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- - -i „m -i i Mrs. WIN3LOW, Anexperien ed Nuroe und Female l'bysic'.aii, presentí to the atteation ot mo0Hrflief SOOTHING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly facilítate the proeeu of teetbing, bj , softtn 11 the giims, Teduc;nL all inHammation- wíll allay ALL PAIN" mi spaamadLc action, and ia SÜRE to REGÚLATE the B0WELS. Dopcwl apon it, motbers, it will gire roít to yourclTs, ud Eelief &nd health to your Infacts Wc have put up and and roM this aríicle for orct tn vear, RÓd CAÍ SAY, I.V COlfFIDENCE AND TRUTH of it, what c have Lever betn ab!e to saj of, any othtr mecióme- XI. VER HASITFAILED IX A SINGLE 1N3TANCE, TO EFFECT A CURE, whan timely uied. Nüver dírt we kcow an inrtaflce of dissfitisfaction by any one who useii it. On the contrary, ll are dehghted with it opeT,;tinni, nn 1 3peak Ín ttrms of commendatirn of it3 magical eíTectn atid medical rirtues. We speak in this matter 'WHAT WE DO KNOW," aftet ten vears' eiperience, AND PI.EDGE OUR RITUTATK.N ' FOR THE FÜLF1LLMFNT OF WHAT WE HERF. DECLARE. ín alaoít every in tenca where the mffijlt ii süffer-ng from pain finrl exliaustion, relief will be loun'l n fiftetn ur fventy m;uutr.3 ai'ltr the r.yrup ík admlnítüis4. This valuable iri'parition ia the prasciption of ono of tho mnst EXPEBJEiVCED and SKILLFÜL NUBSE3 Ín New Enílanri, end lias beau ued vrith NEVER FAILINO SUC0I3in TÍIOUSAND OF CASES. It not only relieves thecbll 1 from pain, but IsrlgoMM tlie íítomach ani bowcls, corróete acidity. and g vea tone snd eneruy to the wholesysU-m. It will a'.must nttaütly relieve GRIPING IN THE HOWELS, AND WlfíD CO1IC and overeóme convulsión", which if not speedly reme died, end in death. We lu-ürve it tb BE5ST and SUIÍEST ÜEMEIiY IN THE WORLD, In all Cne of DY8ENTERY and DIARKIICEA IN CHILDREN, wheth-r it arises froin teething, or fr im nny other cause. We would say to every mother bo h s a cfcilcl sufferíng from any of the foregoin complaints- DO NOT LET YOUR PP.FJÜI'ICES, NOR THE PRIJCI.ICES OY OTHERS, Kt-ind betwoen rou nnd ynur auffer n2 child, an.l the relief thatwill be'sültü- YES. AB: OLUTELY - to folio;? the use of this raedine. if timely usod. Full diectloní fot sin; will accoropany ench bottle. Ncns genuino unlesa ti" facsímile of CURTÍS i; PKRK1N3, NewYork, is on the outside wrapper, Sold by Druggiita througouí tho World. Principal ( fflee 13 Clnï Siret, tí. Y PRICE ONLY 25 CENT PERTOTTI.E. For sale by Eberbach & Co. IJTtti FOR THE HOLIDA YS ! SCHOFF & MILLER A RE STILL ONH4ND at thoir oíd Stand, No. 2, Franklin Block, with themoat complete asEertraent of Books and Stationery, PERFUMERIES, FANCY GOODS, WALL aND WINDOW PAPERS, SHADES, KOLLERS, CORDS, TASSELS, GILT CORNICES, CURTA INS. HOOKS AND PINS, STEREOSCOPES & VIEWS&c E ver ofFered in this Martet ! ard they would sugeat tothoso in pureuit cfanythingm SANTA CLA US' LINE that they can seourc a Doublé Christmas Present ! by purchasing froni this siock. as each purcliaaer gti an additional preBtnt oí Jewelry, A;c, Eanging in valué from 50 cts. to $50. #y Thej trust thnt thüirlong otpriancTn in scl?tinff goods for thib market, and atrict aítentw;n to the ■wants of Gustomera, may ent i tl them to a liberal sbare of Patronage. Ann Arbor, Dec 1860. 