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íj{ew_dyerlisemen A SERIES OF School and Family Readers; Consiating of aPiimer & Seven Reador! By MAltClU'S TfILLSON. The Primer, and the First, Second, Third, and Readers are" now ready. THH PRIMER (rutrodnotoiy.) BEOINNING withlbe Aïpbbet. in divided into Tvat Parts, and extend.s to word of foor letters. Partí., the vlphabet, in illu.ur.ited mucli more bnutifully taan any other Primer, both by Jfitters, and cuU exjjlanatory of the traída in tbr Alphab.ical arrangement Hart II. eontaioï 18 !]. n Imods of wordi ot two lelterm.arriinged in simple seutences. No uumeaaing syllablen are giveu. Tart III. h 8 26 Lcïsrim, of worrin f nnt more than throe Uuters. Part IV. ha 'Ál Lcsh .nu, of ofnot mere tlian foor lfttern. Aparato "Pronounciní; Lfftn" are f(iven, rontaining the word ■( 1 in the ReaÜng Lea n. T guard a.i'n-t the fnrmtion of monotonouii habit, and ■ agni'le to the i)rf)ji(Tm(luIii(Jin sf th voio-,the qihit! aat'oiml st ye is adopte'! to coni!era!li exlut, au murkfi are gven to denote the rinin; and fallí n inflectiuns. Tie object of thie m torequire chiMnrii to rrmd qurat ( ná and thftlr iDHwr in tha same marnier ai tae ■tak (hem, aml thutto y lbo founiatiuu of good rad in at the nry bog-nuing. Tneïrmer cata.u-. More taan a huodred beautiful Illuitratioju. Willson's First Reader. Pcgmning with easy word of four letten ia Fartï.. ntend.-t to aay word oí six U'ttur.i in Pari IV. and V.t anl a ft:w easy worda of tw and thie Kylhtblef. In Xhlê wo W nJao tb convernattonal atyle : frequently Introdaced, as It is Lhat which i m cap ble of giriag the grcnieat variety to Ke;tding Laaaong. nd on taat asiiy Umilia LZM the pujiN with the infiacto;;, aj ■howi their nocessity. Il ig HCrclv possible that ih pu[)il who follaws the Simpluand msy .svsli'm here markel ont, cRiiaf(envArd ful] into adrairliag mad muiiotoaoui h-ibit of io . ■ 1 ; : . ar . The JUustratiuns are nuraarou an 1 ttiparior, Wdlaon's Seccud Reader. It divided iuto Eseveü Parts, each preceded bj on or more Ktocutinnary Hules, dcsined for th me of th ifachfroiity.ftndtoenfurce upun him the importauce of rifiiirinx the iwpils t .ead ai directod bj the ioflecboas given. Tie in rkn denoting Iba ïuttectïoartr ntt v nuuicrou.H as to an.sumc u n nnoromn xj iqiportaace DOt nr.j they iwod excdpt vhn it wuuld be a manifoit r ror to di-regard thtm. Tiie eloeulionnry aim of tbei Reader is to tf.ieh childrea t' read correctly.noï by ruU but by habit, and to thi end the contaut practico f retMling oorrectly Islailatod upoa, as being far more eScacious than Kulea to correct bad habita already formed. Superior Uluitrmtfre engra.TJng are made the aubjecta of a Inrge mtmbrr of the Keading UsMnh:- tbe percon reprfnente 1 . their actions, uppo.ied aying, kc., ar marie arailab.e to give anima t ion and VHrity to th roaiiiij;, ari'l U irapait instructiou; and the pnncip'e 11 kcj-t in view that in ehildhuod it En thruLh the nlium of the perceptive faeulties thal the atientiua ii thenv-nt rea'lily waKened, and meuiory anJ judgmant the moai successfutly culti aio t. Pan VII., which is de;gned to Ilústrate the principia here reíerred tot cmtaDsa Isj-.n on Colora, which is il Laetrated tty ■ bMmiful oolnred plate, in whicb tweoty different coiors are accurateiy deaignated. Willson's