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THE BA.NNE3. STORE. SEÖOIfD A&RIVaL -EFrFAX-Xi Sa WIlJTfeR Q-OOD ö GOOUS FROM ATIÖ'I'IÖN'. PaOts for thö People -W1 AGHTENA "T - fvn- ADJOTNTNO COÜNTIES ! And Ihfir nntrerou qationi nr.vprd. TTAv U F.vrmMy trading at tl "BANNER StOREt ' Brc„u$e A. P. SVliLLS, the Pniprirtor ot tlint Etat)lisliment ha jcet retumed from the En:ern Citie wnh tU Largst, Handrme4, Cheapest, and Most Attractive Stock qf STAPLE ANDFANCY DRY COODS! ITW brouwt to thU {rt ot ti SUiiíJ Wh$ i Ectrybody pUatKt vrüh U Stoeit Rooaute hbttrWi are mire hwntitui, qunllty bettr,Miii pric lowr thn at an ethor tore 1 the countj. Why hat ht ahiays Stmething TVew and Checj to Showt Becanseh ht&fnni eonnected wtth one of the 1; rest I)rT(ioniUH.iuwin'ew York, who il cnntlnual " BOBBIRQ ROVSD" lor cheap bnrgninssnd tbe lat ■tylei as tliey appear from time to time, an.l ín thU wn keíps him iupiílied witb i ylei, and cuuiquotlj cu turner cnalj 8tid oiaething FrSiil, NEW CIlEAr.nU DESIRA BLE Why oti 'm teil o much Cheaptr Úan Iht rttt: Becamc he ha a buyer !n the city all the time to tav advantaee of the cnntinual ohange of the rn.irket n in that buya hi goods much cheapw ikao otker can, and thet he marks them duwn to th Why does ht te'l Laditt' and Chilar'' Short te much thtfrr rhan Kat kcard ofby Int oldtsi Shocmakei i t Becaum he buy Ui toclt In th Und "f ihooi.Iir. " the manufacturers.fuUy i6 per cent cheaper than th' New York Jobbers sell thera, nnd mach bet ter work thaj thejr generatly koep. Ihiscuurse ea&blt him to il j betUr Gaiter for 35 Cents. th othansall at 00 cnt,and a betttr F8SKD QÜXS.Y &t 60 ;ats, than otkw MO at 16 ceatt. Ha hl átty Halt tnA taptt YM.tahould think he ha tack. of tba . r'L tf; aupplj th "Ute. at lowr thau was r.r hiri r. ouudthtM partí. Why U hi Tra to much bríl'r for the pricc yov piy than gOU get tl othtr plactst Bocause he take groat care in elect:n; ft, and giTeihi usiorueis tlie bauetit of a real good 76 cent TEA FOR 50 CENTS. ItUikffay h haijot. Whert thould you 90 to get your CLOTHS ene hate them Cul or MadtT To the BAN'NER STuRh, wliere the l'ople' Banner unfurledfur the I'eople igO'.J. South side of Public 3nur, a ítT door t Of Cook'. Hotel. A. P. MIKLS. 3ept. 15, 1SC0. ' 8,77o,994,tiU V0LU2ÍTELRS WASTE D! TO ASSIST IN' THK LIBERATION OF CUBA ! fflúte folts, or of whatever eolnr, caite cr nat ivity, whether rcarricd. einglr or of doulitt'ul oonoexiou, will be enlisted in ihe nolle caue of EMANCIPAT1NG THE COMMUNITV - FROM THE- l'HRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! and will rceeiTe iheir outfit at the Extensivo Fur nishing Establishmeni ..-OF THE- O U I TE Ii MANy HEAD QÜARTERS! having been establiélied for tbo LAST TEN Y E ARS, our known rule of warfare is an Undisguised Deslruction OF HIGH P RICES ! POH OIiOTEING For all -ges! Sex and Conditions! In consequence of tho very flittering eneouragement wliicli we hiiYf ifc-ived lince oiir location in thi ciiy, ve have increusei our Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHINC! To raeet. the demnmli of our oustomsrs, and liaving bccome more fully convincíd than ever. tlmt our mode of denling, namelv" at ihe lowegt possiMe rateí for rkao isr - ip 3l "sr , U ihe only true plan; we rrill continue t: erve the lublie as heretofort duricg th1 coming fall and winter. Oír tock consUts n every vnriety of RBADY MACE CLOTUINO ! PI in and Fnry CLOTHS CASSIM'KRS. StLK AND SILK VELVETS. A Urge lot of OENTLÉMEN 'S FURNISH1NG GOODS, whjch aro aü wairaated DON'T FAIL. TO OAiiLil