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T j ew -A.dvertiements 1IT OF LETTERS remaining in the Ptt J Offiee ai Ann Ar'jor, Dee 31, 1860. Allen lewisS Hun E W Asli Jwhii Jones Michael Anii'iison Nosrcdna Jones Kmi-liiie - Anus. ong Wiu W Kelly Mr Amour Barker H S Keibier Banei Louisa Kerr Emma Brusli Amelia Ker Thendore Browu R H KeUey Mary E Bnggs Dr M Langley La-.ighlin 4 Oo Uojce A P Luchfield E 0 Butts A R SleLelland John A ulark A Jltirvin Dr Mather Clancy Thomas llclntosh M E Ciark S Morgan Wm Carpemer S J M'Trison Miss Rosalia ClUrk M C PeckJohn Cox Jolin Porier Uiram Collina Ann 7 Kioc Thomas Crotoot Wm D Smilh Joha 8 Com.ell Charles Sloan J B Cogg8Wi.ll Jolin R Sindlinger Simon Donneva1 Frank Smith Horace A Dutís Morris Senulth Cari Dun on Prof A R Seget 3 W Dow Wm Sabin Ada M Evans Major Schaffer MUiJII Fni-ns Wm SeheiffGottleib Mary Jana Suii h Lois C Foye J E Shank Mrs Jane Fohi-y P'-.ilp Sturn Frederick Gatej Georg ■ tone G W Gain-]ee Chas Stoekton O W Grauer Miiriin Steel Mary Bond Green Georg Sitton Emma R Hinokley F Taylor Jo-hua T Hes-e Her Turck Aineli A. Harriê James Voile J J Hause r Jacob Winan Halnej Hamliu Louisa Winslow E M Har ley D S Wiloox N F Hall CA Whelar Ancil Hallock F Winans G A Haudsome Frank Webber Wm 3 Uendiivks I'Vanklin Voung Jacob Hacy Mary Foreign. He win 0B Abbot J H..lmes Wm T Per-ons calling for the boro Letter rill please sav ' adYnised" H D. BENNETT, P. M. L03T or STOLEÑT" AA THE FIKK ja-tfír'.ay morntng, a doublé Blanknt Mourning hawl. The flnder will receive the th&nks of themruer xtii beüberally rewarded by lei.T.tig it t thll Office. Aun Arbor Jan 4th, 18C1. Kor Sale or to Rent. MY DWKUJN'Ci HOÜSB, possesBion gÍTcnat aaj time Alm HeTfral ihrellings located in difieren' pirta of th city, at prices fiom $800 t o $3! -00. Ana am BH r üuired down, anfl ttio balano6 ou&uy l-.-uL.! ui timo to uit thepurebasor. HKNKIKG. Ann Arbor Jan. Ist, 1861. Iua78l NOTIOID. A LL PERSONS indcbted to the uuderfigned.either bjr núie or account, are reque uted lo callan.isottle, ai I am cloniog up my business preparatorj to moviog WM. S. SAüNDEM. Ann Arbor, Jn. 1 , 1861 . 4w78 BÜCWOOD'S MAGAZINE AND THE BRITISE REVIEWS. L. 8COTT S CO., KEW YORK c.ntioue to pablUh U followiDg leading Urmsh rcriudicaln, vil.: TIIELONDON QUARTEKLY (ConerTtlT) . a. THE EDIN'BURUH RÍ.VIEW (Whig). THE NORTH BRITISH KKV1KW (Tnt Churrt, TUE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (liberal). BLACKWOOD'S EDINBL-RGH MAGAZINE (T017). The preent critical stata of Europcan affairs will reader theM pubtioalions unusualiy inMreating duriDg th forthcoming yeal. Thej ill occupj a middle groun4 bctween the hastily wrltten new itemfl, crude pculatioui, an 1 Bjint Juurnal. and tho ponderoui Torn oftka future biatorian, written alter the living interest and excitement of the great political eTent of the tisi shall have pased away It to these Periodicalt tkit reader must look for the only realljr intelligible and reliabl hiitiry of current events, and a such, in dtftion t their well ostablished litcrary, cicntitfc, and theolog,ca chinetcr, wc urgethem upon the comideratwn oí tha The reoeiptof advanoi nsr trom the Britiih pmblishers live additional ralue to these Rïprinti, inaamucii 'bey can now be placed n tho hands of iubüori. bers about as sooQ as the original edition. TEEMS. rer Ano For any one of the four Rofiews, For any Iwo of the (our Reviewi, 9 For any three of tho four ReTiews, ' 0 For all' four of thr Barton, ■ Kor Blackwuod' Magazine. For Blar.k%vood and one ReTie", "O For Blackood and tro Kov,es, 7 00 Fr Hlackwood and three Review, 9 0Q. ""r-he'r-her. U.u.d -iubt A diicount of twtititv-five per cent 1r-m the abov rrief will be allowod to Cicas ordtriug fonr or mm copie of any onoor more of the aliove wprkn. Thui:- Foor eoplea of Blackwood, or of on Reriew, wil! b ient to one addrss for $0; fom copies oí tUe four BeTiewi andBlackwood for $30; and so on. POSTAOS. In all the principal Cities and Towjis theoe wort will oe delivered FRKE OF TOSTAGK. Whcn cat by Qall. the Po.tagc to any part of the United State 1U M bul TwcntyFSur Out. a vear for "BlCk". d tu Fourtecn (ionts a yuar for ech of J !ryn % „. ■ , U.-Thc in (reat of the Bve Penod.c.1. Ebn;rn;iac3'3Vn";;niuïn ..h m.d, L tkfpublislur., for at tluo prioe no comm.Hon e. b. I I.fONARD 9C0TT & CO. "■ v..,. ai olí rtrMhVe TorV.