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Report Of Gen. Harney Relative To Montgomery's Kansas Raid

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Wa8dihuto n, Doe. 26. The Socret:iry of War to day reeeived the following dwspatch fro:n Ganeral Flarney. It cout.ainr all the principal facta eounected with Motitgoiuery'g raid, and throwg soine ligbl in tvgard to the objects and purpoae of thu funds tint ar being colieetud fat suffering Kansas : Hkadqi;artbus Dkpt. of thh Whst, ) St. Loim?, Mo., Dec. 17 1830. Sik - I have t!ie honor to report, for the informatici) of the War Depar ment, that, as Boon as tho civil authoritieg could procuro writs for the apprehension of Montgomery and otliors of his band, I , ordored Captain Barry's comniand - two oompanies of artillory inountad as eavalry - to proeeed witli the United States Deputy Marshal Campbell to Mound City. wlicre the band WM thought to be, to iiiake tlio arrests. Thia was on the 6th of this inonth, the command from Fort Riley haring arrived there thö day before. Uu tlio arrival of the Marshal ho prooee1ed at o;ice to ir.-!;.j aearcli for the of fenders, bat thoy wure no whore to be fouuci. Supported by a coiupany of dragoons, under Captain Stecle, he continued tlio suaroh until a late liour of the nighq, but every plaoe visited was found dsserted Tno nsxt inoruing ho visited the house of MontgomerT, and found only four women and a son of Moutgoinery. - This houso, known as Montgomery's Fort, is a doublé house, built of heavy logs, the roof of one projectiug over liko a blockhouse, the other of vcry heavy hewn logs, fitting close together, except at about the height of a man's shoulder thero is an opeuing of about two inohes all areund. The only things of note iu the houso except Lts filth, were two orapty Sharpe's ritte boxes. On the Sth, the Marshal haviñg reported to Major Wessells that he deemed it of no uso, and would discontinue tho search, the band having seatterud, I directed the artillery to return to Fort Leavenwortb, the iufantry to reuiain at Mound City, and tho dragoons to take post at Fort Seott. I consider this force neeesdary for the protection of the cittzens, and to aaaist the oivil authorities, whenever called upon, in arresting the offender. I have determined, on account of the expense of mnintaining so large a foroö iu that part of the Territory, to reduce it to one oompany of infantry, and have therefore direeted Maj. Wessells to return at once to Fort Kiley with his corapany. Captain Lyon is ordered to relieve the squadron of dragoons at Fort Scott as eoon as the payments on the Miami Indian Reserve, which he has been ordered to attend with his eompany, are i ted. The dragoons will theu returu to Fort E i ley. I bolieve that Montgoinerj's band is fully as largo as represeuted to be ; that they are sworn t proteet eaeh other by perjury, assassiuatiou, aud iu crery way possible. Their object is, as deelared publiciy b}' theiuselves, to proteet fugi tive slaves in the Territory, to assist them to run away wlienever au opportunity offers, "taking them East and receiving sixty dollars per head,'' and to drive out of th Territory all who oppose thera in so doing. A. large portion of the popu lation on the border either bulongs to this organization, or sympathiïe with them, and those who do uot, dare not opposu them, or give infonuation coucerning them. I aiu satisfiod that the greater part, if not all, of the donations which are sent to eufferers in Kangas, goe iuto th hands of this band and the greater portion of it is perverted from the use intended, by purchasing arms aud munitions of war for eai'rying out their plana. It would take a large foree to thoroughly break up this band, Moutgomery has a regular organized band of about sixty men, who receire ten dollars por mouth, besidea a portion of the robberie, &c, aud also spies and runners all over the country, who give him tiracly uotice of any tnovement made against him. The day before the troops reached Mound City, Montgomery's men, to the number of between four or fivo hundred, asgcaibled and passed resolutions, a copy of which bas heen published in the black rcpublican papers, l think the best and cheapest way to catch Montgomery and his party will be to furnish the Uovernor with fuuds, and let him do it in his owü waVi lieiioving that I could ronder no more service by remaining longer at Fort Scott, I determined to return to my hcadquarters in this city. I accordiuí!y lt-ft Fort Scott on the morning of llth, aud arrived onSaturday evening last, the I5th iustaut I om sir very respect fully, your obi-ilient si vaut, W.S ÜAKNEY, Brij?, Gen oom'g.


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