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IKTE-W STOBE I NEW GOOQS! The citiicns of Ann Arhor, Mich., and riciuiljr, are iuformed that A. & C LOEB HAVE OPENED A NEW STORE and tocked it entfrely wiita NEW GOODS, sppcially adaoted to the conñng totuum wnd m-K-cted with the g reates t care. Attho Cleveland Clothiog House Will be found everythingdesirable ann necc.Mary for O-EIsTTX-EI-lElSr'S ,WEAB , -kt the- LO WEST M A R KE T PIUCE. Au. we are detorminoiljto make our store popular, and to convinco the public that our i Ihe CHEaPEST STORE I 3V TIIB STATE ! OUR STOCK OF READY - MADE CLOTHING ! Ie m.vle u] in tlie UANDSOMEST MAN NEB _OF- LATEbT STYLE GOODS! Lvery attention jaid to Ciat and Fit ! We have lik?wise procured fmm firat claai hounej a fine KSOrtmrnt of II ATS, CAPS, Trunks and Carpet Bags, FÜBN1SEING GOODS Ac„ &c, AU t wblck w .Kr at ASTONISIIING LOW PRICES ! Our facilitiM fr pr#curïtig GooU on Tlie Most FaTorable Terms nd trom the Best Honacs in the East A.U.E ■CJKTS-CrilI'-A.SSEX), anl all we aak of ths who want goods m to CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK I and M'Jarj then!ves tbM we sell the Cheapest and best Goos. A. & C. LOEB, South of tlie Park, a few loor west of Cook's Hotel. Huron Streot, Ann Arbor Mich. 765tf City Cheap Lumber Sash, Doors Blinde, Piaster Paris, Grand River Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, GlasD, Paint and Putty, &c, &c. , D. DeForest, HAV1NG Increseed hi facllltief tor dofüj bulne and onlxrged hi Yrd Dd preparad the present l'hioü, with i bet. Inrgest and chea est sraond stock crerfn thii marltt to - ntisfy the reaionable exnnetation if all. Om ' motto is not to bo undortoldt'or cash on dalivery I wil 1 not undertaketo frighlenthe public b.vftylnft thut thryvrlll getshaved iïthey Uuy elsewhere. for we presume that otherenillsellaslow asthey can afford to. All kinds of Timber, Joisti, and dcantling, Pino, Whltewood, Basswood, Hem lock, Planed and Matched Pine, Whitewood iih Kloorlng. Planed-ind rough Pineand Whitewood iiiinti, Fenr. Posts, OakandCedar Poste andPickets Of all kinds. P'mf fail), onb tüljttcuiooi) C. .n Ptne, Aahani Whitewood Shlnglef, Bain Boarda and Barn Floor Plank, Rlaek W. -ut,and Ch'-rry and thin turt', Wagon and BUGGY AXLES and TONGUES, r!„x iiüd Body ííUmber.Maple ï-og Timber, Ilickory," Oak, Ash, Elm, Beech, Ol'tlUhlcknosses.widthi mui Icnutli?. te. . &c, Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofallklnd. T'a.ilim " all Uee, c, c., dA SIL DOO RS. tfe BL IN DS, made ty bnud to order a low fnrtory pt en, on he aborteittBotire hythe facatot workmeo, and Best Seasoned Lumber. fillf oii' 'li-s.TipiiiJii ia the building line rurnluhedonthpthortpstof notice, for We have Milh Cntting Regularly. A ful' anda perlect assortment of the above and other kinds of Huilding Materials Constantlv onhandalthi lowestpossible rate6 Cali and be Convineed. A few rods southfrom R. R. Depot on Detroit Street, Ann Arhor, Mich. ROOFING, N. B - I am now operatiug Bxtenslvely in thePateat Cement Roofing. Ann Arbor Marble Works. Liiscle & Vanderuook. I J AVK on hand a ílne ansortmont of Americiin and ITAL1AN MA.HBLE wliich tlicy are preparad to manufacturo into HONUMENTS. UEAD STOtfES, TOMB TABLES, TABLE TOPSt Ac, Ac, Ac. Ac, n all thcir vamtipn, and in a WORKMAN'IJKE manner. Haring had coniiderablo ecricticc in the bttNoeU llattor tlicmschos that tlicy will be able to piense all who may favor them with tlieir orderf. Thcir pnces are as LOW AS THE LOWEST, rhose wishlnz any tliini; in lh:r :ne nrc repectfully uwitedto calí EldKI.E VANDEUCOOK. n- Arhor. Srpt. 2R, ISfiO. "6"3rl fJBYB" and E T . llljIP DR F. A. "CADWELL, " OPEIHTOR ON THE KVK AND flfk. For Dcnfnc. Bllmlne, aud all defect of Slght and Hearing DR. C. I!F.IN; A IÏKGULAR l'!iysiciln,witli TWKNTV YKAR-' exclusive practico in the treatment of dstai'ft of tha KVK AN1) KAR, wil] be found qualiRed to givo relief or effect a cure in any case witliin the reach of lmmnn skill. . . gig' jYo charg ftrr ttn tzamln&tlon r n epimon. ar for unauectsrful service. Dn. Ca Trbathk o.i tijk Etk .vn rUn, of 300 pp., containing rcfor-ncM, TMtimonmls, Doscnptionof, Ca, an.l othfr important msttcr, illuütrate.1 with Out, to be Iia.lT. bj wnding Tm CenU to ipay postage. A(WrBS Dr. CaVWBK, 3 Raudolph Mreet eorntrDeaborn, Chicago. 