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Xjfr J. Iï. WsHitR & (- 1!lVÖ ioïie mÖ9t beautiful pinturea, and in ninking Tour holidny purclias-s remember that. "a tliingof Beauty sajoy forever." and select a pair fur your pai'lor walK ___ Ö-. jeiAL NOTICES. O" A"ttin we Bny, - TJe De Land & 0o.'s fcl.ratu; f you have nT rc?ar1 für the hfsUH of ?our" i ,elf orfamily.throw to the dogu '.he miserable, impure stufl WW l so 'onL exercúnd your patience, "ii made rour bred, pastrv, kr.. , disRusting to lok at ort taste. ' Ie Lani'a Chemical Sa!ertus ia pvrfectly pure, and will produce the most patisfactory resulta when uscl ia jr-paring food. It ia snld by inost grocors and strreteepcrs. Manufactured at Fairport, Monro Cc, N. Y. BNKL KOTK, L.VND VVAHHANT, SPECIE ANt) loXCHAÍNGK QDOTATIONS. Carefully Ri-vised and Coriecteil erery week. KATtS CÜRP.tN'T AT TMfc Biinking Honse of I. Preston & o , HVwlfhil., Detroit Pac 1,1800 BANK NOTES. Detroit City Ranks, - 'm ,,' Caiiid.i,(!illSolTent B&iiks) - .■■ (l X EnglandaniX York, (Solvent Bank) ( Kew Jersey and IVlmrare, " "... Ohio, and Kontuckv, _ „ . liauk of the State uf Indiana, - UKCUKKEN'T FCNDS. ouying fiotling Virgin a and DtatrlS ' folurobui, 10 6 S..CVrolina,ïOnn and !." ■■ " PennsylvaniaaudMaryland, Indiana-Stock Noten. ,,: Ala.f('crgia and OLt Curolm, Bank f Kngland Notes, L, j, Bank of Tetumseh. Michigan, O J" EMhaiwc Bank of 1). BallS Co.. 2 OUR KATES KOK UILLS OF EXCHAXGE. Buymg. Selling. On Xew York and Boston, X X On Buffalo, 1IUh On Cincinnati, ;': On Chicago, Í100 or upward. 5 pr et. im. GOLD AND StLVER. Buylmt Sthog. Ara. Oold, lots of 100 or upwardu, American "h-, WaRrasts. It willbeobserved that we do uot quote bj ïhe acre, but ao many dollars for the Warrant. Buying. ietüüg. 40 ACRS WiP.!U.fM 40 H Ril ' 00 ' o s : PREMIUM COIXS. SILVER COIXS. GOLD COIXS. Span I),llars, 1 05 I Sovereigns, 4 80 Mexican Dollars 1 04 20 Franca 3 80 Fue Franc i'iece 96 25 Francs 1)6 Frenen Oowns 1 06 10 Francs 1 0 Germán " 1 00 5 Francs Oi l'ruasiau Thalers 69 Tun Thaler Piece 7 80 GuilJers 38 X Thaler I'ieces 7 85 English Silver, (shilling Ten uilder Pieccs 4 00 23c; L4 CO Spanish Doubloons 16 00 01.1 Am. Half Dolll. 1 03 Patriot 16 60 fcf On lots of $100 or up I California (Jt.ld 10s 5d wards, 1 ?c additionxl 5n and 20a ld. Gold Dust, $16 to $10 50 per oi. Spanish changc $1.16 per oi. or 22 cents for qnartwa, 11 for shillings, 5for sixpnces. On lot.% of 20 oí, and apiraMa, tMS pr oí. DAVID -PRESTON St CO., Banker. 72 Woodwnrd Avi-., Detroit. O OSico hour8,from 8, A. II., tu 6,P. M. THE GREAT ENQLISH BEMEDÏ H1H JAMKS rtAHKB'Ö Ct-Iebraied Female Pill. PSOTEOTED isij?íjk L ï T T E K f BY E0YAL 5'O' PATENT Preparad from a preterición of Sir J. Ciarte. H D.. Phyncian Extraordinary t th Qua. ThiB invaluable medicine inunfiüling in the curft of nl .Iiobb painful and dangerouw dineapea to which th facíale' mtituti"" in nubject It -pnrjerjit all xotitifl and rr dtorei all obatruetiotiR, and a fper -Jt cura mar be rfciietl on TO HURR1BD LAD1UH it i peculiariy aiiited. It will, ín a a&ort time, bring ol :hf montbly period with reirahu.ty. Each fcH.'