7T7tf TO HOUSEKEEPEES. SOMEÏHINO NEW.- B. T. BABBIT'S B23T Medical Salebatus. ís manufactured from cotrrrrn salt, and ie i_j prepare ontirely different from other Saleratuf. JJj All the deleterious matter extracted in aucb s ui fl a uaiiner as to produce Bread, Biscuit, aud all H U t: kindü of Cake, without containing a piirticle ol [ft alératüB when tlie Brfad or Cute is bakect: j thercbj prnducing wholcsome reyults. Every partiële of Stileratusiï torned to gas, and pastea tbroufch the llread and Biscult h;iLiug. H C f ÖothHg rtmains buteommou Pait 5 MU Water, and Flour. Yon willradlly perceive, byH thet&stcüf tbiy Saleratus, that it is ontirehjffl ■ iiíTcront from other Salera jj It te packpü in one pouni papers, each y perbranded, "B.T. Babbitt'w Best Medicinal Jj fíG öaieratus;'1 aio, picture, twnted leaf of bread, V UO with a glaas of efferveaolsg water on tlie top.- - Q Whenyou purebase ouc paper you should pre L serve the wrappor, and be partipular to jot tlie P next cxactly like the brnnd as above. u 70 u11 4ÍreEtloín'for makingBread with this " i J eratuR and Sour Milkor Crean Tartar, willac compauy each package; alao, diroctions for ' makinuttll kinds of I'astry; alf?ot for . ' duda Water and SeidUta l'owík'rs. i JS 0. MAKEYOUROWNT OAP wth I y B. T. BABB1T1"8 PURE CON'CílN'XKATEDI V POTASfl. li Warmníed doublé the tr?njíth of onlïnary H l'otasl' : put np in eans - 1 Ib, 2 Ibs, i! Ibs, t'jTj ibH, and Ï2 Iba - with full directionsfor niakinp f AND Hard and Soft Soap. Consumera will finü thif [s the cheapest article ín market. r Manufacturcd and for sale by J 1Í. T. BABBTTT, J 04,06,68, "70, & 74 Washington st. , New York, fí 1 A and N'o Z% India st, Boston, 7 743yl Rifle Fcïoir! A. J. SUTHERLAND H AS removed hi e Gun Shoptothe Nw Bluckn Huton street, south of the (ïourt llouee.oiitne aecoaü öoor, where he is prepnred to fu ruish Guns, Pistols, Ammunition FlasAs, Ponches Game Bags, and Every other article in bis Line. On the mostreaJonaMeUTme.nndto do all kinds of n the ihortest notice.and (n the best mannet , A fuil asiortmont always Jcept on hand, ond made to order. MANÍI00D Eow Lost and How Eestored. Just Pubhshed in a Sealcd Enw1opei A LECTT7RE ON THE NATL'RE, TRFATMEN'T AND RADICAL CURE OF ?PKRíUT0RRHOEA, or Semlval Weakuess, Sexual i t'bility , Nt-rvousneri and Involuntn.ry EmittionR producing hnputency, Consumption, and Mental wl l'hysical Debilitj, BY ROB. J. CÜLTERWELL, M. D. The important fnc,tthat the uw ful convrquences of self abuse may be effecïniilly rconoved without intrnal remeélei oï the dangeroua appüoatioi of cAustJcs, invtruments, medicated bnaifiea, and other empvrieal de vicíís,is here clearlr demonstra ted, and the en'irrlv ne and highly succeHslul treatment, as adopted