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ILaLx3 2 E i ■'■■.■ xiL : ■ ■][ ■■Pi Lcox store ogg fc c.. V _ s A BESO PUBUSHEKB I SU ihnnrnctttrrn,iNwinICuinilctri of LAW & MEDICAL BOOK , ScAoo! ƒ? ot, MUcell'iKcoua Honk', tllnnk flnoks. dun STATIONERYI Wall and ÏTiodow Pip#f, Dfawinj and Mafbomstleal Instrumente, MuBic. JuvenilO Libraría. Kuvtlope, I:ik ".ud Caids. !■%--- - r-, ...... __ GOM) y!mZ oííw kinds of Pens and Pencrls v n : m O ralee, Sh&des .mil Kixture, POCKET CUTLEBY! Andeverytnlng; xn-taining to the tradö, una more to whichthfy wmiin invita the attentwn to enuntiy. In coii'luC.iïnr ou haU d( U that can [e man, vronutn o oh.ld uhall fin Miv hult. ■■ which w'.Ii enable us to sujipiy Lowefst Pogsiblo Figures. Wc nr.'pisc ín sollfor nSADY PAY, at a gmU adrancë; ■'■"■ f.tpt'ct a profl't on nur ooöa, lut Cash Saloswill Admit of Low FIGUBES. TCdiave engaged the service ot JAJÍES F. Sr.U.PING, lin-cfnrf are inopaicl to furol ita Vititing, Wedding and all other Cards wnttai tn order, with ncatness and dis pat ch, by mail or otherwise. Th6uE&nREB ' U,Bianned bj agnoVcrtw,' ; 1 1 - -.- nill alwajd bófuuuÓ ou H "quavter deck," i trñüog lt altend to &U vith plfasurc, wko vül fnvor 'liem with a c-ill. liemember the "Empire Book Store." JAMES K. W EJÏSTEE & Co. Ana Arbor, HT,189O. 74 j O . BLISS Still in the Field! ■WITH A LARGE STOCK of GOODS iu ray IIdo direct from New York, Boston, and the Manufacturcrs! I hare just rfivcd a largo and weli elo-ctt'd assor traent &Í CLOCKS, WA1CHES, DE3 SP%r EIiRT. SILVEK & PLATEI) WARE, Musical Instruments, Table and Pocket Cutlery GOLD PENS, And grent variety of Yankee Notions. fec I woulilcall particular attention to mj large ■toek of oí Gold, Zilver, Steel, and Plated, with PEE SCO ] (GLASS A superior article, and ftrent variety tf articles in the CHEAP JFor C?-A.SH. bavfsng (lifTcoIt watebcstoflo rlthgiasiw . ■ n a hi.tftl as iny (ífíclf is !;ir.f an-1 complete, '■■ rticulrr atterti n paiH t the --.ntls of i'i:i(: W.tuh.--, . UCb ati lïiaking & Setting New Jewels, P13I0NS, STAFFS and CYl-INDERS, alao CLOCKS, AND JEWELKY, Jííatíy Kc)aird a ad warrai C. BLISS. LIFE 1NSÜRAIVCE. The Conneoücut Mu+ual Life Insuranco Company Aecuiuulatcd Capital, - $3,500,000. X7ii.i.;ï.-'.:i;r LÏVUS for ay nmount nat xo Itag V V ■■ term ofLifo orfor n teroi ot' yeart, : ■ avorablo torras. (ï.B TtaeJOrnnpany I pttwfly nataal and the policy irplus over the exact cot of insurthe inanrod In tJae gettiemeiiJ ol üieir pimioms )N LIFK POI.ICIBS, if ''.e-innl, dj Hklog a noto f'r cue . ■ kmountf beftriog iatcrest at six pof cetit, per aunura. Dividends are Declared Annvallyl a-vi nrr thoy now araount to pifty per cent on th jn-eiuíuim, ira mcrriiHing they may ïje oten. ■ ■. iif premiumfl rtroalou' .is any otbor re".