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New England Society Anniversary

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The New England Sooiety of tkis City held its third Anniversary Festival on Saturday evening last. The anuual address was ddivcred in the Presbyteriau Churcl, at 6 qi'cloek. Pi' M., bythe llev. A. Er,DR'.DOE, of Detroit, Wc du! not hear it, but it is gonerally spoken of 'in terras of warm commendation. At 8 o'cloek, P. M., the annual business meeting was held in Hangsterfur's lowev Lall, at which a largo miinber of niembers vrere prosent. Officors wcre elected for tlie e-isuiug )'ar, as follows : President - Enocii Jamks. Secre!ary--ll. S. Smith. Civmpomiinj Secrdary - L. Tappan. '■ Treasurer - Yf. N. Strono. Tho list of officers also includes several ! Vice Presideuts and an Exeeutive ; mittee, but their na ui es have not bceu furnished us, and we do not recolleot them. At 9 o'clock, the signal for dinuer ■■ was given, and about 125 ladies and gentlemen proceeded to the large upper hall, where the tables had been spread aml a sumrtuous entertainment provided, to ' which ampie justice was done, a fact more complimcutary to Mr. IIanosterfkr, the provider of the feast, than anythiug we ean say. After the pliysieal man had been cared for, carne in due order, as on 11 such occasions a " fcast of reason and flow of soul," in the shape of toasts aud speeches ; preliminar}' tQ which, however, the New England Glee Club, undar the lead of Mr. Dennison, aune, iu excellent style, ': Tho Old House at Home." Having taken no notes of tha responsos, we giv the Toasts without comment, simply saying that the speakers without exception, were brief, pithy, and to the " Where all did well," as au old ■lying runs, " it is unjust to discrimiuate." Thfi Toasts waro announcod by Gej. Danfortii, Esq , " Toaat-Master," as follows : Plymouth Rock: Tho foundation st'Hie of this giorious Republic. The thuuders of dissolution may rattle over it, and tho waves of fanaticism tnay break upon it; yet it cannot be removed ('rom us inooringí; it is anchored in tho hearts f tho American people. Response by Rev. Gbo. Tatlcr. Maine: - As her suilá whiten every dea, so do tho natives óf Maino diveisiiy and adora tho prairies of tho West. Response by C. B. Grant. JNTfw Hampsiiike:- The old Granito State, Stark and Webster have made her famoiiH, tho one for lus heroism, and the other for liia overshadowing intellect. Response by J. M. WnKF.r,ER. Vsrmomt: - The birth place of EtLan Allen; as her mountain tops pierce the heaven, so do her ehildren rise prominent in courage, patriotism, and knowlcdgo. Response by D. S. Twitchei.l. Massachusbtts: - 'Twas liore the Pilgyims srnote the root, Frcm whieh (?ushod out the swelling tide Of liberty. ïnll churches, erown eaoh raountniu top, School Housea grace eaeh mountain F.ida, And Btern but honest men in puritan sim plieity ftbide. Response by Gen. G. D, Hill. Riiode Island: - Small but pugnaoious Stttto. Sliould she secede, there would be trouble indeed. Prof. Fkie.b responded, and concluded his remarks by reciting the following stanzas hastily prepared for the occasion: Our littre Ehody, wtio hall tpeak for thee? Thou patch of land, half swallowed by Ihe iea! If speech proportioned wrc to breadth of space, Brief speech, indeed, thy honored name would grnce ; If peech were made to matoh thy history, Then, little Stte, long speech wore brief for thea. But little Rhody is a lady, Of tti; good New England school, Staye at home with loom and spindle, Traina her boys to mind hor rule; Trains them to be just and truthful, Frugal diligent, and braye; Traína them their best blood to offer, State and country both to sava. 'Twai thu she reared e'en at the anvil Valiaut Oieeua, her patriot son; Bight arm of that dmnest chieftftin, Faithful fricnl of Washington. Tho south lay prostrate, bleeding, dying, 'JTuiich the fooman'sruthlesa blow; RhodeUland, ns a loiring sister. Sent her Greene to smite the foe. Hr anvil boy (lew to the resoue, Tarleton, Hawdon quailed and fled; Hor anvil boy truck down at Eutaw All the host tbat Stewart ld. Agaii;, heroic Perry, nurtured Qn tha brenst of her blue wave, With many a Xarragansett brother, Northvavd rnshcd the land to save. Thus litllü Rhody train her ehildren ÏTot in words but deeds tospeak, Look at Eutaw, look at Erie, Thero her pruise and glory seek. Oonnbcticüt: - The land of steady liabiis; her sons are dihtinguishcd fbf tallimg, whittling, and trading; look out for good bnrgains when they come this way. Response by.Rev. Mr. Elöridoe New Jersey: - Small in territory, but great in onterprise, her sandy soil produces sound and utalwart men. Response by Rev. Mr. Cüouran. Michioan: - Theenergy of Maine, the heroism of New Hampshire, the patriotisrn oi Vofmont, the learning of Mssachusettg, the of Conneeticut, and the grit of Rhode Island, have all eulminated in thejPeii insular State. In land and wster, fisli and conl, Pine trees and oopper, aalt and wool, In piaster, ron, wheat, wind and weather She beats New England altogether. Response by Mr. Dennison. Tuf. New York Socibty of Anx Arbor: - May its members be distinguished atnong men as New York is among States. Response by Prof. WniTE. Tuk TTniversity