by the ealebrated aathorfullj explained, by meaas v( uhich eyory one i.4 enabled to euro himself petfe?tly, and at the least posfiit Ie eost, theri'by avoidinj ;tl! tho adrertWied nosirtima of the day. This Leetare will prove a boon te thousandB and thoufinn'.p. Bent uinler senl to nny addrpss, post puin, on the receipt of two postage Htamim, bv nddresing Dr. CHAS J.P. KLIVE, 480 First iveeue. New Yerk.Poat 13x 4,086. v7(i8 Conwajr FIre Insurance Co., Of Conway, Mass. Capiciil pak] up, - $150.000 00 Assets (Oash), - - 269,963 12 Liabilities. - - - 1C,4JO 03 D. O. Rogers. Jas. S Whitne.y, Secretar y . President. DIRECTORS. J B.WHtTHEY, L. HOPMAN, W Kf.T.IOTT, ASA HOW LAND, D P. Mi-CT.VUU' E ! HORGAH WAIT BK.MENT, JOSIAI) Ar.I.lg A.HIBÜ' I Rit W. U. niCKINSON, W T. CLAPP, D.C. ROOKRS. Añil Arbo r Keferenrcs: Dr, E WELLS, L. JAMKS. L. DOI-GF KNOC-HJAMKP. TAPT. C.Í. nOODRJCH J. W. K.NIGHT. As-ent. Anti Arbor, Michigan-, Iiivery Stable. B. CKEI-N, nt hi Avwy Stbl?, rwu Qf Fr,inM;n. inlds himplf roady to l'urniih tba ht-t 'tam i-ut," neleordout)l9tat short ntirc. Ca! land f=f hi Horm ind C-'irriagCi. ÜÜIQi.-e htiöud door ivt of Web ïooh Ftort1. P P. i.f!uBfofcoCCuttflfri I Itght in THE BANNER STORE. SECOND AIlRIVAL - OF- r.X,Ij Ss -WINTER Q E O X S.' GOOÜS FRÓM AUGTIONT. ; - Pact3 for tho People'j -Ot■WASHTENAW -siND- ADJOTNING COUlNTIES ! And llu-ir numerous qaestions turvend. WTiy i Kvrrylmdy trading at 7 "BANNER STORE? ' - Becaue A. P. MILLS, the Proprietorol tliat EtnbIUlment has just returned from th Eaeteru Citietyruh tli Largest, Jlanckomest, Cheapest, and Most Altractws Stock of STAPLE AXDFAXCY DRY COODS! evor brought to tlda part X the StatJ Why s E oer y body pltasca vnth h Stock f Beoauae hiaatrUs ara more btaTxtltu!, qualitj botter, and pricea lower than at anj thör stort 'm the ooonty. Why ha$ U alvxiyt Something New and Qttap to ShúwT Becatuohnfïaiarriaiid coTintcted' with ole of Ihc ly gest Dtj UoodHousfs in Nw York, who is cnntlnualut OBBffiO ROVFD" for cheap bargainstnc! the lat e Btylee J" ie aPPear fr0Tn t'nie to time, and in tMa wy kwnshlni 'upplied with ííyltM, aud cunjoacnüy caílomer can . fmd omethíngFih, ÍÍEW CHEA?1 DESIRABLE ffl} dot } dl mueA CMOfCr tUn the rettf Bccauso he has a bujer In tba oitr all the time to tui. ad'vantage of tko cnntinual changc of the mark", am! in that way buys his goodi ranch chwiper Uiuu olaen can, and tbec he marks them down to the LoveüST piounBQ. W doe ie teil Ladiet' and Childrent' Shoes so much ehenper Ihan via eter heard ofby the oldest Shoemakcrsf ücauLe he buys hia stock In the lan } of shoemahers, of the manufacturera, fully 25 per cent cheaper than Ibc Xew York Jobbers sell thero, and mucl-botter wurk than tfapy generally keep. Thia courhe enabiti him to svil u betUr Gaiter for 35 Cents. than othorjU at 50 cent, and a bettr F9SED G.UTEP at &Ocoti, than otliar sell at 79 cauta. Ha he any Hats and CuptT VOs,I should think ho haa staok of thein, snough to supply the Stat, at prioei loirwr tkan was ovr