Thi d Beader. C. .nïain, QraL a briel svnopti of the "Klcmenti of Eo etition, ' ia wh ch the "Hules" already (riven ia the tec un 1 Reader irerípeated, with someatditioná and furtber cxplunitiiwi. and mtre uumeroua examplas. Tbn followH Tart I-t entitled "átonea f rom tb Bible," in which tom' of the most imereit ng incide r in Sacr4 ÜUtory ure umM ininnle language, various iil .stralive poetical stilections, t gire Trioty to the readj ing. The pretorial illustrationi in this Part are uniiurj ps-sed inany work. Part Iï., entitled uïlorI Leiisoni," 1 is defignel t iocutcate moral truths, and U made up nostlj ot solfctc-d miele. Part III. t enteing upon the more promineaf and charücteristic feature ol th# .Srieit I takes up iho tirstgreat diriiion o'Zooíogy or AahaI Life, ! and in conFFned to the subject f the Mummalia, moitly ; Qnadrupeds. AltuouKh Qaadrupeda are herarranged in their Bolentlln dlvliiOM, anltreated upon a scinti6c basis, yet the whoíeismade as intüre.tting ■$ a romance. Species and individuáis aredtscribed ratber thas genera; incidenta illuatratvve of the habit and charactfritic of HiiimaU are numorous: poctcal and prose selectionn jitvariety 1 1 the Lentfons; and the iHustrations re umur paased in;iiiy vorkun N'atunil Hitoiv. X new aad imi portant fe . ture is m'rixluced - that ofgniuping thAnuujila ut' a class in oiif engrav:n., with tlieir cotnparative size and a sc;de cf m-asurement. PartiV, it made up o.' Mi.scellancui.t Articlon. Willaon's Fourth Reader. Contams, firt, the -'Kie nen.M of Klocution" the name h he Tfalrd Reader, and frequent referonee inmads to the Rules throughoi.t t!ie work. Part I. tn-t of lHunia l'liysioioy anriHea th" ia erieii offnteywtilg li.-adiög LM80BK, original and selpcte!, which fc!ulo el--ntiflc teohnicftlltfes. tExplanatory ntc, with accompDjiD( illustrntivc cuts, c-mvey rauch ndúítíonal ueful informa ion that coul-i n t wvll be inroihicd into the Readmg LaNOBfl ("art il. rcumo thpKubject of Zoulogy in the division which tre&taof Uinitholngj or ílirds. A delight ful fledl is her opinad, anti uothing can )■ morp in.eientÏDthan t'ic uiiiunei' ir. which thi' ubject is treated. The lealtn Bpclé of thé Teral Clajisag or O; which Hir-Isare divided, are grouped in cuta wh ch vhirw tbeir retHtive g'.z's;and in nr of the moHtbeautiful poeticfetni in uur laniiageacc mj i-iy .ná i Uu tr .te the des riptire pi rt nns. ami tht inci-lentn narrated. l'nrt III. takei up tbr F.rst Divi.sion of Vegetable Phy.iioïogy or BtaBy, Ad gives tthe subject an , and variety that ean not be appraciated trom any deferí tion that eau be givea. Pari IV. is marie up uf UlscoUanaoiu SsIeoUoiu. Part . takes up the First IHvisiou of Natural Phüosophy. in which we look in upon the sohoolat "(ilenwíM." and Unten to the instructiuna given to a ''Volunteer Philosophy ClaKR." and the convertattonB which are hell there.