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MOOBB Sc LOöMIS Hfiie Removed o the STORE RECKHTLY OCCUPIED BT C. MACK, Phoenix BIock.East side of Main St., AND HAVE STOCK #1 ÍSS OF BOOTS & SHOES Of eTery deiciipiion which will be SOtiB OHBAPBR THAN CAS BE BOVGH? IN ThU Wj. álm a Urge tuwtmcot c HOME MA.NUFACTUTIE, Or ill kind made In tbt uot r a s h I o n atole Jötylu (T 000 i EXPER1ENCED WOUKMEN, FSENCfl CÁIF BOOTS i ! in SÖt sütiTASali thii de of New York City, nd ir wal [uti Dot to KIT. Uur fOGAS AND KIP S& r made of tht best mtf r:l Our stock of Moooco lïootees Tor Ladlta ! the the tet in town, wlth heeli or without V WUe to trder, and nevcr miss of aernxo the sonireuBa callaud we willshow you nuntock free of charge Wehave vcured the services of twi Kx perieuwd Journymen who do ourmending n the Bient eit Planner, and on shurtest notice. Our motto i Quick Sales and small Proflta Thankf ui nr pst faTors we hope bypa.ying atrict attcntio.i to our buaincsi to morlt a tibtral hare of your for the tut.ure. _ y Rememberwe are nut to be nndmold. "w MiORE & LOOMIS LUMG & BLOOD INFIRMARY. pu.her Block Wcotitcard Ave Petmtf, Dr. . J CAUPttMTKH M RAISARD. DOCTORS gen rny prWü that Consumpiion la incurable Ln lW cannotCUW U tue3lve.; but tin d.,en tmke .t tr-ie. ..... . , r Manv mecnanics 111 m rka on job all day and f ter uorflg n pt .ng b t -P" 1 the raat-r al they will te 1 yoi. ittt'-v. r eau3dtM nthc wuy you w.,nt it. But yamly.a; toa beller TM km.- oe wtau tu-.roughlT iE,M hl. bu.í,ní-you will gt your werk c coinpiished in shftpe. In this re.peet there is tL ame diilcrnce to be '..unl i" all tr.iles nd profeasions. TUc b, mkr. m ni.rn. nth iti. o 1") lD lteül"Ky. "' 'n mech'. .Hy (jUch tliings Ciniu t be done. An1 it is physic, w,li . .(dno'beil all men were like th-mtrue that they cijl. 'v there ie amthrr o!LS" "f men, elTi-s. But frtunteo - case in hand, do ihe and these, hen t:iJ take j to hultn , accor' ing jobas Jou want it, or rentiT'" .Vou -bcr tl is act to to desire. We have nj t rcm''' -ouDce that uudi rstand whj one phy.iciiin fiïiul'l Pr" incurable whichan.thir can cure. „ossesaion" In mi-chK.ilcs, we Mini. t mva hnd that b . . .. he of .uperii.r mcum. by som( ne invei.tlou, of ffn.. . las thr sole uae, or by the rea'.er ingi-mtj of bi. minrl one persim will maVe i r 'lo what no I thercutl. Exkctly it m.v be n in pliysic. And this ia the i-ry reas'on why I hav uch great suocer ovc-r al thtn in the treatment of Cuuaumptlon. By hiTing he original genius, bv posessing the I.ung-Mettr, vthich ennblea mr to clearlr deti rmine the nature of Ihe ilMRFafld by hay n( suiA remedes fot Comumption s n-iotherfbyicipn ever haci.niakeboW t. that I iave. aud ain etfret h Cüre of ïhis diteise beyond thi each of auyot er man. To pn(" this tn hive been he case. I might ftive you nambers upon numbers if certificaten trom mt n and women piTpn ovf r to t'ne irrave, who have been rescued and re.