111. ''""' Rcüliunsiblc and Monest Agcnl -w anted rpHUOJ'MKU'T tlie 1'nHril States, to whom we wil L DHV salnry of froui $20 to $00 per month and oxncnic. TbSS IS NO KDMftü For particular, ail. clrwit (inclosinK Rod Stamp, for return poBtage,) or i ppK in Der'n to J TUTT t C?,VRK, Tsa-rhT., Mv. ANOTHEB A a ARUIVÁL AT THE WiÉlf 0LD AND RELIA BLE j$BË CLOTHINí. EMPORIUMÜ &J8-jL 2ST O . 3 I KC CE 3ST 1 3C BLOCK, MAIN STREET. has just returned from tbe Eastern Eitit#, with m Wr and deii rabie ntock of FALL AND WINTER Gr O OX SI 2 which he is now olferinx at ununually XjiOxtt riiicBe: Among hia Anttortmcnt may be found BROADCLOTHS, CASS1MERES, DOESKIXS, & VEtíTINQS, of alldescriptíon, cspeciall for FALL AND WINTER WEAR f which he in cutting ant1 mak ing to order, Ín thclaWêt % beat ittjleñ, together witfa a aupwiur aaioriment f READY MADE CLOTEINOf TRUNKS CARPET BAUS, UMBREIJ.A3, ni Gcntlemen's Furnishing Goodf , with numerous othr artiele uaually found in timÜMt eMlablishments. Ai ANEMPOKIUII 0FFASB10M, tbe .inbscribfir flatters bimtelf, thut hi)nnf experítao and genera, success.will enable him to gT# the gratt AatiflfaotfOtl toU Who mav trust him iu the way of manufaeturiog garmeuts to ordcr. T6Utr WM WACiS'ER. TUE UMP.-iG.N UFEN. Campion's !Platlorm ! THE fubicribsr has juat returned from h :% wilik his F alt and Winter Var J V-l JLJ J Which he Determ ined to Sell at ra LOWEST PRICE FOR CASII i t which, Ilrt Quallty Oood en d afforded in thi city. My clotlis re all of tha FINEST QUALITY ni! ns I mnnufarture tlum into elothing tmjall, 1 bid enabied to WARRANT E VER Y G ARMENT I sell. to be WELL M APK, which ii itronf induceintiit to customers to patroniie in y stort? in preferencc to places wher large quantities of hall mndi goeds are kepi lor sala. - ] have iheLATEST TAHtloHB, and oan give yo as Fine and wt'l Fitting O irmrntt a fnh bouyht anytehtn. I aiu bound to sll CHEAPER AND BETTFR C3hOO3DS 1 than any other similar establishment in thil city. 1'our custom is most respeetfully inrikd. H. CAMPION. Ann;Arbor, Not. 1-60. T1M THE CHEAP CORNER. SEEK NO F A RTHERl New Store, New Firro AND LOTS OF NEW GOODS ! In Mack & Schmid'a NeU Block. PURCFf ASED recrntly unlrr th most farorftbi cireu BtsBO6a M mucli no ttiitt we feel c nil-U nt in aajis tu aU our old cuistoiufr, M1 ai munv ntv nei as ca erowdiato our New aud Spacious Store Koon Corner of Main and Libo'.ty Street. Thiit wo are now preparad to aell j better G#di l lowtr (rics than mr usual luw pricw and are mow dailj rwci-ii't of indleii Tarivtie uf STAPLE AND FANCY D-RT GOODS. LADIEf?' & CHILDRENS' SHOES HATS & CAPS, BONNETS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, CROCKERY, LUOKING ftLASSES, GLASS AND STÜNEWARE, GROCERIES, &c. of vry vuriety Lotn more of tho same gnod 50 cent Tea, that others scl. at 75 et. Bear in mind that ur Goodt art all ff the best quality. tdFOur Staple and Fancy Dr Good furpaas áll previous stocks for beauty, vantty m.d êxcelence. CF'Our Ladies Dressgoods, Shnwl, &c , were never betore half so attractiv and cannot help but win fimiles of approval frorn our fair friends. IQuOur Hats and Caps surpasa al) for stvle and cheapnoss ever heard of in Ann Arbor, cali and see them. 1-Our Lodiee' and Childrens'Shoe combineeilifrance and ea8 with strength and durability. 3p Our Glothf, Cassimeres & Vestin;s are nll of the best qtialitiea and styles of the Freneh, Engliah & American productions which we will soll at tho srime price tbut others ask for slop shop stuff. EP Our Groceriee & Crockery r fresh, new and cheaper than ever. ttSf Our Yankee Notions and small fixings in general are too numerous to mention hero, etnbracing every thing that a Merchant should keep and a Gustomer should buy. ty And now having pure'-ased much largor and better stock of goods than ever before; we confidently rely upon the appreciation of the public for aready Sale of the same, feeling confi. dent that we cannot help but suit all in prices quality and styles. All kinds of Produce taken in Exchtuige lor goods as usual. C MACK, 772 P. 6CHMID. Ayer's Ague Cur


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