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Panorama Of Palestine

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-We have heretofore notieed n Pnncmma of the Holy land as bcing in process of painting under the direotion of Itev. W. H. fKKaiNE, of this ity. The work i now nearly completed, and befo starting on bil travele Mr. P. pro pose to exhibit it here. The scènes have been aelected with refercnce to permanent in■ tcrestnd instruotion, ad are raainly oopied from drawings made on the pot by Mr. Pkreixe during hit recent travels in Palestina.- i The P'iinting lia been execuied chiefly by Mr., a competent artiat. He has done his work well, aye more pxoallently, and aa a work of art it -will be found lo excel. - But, a it to be exhibited in the M. E. Cliurch on Tuesday evening next, and fol owintj ctnings, our citizt-n will bo botter grfttifiod by eeinij it for themselvcs than by any doscription we can give. - m i i - - -i Jyg Mr. J. S. Thömbon nnd Lady gnve one of their Operatic Musical KntcrtainmentB in Hongstcrfcr's Hall on Wedncsday evening. They are acooniplished in the Art musical, thcir selections were of a liigh order, and thcir performance of them gnvc evitient eatisfaction, cspeeinlly to admiren of the operalic style. Mrs T. hB a fino voico and sng with great skill. Thoy wcre to give a Concert of a more popu'.ar ordor Isut vráng.


Old News
Michigan Argus