.Uo, prioe Ou Dollar, Wara th Ooreraafimi Stjimp of Grat Brit&in, to pravffnt eounterfeiU. Tkut Pillt êknttd nat be lolr'n by ftmUi ériaf ( FIRST TURE MUXTHS f Prtgnancy, at Hui art iutc to brtug m Mitcerriat, i at a)f ttktr Umt U) In ill wei of Nerronf and Smnal AffècUona, P&tc Í iLe Back acJ Limbs, Fatig ae ott siijht excrtlon, Palpit twn of tbc Hiart. UjiUrid. and Wrhit thM Pül wiB i]tct a cure whu IÏ other tneau bar fidled, and Jthtiugh a powerful remcdy, ti iiot eontaia iron, calocW. w-liimoT, or any thin burtful te th eoasÜtüM. FuU örecUoM ocouipry ach packag. 3I Agtnt tor the Unitod States iad CuaÍa, JOB 1ÍOSE3, fLftt I. C. Biüdwin Co_ Rochnfler, J. T - $1,00 isd pmrtaje tfcTipi rcïoid to any an AtMS Ui i&fio a Lott of ti KÜ4 b; xtan Kold be GRENV1LL & FULLER Ana Arbor, and by Druggistiinevtfry town. Coughs. The surlflon changos of our climate are Bources of PüXJOXT, ïipoNCflUi, and Ahtiimatic Affkc tioxb, Experience haring prored that simple remedies 'iften act speedily anl certainly whea taken in the early stages of t'ie diseasc, recoure should at onco be had to "Hr.wn s Brnchial Troche 'or I,osenges,let theCold. Cough, nr Irrtation of the Thrnat beever so üliglit, aby 'hi precaution a -re seriouR attack may bï efTcctully wardcd off. Public SI'kakeiií and Singees will fmlthem eflfectualfor clearing and alrecgtliening the voice. See advtrtisement. 77Cm6 MOTHERS READ THI3. The following ian extract frm a letter writtcn y thepaetorof a Baptist Ctiurch to the "Journal ani Jfessenceiy' Cincinnati, Ohio, and speaks volumes n favor of tht woridreftowned medicin - Mits. Wl8. low'8 -ooTiiiNG Strot for 'iin.nKKN Tkwboho: '-Wföocan advertiüemtnt in your columns of Mr-. Winslow's Soothinft -yrup Now we never said a wi r 1 n favor of a patftut oièdtetoö beftjre in ou' ie, bul we foei compelMto say t. your rearlers, that thic is n humbug- WK HAVE TKIKD IT, AS'D KXnW IT TO B Lt W claims. It ík. probably one of the mi.-t BUOCWJBiu' medicines f the day, because :t is one of the Dest And tbose oí your re-idt-rs wht havfl babifli can't do it botter thao to 1 y in a " eeadveit .ement n nnother column To Consumptives. The Advertiser, having bfcn refitoisd te hfAlth u few weeks by a verjr simple remely afti'r bnving uffer ed everjil yars with a. aevere lung afTection, and that dread disease, C-o numption - is anxi'ius to m&ke kno.rn to hiH ftllow ufferers th-e means of cure. To all who desire it, he will pond a copy of the prescription used (free of ciiarpe) , wiih the directions for preparing and usiag the aarae, wliich they will find a mURB CURB for OOMSOMPltON, ASTHMA, lÏKOXCIimS, iVC The only object of the advertiser in send:n(r ihePrescription ís to benefit tlie nfflicted and spread information which he conceives to be invaluable, and he hopes