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Morigugo Mile. DEFAUI.T haring bron made in tV parnunt of tb suni'.f money aecured by a murtsage, executed by Chsrlci Bowtr ui Juseph Lang;, to Curiatophw Hiiu'or, .lati! Maren the tfettfy sixth, A. I). 1869, whieli Úi rtgage recorcled in Iheoftice ol tlieliagister ,í ] I ' uhtenavt : ountj, in I.iber No. tweuty-flw, (26,) of Martgagcs, pagv 550, t twelre o'clock, A. M.. on lMli iliijr nf April, A. D., 1858 and assigned to Christian Salef on the 18th dny of Octobcr, A. I).. 1M8 byduidof assiganwnt reoordsd s Uu ftBth lay of August, A.D..1800, at 11 o'clock, A. M., In Libex 26 of Mortgag'1 . in pa ■■ 6541a and wliick murtgage was - igneato JamesF. Seeley oath4thday f OctoUcr, A. D. 18CO,br dd o! a sL'nracnt recordedon the 23d dar of Octobcr, Á. 1. 18R0, at l'2o'ciock, noon, in lit r 27 of s,on]ageS]2, by which dufault the powerct sale contaraed in said mortgage becaraeoperatïve,ana no lult orproceedings having ben tastttntfed atlawtoreenverthedebt ecured Ihercby orany piirl thereof, and tliesuni uf one hundred and K]xtt'endol'a:sandsi:uy-two cents, being now claimed to be due thereon - Notice is therefore hereby given, that sftid mortgage will be foroclo ■! l-.v ■:i!-i f the m'irt,'af[p [r 'mines to wit: All that certain traci or parcel of land known and deecribed as follows, to-wit: Bping lot No. eleven, (11) section numljer fnurteen, (14) accnrdingto ihe recorded plat of the vlllage of dahne, or some part theivof , at public vendue, at the front door of 1he Coart House in tlie city of Ann Arbor, in the Oouty of Washtcnaw, en the 18th day of larch, at une (.'clock P. M. of said ilay. JAMES F. SEELEY, Asignee I'atcd, December 13th, 1860. 77itd KOTICE OF DITCH SALE! THF, ÜNDERSIGKEB, CotnmiasionrrjwU] offer for sale n L pttbïio auctioi),to the Imvest bidder at the house of Tlmma.s Mitchelljln thoTownship of Lima, County of Washtpnaw anl State of Michigan, the 8th day "f January 1861, atlO, o'clock A.M. aboutlOO rods of dilcl: to be Lïfeet wide on thebottora, and 1,2C rode of ditch to beO feet wide on the bottom, and of an average depth of 4feet, and each batik toslant nutward one foot to a foot of depth; alao 334L rodü of ditch, a branch to the above dít en to be 2 fpet wido on the bottora and of aD average deptb of 4 A-ut and eaci bank to have the same ■lant us tbe main ditch, AU of the above named ditch ia locateüiotUe Township of Lima. JACOB PREPTOÏï, JOHN B. tTxPK, JOSEl'H PRAT, Comniissinnars to superintend iho draining of swamnc, raarahet,and dther low lands, Dec. !860. 3w"78 H OT ICE OF DITCH SA L E . THEUNDERSWNED,Commisioners, will offer for sale at public auc! ion , tu tli? lovcát I)idaer, at the house cf WTIATAM WA'IT.-, In theTownshljjof Lyndon, in WashtAnaw Co . and state of Michiiran: on the lOth day of January , 1861, at 10 o'c'ock, A.M., a quantity of Ditch, dennmiuated Watts, ditüh, loeated in said ToWDb!;' rii -1 iii3',n. containing846rods of dit-:h to De of an average deutíi of "..'t f and "" average width of 6.3 feet. Alao two branche to tbe above containing aocut 82 reds of ditch to be 4,3 fect i dep ailil of nu average width oí 5,3feot, Average width of top of main ditch 10.6 feet, average width oi (Op of branch diUbos 0 .0 feet JACOB PRESTON', ) .KHl.V !. STABK, }■ Joinmlssioners. JOSEPH PKAT, j Do. 12th, 18ffl. 3v7V8 #VHhk Cure Cough, Ctdd, Harsenus, IvfiutWirZW cma anij Irriiation or Sorr.aeas of Ikc PÊÊÊUÜÊk Throat; Rtlierf. the Hack'vf Omeh IJKfTTiilM iti GonsumptUm, Bronchitis, AslkvB4ÉHnLjf ?