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TjíewAdyertisements JL THE GREAT FAMILY PAPER. 'iH: grkat Family Paper. THE GKEA.T FAMILY PAPER. THKüREaT FAMILY PaPKR. THE GttEAT FAMILY PAPER. PROSPE CiJS or THE NEW YORK LEDGER. We intejd to mafce the N'LW YORK LEDGER for 1861 superior to that :" 180, or gfan; othar vear intbepast. Among the contributor mil bts the PRKrfIDENT OF THE U N I ftD OTATES, Iudwa&d KvRaxrr, tyiaafii Banchoft, Wiixiam Oclucn Bhyant, John G Saxb. üborgk P Mohis, N. 1'. Wili-is, Gkdbgi D. Phkntici, Thomas Du.njc EnQUSB, SYLV.INU.S COBB, Jr. , EMERSON BKKbTT T S ArTHUK, P UAMILTON MybRí, Col. WaLTKB B. Dl'NLAF, S. Comiton .Smitu, John Kstcn GoüKb, Mrs. Sigocbícky Mra SoLTiiWüRrii, Kanny Fkrn, Auna Cora RmiiiK AucbCary, Mary Foh-evt, Makion Harlakd, Mías E. A. LüFCY, Mary Stanlky Uibaoh. PubiubCa&y, and raany Clergyimn, ProieMors in CoUegef, Stat %men, and other einineui writrï reaMing ín dttlreut parts of the L'uiou Our corp ot contributors for the coming y car w i 11 be so !arge, and will embrace such a varietof emiotnt talent, Lliat every depurtinent of literatura will rece, ve t!e particular atteation oí some oue competent to do !t ampie and ptcialjuatice, Whether t be popular romance, scientitic es=ay. historicaj sketch', scbulastio disqu;ition , apicy pararaph, pathtttfc bailad humorout poeuold-faehioatfd Iotb story, t-mely editorial, or anj otUer iogredieut it' popular and elevaleü journalistn, that is t he furnuhed the LEDüER corpt will be sufficieot for tho taak. In Tact, our contributora wiH senil U8 f rum week to week much mure matter th:m we caa pos3ibly use, so that we sliall ahvay.i have a fresh aad tuperabundant suppljfrom which to elect thh vkky mxT TJiesefacta tnken in DOiüjectioD with our largelj iucreasedmuaoB, facílítit, aad experionce, warrant ub, we ihink, in prumi.siner our readtiro a family paper for th year 1861 which will be more intertsting and inutructive, and in evcry respect more vuluable, even than the I.KíníKK haa been in the past. As &n n lication of the popularity of the LEDGER, we netd only state the simple fact that its circutation is largor than that of any other ten literary papers in th country. íts reat succes isowing to the fact that we ncuie the best writen In tho eottntrr, and spare no Oxpenc In getting up the n FAMtLT Vai'kr- a paper of j hth moral tone. The exalted reputa) on fits entttribu' pT4t the practical aod invariably pure and healthy character of all itt; articlos, tho care which is taken that not even one oiTensive word hall appear In it; columns, aml the superior i t f its Tsl.'s and ketchc9, hav ffatned for ttie NEW -YORK LEÍHER a position that no Utexary paper has ever before reached. Anna Cora Ritchiü, of Richmond, Va., and Col. Waltkr B. Dünmp, the author of the popular "Korest Sketoh68j" which werc pabUalied in our columns soine time öïnce, willeach begin a story in the LKIHïEU early in the now. year. ÜK3, Sovtuwustb is also engaged upon a new tale . In the nt:.t uumbtr of th LEDGER, we shall publisha vcry interest ing artfele, wriftAH oxprcysly for our colu!i:n-, ■■ntitlcd A QiX wirn Lord I1vbo.," frora tbe pn of the Hoa. (ieorgo iïanoioft. It s with much satisfaction that we announce that ii. EvkRbtt wiH continue his elegant and iutereting coiitiibutions to tbc f jEIHICK duiiitg tbo next year. As til; ia tlic sèason of tbq yoar wiu-n PoteaMewMi4 others are in the lialiit of fortui ng clubi, wc direct thoir attention to OüR TERMS. Single copies, $2 por annum; two copies, $3;four copies, $Cy eiiíht copies SI. Postmasters and others who et up ulubs can afterward ndd singlo copies at $1.60. - The party whn senda us $12 for a club of eight subscribrs (all sant at one time) will be ntitled to a copy frm forlits fróüble. Turnis invariabj in advance. NosubBCriptfoiu laken for a le period tlian onc year. Canada subscribers must send twonty-six cent in additïon t the subsertption, topay the American postoge, which is half a cpnt n coy on every paper. The notes of all gpecie-payintf banks taken at j)ar. When a draft or check can fionvéniently be sent, it wiü bft prefem4, nn it will, prevent lbo posslbilt'y of tho losa of inoney by raalL ■$?}- W employ no travelling agents. Adross ailcommuiiica'jMii-. to KOBEUT 1Ï0XXER, Puhlisbei-, lwT80 No. 40 Tark-row, Mtw-Vork. NOTICE. THE Annual Meeting of thoStuckhoMrr of Fim'st nill Onietory Companr irill !■ lic-Itl .it the office of E. H. l'onii, n this City , on Mondar, January Sth, 1S81, at 2i o'clock, t' tl.,(orib elMtloo of offloers, and. for tht transaction of mich otlu-r businesH as may legally como Ijefuro the meeting. E. B, POND, Clerk. Ann Arbor. Di'c. Ï6, 1S60. 2w780. Oval Picture Frames ALL BEES, 3TYLES and PRICES just receired and for salo clieapat CHOFF & MILLER'S. Hec 25, 1860. ïOtf Dissoluíioii IVotice. NnTtrriulxe-vbi-cixn. tlirvt thn Copartnorihip her. tí'fíí exStini ■ tccn SAMUEL U. srTIIKRI.AI) tyDKEW HKI.L, nn lor tlie niime ntul firm of 8 ïthcr],,ij It iioil is tUis 0:iy dl ilvd by mutual cnnwnt, aiül ,-.: o Sii'lic't !s hPrcby authorizet te) fnlloct all dcbti rf',i-to andioitlo all i'.eniinilsa(ainstsaM inin. WMI II. i:. SUTBE8LAXD, ANltKl.W BELL. Aan Aib r, lVc. 21, 1860, 4w780 5?.mE:isr tjje'. jS$. nvtho Bubscrihcr, on Uj (ll k A'SBIlXÖOctobcr. OLACK HOHSE, white spot MLn-'-Mil in n.rcli.wl.two wliiteet, and abcrat Cl p 12ycaraolt!. Auy perMtt callint,pr); mt nv, fir ■. at propertyJpaychaigWtcnUkea8Í "'nI'iükV'Í'. SMITH,'O'.!i:Vr'f v.


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