every sufferer will try his remody, as it wíl! cost them noth ing, and may prove a blesAinp . Partiea wishing the prescrip'ion wil) please address Rev. Edward A WltüüiL 768yl WiUiamsburgh, Kings County, New York. The Oreat of Iii Rnre L& The Oreat Hca Ier of Mankind! Herrick Snqa? Coated Pilis Th" wAote Wnrld United! Stek People think! After tohich act. You'd Rcarci expect,at this late day, With startlingcuresa book to fill; This is ihe case, themillion aay, With the cures of Herrick 's Pili Thcy come from Kast, uid North, ind West, And with glad tMingsthe papers fiU, they are the cheapest.safest, bes And -(uperiorto others isHerrick's Fill From Rootri, and Plauts, and Flowers they're; Tu'j' .lwnyp cure- thcy never k i 11 Thouuands now in their graves wereiaid, Wcreit notfor Herrick 's 1'HIp. Each I'ill with sugar is coa led o'er - A rií re di.scovery of match !pss iklU, Their liki w:vs never Reen bcf-re, Until itappeared in Herrick l'ill For years hel workd to heal the ickf With jov' elate liis bosom filis: For tensof thousauds now rejtiice At th maiiic Poweisof IÏTrick'H Pilis. '.-Sf BERRICK'8 MATCHLE9S VEGETABLE FAMILY PILLS hae inunilated the world witb their popnlarity i Over five uilUofi of boxn are used annualy, living em' ployment toeiRhty-five mnn and wmen to put them up. Thèir enrosare numkre 1 by thousands - thiïir praises on the tonguen of all, Citizenn of Washtenaw Co-, and eürewbere have you used themVPut up in Eagtiflh, Germán, and Frencli divectionfi. Largp f:imilv boxMi "5 cents! Five boxe-t for SI. Sold everywhere. Seeadvcrtit-meTit oniln pge I in portant to Fe ín ales. I) r. V K K S R M A V -i Pfliti?. ! PbEPABKP BY CnRWtn L. CHKESEMAN, H. I.f ' New York Oiiy. i Thecombinatinn of mííie'iints íd these Pilis are the remlt oí lonjanA xtensíve praotlc. Tbtjr are mild m thelroperation.andcertRln io corrfeting hII írreirularitics, l'ainfiu Ueoeuratlont, rcmoving all obytfuctiomt, whtther from cM or otherwise. heailache, pain in the Hile. ijaliiatH'.ion of the heart, whltM, all nervoun íiíTi-cUm, hysterie, fatigue, pain 'm the back tndliinbs, kc. , díwiurbedtílci'j), whicb irie Trom ntcrruption of uatur. TO MARUtKDLADIES, Or. ('hpfiipman'K 1'illn arp invaluable, as thry will bringon the njonthly perio-1 with reulariíy. Lndies wiio have been disappolBted in the uwc of otha Pflla can plfloa -tbr utmict conñ-lcnceinDr. Cheesemau's Pillu doing all tljoj rvpvciient to do. V O T I C F. There is nne cmtdHtov of the femalr nyntsm in whicb thr pill.f cnnnot be. (fa without prodncinf ft VKCULIAK TtKSUtT. Vhf wvJhinn reftrrci In lë PHEGNANCY- tht Tf.Kult, MTCA ÏÏHÏAQ E %'A $ thr hrcsinfable tttodency of the medicinr t Te.xtorr the nbbumI funrtinva to a normal condition, tfiit evm the reprodncttve power oj nnturr cannoi rcit tt. Warraalefl pairely rcprotable, anrl frre frnm tinything ininriouf, ExplioUdireotlons, wtilch nhoull hc rta1,ac rompanv each box. fnt by mail "n enctoRtnft $1 to PrOí'íivei.UbL. Cuebskman, Box 4 ,531 , Vost OfTice, New York City, fííT SoW Ijy ono Druggist in evory town in tlio bmtcd State. -O E. H. UÜTCUINÖ8, General Ac.evt ron ttie Uihtï tatti, fïati, Broaditay, New ïm-ft, fW To "vhosa. all WhoUwJa oMen sbould he adflrwn t-'-Jl-l iu Add ÜAT -■ P, StctBISB & Wrtsf ■ ' ■■ fía i -;:,-■ . 