T G. H. For past fa'vora we are gratefnl U all, Thupanie tor lardeónos in proportion, And thoie w' o pee rit to culi Sliall receivo our best smiles ftD(] devotion. M. Guiterman & Co. !f. U. Student! and nll othirs who wnnt to seo new "mode of eotting will do Wíll to cali anJ K-avc tU'-ir iBcasnru For a Nioö Fitiing Suit ! D. L WOOD & GO a. rcAoaa-ia stock: oop Séasonafele Gcods! FALL AND TV1NTER TRADE, Of zoeo: TTHICH THET WILL BEU CHËAP FOB C A S IT, OR READT PAT Ca and tce Befwe pHrcIiétirg li'tcwkere. D. L. WOOD. W. G. FOSTEP., THE HYDROPULT n inveuLujU for tbruWIug water íiaua-puwcr, t'ú'n ed by W. T VOt'E. JU.a oneuf ti.e most vluab! ia vfiruicns cf the da.y. THE HYDROrULT v?!11: b7 tb power of nneman, thro watt'r at thp tït of 8 guilonf pef minute tiltr ml liigh, vfiih gwttt ftn. It U ihe bst articie8Vcreiit(ja rut EXTIXf;n.-HTXG A FIKH, PROTECT1NU A BUOK ÏROM TiKIN'G FIRE, WA8H1NU WINDOWS, SHR1NKI.ING ItASTS, WATKRI-VU OARDBNS, CLKAN'SINO TKEF KRQil tSSSBB, WETTfN'ü SI WALK?, BPRIN'KUNG STREKTa, WASHINü CARr.,At,KS, CLEANING C1STIP.NS, EMPTYING WATKRrROSTEAn. BOAW, WF.TÏIN'li SAIL-", ASi'RAVBAl'H. SC. TiiH article ihould be OTned by verj1 lioaseUoMac - !t dnei away with the necpssity of (i hydrSfat. it Uft ght, p' riable FORCE POMP, 'ahvaya nkif, èaiilr ud ,tqd will cimti in frequent use by evety tnrujor, ra4'har: and raechanic in :he commiiDilj. Pitafc all an4 ■raininP tbe article at tbirt f ftice. AMKRICAN HTDKOPULT COMPAWt. 41 PARK i;uw, N Y. iV'tlCE wrLCH, Agent fcr WatU-nsw Covrt , 7?lmï yP-II.ANU,jiX. Herrick'a 5ugar Coated Pili ET CHILDREN GKl'yOR THEH ! XI, - F$'T mericenrenu Ar U egt jZ&'if "'"[ cl"". T Lörw. Over tivg m, L?# átóa?í?t lionfi 'íhof ar so '"$L$ the huiuHii s_vn fta tSIa & gljimls, olida ptmí ttujé, is attnded with the hftpptt effÉ-ct. In oltf steniUf casesof aickne?8, Fmall - repcated iit(i:aily- cíense the ystflmt tht jood bnhh ! the rp.-ult. M change in emplovment or ditt is nectsary. Ihoy aw 'aue ore tnouths, aweüpd jnfritü, nfhii? Haihi, erfr,, f -1o many other kii.s. Thpy pre wftïTtDtafl to s ■i -ï+ïsfaction. nrthe piice refunde'l. Ihcy air oenatUr ■ huaper, nfer, prettier, rd'Ï in all rcpect m:pwjr 1% ny purgntivs pïll ir the vorli. jg-fhi. di&cufy vt roátvAg a pill with svgar emanated witi Lr. Kbrrtdi All uthers are countorfeitf-,and if used, wiii io arica4 l-natpoint tht teft. Herrick's f ÜIh areelajMTlv pL.:aa, iO in a bojciDJfA n laresheet f direcUuaa, aucUUl wt 5 cents per box; 6 boxen for $1. Herhtck's Kid BroinraïnixTSi Plaíkkrs. The gr ent ítrevefher and P.9N D'-stroyer. The Bf t and chrapsét Housrh'ïd Remcdy in the wnrld. These renowne'1. Piasters cure pain?, w-paknws riW H. res Í o the bacV, BÍdM añil hreast, in fivo Jiovn. Ia!e4, ,ii certain are tlify to ilo thi, that tlie propr-tr wtrraníH 'iiem. fpfteH frnm retina, am? gu, a 'icautiTiil kid leal her, rpdtn tfunn pecitlinrlv íai'É ia ■lie wants of iid íb!i. Thefr i liotíi i iniverHiil- equally to thf sironpinaD.tli lUlia&tt wriotaj ■ad the feeblc Enfant. Toach anri all tl.y wili prv a tatm and a blossinjc . Tlt'ir use i agreeablf' uud witi. innoyap.cp nr truiibl. Fach PlatT wil! wri from to iour months, anl In vheumatic cnmp'aiu's, nprauu and bruitc, frpqnently effect curei when !l "íhtw rota.lies fait. Full dirrctions w bc fonnd on th#br4. each. Public, speaker?, vncalísts, inmisi tri of tïjï"jn' nn'tothers, wpl CtTePfifthw thlr InmrvaitdtmrroTrUi voices bj vre&ring thttn o tbeir brMvt. l'iïc U)}cents. A'S" Tha tbore artlcle are sou', bv all Hj ((- i Ann Arbnrand by Dniggiita throughoütib Uliv! SutWj Citta das and Sontb America, at whnlesalc U aíl üu [truygistïin the princip! cities. HERR1CK k BROTKKR, lyT57 rArt!CAi.