-tored to hculth y the perseverinfc use ot my rvnledi. f for Consumvti'n . lul it is nut ni'Ci ssa' y for me to do ao here. for the act of onemwii doing what another ennnot CKïlIJor. ia evident toli min cif cummnn r.ense. If the Couiumpive wishes further l roof than this, I can only say. c me t.n ►atisfy yurstir by tri 1 of my kill in tie cure of your coinpinit loctor Cnrpn!tr will vinit Ypsiloan. ancl Ann Arbor, lur:n" lSPO-tl . Ana.rbiT, ll Cook's Hotel. ííd finí 'thof'each month; ttufkins House, Ypiltl,' 6th and fth of eacii rnnt i. The reniainder of the t me, he will be found at hia Luug Infirmai y in I étroit iy773 hëadTquarters. iri For all kinds of pethoijIU aar , 1 1 COAL OIIA & FLUID I LAiftPS. jW PETROLILIM FLUID, W Coal Oils. zf Superior qu liv, nt pricos gunréC-A slrorvd to the abuve on burt uotice. ML a De KO REST. , ..n,.a Nov. I", 1H60. 774tf WLnES &KN.g7ÏT bars rceeivcd thcir leeond purehnse of WINTER GOODS, Wliich will be old at the Lowest Pcssible Prices, POR CASH, BARTER, OR PROMPT We invite all to cali and b satisfied that our GOODS ARE AS GOOD AND PRICES AS LOW asean be fouml in the city. Noï 10, 1860. . ?75tf General Land A gency PF.FÍONP wftntlng furmi, or reiideDreHn orcAat Ann rbor, enn by ollingonme]ectfroma lltt üf 0T8T IOO Karm( Kor Snli ! Ofvarloup itMél trom 't, te 1301' ser nrh ;{iome Hoodti-tiiTfnthl Connty.) M.r thm lundrrd to fourehouiaix lo nri'inrh;'ii)ri nTPT 9 1141 F. ÍIM-DINT. Ï,OTS AmoDi-thpfurinf ar tbr KUboppraria i.'iOOirrei, thw I'otttT farm, í n Greet Ok; Plnnlnrm. n i 4 ) Hcrpi, tht Blandón inH Jnk-farm. in 'Vhiter; th 3rub'i, Miclme' Olancy, Newtin Bpen, nd Füllflh,' farm, i n Anr rbir J Kinii]py'4 Carm, in l'ittefiejd the íltcb and Hi"k farm ii I orí] the PutrirV rUyu i'arm Ín PrPfiom; W, t. Hnvikon. B. O. Rnker t and Buck'i farmo In íyliVn Hutt -i th(r nd maoy otbors can bo Ílldoi to ult purgasen B. ve inN. Annrri. Jkt) 1 lf DE FOREST.AKMSTRONG A CO. DRY GOODS MERCHANTE, 76, 17, 79, 81,83 & 85 Duane Street, Wa7 Ycrk WftÜtP NOTIFV THP: TRAÍ F. tfmt toej nrc r.peníri Weekly, in nnv and boautiful jmttcrnti, tbe Ara. oesjütoixsr, A Nptc Frint, vhicb excels evvry Print in tlie Country fo port'sctina rf etcution acliesfg;u ni t'till Mail.ler Col orí, - Oiir Piint are cbaper tbaii coy in wa.rkeí(and wfh rloatiT nu. Mi. WINSLOW, A.n pcrien.éd N'urse afid Female Phys.einD, preaeati to the tten:ion ot mother,her S00TH1 Ntí SYRÜP, FOR OHÍLDREN TEETHING, rtith ?riatly facUaatc tlie proco nf t.-ctLrnj, by BoftvOBS t lie gum-, reducinj all inflaminalun - will all'iy AI.L PAIS anl spasm"dic acti' n ni ia SURE te REGÖLaTE the B0WELS. J'i-T-cud ui)Dd it, m.-ibeM, it wlll aire ret lo jèuMlTe, lk-licf ancJ liealtli to yourlufantR WchlTtput up onl n'! sold ÍUl ar'iclo f";r ot tn jmn, -ni CAS saY I.V CONFlUïNCE AM 'iFülHof it whht Te have nflrcr bt n abe to Raj of, lOlf (,tlicrmli:in - NoVEK HAS IT KAIl.Eb A BIKbLE 1N-Ï. N .. lo KFÏECT A CÜHÉ, when t melv u?ed. Neviriil Te know i n inrt.Oce nf dií hi!t'8fact! t. bv an - n who urt'l { ÍJn tlití cntTar.v'. al ,.r ; 1 .vit i 1 1 oper t: n , . n ! pk n t. íia.) oí ccnimenilalMn ol It' lnaK'C"l effectí nd nitdcll virtu. W -peak :n tUli m tt r 'WHAI WE LO KNOW " alter fu " ■'-' eíperience, AND ■ I,ED(.E OU.. Ki ILTaIkK rO'. THK lüUILLMIlfT OF WHAT WE1I1W lt ' LA 1. Ina.lur.M tMtj nt nce wht re tlie n 'int i suti. r ni 'T"W pan nnl fxhau-0 a. reííei will b' ui n! n tituin rtwcat m nuteB aftr This valüiblf ir'iiar .titn 3 tUe proíciition of f;no of the mu' EXPEtUSXCKD aod SKILLFC1. XURt- In N-w EBulnni. ani ha bfco ued with KLVLB FUl VKXD OF CASK9. It not ticly ralieTDs thoch 1 ! frim pa n. but larigurilM thet -raachHnl boffelo, acH xy. RH'l gires t. ne en '. fiiMgy to t!i wholeayaiem It Tifl n lamí íulieve CKIPllÍR lH THE HOWEIi, AND WlXn COI.IC ni overeoniGconTulsion;, whi?)j if n t _ speed 1 y rrme dled, end n decth. We Srl;eve it ÍM CKST and SUK'E.-T HEMEI Y IN 1H1. Wl'RU i H íf" of IIY ENTHÏY and i iARriHOEA IN CHILüRlN, whetli.f It arues fríim urtiiing or 9 m any otbt-r . w ironld !ay to every m tli'-r wbo b b a cniln sufTtr nst from ny ol the fereu;"' n? cumpla nts- I u NOT LEÍ YOUR PREJU ICE-, NOR ÏHfe. í'BUüliICES OK OTHERs. stnd between you ani your RufFernj child, aivl t'ne relief thatwill be SüRli- YES. AB OLüTELY - to follow the use of t'iií medien?, if timely uaed. Full riierton fnr usins; will accimpany each bottle. N. w pniiinn unless tle facsimile nf CüBIIS & PERK1NS. Ner-Yurk, i "n tho outside wrapptr, ?(ld bv DrugiiBtH thrntigout thQ W'-rlil. Principal filce, 13 Cni.r Sirrct, K. Y PKÍCE OrtlT 25 CENTS PER BOÏT1.E Foraaleby Ebefbach &.Co. 1;Í7Í, I F T FOR THE HOLIDAYS! SCHOFF & MILLER I RE STI1X ON HAND at tUiruld SUnd, A No. 2, Franklin Block, wi:h the most cmnplet iseortment of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WAI.L AND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADE9, KOLLERS, CORD3. HOOKS AND PlNS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS, Lo Ever offered in this Market ! and thcy would suggest tothoss iapuríuH cf íuytUinjiíi SANTA GLA US' LINE tbat they can secure ft Doublé Christmas Present ! by parchasing frm thïs mock, as each pursiuaw gta an aüd.tiuuai iaeut of Jewelrjr, &c. , Uanglng in value from 50 cte. to $50. 45" Theytrat that theirlon; etp.'rience ia aalectin goodá furthiö market ml trict ateuti d to the wiintr oí 'uítomeiK, inay entitle tUem to a liberal iba re of Patronage. AnD Aibnr, Pee. 5. 18C0777tf TO IlOUSEKEEPkltö. QOMETHING NEW.- B. T. BABBITS Best Medical Salkkatus. Is manuiHctureü from cummon uit, and ip lj prepme enürely dilïerent fmm other aleratu5. yj aIi the deletenous matter extracted in such ;t -j L m .nanwi as to pru'duc1 Bread, Biscuit, and ah LJ Ö4r vinds tf Cake, whïioutcontaining a partiële ol Ij] a.leratus when the Bread or Cake is baked. j heri'by prducing wbolctome resulta. Evtrj T particle ol aleraiusis turned to gu, nd pae.tbriugU the Uread and Biscuit whiTe baking. H r L -Mr.equt-nily. nothivg remains hut commonSali S HO iVmter. aud Flur. Yuu willreadüy perceivt, b y Lhetiwteof tuis Saleratus, that it is entire'.v UlTerent trom other Saleraius. -m Itis packed íq une pound papers, each J .erbranded, "B.T. BttbbittV Hest Medicinal y ? Q -nk'ratus;' aiso, picture, twist ed leaf of bread, QO