7$tyj o, o oo DOLLARS WüRTH -orBOOTS fe SHOES ín consequcnce of Making a cbange in my business 1 will sell My Entir Stock of BOOTS $ SMOJSS! AT WHOLESALE OR EETAIL, AT COST ! Now is the time for familie and individuáis to supply themselvtia for the coming Winter and oho for next Spring and Summer My tock consistí of every variety of Sho f; r Winter and Summer wear, and purchased at low price. WM. S. SAUNDERS Ann Arbo-, Deo 1, 1860. 777m3 T.ti-fc. ILIFE OF ANDHEW JACKSONt, By JAMES PAETON, AuthtT of ''Lift of Aar nliuir,"e;c Tliree Vols., 637 (o 71Í4 pages each, with Steel Por raiia. Crottn Octavo Kdjtio.v.- -Cloth Üiidng.$5;.Sheeu, tt: Half Cali', $'.;!■. 11 Calf. lü SVfi& kibkrs' Editio.n, Royal Octavo (sold by aubscriptioc omy.- Cloth, $7 50; ÖhMp, $j; Hall talf, itt; full Cali, ■-"■ Mr. Haften ha1 been yenri engaged iu the preparntin of this, work, ai d has bsstowed upon it the mot caretui reearcli ;.n 1 nvvstigat n. lhe tirst roluine of the Mibcribrs' tufctmu was isuued a year t ia r. c n 1 ITM pubüfthtd Inst 8rink', and the thiid and. i t Éi iiuw c-.iiipieïtil . Of the lirst and necond vuiume, th prwa havo aptfcoa m the waimet commn aTi, n"The Lile ül' Andraw Jacks, n was iudeed un ev:mtful ont'.anl the event tbat weie crowdeU ino UU carear, as h pioneer, a, general, umi a statc-nan, -re nï'-lig the mot tnpüitant in the hi-try of our country. '- Taun ton Gmeite. "Almitst ali that relate i" ttm is peculiar, eitraurdiBU7i and tnttrwatia" - Amen ia Tinv. ■riiüse who have bon tam har wiih xtiv career of Jacks q will be BUTpriitwd at the niass of nevr ma t t the authur has coüeeted iy-Boton Journal. 'lt exbftttSU ths subject." - yio York Dau Buk Jlt iaan honesi book thruugnout." - Nofhville Union. 'It i equully free t om the .spirit of dftractu,n, n the one hand, and of unmixed glurificatii n, oü the uther gs and vïrtuffl are alike faithi'uily dehneitted." - Wettwn ( 'nriAtüt'i Advoca'e. "Oaeofthfl mint ivaduble of books. ETery page is olive . It is hb romantic as a mediaevü! romance, un I yet bjM thea'lvantagef Wiiug true.'" - Hom?. Journal. "1 otwtnes a áigreaoí tmerMt wiiich cmi earoely be oTer-taüd. - New York Wurld. A fresber, iivelier accoun w $ nevtr wntlen ol any hero, by auy au hor. - Boston Trav tier. "So fftrkM üction cull be brftr btiod t) huid iheattei-tn-n anl bear the mind along nth a Ku.staumd euihukia-m, tlü'ii tliin ftaeeunt ot tbf n-al of one of uur uwn couutryroetj. ' - Boston lUcrdtr. ''Frum fi.a. to last, the work is iateoaaiy iutaretiug " - Phii&dcifhta Item. "l'eifectly fascnatug." - Neu York Üay B uk. - ' nirrative U Üwin.r mi cbarmiiig. We confeii havng rw I the wbole (utife rolumi) .ntvo proloujjed it lings.' - Ifar'er'M WceUly "the mot difíic lt tak vu wlifre hiiü huw to part corapany with it " - Nexo Ynrk Orayon. 