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E Prof. Upson, of Hamilton College, tï. T., is to lecture before the itmlents' lecture Asaooiition in the Congregational Church, this evehlng. Ha has the reputation of beiilg n intereating and popular lecturer. "sIbCIAL ÑOTICES. :'D B Dsla'd A Co. 's Sftleratus. forevtr," shonte-i Kate as ibt run up the staira, followed bj Bridgot with Í, „shlj-baked pan of biscuit '■ in her hand. "De l Land s Slfrtusforeyer." Thpy werc mdod timpting, and no wonfar that tlie girl wora dtófatwj with thoir flru 1JII !■!- with this favorite of l ousokei-pera ThisSuleratus is ptrfectly pure, healthful, reliable, and of uriform qua'ity. Manufacturod anl for sale at ! Wholesale by D. B DeLMd il Co., Fairport, Momoe Co., H. X. Sold also by all dealere. DANK SOTK, LAND WARRAST, SPECIE AND BXCHANGE i QUOTATION3. ! Crefully Retiscd and Corrected every week. RATËS CURRENT Al THk ] Banking House of D. Preston & 0-, M 72 Woodwaid A-s.. Detroit I)ec 1,1800 BANK NOTES. ' . II.. j Detroit City Banks, " ' ,, Canada, (all Solvent Banks) - ■ I N. Kmrland and N'. York, (áolvent Bnka) ] ïsrev Jersey and Delaware, (1 Ohio, anit Kentuckv, u I Bnk of the State of Indiana, UNCURREN'T FÜNDS. ouying aelüng rllinoi, Wiaconsin. Missouri and Iowa 8 6 to 8 Vit-Rinia and District ot Columbia, 10 6 N Carolina, Tenn and I.ouuiana, 10 5 PennsylvBniaaudMaryland, 10 6 Indiana Rtock Notes, Ala. , Ceurjri and outh Carolina, 20 Bank of England Notes, L, . Bankof 'IVcumioh. Mi.:hign, 90 O'S Exchange Baukof ü. Ball&Co.. 20 OÜR RATES FOK BILLS OF EXCHANGE. Buying. Selling. On New York and Boston X Ji On BufTalo,. ' On Cincinnati, ■ Ou Chicago, $100 or upwards. 5 per et. dia. GOLD AND S1I.VKR. Buying Selling. Am. Gold, lots of $100 or upwurds, American Silver. 3 LAND WARRANTS. It will be observed that we do not quote by the acre, but so many dollars for the Warrant. Buying. Selïïng. 40 Aras Warrant 40 46 80 ■ 66 78 !■,„ . 7S 96 Jeo ■ io lï6 PREMIUM COINS. SILVER COINS. GOLD COIKS. -pan Pillar Dollars, 1 05 Sorereigas, J S0 Mexican Dollars 1 04 20 Francs 8 80 Five Franc Meces 96 25 Francs 66 French Crown 1 06 10 Francs 1 90 Germán " 1 05 5 Francs 9" PrussianThalers 69 Ten Thaler Pieoei 7 80 Guil.lers 38 X Thaler I'ieces 7 86 Enghsh Silycr, (shilling Ten (.uilder Picces 4 00 23c; L4 60 Spanish Doubloons 16 00 Old Am. Half Dolls. a 03 Patriot 15 50 On lots of $100 or up I California Gold $10g 5d wards,l%íc additional $5"s and $20g ld. Gold Dust, $16 to $16 50 per oz. Spanish change $1.15 per oz. or22centsfor quarters, 11 for shillings, 5for sixpencea. On Iot3 of 20 oz, and upwards, $1 .18 per oz. DAVID PRESTON fc CO., Bankers. 72 Woodward Ave. , Detroit. 3 Office hours.from 8, A. M., to 6, P. M. uxvEAl' EííGLISH BEKED7 SIK JAM BS PLAHKB'S iclcbrated Female Pilis. KOTECTED ltairjJiS L E T T E E f BY EOYaL SWÊÊljSit I"ATIarr ..;rry from a. prescription of Sir J. Clatkt, Si O., Physician Bxiraordinary t th Quetn. ■il invaiuable medicine is unfailir.g In the cara of al naiiiful and dangerouw dineaae to which the feniaif .tii:itv" ín lubjeet. It -üoderati all escena and re fl ai! ohstruclioBs, and a pedv euro may be rUed on TO NA11R1BD L.AD1ËS ■ ixculïarly uited. It will, in a short tin, bring os IWthlj periort with rgularitj. .. .-n buttto, price On Dollar, bnari tfa Owlruxw iiup of Great Britain, to prevent counterfeit. ■' . -:r PiUa thuuld nol be laUt.n by Jtmaltt dmrinj tk 'RST THREè. MÜ.VTHS af Prigytancy, at Iktf art ure to brmg m Mitcarriage, b' mt aay otkér time thef .re tme. ín all wen of Nerroufl and Spinal Affeetioni, Paic ík .e Back and LimbB, F&tigue on ilight eiertioa. Palpita iva of the Hü&rt, Bylterioa, and White, thM PUI wiE ct a cure when aD other maan hare friiied, bik illiough a pewerful remedy, do not coctain irou, calocM 1 1 : 1 1. rv, or any ihing hurtful te the coaatitutiea. t'uü ireetiuL'f aecompary ach packaffe. Sole Agent for the Uoitod State And Canada, JOB U0SE8, (Late I. C. Baldwin &Ca Bochrtr, V T -$1,00 and 6 poetage Etaraps endosad to any an Ak-: , , w4U locare a bsttl of Stü'iM bj itora ■ I í'old be GRENT1IX & FULLEE Ann Artwr, ad by D ruggiatfl inevery town. t 5„. Coi'ölis. The suddenchanges of our climate are sourees of Pulmonary, Bbonchial, and Asthmatic Afthc tiüns. ExperiPDce having proved that simple remedies nften act speedily and certainly when taken in the early stages of the disease, recourse should at once be had to "Brown s Bronchial Troche.-," or Lofienges,let the Cold, Cough, or Irritation of the Throat beever so alight, asby 'his precaution a more serious attack may bï effectually warded off. Pubuc Speakers and Sixgebs will find them effectual for clearing and strengthening the voice. See dTertisement. 