íith a glass of efïervtscing water on llie top, - 4 Vhen you pu cbat.e one paper you shnuld pre um tlie wrapper, and be particular to get the r iext exactlv lke tne drst brnnd as Hbove. ry( Full directionsfo' tnakingUread witb thiB , i ratus and Sour Milkor Creair Tartar, willac oinpany each pack;ge; also, for mükinuftll kinds of Pastry; aluo, fur mtkinfi -íuda Water and Seidlitr. Powders. j O MAKEYOL'UOWV SOA? with U ï. T. BAÜHITT'S PURE CUXCENTRATKI V POTASH 4 Warrant ed doublé the strrnjfth of ordíiur? y 'otftflh: put up in ean - 1 1b, 8 Ibs, 3 b-, ' T b.and 12 lbs-wth full directionsfor makinu AND lird and Poft Sap. Connumera wdl fiud thi he cheapest articl"1 in raarkel. Mauufactured and for salo by B. T. DARBITT, 4,66,68, 7Ü, fc 74 Washington it.Nnr York. Q 4 aqï Xo 38 India st, Boston. 71 I 4 '"43yl 0 Uitte F actor y! A. J. SUTHERLAND HAS removed his Gun Süop tothe New Biífk-nHllton stret. socth "I tbe Court tlMise.ovtua lecood floor, he 5 prvpartíd to funiíih Guns, Pistóle, Ammunition Flasks, Pohei Game Bag, and Every other article íd bis Line. On tbc m'tst re&ïonablr terlDí, nnd to rfo nll kiodi if HBPAIHING a the chnrti'-t notice nntí i n the bet mannei A tuil neiortmoot Iway ïtpt on hand, ond made to order. MANHOOD How Lost and How Restored. Puhhxhed in a Sralfd En w-topt, A LfcCTCRK ON THE NaTCRE, TKKATMEM AND RAI KAL CUKK OF -l'KR ...ATdRKHOEA, or Seminal WeakneM, Sexual Oebility, NVrvousness and Involuntary Emluiona prodaetug Imuutraey, Consumption, and Menta irt f'iiynical Lcbility. BY ROB. J. CULVERWELI, M. D. The imporlant fact tltHt the awlul confequencen of elf almse my be elfectuaily removed without internal rtraedies or tlip dangerous appücation of caustics, inatrumeuts, medicated bnOfries, and uther empyrical de TioB,U bre clcarly dtmnoatnted, and the en-irely new and highly successful treatment, as adupted by the cele brateil author fully explaiued. by means of which fivery one s en:ibit"i to cure himself perfc.tly, and at the leaet pnssitl cr.t, ihercby voiding all the adrprtiaed nnstruin of the day. Thia Icturo wilt prove a boon te thnisands and tlioiisands. Sent under seal to auy addXVU, post paid, on the reeipt nf two pnitait6 támpü, bv addrening Dr. CHAS 1 J C. KLIM, 480 Fifst iveeue New York , Poai Uox. Conway Kire Insurance cc, Of Conway. Mass. Oapil paid np, - Í15G.O00 00 Asset (Cash), - - 200 963 12 Liabilities. - - - 16.440 03 D. O. ïtopers. Jas. S Whitney, Secretar},. President. DIRECTORS. J S.WH1TNFÏ L. TIOONHN, W. F.LI.1"TT, AFU HOWL'ND, D ". McGH.VKA V. E. T. WOKGN WtlT BB.MKNT. JOSMH AÍ.I.IS. A. H RTV I.FN W.H. nlCKINSON, W T. CtAP?. D. C.HUOBR1. 4"ii Arhoi H'f?rciicfit Ilr. T. WK1.I.R. L. JAMK' L. T)OnnF, ENOCIÏ JAMK?. C!APT. O.S. OOOPRICH J W. KNIGIIT, Atfont. Ann Arhor Michigan. IROM the cremlaea of tbe Bub. rribr wtr.Q timp in1 ' Augui-t tïiree Spring Calvefi, 11 Heif-r-; cuü &&ït rs4, a yeQöwUh rd, oi thu othsr fpottwi. I wül ay h rei'iona.üio reward for ïaformation whffe I may önd thero. MlCHAEL SCBiBX.EC.


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Michigan Argus