■iimulated funl of may be Been by refér[ng to law, on file in tiiu office of the County derk, at Arm Arbor,HLt JAMES UUOIJWIX, GrT P. PHBUSjSecy. FoinaiticBlaraapplyio JAMES C. WATSOV, 7i-.3jl gent at Aim Arbor, Midi. NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMP'NY, Aecuinuluted Jan, 18G0, $1,767,133,2-1 RRIS PRANKLIN, President, J C. KENDALL, Vire President, PJLINY FREEMAN, Actuar y $100,000 DEPOSITED w!th thCoraitro]lerof tl" PUte of New York. Ditdemla avviage 40 per cent. aanually. ASSETS. OlihinBaDk, $ S1,35S, iiivfHtei in spcuritie. creitpil ur.i'.rr the lawsof the State of New Y(.rk and 01 the I). R, 258,870,79 #Ltn E '"te r.ul Kixtures, N;3. ll'J and 114 1' oadwr 132.450 04 B" fi and [ortgageidrawln{f7perct. interest & ■. NotM rei ed for 40 per ctfiit. of premiums on life policiv , learlng interest, H7.",'il5.8j Quartoily üihI Srnii-annual preniinms, iluc aubsequeni to January 1, 1860 1:0,550.38 Interest accrued up to Jan. 1, 1860, 36.488.77 KeiitaaccriiriluptiiJari. 1, 1S6", l,7l)S.rj4 Picmiums ou ptjiicie.-1 in lumds of Agents, 26.445.1H $1,767,133.24 1r ÍTet-ls ana Lewitt, Medical ExnauMn. -■Wtf J. G1LBEKT SMITH, Agent VJIOHIGAN SOUTHERN & J.TX NORTHERN IN'iJJAN'A KAlI.UOAli. WGO. WIN'TMt ARRANGEMENT. 1861. Irainn now run on this road, Punóays oxceptod, a follows: Ieave Toledo for ChicaKO daily oxcept MondayR at 12.15 A il., and 12.40 1'. M ,and via Air Line at 9 A. M. Li-ive Detroit for ('lnciik'" t 10, 20 A M. nd !,30 T. M. Arriving ín ChicaKO lïom Toledo atul l'etrojt at 10,30 A B. aud 11,00 1'. M. Arrivo at Detroit from ToleJo. t 6:15 A. M., & 6:00 P. -1. Arrivo n Detroit from Chicago at 00 P. M.,and3. 15 P. U. Jrrire in Toledo from Chicago 3,40 I. M. and 4.20 A. 11. lavo Adiiaii for Jitckson at 9,15 A. M. arifl 6,16 I'. M. .' Jacfeson for Adrián at 5,30 A. M., and 11,05 1'. JJ. CONNECTIUN'S. At ÏOU;to- With Cleveland & Toledo Rail Road, with Wabnsli ■;.'.'■. Rl I Road. AT W'th íírjmd Trimk Hailway, with (írcat V. -stern l'miliyaj', f4s) witli thü Detroit and Milwaukeo, ;Railro:iil AT Nbw AIBAIK &La:m R. R. Crossi.vo- With TraiDB rfor LafayetU?, New Alb;n..v ai:'i Lnuinville. At C111CA8O - With Cliicíío and Rock Iiiiand, GtU na, Uñwankce) Chicago, Ilurliclon and Qiiinrj- Xnrtl) :'.úhvay - Chicago, Alt'_i and St. Louis, lllinoib , to all l'oints V luth. aar "'frauut a.ïe rup by Cbicago tiüc, wliich is 20 minutert slotver than Toledo tiin:1. y WijoilrufTn l'atcnt Sleeplog Cars accompnny the Kight Traius on this Route. jry Tnn and Kare the same as by any othcr Rail iujü Route. JNO. D. CAMPHFII.. Opne-al Snptrintondcnt. 3TK0 NG'S, I I STRONG'S, ■ Tiíji ; Chtap Cash Store, Cheap Cash 'tore Cluap Cash Store. Etfew Qocds, New Goods, New Good3, JUST BECEIVED, JUST RECEIVED, JUST RECEIVED. CaU soo theni, Cali and soo diom, Cali and see them, EXCIIANGE BLOCK, EXOIIAXGE BLOCK, EXCIIAÍnGE r.LOGK, Dross Goods of all deseription6 Doiucstic Goods very low, YANKEE NOTIONS & HOSIERY, Ladies and Children'a Shoes, CROOEERY & GROCERIES. HATS cSc CA-DPSHOOP SKIRT3, HOOP SKIRTS, Only 4 cent a Hoop. LADIES' COESETS, LADIES1 COESETS, All bizes - Latest stylee. Woolen and Worsted Shawls, WOOLEN HOODS, CLOAKS, Sp. REMEMBER THE PLACE, EEMEMBEETUE PLACE. EX CBANGE BLOCK, EXCUANGE BLOCK Ann Arbor, Oct. 1860. 