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The Extraction Case In Canada

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Prona th loronto Globe, Do 17. Juilginent was pronounoed ón S.iturilny by the Court nf Queen's Bencli in i-Ji'j c .jj of Andürson, now in custdy on l'ie charge of liavins murdered a man in tlie Stat.: of Mis.soi:;-;, whiie making Lis escape fi-om slavery. 'I ho e :ir: r'oons was denaelj orowdud, a oonsiderublo porlimi of thoM present being of t!;j tsame raro as tiw ) rjfflai c AJud 'ra ■■■ h ! ■ :i IJVmïgTil iüfv t'ií ennrl ;..t 12 o'dock, ' l'u' údgfis pivceeded-i! rend ihe docisidus ut wdich thby Ind. arrired, It wil! lid sèen that Cliief Justiee Robinsou and '.'.. J#stije Burns eoncurred in refuaing tbe applieaiioii fr Audúrnon'i dincliarge, whila Mr. Jastke Mc Lean took stront; grouad that lis was ntitlcd to bo dia cliiir-'d. A profouml slléMce was iirtihtaJuéd in tli9 court duriitg the reading of tlic judgmentf, and tío demonatration of fesling veis made by the audionco, exi-opt that, keil Mr. Jastioe MoLean had iinisbed iotrüng hig opinión there was a buret, of appiause. Tlio Cbief Justicc marked lus dis-jppr.iba.iio:i of tiiu proosediug by lialf rUing from his sjnt and looking at tlieSheritt' vrbo authoritatively commaudni süeiice. The prigoncr, rn intelligent lookhig mas, listonad with the closet attcution to the learned judges as read thcir judgments. W'neB all was over, a sliadu of dünCppóintment rested on his conutenanr-e, It was very evidout that he was paiufuüy snuaible of the horrible results tbat would follow his boing consign od to the tender mercie3 of a jury of ."l.iveholders - the fate allotted to hiin by a ni'ijority of thojudgea. After the reading of the opiniong, Mr, S. B Frceman, for tho prisoner, siid it was of course the intention of tha prison er'a oounsul to appeal tint oaso to the Court of Error and Appeats, and be should.ask tho court to give its assont to au appeal being taken. Chief Justice Kobinson - We are not called to cousidor that quostion jurt now, b'.tt if, on lüüking into the matter, you find tliis a caso for appeal, tho oonrt will do everything in its power to facilitato the appoal. Mr R. A. Harrisop, for the Crown, said, if the oonsunt of the Crown would aid his learned friend in earryiug the case to the Court of Appeal, that conent would be most chearfullj giveu. Mir, M. C. Canieron, for the priapner - It nïay be necessary to mako sojne order with refarenee to the prisouer, to allow U3 the necessary time to apply for an appea!. The prisonor was then romandod till Saturday. the 22d, wheu the couat ugain sits, and tho question of the right of appeal will be disposed of. j Mr. Shariff Jar vis having givua instruetions that none but members of the bar and la_w students should be allowed to enter Osgoode Hall without tickets, a crowd composod of abouf two hundred persons asscmbled on Queon etreet, aud atixiously waited to learu the decisión of th judge?. The polico force, under the oommand of Capt. Prince aud Ir E. Kobinsou, Deputy Chief of Poliee, marehed up to the hall about 10 o'clook, and " stHcked arme" in front of the building. Everything passed off quietly uutil the prrties who had been insido the court began to come out about half past 1 o'clock, when the poliee wero ordered to shoulder their niu8kets. A cab thon drove up in frout of the inain eutrauce, aud in a few minutes tbc prisoner, Auderson, came dowu stairs escorted by the Sheriff and his offiuers, and entered the eab, followed by Mr. Skynner, Depuij Sheriff, Mr. Allen, Governor of thó gao!, and Mr. McKcnna, head turukey A couple of offieors mounted the box-seat with the duiver, aud the crowd rushed forward to get a view of the prisoner. The poliee who were under arms, were ordered to open column, and the cab drove up betweon the file, the prisoner being guarded on each side by " bristling bayoneta.1' The word " ruurch" was givcn, and tho corUge moved forward towards the west gate, followed by a posse of constables witnout arratf. On reaching Simeoe street tho cab drove at a rapid rate down the street to King street, and thence to the gaol. The poliee force returned to the City Hall, and the crowd quietly dispersed. 'J'hero was no ebullition of feeling on tha part of any oua. A company of Royal Uanadian Rifles wera under nrms in the vicinity of the Government House, but, their services not being roquired, they returned to the garrison. It is beïieved that the appeal to the Nine Judges will be granted, and that Mr. MeLoau will not stand alone when the case reaehes that court,' but will find others to support his opinions. An appeal to tho Privy Couucil in England may yet be tsken, and there, we cannot doubt, the slave wi]l be gafe.


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