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GREAT. GREATER OREATEST B KG ilNS PJVER OFFERED 1859. JSw-vl 859. In thisCity, nre now being ofFered at tlB CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & Jowelry StorO'TIHr! Subscribo r wouldeny to the ultbMasol Ann Ar1 bor. I" particulur, and the reft of Wnthlenaw Countv ii genoral, thnt hchnsjust IMPOKI'ED PI UECTLV lïom KÜROPK.e Tretnendous Stock of Wat ches! Al. of whichhe bind himnelf to ell CHKATKR Hun cfin b6 bouaht weal oí New York City. Open Fnce Cylinder Wutches Irom $f) to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 Ilunting Cnttt do do do 14 to 35 do do Oyllmler do do 9 to 28 Oold Wiitehp. from 20 to 150 1 l.Avü also the CELE BR AT KI) AMERICAN WAT CHES, whieh I wlll il ttr #3iï. Erory Vvatch warrantud to porturm we IL or tbo inoney refundcd. Clocki, Jnwelry, Pitoi Wur, Fancy Goorls, Gold Pens, Musical Instrumenta an1 3trlnga, Cutlery, &c, iiid In Cnct n yariKy ofevorythtnit uaunlly kept by Jew dnrs cao be hnughtt'orthe oext ninety dayp ut viur O W N l'RICES! Pnrfjons buying atiything nt thla wrlï hnown etsbHtiiniï ut cnn rely upon gotling good1 cxact'y as roprrsciit' (I, orthernonry refcnded. Oallenrly and se cure tho bost bargains ever offerod in i'ity. One word in regard to Rrpairing : W aro prrpitrnd to ninke any' ronir onfini' or cominon Wdtchrs, even tn m-.kinii : or ihr Pfitfre watch, M ncc(?9ry. Elepalrtng ut' docks iri JewHry ns usual. Alao the munuiVc.turinif ol K1NGS, fiROOCÏIS, op auythinjf dectred, firomCalff rtiUGoiil on short notice. Knjn-ftvinc in all its Irai chesexeented wilb nent and dispatch. j r vvatts. Ann Mbo-, Jn. 28tMP59. 7Nw IluRACE W A7 ERS, AGENT 333 Broadwaj, W ■ w Y or 1, Iitln.slicr of Mn-lc nnil Mualc Books AM DKALKR IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexíindre Orgnns Organ Accordeon, Martin'.s cclebrated anaother Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Violincellus, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutes, Fifes, Triangles, Clari ineüs, Tuniiipr Foiks, Pipos andïlammers, Violin Bovs,'best Italian Strinir, Basa Instruments for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. a lx o t 3vr -u. s i o, t'rom nM the publuihcn in the V. R. . Bertlhi'fi Jluntin'i, qu Modern 75chool, sodatl kiniïn of InstrnotloD Booka nr thu abnve instrument; Churofa Muwic Books; Music 'legan()y bound; Muic inpor, há atl kinds of Musw liTCliiinrtU'., t t he fiOwcst Prices. !few Planos, At $175, W00, $22fl, $2S0, aml up to 800. Secoufl, Hand Piaqoa 6in -5 ujp to 110; New Melodeons, -ló, jiiin, J?r, $100, ari'l up to h2D0; wcond Haod Melodeonfl , , m J lo M0; Uwandw Oruruns, with Ure stop.-, Sliii, iñnesto!, fl anrt "J-5 thirtecn stops, $50, S27S and $y0; flronii atopBf f3ÖÖ and 1376; A liberal diheount 0 Cluymcn, ( hurcïif, Sjtbhath Schools, Seminftriea :l.1 Teacbers. The Traio supplied at the usual trade liscount fcstlmoiiflof tlie Hornee Wntcrs Pinnen and Melodeoii. Jubn Tlewett, of Oarthag1, New Vork, who lias had me of tho HontccWaterfl mnoa, wiiieeafl foUowá: - "A frienl of mine wishes me to purchase a piano lor her. Bhe Ukea th'1 one yoü sold me In December, 1856. íj piano it becomiug pnpular in thïs pl.ieo, and I thJnk I cnn IntrodoCfl oile nr two moro; thoy will be more pupuUtr tlmn hny other mako.11 'Wo hsvp two of Watera' Pfanos in use in ourPeminary, one of whieh bns been ievereij teated Por tlireo .f.if.. nA we can íestifrto íheir r.