ïïi' utrength to the, voirc of ÓïïïÏÏM' PUBLIC SPKAKERs SiBH' mul SINGKRS, Fwi are of the importanceof checking & Congh or "Cumuion Culd" in its firsl stage; that whieh in tiie beginning would yield to a mild rümedy, if neglected. BOOD attacks the l,un;a. -'Brown's Brancliial Troches," conlMiningdemulcent ingrediints allay i'ulmonary aud Bronchial Irritation. BROWN'S "That troublu in ny Throat, (for whlcll the "Troches" are a rpocifie) ha ving made TROCHES N p WILLlg. "I rocommend to Prcuc.pcAKBROWN'S ■" BKV E. H. CHAPÍN'. "llave proved extremely serviceable for Tunfiruo Hcarseniss." lKUOtlL.S I:KV HEN'RY WARD BEEOIIER. "Almost instant relief in the distresning BROWN'S labor of broa thing peculiar to AarHKü." RKV.A. C EGGLEsTON. Tcnnüfa "Contain no Opium or anything injuriI KULMÜS OU8,„ DR A A HAYES, Chemist, Boston. BROWN'S "- himple and pleanant combination for ajcaiis,íc.'DR. G.F. JJIUELW. TROCHES "BeueBcial in BKCKcjima." DR. J.r.VT. LAN'E, EROWN'S Boïton. "I have proved them excsllent for lKUL-ÜÜb RE V. H. W. WARREN, lïostun . BROWN'S "Btncflcial whon compelled to spsak, suffering from CoiD." Tnnnn„ REV. f. J. P. ANDERSON', IROCHbS St. Louis. "ElTectual in romovmg Hoarseuess and BROWN'S I'T'tation of tlie Throat, so ommon with SruA&üas and Vingers." TRnPR17? Prof.M.STACYJOHXSON, i. uUOrilliö La (.'range, Ga. Teacher of Music Southern BROWN'S Feinale College . "Great benefit when taken before and TDnpnco ifter preaching, as they prevent Hoarse1 liUOrilLO ul'ss. From their past effect, I think they wit! be of permanent advantago to me." BROWN'S KLV.E.ROWLEY, a II. President of Athens Colleg", Tour.. „„„„,.,,. 8otdby all Druggistsat TWÍNTYTROCHESF1VKCENTSA BOX.-O 776m6 GO TO BAKGSTERFER'S FORTOÏS, YANKEE NOT1ONS, CONFECT1ONEK1ES, &c, &c. He haaeverything on hand that wil] pleaae Old and Little FolkS. Mis Stock is extensive, and tliose wishing to purchase Chriscjias and New Ycars Gifts would do well to give bitn a cali as he is bound to scll cheaper tlian auy one tliis side oí' the Alleghanies. Aun Arbor, Dec. 7, 1860 4w City Meat Market. ,,-ij. The understgnert j_MILi THEIR MARKET TO THE CORNER OF ANN AND FOURTH STREET?, And Yill keep constantly on hand a full assortment of 3P-r-c-ei-li. JVL-e-ei-t-mt-, which thcy will ahvays be found in readiuessto cut pon SUIT COSTOMERS. No PAIX3 will be spared to keep tlifir market Clean, and Meats Sweet and patrons may rely upon getting the best roasts stcaks, choi'S, etc., that can be found in'the City CALL AN'DTKY US. S. PROCTOH T. WALKER. Ann Arbor. May 4, 1860. 745m6 MICHIGAN SOUTHERN & KORJHERN IXDIANA RAILROAD. 1860. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 1881. Traína noir run on this road, Sundays excepted, aa follows: Leave Toledo ror Chicago daily except Mondayft at 12 15 A M. , and 12.40 I'. 51 , and via Air Line at 9 A. if. Leave Detroit ror Chicago at 10, SU A. M. and 9,30 P. M. Arriving ín Chicago from Toledo and Detroit at 10,30 A. M. and 11,00 P. M, Arrive at Detroit from Toledo, at 6:15 A. 11., & 6-00 P. 1!. Arrive n Detroit from Chicago at 0.00 P. M. , and 3. 15 P. II. Arrive in Toledo from Chicago 3,40 P. il. and4.3 A. II. Leave Adrián for Jackson at 0,15 A. M. and 6,15 P. M. ' Jackaon Cor Adrián at 5,30 A. M., and 11,55 P. M. CONNECTIONS. At Toledo- WHh Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road, with Waliash Valk-y Rao Road. At Detkoit- With Grand Trunk Railway, with Great Western Railway, also, with tlie Detroit añd Milwaukee Railroad AT Ni:w AXBA.1T & Saleu R. R. Crossixo - With Trains for Lafayette, New Albanyand I.ouisville. At Chicago- With Chicago aud Rock Island, Galen, Mílwaiikee, Chicago, Burlington