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The Official Canvass

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The publieation of the official canvass of the State has been made by the organ of the administration at Lansiug, which ' enablea us to give the aggregate vote for each caudidatc at the receut election: PHI8IDKNT. Abraham Lincoln, 88,480 Stephen A. Douglas, 64,057 John Bell, 405 John C Breckinndge, 805 Imperfect votes, 188 Scattering, 157 Total, 156.092 Lincoln's majority, 31,806 Lincoln ovor Douglas. 23,423 GVKBNOR. Austin Blair, 87,806 John S. Barry, 67,221 Imperfect voto, 11 Scattering, 16 Total, 155,054 Blair's majority, 20.558 Blair's plurality, 20,585 LIBUTENANT QOVERNOB. James Birney, 87,959 William M'.Fenton, 67,031 Imperfect votes, 69 Scattering, 7 Total, 155,066 Birney's majority, 20,852 SECRETAJIY OF 8TATB. Jamea B. Porter, 88,280 William Francia, 66,664 Imperfect votes, 152 Scattering, 7 Total, 155,089 PorUr's majority, 21,457 STATK TÜBAIURKK. John Owen, 88,495 Elon Farnsworth, 66,352 Imperfect votes, 63 Scatteriug, 5 Total, 154,915 Oweu's majority, 22,075 AUDITOR GENERAL. Langford G. Berry, 88,298 Henry Peuuoyer, 66,552 Scatteriug. 3 Total, 154,853 Berry 's majority, 21,743 ATTORNBY GEXKKAL. Charles Upson, 88.399 Chauncey Joslin, 66,578 Scattering, 94 Total, 155,072 Upsou's majority, 21,726 SUPKRINTKNDKNT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION. John M (ïregory. 88.386 Francia W. Shearman, 66,606 Imperfect votes, 137 Scattering, 7 Total, 155,136 Gregory's majority, 21.633 C0MM1SSIONKR OF THE STATK LAND OFFICE Samuel S Laccy, 88,428 Samuel L. Smith, 65,515 Imperfeot votes, 1,001 Scdttering, 9 Total, 154,953 Majority for Lacey, 21.903 AMENDMKNT8 TO THE CONSTITUTION. Amendment as to Banking Corporations: Yes, 59,954 No, 15,477 Total, 75,531 Majority for the amendment, 44,477 Amendment extending Legislatire Scsríous: Yes, 53,152 No, 18,245 Total, 71,398 Majority for the amendment, 34 906 Amendment to Section 2, Article 18: Yo, 62,936 No, 8,054 Total, 70,990 Majority for the amendment, 54,882


Old News
Michigan Argus