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gySiT Onr thanks are duo A. P. Mills for a nice fat Turkey for our Christwas dinner. Mill3 knows how to aell Goods - h keeps in the good graccs of the Primers. iBfeiAJÏrisroTicES. Excellent. ' Compose yourself my ngel, li.l Madam. "H was nobody's fault ; thf oook coul not hsre possuily made brend with tha'. inferior Sal ratui. I prumise you th:it after thB day we wil! na DiL.iii'ï'i Saloratus n our house, for Mrs, J. tells m that ali lwyj uses it, and never has nny snch luck a this with it- but that, on the cor.trary, he mVkêe wH it inost encbanting pastry, cakes, biscuit, la caj, pi crust, &c„ and thatit alwaya works like duim." ïl grocora riellit. It ia manufacturad by D. B. DeLand Ui. . Fairport, MoHroe Co., N, Y. FJMVK NOTK, IAND VVAKKAJiT, SPECIE AND EXCHArSGL QUOTATIONS. Carofully ReTised and Corrected every week. RATËS fUERKNT AT TUK 1 Bonking Honse of D. Preston & Lo. 72 WooJwu.d Ae., Detroit Dec. 1, 1860 BASK NOTES. Detroit City Banka, - Pf,rr-inada, (al! Solvcnt Banks) - ■ - N. England and N. York, (Solrent Bank) - ■ " New Jersey am! Pelaware, ( ühio, and Kcntucky, „ Bank of tbe State of Indiana, CNCURRENT FÜNDS. ouyitig selüng Illinois, Wisconsin. Missouri andlowa 8 ö to 8 Virginia and District of Columbia, 11) 6 N. Carulimi, T-im and.LouisiauEi ly 5 PennsTlvania aad Maryland, 10 6 Indiana Stock Notes, 5 Ala.,Ceirgiaand South Carolina, 20 Bank of England Notes, L, Bank of Tetumseh. Michigan, SO 1S Exchange Bank of D. BallfcCo.. 20 OUR RATE3 FUK BILLS OF EXCHANUE. Buying. Selüns. On New York and Boston, X X On niiffaln, 2 On Cincinnati, 3 On Chicago, $100 or upwards. 5 por et. dis. GOLD AND SILVER. Buying Seiling. Am. Gold, lots of $100 or upwards, 1 3 American riilver, 1 3 LAND WARRANTS. 4t5 It will beobserved that we do not quote by ihe acre, but so many dollars for tliü Warrant. Bnying. Seiling. 40 Acre Waskjixts 40 -w 80 " 05 78 120 " 75 96 180 " 105 135 TREMIÜM COINS. SILVER COINS. OOLD COINS. ípan Pillar Dollars, 105 Sovereign, 4 S0 Mexican Dollars 104 20 Francs 3 80 Five Franc Fieces 96 25 Francs 4 65 French Crowns 1 06 10 Francs 1 80 Germán " 1 05 5 Francs 97 Prussian Thalars 69 ï'eu Thaler Pieces 7 80 GuilJera 38 X Iha!r I'ieces 7 85 English Silver, (shilling Ten G uilder l'ieces 4 00 23c; L4 60 Kpanish Doubloons 16 00 Old Am. Half Dolla. ] 03 Patriot 15 50 On lot of $100 or up I California Gold $10s 5d warda, 1 Yo. addilional 50a and 2Us ld. GoldDust,$16 to Í16 50 per oi. jfty Spanish change $1,15 per oz. or22centsfor quarters, 11 for shillings, 5for sixpsnees. On lots of 20 oz, and upwards, 81 .18 per oz. DAVID PRESTON & CO., Bunkers. 72 Woodward Ave., Detroit. Office hours.fromS, A.H., to 5,P. M. RELIEF IN TEN MINUTES. BRYAIN'S PÜLMONIC WAF ER S TnE Ortsiual Medicine Kstablished in 1837, anrl the firs article of thokind ever ïutroducüil undtT the name o " J'n.MONTC Wafeb ,!' in thift or in other country all other l'ulmouic rafers are couuterfeits. The gen uine can be kuown by the name BRYANbeingstampe on each WAFER. lïl!Y.N'S PCLSTOXIC WATERS Relieve Coughn,Colds, Soro 'fhmat, Hoarseness. TtKVAN's PULMOMC M'AFERS % Relieve Asthma, Bronchitis, Diiïicult Breathing. Bryan's Pülmonic Wafers Rti lieve Spiiting of Bloodt Pains in the Clieet. Bryan's Pl'lmo.vic Wafkrs Relieve Incipient Consumption, Lung Diseasei. BRVAN'á PUT.MOXIC WaFKBH Relieve Irritation of the Uvula and Tonsila. Bryan's Puraoifio Wafers Relieve the above Complaintfi in Teu Minutes. Bryan'h Puimosic Wafkrs Are a tlessing to all Classes and Coustitutions. Bryan's Putuomc Wafkrs Are adapted to Vocalists and Public Speakers. Bryan's