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The Suffering In Kansas

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Just Dow, when rumora are rife of suffering, sturvation. and f mine in Kansa, nll reliadle infoPtna'.ion ia weleorned by those whose sympathie nre enlistèd. Wit, therefom, willitJgly give : placo to the lolliiwinií lutter received n ]:iy or two s:ii(i9 by our nei'zhbor, Dr. ! Poi'.TRii. Tho v-riter, E. P. Uaxcüoft, ; Ksq., long ivsided in this counry, and I a V(?;i" or two in this City, and ia well known to rnnny of oiir-feitizafia. ConMenco inny be placed in bis statements, and we give thom without furthor prelimhiary re m ark : Emuoiua, Peoembor löth, 1S50. Fmesd Pokike : - Youra of tho 3d is in hand. It, would bo a hard t:sk to give : 'mpteté accouot of the poodition i the peopls hure, but I wili give you the outlines upon wiiich you mayiely. My liasinoss brings ma in contact vvith no'ftrly ;he wliole pcople init-e countits. In ihose fivo counties not onc.-icnth ut a.n average erop of anything was raised last season. In thrce of thora, tho land :iit8 been brought into rnarköt, compolling the settlers to pay for it or osing it. Many mortgagad their lunds. and raany others lolt the country ut terly disconragíd. Thero are a great many who must have help or sufier severely beforethey can raise anything. Many would prfor to repay whatuvei' wae furnished to them as eoon as they can, while others must have charity. 1 have given my wbolo time to this matter eince the lst of November, and believe I arn thoroughly convereant with the wants of thia portion of our country. Tho sufiering need plain, söbstantial clothing, boots and shoee, provisiona of all kinds, and spring wheat for aowing in Fabruary and March. Freights are o high, and grain so mnch oheaper further west, that it will nopay tosend anything f rom Michigan, except money and clotbing. These can be sent to Leavenworth in care of Hon. J. W McDowell, free of charge, through the liberalify of tho sExpress Conspanies. I direct all supplies sent here to be dirocted to rne, in care of J. W. McDowell, Laavonworth, and marked Kansas Relief. Whencvor anything is received. I immed'u.tely send a receipt to tho person aending it, and when distributed, I send cerlified copios of the receipt I take, so that every ono may knew xactly what is done with hit contribution. Most of tho supplies thus far recuived, have been used in the northern and south-sastern portion of the Territory. If thu good people of Ann Arbor ghould conclude to send their donatioQS hero, they will be thankfully received, and iaithfully applied. Yours trui y, E. P. BANCROFT. EF'The latest intolligenco froin WashDgton and the South leave the Southern . pnembers of tho Confederncy in a liquid iid luovins? state. South Carolina alono has acted - sha has seseded, aud now stnnds out in the cold, an iudependent Stuti?, without any gevernraent or nationEtlity. At least she assumcs so to Btaud, sriiile most of the United State Offieers, withiu her Hiuils, are doing their dutj', and at all events pocketing their pay. The other States havu not yet held their Convcntions, but tho wholo movcment is approaehing a crisis, If the Federal govcrnmeut was worth a straw as at present administored we should hope more heaítily in the future. As it ia we fear the seceession movement cannot have a poaeeful solution ; in fact tliero is no peáeeful ecession. tf reason was permitted to rule both North aud South the Union might yet be sared, but the fanática of both sections are determined on disunion, though civil war ovcrruns the country. Ï3F Tho Legislatura, of the State will convene at Lansing on Wednesfiny noxt, January 2d. We fihall cndeavor to keep our readers posted as to any domgfl of general or local interest. t" Messrs. McQuaen, Bonham, Rovre, and Aslimoro, of South Carolina, umted in a letter of resignation on Monday, which the Houge laid on tlií tabío and ordered printed. By direotion of the Speaker thoir ñames are retained on thei roll and regularly called; and official recognitiori of their resignation s in that way avoidod. Pottor acept it and stop their pay. L' Hn. E. M. Stantox, of Pennsylvania, has received the nppointment of Attorney General in place of Judge Black transfer-red to the State department. Pannsylvania now has two cabinet officer. 5S The rumor comes by the lapt Fore'gn arrival that Garibaidi has been assassinated. We trust that it ia unfounded. No man in the wholo Italian States can fill his


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