í qoaHtv and llurablllty." - tFoqd kO?egory, Mount Carroll, Til. ■'H, Waters, Ki. - DUB gm: Having nmd onoof your Taño Fortm for two yoarí past. I have fonml it a very superior Inttrument. Aro.vzo Gbatj Principal Brookiyn Hrights Sfmtnary. "The Piano I rrcriYprt frnm yon oontfnues to ive ?atiíiractloQ. I regard it is one ofwe best tnatrumeita tn (he jtuce." Jamks I, CLAREE, Charleston, Va. "The Ktelodeon has Bafely arrïved. I feel obtfeed to yon fory our liberal discount." Rev. J. M. McCoRuick, YargutsrilUS, C. fTbe pi no was duly recflivetl. Ttcame Ín excellent oondition, nníl la jen much admirad by my niimerous rnmily. Accept my üiánks for your promptüöw." - RuiSKRT Cníirr., Wdrrenham, fírattjord Co. Pa. ''Vin;r f.i inn plffaMfl ns wU. It is the best one ín our TüOiCas A. LaTDAM, fompbeflton, Oa. "Wo r Tery muob obllped to yu rorharing wat BHoti a fine Instrument for$260." - Bbank,Help & Co., finjtxlo ÜemsarM. "The Horaet Waters FlanosarekiiQwq asaraonj; the vfry bent W are enab!el to spoak of tliese instrumenta ltfa coiift(tncc, from penonal knovledoe of thoir excplli)t triw anrt durablfl qnaBtj." - Y. Evangelist. 'We can spr:k of thfL roerits of thp HoraCO W:itcrs pianoa (rom penumal knowlcilcre, as boing the very Quest Ckritticn ItctliífrrrT. "Th Hosftce Wfttera piano are ouf Hof the bestand most 'iioroughly neaspnea material. Welwee no doubt thai buyew canil wcH,pThps "tter, nt this tfaan at any othrhfue i the Union." - Advocate and Journal. WatHs' pnuiM ;i"'ï melodeoiu ehattangc oomparlaon wlth th fluest made anywhere ia tho country." - Home Jour fiai 1 Uoraea Water' Kano Forte? are of fulï, rich aml even tont.amt powerful- N. Y. Musical Review. "Onï frifMiïs will find at Mr. Waters' itOW the nxj h, wrimt-nt of Muic n of Pianos to be foiind in tho United SUttttjand w rie "r ■tii an1 western fr(en4 to iri'i1 him a culi wheiMver thy go to New Yui-k."- Graham's Masraxmë TJTarehouse 333 Broadvray, N. Y. Sabbath sThool Bel], ÏOO.OOO Isuned In ten Months. Tie nnpreridente"! plft of thlsbookjifts inrtnrpfl thf pabttattrrto ni'U.mif M m'W tunoanrthymns toiti irp. pnt siif, witlxint ftri churus, cxcppt on the c!ip cditim- Amorn; thf manv bOnUbd tuni Knd livinni idded my frtnn-1: - "I ouicht h loTt1 my molii4r;" "O I'll bet .m. chiM, nilput 1 will.'' Ihm ad eight otlwn from tli BbU,. am)t HM9undJ Sohool AniuTflr. sury (f tl)P M. K. ('hurcli t the Acoden of Mmic, witb HTft rplmie Tlie Bell wtin neany Ï00 tuixa and hrmn,nil on of fh b.