Pclho.vic Wafbrs Are ia a simple form, and pleasaiit to the taste. Bryan's Pulmonic Wafees Xot only relieve, but efiTect rapid and lasting Cures. Bryan's Pulmoniu Wafers Are warrauted to give Batiafaction to every one. No family should be without a box of ; "Bryan's Pulmonic Wafers " in the house. No tra veler should be without a aupply of " lïryan'.s Pulmonic Waltrs " inhïs pocket. No porson will ever object to gire for tl Bryan's Pulmonic Wafurs " Twenty-Hve Cents. JOB MOSES, SoleProprietorocbesterjK.Y. P-ld by Grcnville & Fuller, and all goud druggiste in he Uuíted Staten and Cañadas. "ft. Cocghs. The sudden changos of our climate are sources of Pitmonajiy, Bro.nciiial, andASTiniAnc Apnccno.vs, Experience having proved that simple remedie?! nften act speedily nnd ccrtainly when taken in the early stages of the diease, recourn Hhould at önce be had to "nrown'sBronchial Troches," or Losenges,let theCoW, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat beever so hlight, asbv 'his precautioa a mere serious attack may bï effectually warded oÏÏ. PuBiJC?PKAKEasand Singers will fin-l them effectual for clearing and atrengthening the voice. See advertisemeDt. 7TGm6 MOTHBRS READ THIS. The foUowing i an extract frnra a letter trrïtton by the pnRtor of a Ba[-tit Church to the "Journal and MeBsenger," Ctocinnati, Ohio, and fipeaks volumes in favor of that world renowned medicine- Mrs. WisLOff'S SOOTDIXG SYRL'P FOR CniLDREN TeRTHIXG : ';Wcsee an advertisement in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's SoothingSyrup. Now we never said a word ín f;tvor of a patent medicine befare in our life, but we feel compelled to say to your readers, that this is no liumbug - WK HAVE TRIEI) IT, AND KNoW IT TO BK ALL IT claims. It ia. probably, one of the most successful medicines of the day, because :t is one of tbe oest. And tltose of your readers rhn have babioa can't do it bettcr than to l .y in a supply." tita adverttsement in nnothcr column To Consumptives. The Advertiser, having been restoied to heiiHh in a few weeks by a very .simple remedy, after having sufferRd several years with a severe lung nflVction, and that Iread disease, Cnnaumption - in anxious to make known to his f(.llow-.-uflFerers the means of cure. To all who desire it, hewill Fend acopy of thepreicription used (free of charge) , with the directioDs for Trepariug aad using tho same, whicu they wiil Ünil a iüRB Cvrk for CoNvSrMPTiON, Asthma, lïiioxcnrny, itc The only object of the advertiscr in send:ng thePreicriptinn ie to benefit the afflicted. and spread informntion rvhich be conceivea to be invaluable, and he hopos every mfferer will try his remedy, as it wül cost them noth ng, and may prove a Messing. Partie winhing the prescription wil] please address Rbv. Edward A Wn.flO7í, 7Ö8yl Williamaburgh , Kinga County, New York. 55 The Grcat Benefactor of hls Race.-L The Great Healer of Mankind! Herrick's SugaT Coated PilU. Th whole World United! Stek People think! Ajïer tchich act, Tou'd scarce expect,&tthi late day, With startlingcuresa book to Bil; Th is is the case, the mí Ilion sav, With thé euros of Herrick fa Pili Thej come from East, and Nrorth, nnd West, Aud with glad tidingsthe papers fill, Becausc they are the cheapest,Hafest, besAnd superior to others iaHerrick'n I'ill From Roots, and Plant, and Flowers they're; They always cure- they never kil! Thousandñ now in üieir graves wereiaid, Wereit not forHerrick's Bills. Each Pili with sugar is coated e'er - A rare discovery of niatchless ükill, Tlieirlike was never neen before, Until itappeared in Herrick's Pili. For yearw he'.s workad to henl the fück, With jny cíate bis bOBom filis: For tens of thousands now rejoice At the magie Powernof Herrick's Pilis. HKRKICK-a'MATCHtESS VEGETABLE FJMÏTA PIULS have inundated the world withtheir popularity Over five míllion of boxes are nsed annualy, giviti ein ploymenttoeighty-fiveraen and women to put thein up Their enrosare numbered by thoimands - tlieir praises on tho tongues of all, Citizens of Washtenaw Co-, anc elsewhere, have you rrer used thentfPut up ia English Spanish, Germán, and French directiot. Large family boxea. 