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Senator Crittenden's Compromise

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Senator Crittcndon, of Keptucky, offered tbc füllowing resolutious on Tuesday, and sustained thein in a brief speech. - They were probubly reforred to the spe cial Couimittee, though the reports are silant on tliat pomt : IVhereat, Alarming disaensions liavo arisen between tho Northern and Soutbern .Status, as to the rights of the commou territory of the United 8tates, aud it is desirous aud proper iliat the dissensious ba settled by constitutional provisioua wliich givo equal justice to all seciions, and thereby restore peace ; Thereforë, Jieeoved,.Jif the Senute and House of .RepieseníStive. ti'C't the followririg article be proponed and sui.%nitted as an amendment to the Gonstitutioii, which huil be lid au part of thé Cr nstitution wlien ratifird by tho Conventúons of three fourtlis of the puople oi the Statctf First. In all the ïerritories now or hero; fter acqnired Nortli of lat. 36 dt'g. 30 min., slavery or involuntary servitudtf exoept for tho punishmentof crime, is prc.'.'ibited ; while in all tho Territory south of that lavery is hereby recognized as existing, anü shall Dot ba inter ferred with by Uongress, but shall be proteoted as property by all dep::rtmeuts of the Territorial Goverumeut during its ooutiuuance All the Territory North or 8outh of aid line within suoh bnundaries as Congress may prescribe, when it contains a population neoessary for a meiuber of Congress with a Republican furm of Govoruujent, shall be adinilted iuto the Union on au equality with the original Slates, with or without slavery, as the Constitutiou of tho tStat shall prescribe. Second. Congress shall have no power to abolish slovery iu the Otates perinitting slavery. Third. Congress shall have do power to abolish slavery in the District of Coluinbia while it exints in Virginia or Ma ryland. nor either shall Congress at any tiniu prohibit the officers of the Governmnt or Meinbers of Cjngress whoso duties roquire them to live in the Distriot of Coluiubia, froin briugiug slavas thcre and holding them as such. Fourth. Congress shall have no power to hinder the trausportation of elaves from one State to auother, whether by land, navigable rivers or sea. l'ifth. Congress shall have power by law to pay an owner, who shall apply the full valué for a fugitive slavo in all cases when the Marshal is prevented frora ' ch:irgiug hioduty by force, or rescae made after arrest. In all such cases the owncr ! shall have power to sue the county in 1 which the violence or rescue was mudo, ! and the county shall have the right to sue the individuáis who coramitted the wrong, in the same msnner as the owuer could i BUO. J iS'i'.rtt. No further aroendment or J mendmonts shall ever have powor to in-! terfere with sluvey withiu tho States where it is now permitted The last resolution declares that the f;.iu!)'f1rn Rtfttel lutTa a right to lbo ful exceution of the law for the reeovery ot' slnvea, und s'ich laws ought not tn be repealed or modifiud 80 as tu repair their efficiency. All laws in conflict wtth tlie Fugitiva Slave Luw itahall notbe decnied iinprnper for Congress to ask the repeal of. The Fugitive E lave Law ought to be so altcred as to m&ka the foe of the Comniissioncr equal, whether ho decides for or ngninst the claimaiit. And the clauso ailtborizing the persou holding the warrant to sumnion apoise coinitatut to bo so as to r'gtrict it to cases where violenoo or rescue is attempted. The laws fiw the auppression of tho Afriean slave trade ouht to bu effüctually executed.


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