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The London Times On South Carolina

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The Loi.don Timts, of the llth nut , say: "Tlie course of this journul on American questions has been auch ihnt the people of the United States wïll believe us, when we express oor deep regret at their present difficulties, and our hope that thoir Union wil] lona: survivo as a security for politica! liberty and commercial enterpris? in ihe New World. Wilhout nharine the opinions, much less using the language of the Abolitionists, with respect to lavory, whiob, bad thmigh it !e, must reniaio for muny years an institution of th United Ktatos, we look upon the conduct of South Carolina in this mat ttr a disgraciful in the Uut d'gree To gratify tbeir pique against tiiose of politics and to advance their local Dterests, tho slavo-owners would detroy a Constitution under wliich their country has enjoed singular prosperity, and attained to a rank ; mo g t! e firHt nations of tho world. But -till, oven in this fratricidül quarrel, Southerners have nomo light on their -ide. It is wonderful ho, in th hietorv of nations, po!itiul errors and injustice brinsr about their own punishment. The South may havo no right 1 to introdure ilaTery into the territories: it may have no right to turn the eduoated and moral nbabitaotfl of New England into negro catchers, but it han a right to the udvanUtges oi free tr;ide, from whieh it is debarred by a tariff devised for the boncfit of the Northern manufacturen?. We aro told, and can well believe, that an important element in tho des're for secession arises irotn the connciousness of this injust.ce. A Southern Confedemcy, enjoying frets trado with England and PrsDee, and excbiioging the producía of its 8oil directly with the great manufacturing and artiític nations of Europo, is the not unnatural dream of Southern eeonomisU. The protectionist legisla tion ot the United States is a disfrace to so enterprising and iniellectuid a country. If oodcwbïods tb the iSouth are to be the order of thaday, that ol commercial freedom ought not to be tho last od the list."


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