'of intense nd permneot iotret " - Ntto Yorii Observcr. ''TbemuáL iu e ■tmg poiiÜAttJ and períoUül iii.itui y ever writieu ol any pubiic man in tüi.cuunt y." - Penneylvan an. "Hmatyl. is fairly eloquent „jth viViUnebs and tluency. account cl the dtene of Ne-V OrleaiiB imm Itt inception tn iis climax, in tere -i t jnre deely than a Lato of ákinktfj or an orientii romnce-" - Amenia Tmt$. "uoe of the most intresiiok Hnl iu-tructiv bouks we haT; ever read "-Russels Mn&azint (Charla o., t S. C.) "A Life ÏAdesd . an i behTtí wuici lte conv. ntlonal and corniU' n pl'tce biugraphius oí modei'B traca sink Intu tupidu and insigotficent "-Ntw York Journal of Co "miree. AISO JÜST FUBÍ"P. ThkLjfb and Times of I'imiPriCHUYLSK. 3y Benson J. Lossiog Vol. 1. Crowa 8 to., 492 pages. With ttel l'ortraita Clutht$l50. For the iirst timea gentine biography of Gen. SchuyIer is writton. 'l'ht charactcr and trvicet of thïa eflöcient ia borer for our country, a weh as tlie establisbed reputation of Mr. Lossing au a writr on kiodred ttjpici, give to the book no ordinary interest and value. The work will be complete in two volumen. Italy; Fkoh tub Eabukst I'kb on tothk Prese.vt Ut. By John tí. C. Abbott. Crown 8vo.,587 pages. With Stelllortrait. Cloth,$l 50. Théa volume ia one of the series of Mr. Aöbott's Alonarchie.t of Continental Kut ope, ot which Auatria and KuMsia have previo sly appeared. The volumes are of uniform atyle and pnce, but each distinct in iUeU', FUBLIHKD BY I-A-SOIST BROTHERS. 7"8w2 Km.I & 7Mercer SU eet, New Vork. For Sale by BeokaellerB generally. Ixisizxai cc Agency ! C. H. MILLEIÏ IS THE AGEN'T for the fnllowinL ftrst c!as companiei: ll.iUK Htsl'HAKCE COMFANV, of New York Capital and Surplus, $1,51.0,000. CITY PIWE INSUHANOE COBIPANT, of Hartford. --Capital and Surplus, $O(MIO0. rOVTIKESTAL IHSVSAtCE COMPA'VY, o. Xcw Y( ri City ---Capit 1 nnd ourplu, $l(J0,0 0. Three-qur.rterii of the nett prfitn in thiB Company 18 flivuded auiiu illjr amung its nolicy holde. (.' H. MII.I.KN Ann Arbor, December 13, 1800. Cni78 NOTICE OF DITCH SALE. 1HE UNErWf.N-'D Comiui.-isioners, will offer for a:ile al public üuc'ion . to the lowest bid'ler, at the hone ..f W1I.1.1AM WATT.-, in thcT(;wnhij, of I.ndon, 11 Washtiniw Co. and Sla'c of Michigan; on the lOth day of Januar) . 1R61, at '0 o'c'ock, A.M., a quantity of Ditch. ilenommated Watt, ditpli, loeatix! ia sni.l Towaïblp of I.yndon. contftfmDg S-tf tods of di ih to oe of nn average depth of 4 .3 feft nd an avrragE width of "■.:! fi'ct. Aluo tw hianche to the above conlainin? aomt K n ds nf ditch to be 4,ö Teet di-p an 1 of in averuge width o( 5.3reet. Averaprn width of top or tnaln diteh 10.6 feet, average widtli ol top ol branch üitvhe 9 .f feet Jacob rnrpTov, ) JOHN' R. PTARK, J. 