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Plan Of Adjustment Presented By Gov.

Plan Of Adjustment Presented By Gov. image
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Govcruor Magoffin has addressed tho following circclar letter to tho Governors of the slava ötatos: Commonwealth of Kentucky, ) Executive Dept., Frankfort, Deo. 9. ) Entertaiuing tho opinión that some movement should be instituted at the earliest posgible moment, to arrest the progresa of oventg whioh seem to be rapidly hurrjiug the Governmeut ef the Union to disniemberment, ag an initiatory step, I have, with great diffidaace, ooneludöd to ubmit to the Governors of the glave States a serisg of propogitious, and agk their counsel and co-operatiou in bringing about a settlement upon thin as a basia. SboulJ the propositions be approved, they can be gubniitted to the agsembling Logislature and Conveations of the glavo Stateg, aud a Convention of all of gaid State, or of those only approvag, be callad to pa upon them, and agk a general Conveution of all tha Stateg of the Union that may be dispoged to meet us on thia basig for a full conference. The present good to be aocomplishad would be to arrest the gecogüion movemant until the quegtion as to whethar the Union eau ba preserved upon fair and honorable terms can bo fully tested. If tUere be a basii for adjugtment of our dif ficultieg withiu the Union, nothing should be laft uudone iu order to ita dereloprueut. ïo this end it geems to me thare ghould be a Conferenoe of tho States in soma forin, aud it appears to me the fonn above suggested would be most effective. I tlierafore, as Govsruur oí a State, havingag deep a gtaku iu tho perpetuity of the Uiiion, aud at thu game, as mucb solicitude fot tho Luaintouance of the institution of glavery ag auy other, would respectfully bog leave to gubmit for your congidaratiou tho following outiine of propogitions: 1. Eepeal, by an ameudment of the Constitution of the United Stateg, all lawg in the free States iu any dogroe nullifyiug or obstructing the executioa of the fugitive-sla.'e law. '. Amoudiucutg to said law to enforce its thorough exocution in all tho free States, profidiug oowpeugation to the owner of the slave from the State whioh fails to deliver him up undor the requirementg of the law, or throwï obgtaoles in the way of ing reoovery. 3. The pagsag of a law by Oougresg eonapelliug the Govornoig of the free States to return fugitireg froin justioe in dicted by a graud jury iu aaother State for gteahag or entioiag away a slare. 4. To auieud tho Uougtitutiou go ag to diride all the tenitorieg uw belonging to tho Uuited States, or herekfter to b acquired, betweou the free and the slave Stateg, say upou the liue of the thirtygevouth degree of nortk - all uorth of that line to oome into th Union, with the requisita population, as free Stateg, an dall gouth of the same to ome ui ag slave States. 5. To amend the Constitution go as to guaranty forever to all the States the froe uavigation of the Miesissippi river. 6. To alter the Cougtitution ao as to givfl the South tho power, gay in the United Stateg Senate, to proteot itgelf from unooustitutioaal and oppreggiTe legiglatiou upou th gubjeot of glavery,


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