-st tollwhom mismitd. Hrk $10iT)iiiii-lrl.pil(re; Qegntlï lounil. embiwuKl "pit, -i ')iw '"O It ha been ilUru'lucrf into manv of tl' PnWio iíclioiils. Th1 i pwblteïwd in mall nnmbt-r-ï entitleil AnniTvmrj-tart Sniniav School Kiule Boota, Nov 1,'.', 8, 4. n arderlo teeoñmodate tli miliinn; prlce f2 i p" hondnd Mo. 5 irill Monk ssul - commenf enn-nt of anothH book. Also, Reviv! Music Baoki, No. 1 ft , pricc tl & %i l'fr 100. portage Ie. Uan tluin 3U0,0(KI -ipi(8 of the uañ bnok h:ve boen ncl Um past elghteen months, and the deinan4 srapüly inoreasins Pabllshed bv HORACK WATERS, Agent, 333 l!radwajr, X. V. Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 nroadwy, New York. Vociil "Kind Wordscan neverdir;" "The AnRüls told mn so;" "Wilds of tho flVst;'' "Thooghta of Ood;" 1 Ciivd me back my Momitiün Efomd;" l'lKij flreams;" "llandv Cock Robín;" "Tin with the? still; 'It ñames;" "There'R no darllng Ukemlne;" "Sftifth Jane Ieei'-Kvpr of thee;" "I'nl loavins thee in Sorrow:" "Bird of Iïeiuity;'1 "IIom of our birth;" "Orave ;f Rosabel," and 'Wake, lailv, wake,.' price 25c each. 1 Instki. mk.vtai, - ' Talnci' (iarden, or Ptncinfï liird Polka,' 10c; "SwiDglDg Schottiscbe:" "Mlnibel fcliottinch;" Thomas daker's Schottische;" "Piccolomini l'olka 35 wiit eacli. Tho above picces havi lieauliful VlgnetWe WdmerPolk;" "Arnbian Wai cry March," rhe vervlakt; "VaKsoviaiMia [toni-[ls ilazurka; ''Iíi'aI: Ing Poli;" Waltz," and "ljinci'rs' Qua ilrille " 2öc each. "The Kinpire of Reieh's Quadrille;" a ncw 'dance, and "The I(iltniiun Quadrilli-," 30ceacli. Mnny of these pioces are playod by Haker's celebratt'd Drchefit rn with fj;roat applruse.f" Mailed free. A large lot of Foreiu Mustie at half price. % Planos, Mclodrons and Organs. Tle Hnrace Waters Piano and Melodon, for depth, purity of tono and diirnbility, are umnrpassed. Pncea very low íeeood Hand Pianoi and Melonons from $-.'ö to Hrül Music and Musical Instruetionfi of all kinds, at the owet priceB. HORACE WATKRS, Aeent, No. 333 Broadway, V. V. Tttimomat-"; - "Tlie Hornee Waters Pimíos are known Ainoni; the very bent.' - Fvanfcünl. " spi-ük of thefr meritw froi personal knowledpe."- Christten Inlctlufcnctr. "Ñotblng at the Fair displ.-iyed greater exccllonce -" - Churrkman. Wntcrs' Piano and Mek-ienns challenge compsrisnn witli (he lincst made anywhere in the country."- Hom .Vmrnal. "9tf Irving's "Works - National Edition inlIIS Finn Edition o! the Work of In 1 mm: (ioOludlng the lil'e ol WanhingUn), will be pubhbod tot SUBSCRIBERS ONLY In Montlily Volumes. Price $1.50 Pnj'able on Del i very. licautifullv Piintcd on heavy npernnc paper, of tin Miv bOftt quality, and substantially bound in heavy bcTeUÖd bostdi. ETEaeh Volume ilhutrnted with Vignettei on Steel and Wood. XJ Knickorbocker's New York, Ski-tcli liiok, Cloth. ('olum'ou!, 3 voU. ünicihiidge Ilri.ll , Atoria, TiSsoi ■ Travelcr, Cnyon ffloellDji i'apt. Honnevillc, Oliver Ooldsmtth, Mahoniot 2 vola. (írenaila, Alhambra, Wolfert' Hoost, Ufe of Washington, 5 to'.s. Salinaundi. Thl edition wlll do iold xciBuraci to SaoscTtben and will be üreallv luporlor to any ever befoio iasued,A v,-,y hanlaome ael. of thee universally popular work. U thu idacud within the mans oTall. G. P. PDTRAH, AmI., PobUaber. 113 Kawnr StoMt. ! VrK


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