hettrii ni roundtutwa parta. W!iy íí hit Tea to much b'tl'.r fer the priec ycu pay than you get at otfier place? Böcause ba takesgrrtt care in seVcting it, and gWes'uU cuatumeis the benefit of a real good 75 cent TEA FOR 50 CEJSTS, It ia a way ha haa ;ot. Where thoulil you gn to get your CLOTIÏS ana have them Cut or Made? To the BAN'XER STORE, where the Ptoplo'a Bannr i unfurledfor the Penple'sgood. South tiide of Public Square, a foir doora waet of Coök'f Ilotl. A. P. MILLS. Spt. 18, 18C0. 76f 8,776,994,650 VOLUNTEÏRS WAATTED! TO ASSIST H THI1 LIBERATION OF CUBA ! ïVbito folks, ot of wtiateTer colr, eiste or uativity, wiicther married, einjjle or of doubt ful connc-ioi), will 1 ?nlisted in the notile ca me of EMANCIPATING THE COMXUNITV - rP.OM THE- THRALDOM OF HIGH PRICES ! nd will reeeive their outfit at th Extensivo Fur nishing Establishment -OF THE- G UITERMAN'S HEAD QÜARTERS! Laviog been cstablislied for tho LAST TEN Y E A R 8 . our known rule of warfare is fin Undisiuised Deslrnclion OF HIGH P RICES ! E O HL C3 Ij O T 131 1 TST OFor all Ages! Sex and Conditlons' In consequence of tlie very flittaring eneouragfi]]t.'nt wliicli wa hfive ree ived sinoc our lociition in this ciij, we have iMreawd our Stock of FALL AND WINTER CLOTHSNG! To moei. the dcmnnJs of our custnmers, and having become more fully convinoed than evor, that our mode of dal ing, iiiimolv: at ilie lowest possiblo rates for s the only trne plan; Tre -wil] continue i: serve the publio as lieretofore dtiring the cünrtng fall and winter. Our Stock consiets iu everv varietr of RÈADY MADE CLOTHINO ! Piain and Fmicv CLOTHS, OASSIM'ERÜ, SILK, AND SILE VKLVETS. A large lot of GENTLEMEN'S FUR. MSHING GOODS, whieh are all Trarranted DOX'T FAIL TO OXjXj.T1 C3-. Ü. C$, For past favors we aro gratefn] U all,. '. The Faino for lardeónos ia pruporlido, ' And tnèsd Wl ó seé lït to cali Shall receive our best siniies and ' devotion . J M. Guiterman & öo. X. l. Studes !nA ni] others who wnnt to see SONDHKIM'S n.'w jm.Jr ofnttiiiB will do wcll lo cali and lcave inoasuie For a Xicc í'iíting Suií D. L WOOD & CO A. jLaaGXE. STOCK ÖP Seasonabie Goods ! FALL AND WINTER TRADÈ; of ïaeo: WHIOH THEY WILL, SELI, CHEAP FOR CASH, 0% REAÜY PA Y Ca? asá ice Beftre Purchativg Lhxthere. D. L. WOOÏ). W. G. FOSTER. THE HYDROPU iT An invention for tbrowiiiL water by hand-poww, palen ted br W. T. VOSE. It ia one'of the moat v&Iuabl o vsmions of the day. THE IIYDROPULT wül, by the power of onc man, thrnw water at the rat ■f 8 gallons per fiaiDute Bftj feet bjgh, wilh gtwt frw. It is tbe beit ftrtick'&vtriavenud f'ir EXTIKOUlsmNG A KIKE, PROTECTING A KOOK FROM TAKIÏTO FIRfi, WASHING WINDOWS, 31'RINKI.ISO l'LAXTS, WATKRINU UAKDKN'S, CLEANSING TUI-.FS KKOll INSECT. WK1TINÜ il EWAÍ.K3, SPKIN'KUXG STREEK, WASHINti CARRiAUES, clfaxin'g ciyrnRNP, KM1TYING WATER FROM S.AII. BOATS, WtTTIMQ SJ.IS, ■ ASl'UAY BATH, C. Tlus artide shouM be owned by evory tu(uhldf - It does awav with the nc9Bsity of a bydrant. It Iil light, portable FOItCE POMP, olways rtaly. euil lu Dd will cmn in frequent use by Tirjr frmr, nw ;J.:nr;t ar.d nttvcbftDic in tlifc cnmniunil. Ple&M wiii au4 examine tbe article at this office. AMERICAN HTDHOPTTLT COilPANY, 41 PARK EüW, T. WALLACE TTELCn, Agent fir Waslit. naw Conwr V71m3 yi'.