- Part VI , compriiiing brief but connected " ketcheê froca Pacrttd History," comains ome of the fiaest ilectioai of cred Poetry ( witli beautiful illuitmtions of der i p tur incidents. In all the Iïeadern after the Seeond tho more difflcult word in cacb lsson hare smal) tigures, as referentes, atUchenï to tbein, and -tre dfined. an nftrrtd to, at the close of the Lesson. The accurate sounds of tbc Letten are iilso deigiiittod Theie are new fe turen Tlie roniriintng nurabin of the ferien, which will embrace in tbe form of practical, raried, and in(eresling Iïending Issonn, the seTeral tlepartments of Natural History- Zoology, Physiolo-jy Physical Geogra]liv. CbMDÍBtry, Gwulogy, Aetronomy, etc., &c - and aliot in iho SeTAUtfa Keader, midi suujects au Khotoric, Criticiwn, Twte, Oratory, -culpture ani Pain t ing, Munic, &c - atl populanzi'il t tke capacities of tbe rarlou grade of pupiU for whom they are deiigned - will be completed at n early day. i - Tbe leading points of merit claimtd for theie Readers are; lat, Thry present an nutual Varletr in matter and nianinr, uurl will proTO ezocediogly inleroiting to Ch'ldreo. 2d, They will ecure the higheat dgreeof practical instruction in the Art uf Keading. 3d, 'lhcy wiil imparta great amount of Uaefu! Information, wbich. in nu other waj, enn be brought befor the gieat m?s of Cbil ren in eur .-chool. 4th,In IUuitration, and in Paper, Printing, aa3 dvrability of liimüu, thuy gif&tly xcel other Readers, wbïle the prices are extroculj lw. PubHthtd by HAKPER Sc BROTHERS, Fmnkhn square, New York. &ST To Principáis of Schools, who wish MUgle copiea for Examina Üon, with a view to Introduction, the abor bonks wi] be (vent, po-tago paid, tin reocipt of half th prltM above named. To other perron thej wiü bj) aeiit, Kistngc paid on rpceipt ofthc full prico. ta. Kor Tornis of Intródücllön, and for Agencies, %dprea-t llarpcr í: íírother. 7"w Mortgage Sale. DETAUI-T haring been made in paymtnt of tha tamul mont-y secured by a mnrtagc, erecuted, by Charles Bower and Joseph Lang, to Cbriitopher Hauser, datcd Maroh the twenty-niitb, A l 1819, which M. rW f ree r in tl.e office o: the Iï.K.,ter of Deed of Wasbh-nawCouniy, in L.r N", twentt fije, t'-5 of Mortffurw pr' 'welve o'elpck, A.M,, onth18t hdíy of fpS, A. O., lP5o and aigned to SSSSTmi th h dy of Octoher, A. P 1159 hrdMdof UaifUMOt reccmle! m th 2.1th dT of AuKUKt A P., 'SCO. at 11 0'cIocW, A. M., in Libr 4 of Mirt'r"'son ii:iB6 551!, úd which murtgaje W" ■ Ifiiwltn JarorsF. Socley onthe4li iluj of, A. Il I8'0 bv 1.-(1 ot" (isinmcut recorder on the 31 ay of Ootober. Á. I), 'WO, at lio'elock, noon, n Lioer il of Mortj:agcB,jnp.-lte3'2 by whieh dcfnult lh power of salu euntninon in s:ud biicaroeopcratiTe.a.ii no .uitnrproCMHÜngs l.arinï bc-en nmtuled lit lw . rt, rofrthtirtt tectired Ihíríby "rüy p.,rt thereof, and thiuin.ifenhundre.lan-lixlcendo!rQdxt?.tw. eend bcine mw climwl to bc due thereon- Notice ia UWKfon hïreby flTl,lhi H mortgage will b. for.. clOM.lUyalof thm"rtïg'l'KniK. to wit: Al that eerUIn'inei or parwl "f tand known nd teMritmTu f.,,,,'; t,.,v,t. ikng lot No.i-leren, (11) necti.n numbff fo rtt M4) accrdinglo therocop'.td p!t of the ■ luaof s'slino.or pnrtthtHOf, t publis.Tenilue, at tUt front door f tlie Courl House in thn city of Ann Arbor u the Co-.mly rf Waphtenftw, n the lfth day of Mar'ch A D., at ono o'clock T. M. of naid day. ' JAMES F.SEEUT. AHlpoe I:atea,Iec(-mber 13tu,18'!O. 71td OysteTS ! Oysters ! A SUPERIOR ÁRTICLE nfOj-Bter constuntly on hand and at ren low prio. OJr and all prraoni wldhlmtOytte Ildo rH togivr u a cali, we tu ígrni-lVimv lantlty do.lwrf on Aott notie, and wiIIwl. rant thm Blcaf.heT7 "TrfjoMI)SON b SON_


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