentai mistake of tb o puople of the North, t!e fatal error whích hun cd to most of thu troubes uOiT prcss'iug liká un iucubuujjon tho uuu .try, o'ósis:a in tliat inoddlèaouie spt it .wiioü protuipts tbein to interferc with the affairs uf other eoüíiuUTÚtiiíSj and U scek to rt':uiate and coatyol tliem &3 they rightfully do their own. They 8eem to coí:ü;í;í' it their missiun to dictutu to the ■ o? tho SoutU what hall ba the diameter (Jf their öömesiiu iust:.tutiou3, ,vhat thu rciatioiia oi' mastar aud ssrvant, wd hovr all their icatU'rs shall b rcgula;td, preeiáeíj as they act upun tbe saüj, ae&totff, ut hume williiti their own prop ja.! Lsdiction. They furget, tirit, thut '.li'y have no busii'es wiili tkeae queS' tious, and tLat Öoutheru men have s figfat to eomplaiu of thuir muüdloaouic inti-i'iVruijCv-; and, S'-'O.idly, that conceding their priüíiiac that blavery ia wrongx it is but a lew jeara since U:ey vore Üietusek vum invotved ia tho gnilt, uiid would uot even uow be rid ut' u exeept by tke coucurring uircuui3tauoes oí eliuute and preduuuo.', wbiuli rud,er it inproiïtable m t!jo nürtii'.-;i] títiUcs. The extraordiuary idea topeara to have seised up oa the public, m must of the froe State'q, that it is tho ïuibs.u;) of tae peoplo of those Stiltes to altreet 'whal they deem tlid wroiigs ot'other sectious of the L'niou aud hunce they have ent ubaut tho task in a most censorious spirit, aud a manucr úeqjiy ofeusive to thoaü whom they seali to iiiilüsiice. It is a t i:eees3.iry hcro ta disauss t'i.) abstract uottimi oí' thy rihtfuluess or the wrü.igi'uiüLi-s o; slavory. mou'.hs aru losed upou tkia point bj n fülly of Nofihni men, wlw ha.vj undsrtuken to oorro:t tbö agiuuieJ arror3 of tiie tiatas in other portkw uf th couutry, and thu3 have silcuced tho publio vo oc upan thi.s uüia by i.isi:ig tii'i moru vita! o-ü of the riúi oí' vm-y cjnuiuaitv' to judge of iïs owu proper oiMirse, and oí' cvery State ui' tlis Cunfodurucy to düiormitiü Lts owu pülicy aid the syjt'jm oí' social poüticul ectjuomy, which it wiil lerralize and nüilntaici. Whe i we uutored tho Federal JJniun and becume partios to tiie Federal )!up.ict, we ft rrendcrsd tu the (jterK'ial ü-JVurmusut sooii pjAers sr, wero essoiitial to provide lor the goner.ii gootl, and to givy fo t!io United tíiute3 the sirengtii ueadiol to uwiutain ts ra:i'i positiüti ainong the pöweraof the earth and vu reservad to thu States, respöotively, tha control oí' their uuinudiatü djmustie affaiis, And ospeoially tlia control of t!io wholo qubjuet of AíVícjü slavery witliiu Uve il üji'Li-s. A;kI we agree, au "t ooiislituioüal riüt between t'ie State.s, tliat ' fugitives from .-ervieo or lni).)r, '" u.-i,-ap::;g iVoin oue Sfato to aOOthcr, s'.iould bj .-uno dorad by tbe Statu to whieh (hey had lied, oa claim bcjiu by their ov;ieM. N'aw if this piuviaiön juCMiiS anyiliiug, it crtaLily WUft.ia th:it when slavös fro.n one Stata into auother, thy shall be fieeiy imd hoaeatiy surrendored, acd ali raaïOjdbk) fatilitlop artorded for carrying iuto ciïect t(ie provisiou in questiun. If it does nofc mea:i thia, theu were we guilty in subseribing to it and ratifying tha Coi.atitutioa in whieh it was contaiued; of a fraud and a clieat unworthy of thu tkaractar of ho:'.? est and Christiau man VVhat is our practica in this rs.ípjct? IIow have wo dischargeu thissolem i coustitutional obligationV Havo we,!iveJ u; to our delibérate agreenient, a:;d fu'fille4 our engagement towurd our sister States? These are questiona of self-ex;iminatiorï, selt'-nujuiry, which everv honest man shculd put, té hiroself in tl:is tune of excitoiiiuut and of uuiiqnl peril. We nvvko no nppiicutio!) of our remarks to individuals, fciut as eotiimuuities and as States, it is truc thut we havu f;ilöd ta abido by tiie compact made at the formation of the Goveriunent. and have placed ia the way of ta fnlfilhnent all tha ; obstacles yvtfiob we have bec:i r.ble to j throw around it. In man? Sjt'.cc lawt