-ILANïf, Mtofc. Herrick's Sugar Coated PiU CT CHILDREX CRYFOR THEM ! xi --Stt . American remer lx - ÉÊm -fe Ji49k.., Ovor Sr m T-'í liöni cf b'iiB ar so44 ffSS the iiumiu ï.an L !-: Br@fóM ] 1 poiant satktiet pftfHHHrËXlJgnp ord nuccesirfiil. MiMr È3fc of the bodr, thk w ia attonefi with tbe heppic't efTfct. In oU sijLmürff cases of aickuesK, am;iH doses - repeated frMjaiitl- o clenses the v-stem, tbatgood hraftb Is the retult. .". change in fmviluvment or uiet is necfïsarr. 1.W bw csmse oor moutln. awellrd jnirft, cliiag lirab, , M i!o ronnr othrr sinds. Thty are uarranlwi t irt sntisfaction. orthft price refunded. Ther ar cobauííUI cheapor, sf.fer, prettier, and i r, all respccl nMrtar t any purgativa pill in the rorírf. 3l)H'dÍMw7 Í Cíiéíiñir a pül with vrnr em-nalcn wiu, lr. IlM-ñiií. A!l oiher jiro counterfnt'-.aad if'med, wil io Aar 4 dinppoijitthatftt. Rerriolt' pin mi iutlr tu'.w, 30 in a box, wf'iA r Urgo BUeet of dicöoü 'JfJI Stt '2ít cents per box; 5 bolea for $1. Herrick's Kid Stbenutbirims) PiampKRS. Tke grrnl Streng f er and Pm Destróyer. The Bctt and oAeafeit Hovjehold Remedy in the teerli. Thee renowned Plast"!- eur palos, weatnías ajii 4fetreos in the back, siile au breait, in íive hors. Ia4oe4 so certain are thoy to do this, thnt tlio propmtur irnri c them. Spread from resins, balíams and imi, a beautiful kid lpiither.rfndersrliera pcciiliarlr alaat4 V the waata of Fcmali.í and otbers. Thtirappliestio W universal- equally to tb strongman,th dflieaU itoan. and the frehl liiteBt. Toeachandall thy wlll w-t I balniand a!'lmj. Tbeir uséis ayreeablf nd witlij annoyanen or n.uble. Fach rianter will iroar frem tmt te füur monlhü, and !n rheumatic complainli. pra-B and bruisst. fri-qiiently elTrct cures irhea all r dies l . K.iU ÜrNtiona will be found on UnbaöTi eaeh. Pnbllc speaker", voralMs, minisltr of lhgo.W and othors, will trongthen th?ir lurj(Banl imprort Un vdecs by wearing tliem od thelr briMist. )'ric lijt C.Mltí. sT The ahove adíelos are soW by all W;. dealsu ' Aan Arl.orandhy DruftRistthroii)rhnutthpWiiitMÍlMsl, Can.i das and South America, at who!sal br utl hcfl Dmüginisin tlie principal dtle BERRICK í: BROTffiR, Ir:;;7 rmrnciLCiiEMlsTS, Alhany, t Y. P Ii OK L. M1LLEJPS HAIR INVIG01UT0K. AN EFKKCTIVE, SA1E AN'I) KOKOMKUt COMrOUN' KOI! RBSTORJNÜ GRAY HAIR to itB o,iiriMl .!„. ,#■ out dypnig. and prevent the Huir froi turnlng grayi POR PMVEimXO BALDNHMn4 trii.g it,wLM, ttuu i the least pr.ilü of viiality or raiuptrrallro mm rfinaittine, fORKEMOVlNG SCURF AND PA.VDKCTT, and all Uneous síIVcíiona irf tbe i-vaip. KOR HEAUTlFYIXf; TUK HAIR, iwpartin, tokt u emialled gU and brüliani-v, making U fmok iu Itl triture nnd causinjü it to eurl reiulily. The jreat cetobriti and Ui increaring ici:,aixl for i" unc'iualU preoaration, coavinc tbe yroutjyíoi thatoM trial i otily ueceseary u tify a itwcaniing public ut nti superior nualitjea over any other Jtruarticu t ji rr th wn in ose. It cleaftíís the he! n.l salp fmm dá n ,it vf oai othcr cutrmeoii discatm. Uauaea U l.air mgrowl' onantly, así givesit a ri.