op Mkiiioan: - The. wiadom of its foundore, and the xbility of its President, and Professors, are only surpiisscd by its glorious nflucncea. The Peoplo of Michigan vvill provo theinsclves ite faithful guardián. Response by Dr. TappanTuf, Con.'titutiom and tii Us'iov: - Woe to tho traitors who woiild tramplo on the ono, and dissolvo the otheor. The ou of New finpénd wil gtr;d ty the Union and the -Cönstitution. Response by Rov.PR" B&adbs. Tdk Clkroy of New Esglank - The toaehings of tho pulpit of Lexington causad to be struvk thu first blow of the Auuncjan ruvolution. Responsu by Gr. B. RriinBiNS, ■ Thu PRE83:--The oran of religión, knowlüdgtï, and liber'.y. Muzzle the Prent) and the world would relapso into barlinrism. Tim Ladiis: - Without their society this world would bu a huid rond to , travel. As the sinull hours oí a Sunday morning obHtin.-iteiy refuaed to postpone their coming, the last two to;ints wero permitted to stand 'out in tho cold," without résponses, and tho cotnpanyjoined the Club. in singing "old Hun drocl" and di-persed. SJÊT" The Circuit Oourt 8 atill in iesion. Almoat tha er.tire of last week was jccupied My a. trial of the case cntitled, Hiratn Arnolil vb Nelson li Nye, el al. belter known i9 the Arnold R-plevin Case Judgmcnl, was renderod for the Plaintiff in the sum of $400, a sing.ilur jiulgment, the hangi-rs on around the i-ourt House say - at it cither Blioutd have been more or nothing at all. - Juries are sometitocs, "like white man," migh" ty uneertain. The present -week ha been vrholly eoneumed by the Fletcher Will Case. This ia an appeal from the Probate Court which admitted the will to Probate. It has been twice tried in the Circuit Cuurtjonce the jury disagreed; the second time a verdict was rendcred sustaining the will. It was then laken to the Supreme Court by writ of error nd the judgment below set aside. Tliis is consequently the third trial. X3F For the last two or threo weeks we have noticed an unsual rush of eustomers to the Book Store of Schoff fe Miller, and on inquiring into the c:iue, we found that they had fully adoptod the Gift principie mado so popular by Evans and otheis, and were giving beiiutiful prizes in jcwelry, etc, valucd at from 25 cents to $50, t., every purchaser of a volume worth a dollar Whilo standing at the counter we saw soine beautifuf prizes given out, and no longer wondered that people were buying books. We wuuldn't advise any one to buy a book they don't want in order to get a prize, bul at Schoff Si Iili.i.k's you can get such as you do want, at gulur trade price, and a prize thrown in. Cru and see, JSX" The January number of the 'jadies Reposünry is on. our table. It comes reighted with good things, and ai ever is a wclcomo gucst. It is embellished with three uil page steel plates, "The Ten Commiind ments," printed in tints, a perfect gem of the graver's art; "Harriet E. Hosmer," a life-like Hirtrnit, from a drawing by Miss Stebbins; nd a beautiful Vignctte Title, the ubject be ng o "Twilight" landscape. The Repotitory s second to no othor periodical in it s art de artmcnt, while its contents are alway high' oned and ebttste, cultivating s pare litera ure and inculcating virtuu. Rev. D. W Clabk, D D., is still at the editorial helm, and 3oe et HtTCHCOOK stand sponsors for the perect typography. $2 a year. Addrass Pubishers, Ciacinnati, Ohio, or hand your money 0 any Pastor of an M. E. Ohurch, all such be. ng authorized ageots. E" A circil r prospectus from the ffice of the Michigm Farmer reminds us that ïat excellent Agriculturul nndFamily journ. 1 will enter upon a new volume with lie new ver. The Farmer has been )ublished weekly during the present ear on a large quarto sheet, and in t various departments hv done good service 0 the grain growers, stouk breeders. wool rodueers, and fruit growers of Michigan, vnowing the wants of the Michigan larmor nd etipabilities of Micnigan sous, it is better irepnred to speak intelligently to Michigan men 'han a foreign journal, and Michigan prolucen, of whatever name, ihould give it a generous support. It will continue the comng year under the editorial charge of R. F. Iohxstone Eeq. andrMrs. L B. Adams. $2 a rear to single 8ul)üri berg ; clubs of seven or mero $1,50. Address R. F. Jobxstone, Detroit. fëF The Annual Meeting of the Washtenaw County Agiicviltural and Hdrti" cilturrti Seoiety will ba held at Roger's Agriulltural Hall on 'I uesday. January lst, 1Ö61, at 1 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of ele tini; officers for the ensuing year. Tho Board of Managers will meet at the %!fer'itary's office on Saturday, Dec. 19th at 1 P. M. J. L. TAPPAN, Cor. Sec. L3 We have receivud the January number of the Atlantic Monthly, printed in the most bciutiful typography. and bringing a readable, iiiteresting, and instructire table of contents. Among the papers re, The Profosor's Story, which has approaohed a "crisis" in interest; liidsummer and May Washington City; Barbarism and Civilization The Kuropean Crisis; and, The Question of the Hour. $3 a year; two copies $.r. Address TiCKXoa it Fiklds, 135 Weshington Street , Boston. The Atlantic Monthly and tho Argus for $3.50. v


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Michigan Argus