'omtnlsiiionerl. JOSEPH PBAY, i Tcc lïtb, IKfC. 3w77l WTIHE OF DITCH SALE! "THP" UVIIERSIGNED, Cnmmission'T', will nfTer for Bale I i t public UCtlo, to the tnwMt bidder al the houRe of Tilomas Mitchel!, in thcTownship of 1-ima. County oí Wasl fnaw and ■'tat" "f Michigan, tlie 8th day ol .lamían 18fil. at 10, o'clock A..M aboutlOO rod of dilet tobe 1 i feet wide on theb-ittom, anl ;Ï1A nid of ditch to boflfeet widi on the bottora, and of anaremge deplh of 4feet, and ear.1i bank tu riant ontward one foot to ■ foot ')f depth; tito Wi'i rf-ds of ditch, a branch te Uu above itch to be 2 feet wide. on t'..e bottoni and of ao average depth of 4 feet nnd each bank to have the name slant a the muin ditch. A'l of the abuve named ditch if Iocate4inthc Township ot L.mi JACOH PRFCTON, JOHN1 n. TiPK, .1 OS! KB l'KAY, romiaisirners to suprrintend thetlratuingof swarope marslie. anl i ther low lande. I!ec 12th, ?i'). 3w7?8 ÏLÏvery Stabl. fi. GRFfN, at l.ivery Ptalile. rcnr of Frankün, lioldR himnelf Ti-artv to furnish tle be-t "turn Ont," sicele or doublé, at, ihort notice. C]l and Kee his Hnrse and Curriagu. Office second door Kttt of Wcb.iter'i FfOOl; Ptort'. V. S. A fiDO stíy-k rf Ccttcrs fer ftest wbo 4!lghí 10 ■- fture Cuüii, Cola, HirKnrtn, lrfin jEff}ntK. "■"' ""1 ir""'1"1 ""■ "'"■■ " '' ■LaJHjfljB. Th'oa-: RMfCth, lla.kvg Cuk %humMh M i C m.'Ump:int , Bronthül, AtkliilTÏT 1LUJ Pía rtníi C''-tA. Ciar H'id nv4lÉH rflof ntrrngth lo iht voir nf KjWF PtBI.IC SPKAKKB, SyüÜi and SI'G1'.IIS, tu , .ae of tbe impoitnceot checkiug a (!ou(th or "Comuiun Cotd'1 Dit flrst siage; tliat which in the beginnintr would yild toa mild rvrnedy. f nefrlecttd. s(nn atUckn the l.i:n.H. -'Brown' llfmchial Trocbc8,'' corliiiiingdemu'cent ingredknu aliay PulmoLar and Pr nrlua-l Iir titicm. BKOWN'S ''Thut troubl in mv Tbroat. (for which the "riuclies" are h .-peciftc) haviogtnadc „„„„„_„ meotteu a more whispwcr.' TROCHES íl. p. wilus. '1 recommend theirus to Pcblic.jkakRKOWNS ■" RKV L '-HAHN-. 'Mfave proved eitremely serricsable for troches """iftv hknry Waru bbkkx. "Almoflt amant reliet n the flisVresning UriOWN' ubor ol brealhing peculiar to Asniu." "tiKJ RKV, A. C BUQLE ION'. -, „„„, "Crniain no Ofiutn or uivtliing injurlTROCHES lias." UB. a.A. HVYüS, Chcmist, Boaton. nnhWKN 'a siaiple and pïeasant combinaiion fcr i B"U"" - CütJoaa.fio.'1R. . F. BiUKLOW. Usston. TROCHE Beneficmlin B0SCSTT7s." LiR. J. F. ff. LAXE, phAu H a Boston. atiKJ l "I hav prord them eXMllnt for _ Vuauno Coyoa." TROCHES BKV.U. W.VTAPJIEN", Boston. npntrM a "Bcüeficial when con:pelled to speak, tstiijnc a ulïeriugfrolnC0UJ.i' REV. ■ . Ji P. ANDF.RsOy, TROCHAS .t.L,,uií. "EfTectual inreinormg HoarBei.eia and RPniCTtf' ritition of the Throai, A'j öommon with "KU " " ö rirSAKÜKS and MNÖEJIS." Pro .li.áTACYJOHNSOK, TKOCHES LaGr.n4e,Ga. Teaibèr of Music .-ouihro RRnWlí'S Fímnh-Coilége. divvjh ti D .i(jre,t benefit when lakn bcfur and after jjreacü.ug, as they jrevent HoiirseTROCHESnrsa. Fr, m thp;tpaiteLf-ct,l h,a:. t:iej A'i.l be of pirmauent aivantge to tav:'' TIRnWV'-: KEV.E.KOtfLEY, M. tSKU V il ■ Pridnt of Athen Colleg. Tenn. ft, solüf 11 DruirxUtjat T'.VENTYTROCHES fiyÜCENTS A liOX.