7C8tf Ho for the Bff.mmoth Cabinet Ware Rooms. o MARTIN & THOMPSON, TTAVE JU8T OrE.N'10) IN TUEIK nev nd Elegant War e-R ooms EAST SIDDOF MAINSTEEET, A COMPLETE STOCK OF ROSEWOOD, MAIIOGAJNY and SET3 OF PARLOR FURNÍTURE INCLUDING Sofas, Tete-a-Tetes, Mahogany ROSE-WOOD, BLACK WALNUT, Plain and Maible Topped ROSEWOOD,! MAHi 'GANY, BLACK WALNUT, FANCY and COTTAGE CHAIRS, bc, &c, &c, ècc. El e g a n t M I 1UI O R , Bureaus, Secretaries, C ce cao. pil O d B e d-R oom Sets, INCLUDING LATEST STYLES, -ofX7-itlX- Sülï ai d; ü af O ss S3 sa OF TÍIE BEST QUALITY AND Different Material. In Fact they Have Everything W-I-TU MIC-I1 T-0 Fü-R-N l-S-H PARLOR, BOUDOIR, SITTING ROOM, OR K1TCHEN, AND OUR CITIZENS NEED NO longer goto Detroit or elsewhere To Find ALARGE ASSORTMENT T-tL-i-S FURNITURE MUST BE SOLD - A N D- And Will be Sold . A- T VERY LOW PRICES! t&T Let evry mnn nnd his wife gyiug to be wife OOUE AND SEK. TheyaUo have a 'SEA RSE CA RRIA GE, AjA ar alway ready to attnd to tin burial uf tlo levi (W tlus.Citv and aoiniug country. Uius-Ktjnttcarit sitie of liai$Üt,reet, between Washington aud IJUefty O. M. -- N. C. B. THOMPSON GO TO GUITERMAN & CO's" f'OK OREELY'S PAT.5NT PANTS- new artielo and juït the tbin. Thejr have the exclusiro .right for th City . Aïo for the pflteat Brt 8upcn'lfr. RISDON & HENMIISON M _!■ ■ Olí o H we 3 3B Ij o o jék;NE Wn A RDWA RE STOKE ! ! ! WfK WOn,!) CA1.I.TIIB ATTENTIONOF THÜ fUBUC ■ to our stock of W3KL --m. na a-watr , bx -mc SPsö TB? KI W JHZ2 SSS 9 IRON, SÏKEL, NA1L8, TIN, COPPEIÏ,& snEET IKON WARE, oriAIN AND CISTERN PÜMP8, i'ALMii, OlLS, GLASS, BRITANNiA WAKE, etc, &c, Ac, efce. And eveij kiu'.l of Hardvaro andHonso Furnishing m-Sr jo íésU All TiOrk will besoIdaaLlIKAl' as:it anv oiIilt Es ubiihnient ia Mieiilgan, fc say wo l.ave ffntthe Best Assortment of Cooking P AR ZO 12 A ND l'LATE STOV ES I3T TUIS iST-aLTZE, And will sellthem Chúaper than THE CE E AP EST, Please cal! and pop ha. All klndfl of tin ware kept on üjukï. PftrtloulllT attentioupaid tü all kinds of Whloh win be Jone wltk NEATNESS AND DISPk TCI1. Ploa.-e cali and ece our STOVE ROOM o 2d story of New Blöcfe BISOON & HENBÈBSON. Ann Arbor, Oct. 7, 1859. A Novelty in the Art World ! Photography on Porcelain ! Secured ly lt-t tor.- patent in thf United Statos, Kniïlaii'l i-ratti"!. ai'ii üfljiiiin. THE AMERICAN PORCELAIN COMPANY No. 781 Broadwaj, Neif York, havinpr feoured their D ■■ ■■ au I in; eniona in vent ion by Amencan aod Europcan patoata, ;ire fully prparcd i" cxecute all orders for Miniaturt Likenesscs of Perpons on Cliinn, presenting all the attrftctive ;'.n'l advantagcoua featoi i s ofonfTnar; photographa , th brültapoj and Inifili ata water -ct lor QrAvtng and a hltherto anattaïoed (juali y iiity, by being leoderd as hable na t Lu oatural proporties of Ihu articlcs upon wU;ch thej are Xr&nxt&vved. tlte patentod prooess of the Companj enablea the roproductijn of PUotographa, oot Ofilyon pláin rurfacs, but upon sush as art' roünd or '■1"an' dogree of irregulanty - portraite can be reproduced vrith faulltem accu racy, unü of teltneal 6b, upon Poreetain imrf ef any description and ilimcñsion used aa articlea of lu ury or of Éwusehotd utility, ftuch in Urne, Vasos, Break fust Cups.Toil t Artic'e?, thereby securlaff faïthf ui portraít nd furnishlnff n que and exquisito style of i dopiestic use. In order to ftirnfeb iacilities f-r the gratfñi aiion of i popular t;tste, and to nOft 'be wants of patru; tf the Fine Arts desiroue rf baring PoriKilt óo l ceiiiiu, the ompany uatè imporled froffl Barope a c leotión of fiuporior pnrcelain g'1''!, in:umtacturi:il (■ tlicir own