77Cm6 MOTHERS READ THIS. The following is an extract frera a letter written by the jKihtor oí & Baptist Church to the "Journal aml Messeoter," Cincinnati, Ohio, and ipeakl volumes in favor of that world renowned medicmi'- Mrs. Wi.vsLOW'S SOOTHIXG SYRUP FOR ChILDRE.V TkKTHISG : '; We see an advertisemtnt in your columns of Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Now we never saW a word in favor of a patent medicine b&fore in our Ufe, but we feel cumpelledto say to yoar readors, that thia is no humbug- WB BAXt TRIBU IT, AND K.NoW IT TO BK ALL IT claims. It is. probably one of the most snecesaful medicines of the day. because :t is one of the best. ni those 01 your readers who have babies can't do it better than to 1 y in a supply " See advertiement n finother column To Consumptives. The Advertiser, having been restoied tr, healih ïu a few weeks by a very simple remedy. after having suffer ed several years with a severe lung affect ion. and that drí-a'i dispase, Co .sumjition - ia anxioun to makeknown to bis ufferers the means of cure. To ;ill who de.sire it, hewill pend acopy of the pre scription used (free of cnarge), witli the directions for preparing and using the same, which they will find a wURB Cl'RB for CONSUttPnON, A8TIIMA, BroNOíITIS, "C The only object of the advertiser in send:ng LhePre8cription is to benefit the afflicted and spread informatitm which he conceiveR to be invaluable, and he hopet every sufferer will try hi remedy, as it will coat them noth iog, and may prove a bJessing. P&rties wishingthe proscriptjon will please address Rev. Kdward A Wn.soN, 768yl WilliamHburgh, Kings County, New York. fltS The Great Benffnctor ofhii Race. The Great Healer of Mankind! Herriek's Sugar Coated Jills Th" whole World United! Siek Ptoplethink! After which act. You'd scarce expect,atthis late day, With startling curen a book to fill; ThiK is the case, themillion say, With kkecnru of Herrick's Pili They come from Kast, and Nortb t nd West, And with triad tidings the papers fill, Beca use they are the cheapest, aafest, bes And superior to others isHerricks Pili From Rnoth-, and Plants, and Flowers they'r; Tiicy always cure- they never kïll Thounands now Ín their graves wereiaid, W'ere it not for Herrick'8 Pilis. Each I'ill with lugar it coated o'er - A rare discovery of matcbless skill, Their like was never seen before, Unlil itappeared in HerrickV Pili For yearw lie'n wnrksd to heal the sick, With joy elate bis boHom filis: For tensof thousjinds now rejoice At the magie Powersof Hernck's ?ills. '-W HKRRICK'SMATCHLESS VEGETABLE FAMILY I'ILLV have inundated the world with their popularity 1 Over five million of boxes are used annualy, gíving ero ployment to eighty-(ive men and womon to put them up Tin-ir curesare numbered by thouwands - their praises 01 the tongues of all, Citizen of W.ihtenaw Co-, an eUewBr, have you ever used them?l'ut up in English Spauish. (ïerraan, and French directioiu. Larga Aimll; boxes, 25 cents! Five boxes for $1. Sold every where See advertlsement on lïd page Important to JF'exa.ales. - Dr. C H B K S B M A 9 ri PIL.LS Frepaxko by Cornelius L. Chkeseman, m. i., New York City. Thecombination of ingredientB in these Pilis are th resvlt f a long and extensive practice. They are mild n thi'ir operation, and certain in correeting all irregulari ties, Painful Mennurations, removiug all obytructions ■ whether from cold or otherwise, headache, pain in th side, palpata'.ion of the heart, whiti-s, all Mrvoiii afFec tíons, hystericK, fatigue, pain in the backaudlimbs, &c. , dist urbed sleep, which aribes from Urterruptionof nature TO MARPvIEDLADIES, Dr. Cheesemnn'B PüIr are invaluable, as they wil bringon the monthly period with regularity. Ladies who have been disappointpil ia the use of othea Pilis can plac the utmost coufidence in Ir. Cheeseman'b Piü doing al they represent to do. V O T I C K There it one conditwn of ike female systcm in which th PUI cannot be taken without proda c,bi# a PECULIAR KESULT. The Miidition referrtd to in PREGNANCY- the, resul., AflSCAIiRIAGE Swh is the irrwistahle ten dm. ry of the medicine to rentere, the sexual functions to a normal condition, that cvtn the reproductive. power of j nature cannot resist it. Warranted purely vegetable, and frte from anything j in.juriuus, Explicitdirections, which should be n-;ul,ac corapany each box, ent by mail on enclomng $1 to Dr ConNEi.ius L. Ciiekmeman, Box 4,631, Post Office, tfttw I York City, tfg" Soid by one Druggist in every town in the United States -&ft R. B. HÜTCHINGS, GCXKRAL AGKVT Fr the TmTFI STATW, 50,14, Bruadway, iVeu ïork, i J To whom all Wholesale orden hmih] b utdrens Sold in Ann Arbor, ïrjr Mavnard, StxüKï.vs & Wilüwin, M O, GHR.vrfT.r, Tpiij-i