-e W0 BlAeKVViíOD'S MAGAZliNE AN"D THE BRITISU UK VIEWS. L 3COTT& Co , NI W VORK, continue to publith the íollowing leadiug litiüsh teriodical, T.: 1 THELONDON QÜARTERLY (CoruerratiTe) . 2. TfiJÏ EÜINBURUH BtTItW (Whij). 3. THE NuRTH 2MTISH .KEV1EW (Fr Church), THE WESTMIN-STEK RKV.'.EW (Liberal). 5 BLACKWOOD'S E!)INBURGH MAGAïE (Tof j)The preseht critica! atatj of European sffaus w!ll rt'Oder panlication.s unu9ualiy inKnesting during Ihe (ortbcomitig year. The; 'II a middle grouni betweei the haátily wrltten nesfs-item, crude speculationa, n 1 Byilit Juurnal, and the ponderoui Tome oftbe tutme historian, wrilteu aiter the living intrrt-st and excitenii-nt of the reat (jolitical ertnts uf the time shall Uavt: passed away ItiSvüthtse Heriodicals tbit reader, ,-j-t luok forthe oil.v really intelliu.ble and reliable , at ' ■ cuiTent evt-nls, aud as tuch, inndditi'n 10 ' el! Batiib''"1""1 h'rry, cii'ntiHc. and Uieolngical =-Wer..tioo of Mi. reudiUg iiubliC The receiptof ADVA.vtBsHK's iröm the Britisi? ïsberr gives adiiii'nal value to thc-ne Kepriiit. iu. mach as they can n i be plae-d n the haflís ul íuIjící in r.i about aa aoon ub tilt' original editiüQ TEEMS. !er Ano, fof anj one of the four Renewi. $ 0 Pr anv tWO of the four Kevtevrs, 6 00 nr any 1 hree ol the four Kt'Tiews, 7 00 fut all'foiT of the Keviews, 8 00 Kor Magazine, 3 00 fi t Blackwoud and Dr KevieW, 6 00 Mir HinckWdod und Urn Keviewa, 7 ('0 Y r Blackwood anl liffi-ws, 9 00 i-'or UlackWwod nn th foU: Keviewi, 10 Ut a M'ney curreut intbe SUte where ued will bt recL'ivtd at ptir. Clul3bing. A discount of twenty-tive ier cent .r--m tho above prio-s will be alluw. d tn ;i.ina ord r ng iour or m' :iipiei of toy one or m re oftheabnve woik. Thus:- Kout coi s of Black wi-od. or of one Keview, will be sen' to one addrpas fr $■■; foiif jopics of the four Keyiewn aud Ulackwud lor $bn hïi i so on. p o s T a o E In alMhe principal Cities and Toiwn tbee works will De drlivcred KKKK OF POHTAGE. Whcn sent bj mail, the Powtage t":ny part of the United states will be but Twpnty-Four Cents a vcar for '4Blaek wood," nd hut Fouriten ' 'ent a year for ach the Keviewn N Iï.- The i fit in breat Hritain of the íiTe Periodicais above name!. $31 perannum 777" GO TO BAKGMEFFEB'S FORTOÏS, YANKEE NOTIONS, COJÍFECT1ONER1ES, &c, &c. He has everything on hand that will pleasa Old and Little FolkS. Ris Ptock is extensive, and tliose wishing to purchiise ChrisCiIïM and New Yuars Git'ts would do well to give liim a t-all as he is bonnd to 6cll clienper tlian any one this bide of the Allegliiinios. Ann Arbor, Dec. 7, 1860 4w miO3V0ÍH3 -ose. ■nax SyOAÖHJO S30N3SS3 City IVEeat IVEarkei. jMM-_ The undcrsigned , g, THEIR M4RKET TO THE CORNER OF ANN AND F'XJRTH STREETS, And will keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Fr o s-li 3MC-O-.