26 cents! Five boxes for $1. Sold everywhere. tíee adTertisement on 3d page. Important to Femalea. - D r. E H E E S E M A X íí PtbliSi Pb&i'abed by Cokseuus h. Chkeseman, m. d., New York City. Thecombination of ingredients in these Pilis are the result of a long and extensivepractice. They are mild in thoir oporation, andeertaíu in correcting all in tie.s, Paínfui Menyuratioufi, rcraoving ;ill obtructions, whether from cold (ir otherwise, hoa'luclie, iiain in the side, palpatatior of the heart, wliitefj, all nervoiib afTcctions, hysterics, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs, c. disíurbedeleep, whicharises from interruption of nature. TO MARRIFPLAPIKS Dr. Cheeseman's Pilbi are invaluable, as they wilï brj.n"on tbe monthly p4piol with regularity. I,adies wiio liavr bcen dÍBsppoiuteá in the use of othea Pilis can place the utmost cemfidence in Dr. Cheeseman's Pili doing all thcy represent to do. .YOTCR. TkKreiênne conditwn nfthcfcmale sijttem ín which the, Fiuscannot bñ taken without producing a PECULIAR RESULT. The condition referrcd to is PREGN 4NCY the. resuU, MISCAJtRÏAGE fiur.h is the irrefutable, tenóency of the medicine to restore Uu sexual functions to a normal eonditiony thnt even the rcprodur.tive poteer of naturt cannot reaist U. Warrantedpurely vegetable, and free from anything mjiiriuus, F-xplicitdircctions, vhieh knul! be read,ac ompany each box, Beoft l v nmil on cnalosiaff $1 to DkCojiveijusL. CiiEEüfiMA.v, Box 4,öai , Post Office Xew York City , li'á' Öold by one Druggiit in cvery town ín theCmted SULcs. 'L& R. B. HUTCIITN'GÍ?, Gt.VSR-L AüBVT KOK TfiR U.VITED ?TATM, iVo,14, Broadmay, Wete iorkt W To who fl'1 Whoksaie ordr ahoiUd b addr8BSold in Ann ArVi-, hy MrARD. Smniürs h Wiikon, e , o o o DOLLARS WüRTH -01BOOTS SHOES jlT COST 2 In consequenoe of Making a change in jny business I will aell My Entirs Stock of BOOTS Sf SMOJSS AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL, AT COST 1 Now is the time fcr families and individuals to supply tbemselves for the coming "Winter and alio for next Spring and Sumraer. My stock consista of every variety of Shoe fcr Winter and Summer wear, and purchnsed at low priceg. WM. S. SAUNDERS. Ann Arbor, Dec 1, 1860. 777m3 A SERIES OF School and Family Readers ; Consisting of aPiimer 8c Seven Readers! By MARCIL'S W1LLS0X. The Primer, and the First, Second, Third, and Fourth Readers are now ready. THE PHIMER (Introductoty.) BEGINNING with the Alpbabet, is divided into Four Parta, and extende to words of four letters. Partí.) the Alphabet, is illustrated much more beautifully than any other Primer, both by letters, and cuts explanatory of tlie words in the Alphaueucal arrangement. Part II. conïaius 18 Reading Lessons of words of two letters, arranged in simplo tt-nteners. No unmeaning syllables are given. Part III. h. b 26 Lessons, of words f not more tkan three letters. Part IV. has 21 Lessons, of words of not mors thun fnur lettera. Separate "Pronounciag Lessons" are given, containing the words used in the Reading lesiona. To guard against the forraation of a monotonon