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Hear The Whig Slaveholders!

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Those Northern men who are iucrerfuloua in respect to the statement of Liberly men na to the ascendency of the Slavb Power, ars ijeftpëcjfuity'invitëdtö read the follwing extract f rom the CnarJeston Courier of October 30, Iu44- one of tho ablest whig papers of the South. lt is a thorougli anti-slavery document, emaiialing from the seat of slaveboiuiog .iristocracy : "Fartfoêjmurë, so long as the vo!e of tha South shall be wotlü what it h ïW'the Preeidential game, and especiaüy bo long as tho slavehoiding mterests ehall enjoy the equaüty' that it now does, or any approximation lo it, in the Seonte of the Union, it ia little short of absurd lo imagine that polilical abolitioniani can ucquire any sort of importouce. Any candidate for the pasuJency, who should be inaanè' enoogh to plant himself on abolition gröund in.the canvass, would band the South in rolid phalanx as one tnan against him, and ringr tha dcaih knel! of hia hopes. The ünited Soutl), with but a respectcble party at the Nortb, can always bestow the Presidency on the object of its choice and the repreeenlativa of ils principies. Our past experiépc too, has Bhovvn that the weiffhtof the Soulhhas been Leavily feit in tlie politieel balance, and has alraost aU waj's monopolized hiorli federal office. The' Southern or slaveholding etates have g'wen' ííxoiUof our ten Presidente (Washington, Jefierson, Madison, Monre, Jackson, and Tyler,) to the Union- the Northern orslaveholding States have given but four, uamely, John Adanis, John Quincy Adams, Martin Van Buren, and VViUiam Henry Harrison, and of these four, the two last named were cho6en by a large mnjonty óf Southern' votes, and the lost named was a native Vir gininn, fihally devoted to the rights and' interesis of the land of his birth - and even the' two first named enlisted u soutliero eupport. Agnin of the six eouthern Presidente, five weie re elected lo their high officp, and each' eccupied t for eight years, and only one, the present incumbent, will have occupied jt but four years, giyiflg in all lo the Blaveholdingf interest the posseslon and control of thé" presidency ïorforty-fourycaTs out ofjlfty-siti whileof Lhe four sluveholü'mg Presidents three occupied tjc Presidency but four yeara' each, and one, (he lumenled Harrison, only a" little month, giving n all to the non-slaveholding interest, ihe possession and control of the presidency for only iwelve years out of fifly six. Su of the chief juslices of the Un -' ion, the South has liad thn-e, (R.utledge, Marshal!, and Tanoy,; and tlie North but iwö? (Jay ond Elláworlh,) out of the five incumbenls of tiiat august judicial seat. At this' moment, the Southern or non-slaveholdirig interest enjoya u monopoly of high federal office- executive, judicia', leislative, military and nava': John Tyler, a Vïrginion is President, and his cabinet consisls óFJohn'Cf. Calhoun, n Soulh Caroünian, secretary of sïate;: George AI. Bibb, a Keniuckian, secretary of the treasury; John Y. Masöh, a Virginian, secretary of war; Charles A. Wickliffe, a Kentúcktan, postmisier general; John Nelsoü a Marylander, atlorney gpnera!; and VViliiam Wilkins, a Pennsylvanian, (the single exception oh the list,) secretary of war; Roger Bv Taney, a Marylander, ia cliief juslice óf tho United States; Willje P. Mangum, a North Carolinian, is president of the Sena te, and John W. Jonei?, a Virginian, speaker of tho House of Represeniotives;'and Southern men" stnnd at the head of the most important comrriittees of both branches óf Cougress: Winfield Scott, a Virginian, is major general of our irniy, and James Barori, a Virginian, senior ofiicer of our navy: and, to crown a!l, Uenry Clay, a Kentucklnn' is the VVhig-, oiid James K. Poik, a Tenucsseejin, the Democratie candidate for tlie nexl Presidency, securiogf to lis the future aswcll as the past. If this be uot the lion's share of poliiical power, wordn have lost the caeaiíihg - if this be not enough to eutisf'y tiic South, he must ba iu-' satiable indeed.''


Signal of Liberty
Old News