-t-si-, whicv 'ley w'" alurays Dl found in readiuessto cut upon üUll'"cUs."OMERS. No rxiss will be spared to keep their niarket Clean, and M e a ts Sweet and patrons may reiy upon getting the best ROiSTS 8tek, chufs, ele. ,that can be found in'the City CALL ANDTRY US. 8. HROCTOR T. WAI.KKR. AnnArbor.May 4, 180. 745m6 MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & NORTHE.N INDIANA RAILROA1J. 1860. WINTER AUUANUEMFJÍT. M61 Irains now run on this ruad, íutAays exceptod, Ml fnllOïTs: Leave Toledo for Chicago daily except Mondays at 12 15 A M.and 12.40 1'. M ,and Tia Air Lin at 9 A. M. Lcare Detroit tor Chicago t 10, -0 A M. and 9,30 P. M Arnving iu Chicago t'rum Toitídu and lietruit at 10,30 A M. and 11,00 P. M. Arrivoat Detroit trom Toledo, at 0:15 A. M.,&6:00 H. M. Arrive in Detroit fromChicaïoat 6. 00 P. M.,and3.16 P. 11. Arrire in Toledo rom Chicago 3,40 P. M. and 4.90 A. M I eave Adrián fnr Jackson at 0,15 A. M. and 6,16 P. H ' Juckson for Adrián at .1,30 A. M., aad 11,5S P. I CONN'ECTIONS. At Tolicdo- With 'Cleveland 4. Toledo Rail Road, with Wabash Valley Rail Itoad. At Hktkoit - With Grand Trunk Railway, with Great Western Raitway, alöo, with the Detroit and Milwaukee Railroad At Nkw AtBAST & Saucm R. R Citossl.vr,- With Train for lafayetle, New Albanyand Louisville. T Chicago - With Chicago an) Aock Icland, Galena Milwiiukee, ChiCHffo, Burlington and Quincy - Xorth W' Railway - Chicago, Alton and "H. Louis, Iüiiioi Central, añil to all l'oints West añil South. L&- Tntins are run by Chicago time, which ís 20 min utea blower tlmn ToVi time. Wi,odrufTs i'at-nt sleoping Cara accompany th Nijrlit Triins on this Route. SCy Time and tare the same as by any other Raí Road Route JNO. I). CAMrPELL. Geue-1 Superintendent. A"ii Arbor & Lodl Plank Road Co. ' I 'HE ANNI'a!. MKITING it the MoakMdtn of th I Ann Arbur & LikU l'lauk Roal Co., f' r the elentiou of Director for he eiijuiing year aud tor Ktieh other bimiiiiHs H.s UU& proprly cme foefore the raeotinp, will bc held at the CMIic" o the t'nmpany i n Ann Arbor on Tursflay the lat day of Jiwunr} 1861. at 2 o'clock P. M. H. BOOTI1, Prioáent. Ann Arbor, Do th.1860 3w777 TJS.13ZJE1RI XJDE. J5[. ÜYt:ie eubflcriber, on the firnt ñny oí Sfy2?Sr-POc'''l)er' a nI'4rK HOKSK, wliite spot ikwfoX iti iiL-f!:.;L , t ■,■.!) white feet, anl kbnul Aj 13 years om, Aoy ptrou calling, proaMw vn pripi'rt.v,pAy charges, ca takft sair NDRKW J.SMITH.m Millcr'a Atb. Ann Arbnr, Döc. 12, 1860. 778w6 RKURF I RKl-ïEFM RUUFFIÜ M'RV Roycc'B Universal Belief for ïntcrnul SMBplftlDilt, 1 nuch a Colic. Cboltra Murbua, Pain m thp Stomach or liowelw, Uiarrbeii, Djijcphia( Fwy ind Aruö, Cough, Coidti, &. Alstt for '"uta, Frcsh WouudB,Hurnfi,Sprainri( ! Rhema;itism, N'e r.ilgia. lnüueaza, trhilblain, laruo Back or Sitio. Toothacht-, Ktiache, Ho!i]che, kc. BosureaDdgetJ. G. ROTCE'ft UNIVERSAL BEUí-J1 prepared m WumMm, and for L+..' by I tuí.'í &ná Grooerfl genorally. 7T7m8


Old News
Michigan Argus