Imbit, and as a guide Én the proper modulatíons of the reice, the conversacional Btyle ia adopted to a considerable extent, and marks are given to denote the ri.sin anrl faliing inflertions. The object of this is torequire children to read qufst ens and their answers in the sanie manner as they gpeak tliem, and thus to lay the foundtiuü of good raad. ing at the verj beginning. The Primer contains more t han a bundred beautiful Illustratious. ■Willson's First Reader. Tíegiuning with easy words of four letters in Part I., extenda to easy words of aix letters in Parts FV. and V., and a foweasy words of two and thiee syllablep. In tbjfl coik alio the coaversational style is frequtntly introducid, as it is that wliich is capabíe of giviaj the greatest varietj to the Reading Lessons, and onc that eaaily iamiliatizes the pupila with the inüections, and showa their necessity. It ia scarclv possible that ih pupil who folhjwü the simple and easysystem here marked out, canafferward fall into adrawüng and monutonons habit of rending. The Illustrationsare numorous and guptrior. Willson's Second Reader. Ta dividod mto Beven Parts, each preceded by one nr more Elocutionary Rules, designed for the upo of the teacher only, andto enforce upnn him the importanne of requiring the pupila to .ead as directed by the iuflections given. The ro iwks denoHng the inflections are net so numeriius as to assurae an unnc-cesiry importance nor are they used except where it w.mlil be a manifest er' ror to disregard tkem. Tbe elocutionary aim of these Reader is to teaeh children to read correct ly, not by rule, but by habit, and to this end the constant practice of reading correct ly is naiated upoD, as being far more efficacious than Rules to correct b&d habita already formed. Superior Olustratire engravings ar made the subjects of a large number of the Reading Lestöéac - the persons repreaented. their nctions, supposed eftngp, te., re nade ara ilable to give animation and Taristy to the reading, and to impart instruction; and the principie is kept ia view that in childhood it iñ tbr.iugh the medium of the faealtles that the attention i the must readily awakened, ana memo ry and judgnient the most successfully culti' ated. Part VIL, which is designed to Ilústrate the principie herereferred to, contains a LesHon on Colors, which íh il luntrated by a beauiüal colored ilate, in which twenty different colora are accurately designated, Wülsou's Thiid Beader. Contains, first, a brief synopsin of the "Elementa of Elo cution,"' in which the "Rules" already given in the ec ond Reader are repeated, with someaüditions and furth er cxplanations, and more numerous examplea. Then follows Part L, entitlcd "Stories from the Bible," in which some of the most incerestíng incídents in Sacred History are narrated inpimple language, varmus Ul-.-Rtrativepoeticiil selections,to give variety to the reading. Tbe illustrations in this Part are unsurpassed inany work. Part II., entitled "Mural Lessons," is defigned to incúlcate moral truthfl, and is made up mostly of selected articles. Part III., entering upon the more prominent and characteristic feature of the Serios takea up the first great división ofZooloffj or Animal Life' and is conffned to the subject of the Mammalij, niusily Quadrupeds. Although Qiwdrupeda are herearranged in their scientifli1. divigions, and treated upon a scientilic basis, yet tiie whole ismade as interesting as a romance. Species and individúale aredssenbed rather thm genera; incidents illustrative of the habits and charuetnristica of animáis arenumerour;: poetical and prose solections give variety