(:iiitiiisTS, Albany.N.T. F ROK L. JULLEirs' HAIK INVIGOHATOR.N EFFBC TH E, SAFE AND ECOfO2CAL COMHWJI FOR RE8TOR1HÜ QBaT HAIR to ttl riftul color wttfcout ájtiny, auú prereuïs tire BdVfrun turuiog giBjf. POR PREVENTINfl BlLDNEHSmd cuvir it,whu intn iu the lUt purtitle vf TiUü'.y or Ntupt rstlr eaLf remaininiï. F0RREMUVI5G SGüRF AXD DAXDRDIT, a -U outav neous affect ion of the Scalp, FOB BKAUTOTYING THE 11AIR. imparting to tt tor uj-: euaÜO'! r.oss au1. brDLiancv, inakiug it sof; :iuu Á'Á.f ' in its texture anl cusing it lo curl riui!y. Th grft celebrity anti iitcri'ainj; doinaal fgy ifcf . anequailci preparatiuD, convincu lbo pruptietor Jüf ♦! trial is only uecessary to satUfy n cligcrniTip publü oí ! superior cjualilies over anv otbcr j'reparalíon at j)itw iu U.He. It cleanse the head end caljj fr.n ricv.drvf oihcr cutnneotts distattx. Cruron thfl btAx liijrowluKurintly, ancl givos it a rich, Koít , gtoMy ahfli ;exih ppEír:incf and al.sowhere 'he 1.4 tï w luuseuiLg nnJ ihiniiinp, it v.-iil giva striMigih Eii,i viyor f) thl rK:t,-BB restore tbs groffth to tuSae nrrts whiQ& Uv bv'év bMt cfiu.-iag it to ylcíd 9.frh cor $t ing of halt. Tdere ave hun-Viti tf If.dies nH gcnüiun ia'Hw Yoik who bare hal their hair rt-ïtoivd Uj Sr qs rrf this lnvigovator when al oihcr prep.irations iix Taili d. L. M. has in lira pössession Iettei8 lunumetabU irifyta to the above futa, froui persons of the hightt r?svrt:tbility. It vrill elNótuslljr prevent tht JtfftrjrcM fia hirtf rayuütilthe iatüst period-of lif#; and in Ch.- ih the hair has cbutfVi its cofof, th u-e ui Iir.'oVM will withrtainty rtstorc it ;c üs oright l ■:', Bittf a árk cclosriy appearaice. A a perñisnV for t5 !t and a Hair hutorettve it U p:irteu!;trlv recifuïn t.ií haring nu Rpreoable fmcracce; ainl the" guaf Ccc tHtw a tifords in drcMing tht kair, which, 'hen 1110I9I wilfa ;)-+ Invisrirator cfta M drossfd In abj requird fWm 10 m to pr t' rve it ptaw, wfee+bcr p'ain ir is cürlf- K-t c the rreat deinand for it 1. tha ladiei as a tfoiAftrjl (olrt rtjeia whieh con cught t ba without, u tbe j-ít# placen it wilhin the rMteb of u.'.. bolDff ONLY TWENTVFIVfi CENTS pr bottle, to fat ha', at - I -■';■"■" ;'-'' $VBj{(faita itni p i faran, I MILLp9 vrnaM rp' thi ' p.f TVrPots -4 (íüsrí'iani to the U( ■ l ' ' ;i cus .(j the ehildreos' tórtr delinca be wak, The e 1 ftft' anv iïHnurittoi that o.? bit%6 it; uj1 eni fctrd wii-fc tire sr-ïl-,-. t!.!rrm'jYi;] of !:ii-i; :3 ;:fc wpry bnth fr slo LfafthTUti chHU and the fjiuie kpliatastt W Hair. rArnn;. - Kone jrnivitic without the'nt'N i.iXIS MJIJJCRhcluar on th ontir wppw; iWo', I-. llllttïi'a HAliï INVIGQKaTOR, N. V. bWn !. f?ir U-u,. Whnlemlf Dtpot, ;■■■■ "-:- S:. Biid nM b.r ihi-rvmpi-1 aul ri-.r.'';!;ti throaghqtit the tfbrbt. I.'btriil .ÜK'.-cunt ta purohaner ■■■ tifl rM.-ty. I alstMitfiifi' ta prenal tr thfl Vrn'rirau PybH iit.T New & Tniprovod Instarttaneoui Iiquid Hair 'Bye '1 nfUr yava ftf fc'pntiftc fpíHthrTitiog I hri ■ ■■'■:) iantnnty ■wllhi.uviriury t- th ÏAflTor bkin narrantvtl t!;o fc"t articlo oftïw c!fid in Hfteif&o. PPTCS ONLY FIFTT CENTS. DEPOT, 50 í"fe"í ST, JlTriv ftry. L VÍ'. M Ö U Cr A S , Agent lor Mutm I !Vv VmI. - ' - - - Ñ ,- 'v - ■ ■ ■ mp."'H? iu 11 c U. ö. i ''■'; I ".!'! ' ■ , Nt - Tcr, aft ('o - KM'rnjbjV, EIukI iMi rirff Z#urhoie Osim ■ . Kw Vc-rk. . i !.- . ir , f'irf in vu n: nee C., C"f"r It


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