and Quincy - North West Railway - Chicago, Alton and St. Louis, Illinoia Central, and to all Points West and Sonth. #L- Train are run by Chicago time, which s 20 minutes Klower than Toledo time. Sfjf Woodruít'fl Patent Sleeping Cars accorapany the Night Traína on this Route. gfjf Time and Fare tlie same as by any other Raí] Road Routo. JNO. D. CAMPBELL. General Superintendent. Ann Arbor & Lodi Flank Road Co 'I 'I1K ANNUAI. MEETING of the Stockholders of the 1 Ann Arbur & Lodi Plank Road Co., for the election of Directora for the enauing year and for auch other business as may properly como before the mm'ting, will be Jaeld at the Oflice oí the Company i n Ann Arbor on Tuesday the Ist ilay of January 1801. at 2 o'clock P.M. H. BOOTH, President. Ann Arbor, Dec. 6th,lSG0. 3w777 Insurance Agency ! C H, MILLEW IS THE AGENT for tilo folkjwlM first c!as companies: HOME I1ÍSUKA1VCE COMPANY ul Ntw York City,- Capital and Surplus, $1,500,000. CITY FIRE IUSURANCE COMPASY, of llartfurd. ---Capital and Surplus, $-400,000. CONTINENTAL, ISSURAUCE COMPASV, of Now York City.- Capital and Surplu, $100,000. Tlirep cjiiiirters of (he nt'tt proGta in tliís Conijiany ití üivfded íuinually amoog itepoltcy holdera. CH MILI-EN. Ann Arbor, Dacomber 13, 1860. 6ra"78 IIISURF! RELIECII BRUEFIII rpRY Iiuyco's Universal Belief tor mUrnal eonplainta, í suchasCülic. Cholera Horbus, Pain in the Stomach oí Bowftls, Piariiu-.'i, DApepsia, Fever ftod Agüe, Couhs, ?oltls, tic. Also CorOut, Fresh 'nunds,Itiini,""!11-. UM'Ln.itiKm, Neuralgia. Inllutuiz.t, ('liülihiiti, lams Bask or Side, Tootbftcbe, Earache, Headaabe, ka. BeBurendgotJ. G. KOYCE'3 DiílVERSAL ItKI.II.F [inpareil m Wnloa, Mass., aud for Solo by Drusglsts and tocan geoeraUy, 777m3 Ayer's Sarsaparilla. mOORll & I.OOMIS Have Removed to the STORE REOENTLY OCCUPIED BT C. HACK, PhcBnix Block.East sida of Main St., AND ff HAVE In Store S%!%Sj ■'ji& ■ Ijarge nnd L: jQ,' "-"S Tleta STOOK Í BOOTS f SHOES Of every description which will b SOliD O Mi: j3u Xa E X Tirxiv cu.v J5E Bouam in Xhis Crty. a1s alarge asaartment o{ HOME MANUFACTURE, f ali kinds made in lt mMt Fashionable Style vr 900D á;d EXPER1ENCED WOUKMEN, -otrnFSENCfl CALF BOOTS ftreNOTsTTRPASSthi9side?of New York City, and ar warianted not to itLf. Our syOGASAND KIP Si, ar marie of the best materials Our stock of Morooco Bootees forLadiesis tlie the bpst in town, with heels or witliout We Malte to Ortler, and never miss of scm.N'G tlio örsttime bo give uBa cali ana we wilt show you our stock free of charge We havo K!cureü the services of two Experienced Joumeymon, who do our mending in the ft'eat est Marnier, and on sbortest notice. Öur motto is Ouick Sales and Sinall Iroiïts Thankful ior past faTOr we hope bjpa.Ting strict attentio,i to our bunincs to merit a liberal share of jour patronagp for thfi luture. JÖT Rememberwe are not to b nndersold. "ft MliORE & LOOMIS LUNG & BLOOD INFIRMAR Y. Fishers Bock Woodward Ave Detroit, Dr. S. J, CARPCNTEB ái RAIiVARD. DOCTORS gen. rally pretend tbat Consumption ii incurable, becuuse tliey canaot cure t tbemaölves; but tbíá does not make t tras. Manj mGclmnics willwnrku on a job all day arnl af ter doing notbing but apail the material they wiü toll you it nev r eau bc dotie in the way you waot it. But byapplying to a better wwkman - ofie who thoroughly underfltaXMB liw business- jou will get your work accomplisbed in shapo. In this respect there is thn name dílTerence to be fuunl in all trudes and professions. The buöglers in mechanism,in the arts, in law, in theulogy, and in phyhicj wil] saysuch