to the Lusoni; and the illustrations are unsurpassed in any work on Natural History. A new and important feature s introduced - that oigroiipinjr the AníiiülIs of a cíass in one engravmg, with tíieir comparativo size and a BCfttfl of measurement. Part IV. is made un of Slicellanoous Articlos. "WillBon's Fourth Reader. Contnins, firt, the "Ele nents of Klocution" the name as 'he Third Keader, and frequent referenceismadeto th Rules throughout tïie work. Part 1. treata 1 ' Uum;ti Physiology and Health" ia a series of nteresting Readimj Lesaona, original and selected, which excludu scientific technicalities. Explanatory notes, with accompanyinj illustrative cuts, convey muchadditional useful informa"" tii)ii that could not weü be introduced into Ihe Readmg Lessons Part II. resumes tlie subject of Zoology iu the división which treats of Ornithology or Bffds. A delight ful field is here oponed, and nothiug can be more inteiestingthan the mantier m which the subject U treated. The leading species of th several Clanes or Oidersiut which birdsare divided, ure grouped in cuta which show their relative öizes;and uiany of the most brautil'ulpoetic gorus in our languageacc-mpany and Ilústrate the descriptivo portions, amd the incidents narrated. Part III. takes up the Fint Divialoa of'egetable Physiology or Botany, and given to tho .n interest and variety that can not be ftpóraclated trom d$críptíoa th1 can be given. Pari nr.iamadeup yf M JaccdUaeoaa Selectfauu. Part v. takos up the First División of Natura] Phiïosophy, iu which we look iu u-pon the school at "Glenwild," and' listen to the inatructicnM given to a ''Volunteor PhUosophj' Class," and hft OOV wsatlcnu which are held there. Part VI , cemprifiiag brief butconnected "'kelchcs from Sacred Jlistnry,'1 cuutains aomeof the tínestselections of jacred Poetry, with beautiful illustrationa of Scrlpturo incidents. In all the Readers after the Seconil tliO more difllcult words in each INson have small liguvrs, as reference.% attacfaed to them, and are defined, as refarred to, at the cloae of the Iisson. The accurate sounds of the LeUerg are also dciignated These are now features Tho reni.iining numbfrs of the Series, which will embrace in the form of practical, var led, and interestiu Keading I-essons, tlie fieveral departmenta of Natural llistory- Zoology, Physiology , riiysi;al Geography, Chemigtry, Geology, Astronomy, &c. , &c. - and also, iu tiie Seventh Keader, web mbjecte a Rhetoriö, Criticisra. Tiste, Orator y, Sculpture and Painting, Muic, c - uil popularized to the capaoittea of the variotis radM sf pupils for whoin they are designed - will be ompleted at ao curly day. " The leadiug point of merit etalmed for tboso baders ;irf Ut, They prmeat annuual Variety in matter and ïanner, and will prove exceedingly interesting to ChHyo.n. d, They wiÜ secure the hisheat dogree of aractical intructinn in the Art of Reading. 3d,They wül imparta great amount of Ihcful Infrrmaticn, which, in nu othr waj, can be brought befo ie mat mHSH of Children in our tSeboob. 4tli,In IlluHtraticns, and in l'yper, PriatiDf, and dïr& lily of Binding, they gteatly eicel other leaders, while jo jdicetv are extremuly low. Published by KC-A-JR-FEU Sc BROTHEKS, Franklin quarc, New York. Hfg To Princijials of ?chro!fi, who wish single copíe3 or ExumiDation, with a view to Introduction, the nbove ookö will bc bent, potage paid, on reeeipt of half the riaes ;bove napicd, To other pers-ons they will be üciit. ostagü paid, on rnccipt of the fullprire. ftS. For Trrms of Iatroduction, sd] for (rencien, ■%


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