have bueu p'issed, expressly designed o prevent its fu'! complete operatioo, iiedging it aboutwith dimsviltjea and offering uulucoments to evory citizon of such States to pratticilly resist ths eso' eutiju of thv la vs oi' Cjngrjss 3egned ! to carry i:;to effeet the obligatiniw m1 posed upun m by the Cjostituio:i. But it isno; in tliaaj Stato knvs, ir.famous a# . so:uc of them are, th:it Wu fi ia tha most gartous obsta-ule.1? tp the fUU disobargo of our eoHStitational engigeinefitB 'i'iie di'fficulty lies dot?per than St;tta IaglslïtioA. It is to be ibu'.id iuibedjed in thu pablin sentiment of the New England anJ mnj othcr Northern States. Tiie pcplu L.ivj , boen eduoteáj ' tUrongh tho aoiicj at' fc sectional pros.--, and i .! pulpit, to a code of nxrulity wuiob teaulias tliiit hj righta and aiiairs of others is p.ot oiíly a privilege but a Chri tlan duty; that. tljo mjt solemn aud delibérate ágreemeuta njay be broJiöu wbea tliey staud in the way of the inoder:i standard of governmental relations; that to dópfivö sot'êréign Statos of the rights guaraataeJ to thom by the Coaatitfttonè and iudivicl'jnls oi' tho possesiiencf propert.y which. by (fee federal éoJBpíJct, wa have proiiiis u to return to th'ciu wheu fjund within tknjir borders is au ast of llyjus'iii il by the standard of religión i tenchiAgs imw reco by a larga prj;;o.'iiju oi ihe peoplu. Instead oi' imjuiííng whar duíioí aud ob!i;;a;.o;is wa o;,ü to othars, !;'.! how wo eau nt and effectuálly discharge rtaks to prör cüóoe upon ■-'.ivjry, i:i i ta moral und j íigbl or wrt.ig fo( tt but for otbcr comTi.uniiivíi ía'íiiigsej iMrte f)v6rn:uouté :tml hCs to rc{ulng l'.i'.if echíiuct [u tliis re e e. t, than c go to wörit ns ' ki.:rs - :.n 'Xocutive officers nnd private citlzíüB - to soe Iio'.v !!o iiUvs oí'Co.'grt'.-B j cío bu re'idcud nuil by our set ion, and t lie pr-jviüioiTB of the Consiitutiun nogatireJ tUriíngh our sgcncy, ín roriüii 'r. v':th Oihers, 'vc liare rsootsímcüdcd nud urged ih.i ropeal of the Stnlt l.iwsi'i conflut with the statutvs of thotjiíitcd Sta'cí, and tbe hur.cst fulfi! rueñl of'l i ur obligation rcípocting the rctUM! oftugitives - n'casnvrs nf the Brsl iinuii't:fl)ús - it' vo expeot to uiaiiítaiu tfae l:i.iou of thc Statos, aud preserve i:.t":;( ou't prefant forrt) of Govornnieiit, But tliia is bot all. Wc must go fRithor, bsmuin wilh tbc pcoplc tEemuclvce, nnd denrm.l üOtOlilj ufeverj1 public functiocavy, but ofovo",v citizo.i, rhat moral support witba-t whicii iiü reiiioily, however puwcrfül i!:e legnl p:urf or pcnaUic, en he of i.!ie aligluest avail. We mmst di nai.d from tha prss and tbc pulpit tl e iijcu'uatiün of lessor.s ot' hoiicsty aud mo , ralily, av.d wo must ii.sist tlist they shall i ft(:tíüu the new-faiigleá doctrina that t rob nur our neighbor of bis slave, or to prever! hls return, is a Christian duty, wliile 'liö repudi;itiuu of a delibérate contract botweoü the panics to the coulederney of States', 3 also considered a coinpüauce ivitli our dnfy to God and to in.m. - We must retuni lo the golden rille of doing to oth:rs as we wnukl that the j should üo unto u?, and thus ronder unto States ai;d individua's that cqu;il and exftct jus tice wliith is due from ene Stato or por sou to anothcr. Sucli n rfonu in the public aíiitimciit of the Northern States will cure tho ovils :ow existing, but whicb, if unohcükod, wil] Burely overt'irow tiio Govcrnnmnt. - Wc daro not hope fcr the change, and vet we do not belicve that without it the UVion can ast for any considerable time, (ïreat respenaibilities rest upon the peopie of botli saeïions - the NortU aud tho .South - but the fonncr (aa the aggresa)r.-) o'.va it ko thoniSölroe, to josiiot;, aud to public fait 3i and honor to correct thcir ow;i orroia beforc dfnianding of tho lat ter nubmission to ne" dtiuands ur additioual injuries. Let ua first pull out tho bcam from our owu eye bcforo complaiuing of tha rato in our brother's eyo.


Old News
Michigan Argus