-h. oft gldjr and aoiibl..pearance, !nd alaowhere 'iv 'Aseiv is lïbwuStig &ad tbittniofC, it "■" n'ivo Btjrougsh and vinr„r ;„ lll() j, -tmt re-tV-ri' the (jiowtli to Ihose )iirts wfiicS hari bmn h.d'i, causiMg il to yield nreb cavttiKg ofttnir tro óf Wies aod gonl lemen' ia ürw Voik u!.) have had their liair restured by th m f thia Invigovatm-, when al! otlivr preparatiuns bad fiil4. L. II. has iu his possession letia-i inuumerab! tifTlttf to the al; vr faüts, from persons rf the liijjheït i-ipe bility. H wiK eifcotaally preveal tiJuiirfrtm tvrnlef #reiy until the latest periúa of Ufe; ana i mu wit the huir liai Changed its color, tlie Ui-e oftbc It!t;oratr will uithViTtaintv restore ü e il, original -, rii. a dart. glossy appearance. As a perfume fur ihe MIt an'. ii Hair Roatoratlra it N partieularly rcccjiumrndei having an nffreoablp fragrance; aml t!; grt-at faailititiiiA ■ Jrcstin? the hair. which, when muist with Mm itor can be dressed in any required form s t to irewre it place, wbethrr plain or in heoco the frreat dcnurid for i( by the ladie.i asa itnmlard toñet artiele which none ought to be without, as the prlwi places it vritluu the rcach of all, belnf ONLY TWENTF-FIVE CENTS pir bottle, to lw hi at all repcetaV!e íruUt1 ,ud perfumen. L MIU,KR iroaMoali tti attenlton of Tareotí n4 (luiu-riian to ;Ho ue oí Ii invignrator, Iu eftMi her theclnlüitDs' Hair inclines to be wil, Tbtaaftcflt layg Elie frünrlntlon fcr good ho;nl of hIr m ii rni' ;mv mpurtlii'ö thai iïirt hare bceöftc eonetd wti thè citlp. thf rrtiv"'xl of which ii necr!arv hoth fm tW bealth of the cliitd auü the fut art ní Um H;i!r. CAfnoit .- V óiw ernnini1 wühru) t7to fr : iir-lp T.f!!! MIIJ.KK Viiiï on the ovtae wraprr; ftho. í,. MIIIKK'g UAÏH INVWMIUTOR, R. Y. blwn in Uiofffou. Wbnicsii ie Df-pñt, 5-i !'cv St. and old byall th ppinilf Mcrrli:.iiti and DruggiÁlAhroafhovi tba worM. :■ iOuutií Iu i,;i fh.iM'iv b tl,' f, ii.intitr. I ;ii-n ni ■ ii .■ 6q pr#flcnt te thf AiiH'iic.t:i I'nMic mr ' Now & Improved Instantaneous Liquid Hair Bye whiclv aftor yoirs of sc'entiTlc exjcrimrnVp)t V h hifinjj'ii tn perTectlon". Il fv btnrte ov hrawn inxtntte1 without jnjury to tli Ilairnriu w.irrnWd H,t pl' nrticlo T llir kini in eltnti PRICE ONLY FIFTY CENT3. DEPOT, 50 WSF ST., i"i, rw. ï V. OlitíAN, Á#nt MMutnaW-if"1 insi:ra?irr "'■iiirau i', Ww, íírV .■rtAssf. - ' -■ .. ■ Í.V.34,. nc:'f f'cftipsfitt in tbc I". S. K'nkkftt'bockr ín .MiinTi piirav, .V(? Vorlt, t I , nluss fr ('o - T'Tfus m!"1!;!!)!1. Hiiiv.x'U! I'.M. In.ünini-r ('i.inp.'inv, í .'lí)r](! mtli a 1ü rírRíUfrlils, ■ ■ SOr,n(W. l'oria k 1 re JMñunnrr Tn. . IVMtKNI. .hí-.tV , ■-,,. 1 Con.. íí'Ttl 4T


Old News
Michigan Argus