things canmit be done. And it is true that tbey'could not be if all men were like tbcmselves. Ent fortunately there is auotfirr class of men, and thuse, when they take yoar case in hand, do the jobas you waut it, o'r restore you to health, accori ing to desire. We have only 10 remember tl is :act to understand whj one physician ahould pronouoce that 6 wliich auother can cure. In mechanica, wesoniftimes find that by a possession of superior means, by sonie ntw iiivontion, of which he has the solé use, or by the preater ingenity of hia mimi, one person will mak or do what no other can. Exflctlv it mav be so in physic. And this is the very reason why" I have such great Rucees over all others in the treatraent of CouRUtfiption. By ha ving the original genius, by possessing the Long-Mstn1, which fiiables me toci'aily dettrmiiie the nature of the diseae an'! by haring such remedies for Coasumption as nn othprPhy'ftician ever had, make bold tt say that I have, and can effect a caro of tbis di.-eae beyond the reach of any other man. To prove thtl to have heen the case, I might give you numbern apon numbers of certificates from men and women given over to the grave, who have been rescued and reatored to health by the perseverins use of my remedus for Consumjiion. But it is not y for me to do ro h ere, for 1he fact of onemnndoing what anothor cannot cannot, is evident to ali men of common ene. If the Cousumptive wishes further proof than this, I can only say, come and satisfy youratlf by tri il of my skill in Uie euro of your complait Doctor Carpen tor will visit Ypstlarti, an5 Ann Arbor, duriog 18G0-01 . Ann Arbor, at Cook'a Hotel, 3d and 4thof each month; Hawkins ITouae, Ypailanti, 6th and 6th of each month. The reDiainder of the time, he wiH be found at hifl Lung Infirmaiy inJêtroit Iy773. HEAD QUARTERS. n"" For all kimls of M COAL OIL, & FLUID LAIVSPSjï PETROLIUM FLUID, j and W Coal Oils. Hf Superior qu:.ïity, at prioes guarJR antying ■alinoction. Lamps en altered to ths above on short B notioe. X A. DeFOREST. . ... ■!■■ .■■-?! Kov. in, 1860, 774tf WLNES & KNIGHT hay reecived theirseoond purohaaeof FALL, A.ISTID WINTER COODS, Wbioh will be eold at the Lowest Possible Prices, FOR CASH, BARTEE, OR PROMPT We invite all to cali and be satisfied that our GOODSAREASGOOD AND PKICES AS LOW asean bc found in the city. Nov. 10, 1860. 775tf General Land Agency PERSONS wnting farm, or residf-ncettn ornea AnnArbor.can by calllng onme eleclfroma liet of over 1OO Farms Kor Sale: Of various sises trom 3, to 1300 acrrpeach ;(ome ai goodasany InthisConnty.) Morethan SO DwcliiiK ifousi's inthiiCityromtwo faundret) to fourthousan cdo ■ arieach; and over 2OO BUILDING I, OTSJ Amongthefarms are the Hiehopsrarm, iriOOacrc, the Potter farm, i n Groen Uai; the l'laccfarm, a j 4 lacree, be ülandonand Jenksfnrms, in Wehster; tho StubSs, Michael Claucy, Newton Beegan, and' Fallnhai fnrm. In Ann Arbor: J . Kinjulr') '4 fnrm m üie Harch nnd Hick farms In I.odi-tlic Patrick ('lajularm In Frcedom; W. S.'iDaviion li G. Baker i and Buck's farms In Sylsn . Most of these and niaoy otbcra can be divided to uit purohaters E. VV MC1GAN. AnnArboj, Jnn. lst . 18fl(í U DE FOREST, ARMSTRÜNG & CO. DRY GOODS MERCHA1VTS, 76, 77, 79, 81, 83 & 85 Daane Street, Waw York. WTOULD NOTIFY THE TRArEthai tneyar. openli i Wsekly, In ntw ml beaatiful nttterna, the ALSO TOI A Nftw Print, whicb exceli every Print In llio Country fo fi-iVc.tion of Moutten and (iV.-1-n iti full Mftddei Coi ora. - Ourfrintaare cheapor thau any iu tumLct.ainl mrtiDg wth extantiv aio.


Old News
Michigan Argus