order, irhJob they -'■11 :ii oost prices. As tho American Company aie own rs of the patent riglit, and coüstquèntly tïuï imjy persona nu homed to use tb1 proeess. theyhave detormtned j in order, , To ftfford POpl in ev ry section of tlifi Union au opportuuliy to possesé Porlraits on China, to uiate the foilowing proposition to RcBidonts in the Country, vtho are unable to visit pcTsoimlly the Ad'liur and Gallones in Now York Pwnons BÖndlDg a PhotgWtjlU, amlnotyjie, or dagnpr notypê to the oillce of the Coinpauy in New York, ac ODiDpaDied by Fivc D(-ll;iP8, will receire in return by express, free of other chnrgp, A i i c h i y onmn.ented Broak fust Cup anl Snucer, with the portrait fcransfrrd tLerebn. By transraitting a dagueirftilypo and Ten Dollars, they will recoive In Ufei maunv , A handftomu Fiench Vftaa or Toilet Artick. witn the portraií rtproducèd y the paient proc .--. By sendinga pairof daguerrOQtj te and Fifteen Dollars, they will receive n torn A pau of rioh SeVrea Vaaes, with the! poEtvatts ftleouted equal to thf niinatare mg : nni ín liu maaaer, portraita can be reproducid ou poTcolain . arw m Vuses of evfry quality of fin6h, raneinp ín prfce trom Twenty to One Hundred Dollars the Mr. N. B. - ƒ(■ particuliir in writing the addreSD, tovn} county and SUite dlstinctly. Al letters to be addreflwd to Mnnagtr Ameritan Phatograpkta Porc'ain Co.,y TtiMnu 7il Boaütfay, Nbüw YhkLOOMIS & TRIPP," iJMOftrtiftrt to Chapín A Loomis.amlCbapin, Tripp A Loorois THE abo ve ftrm tjf Uouiíb. & T"PP bftvlr-K purehaaed (hi entlre intereel '■: tha tonner companïea wij] the büeiñesii ni theold atonda, where they will bc ready, on thf shortest uotict?, to fill all orders in the line of Castings and Machinery, ín the most workmanlike "ïnnnner, and mi ns liberal tornift a any other shop State.Ajnong the various artlolesmanafactured by ua, we woutd enumérate STEAMEÑ.GINKS of all (kïful.-i ; Mili Goaríng and Fixtureaj wrouglitand cast; all tlic various castlngs for caaklng and fffpa Irli HorsePowers &Tbresbiiig Machines auch au art1 at prúAontj or luivc tonnerly been n o ta tn tliin part of the Stuif;, as well as all the various kinds of caHtings and inachiiu work ciillctl Cor by funcci'ií „and mechanics inthis ectiou of the coun'ry. of ali tho vnrioufl pnttcrnn, up in sizea and prlco will }p kjsptcxinstantly on hand, got the most naoum aud iniproved styU'.s. HUBBA.RDS WROUGHT IRON REAPKRS & MOWERS. Itiivijig comnifijced ma nufact uring this miperiorMacljiji.e, lüog aod combinad, the (atanesa are nviu-ii to cali and see a specimen machine nmv in our ware room, before piirchaftingeUewhere, believinS tháf tbla niachiiuuecd on ly to be seeu to con v i net' thfl Euntt of ITS SUPERIORITY over theRenpers and Howera in tlii.; ïmukct. Thankful for Crmv patronage totheold firms, w would solicit a continuanoo frútn 1 - 1 iVii-mïs, and atria] by all wishiug foranything ín our lineof busimss Looms k tripp. Ann Arbor, Mav 18th, t869. Ö97tf Mo ney Wauted, W h o wil flTeu 1 M o ii e y 1 IAMREQUffiTED BYSF.VKiMi i" .■.; -■■Xá tu .obtain money for thcin at Ten Per Cent I itere st, (Or More.) For any one wDUofl tojWnd, 1 aan ;it ooce nvest on good unencumhiTt-d abundant KKAl, ESTÁTE SAcurtty a.jysuinw of uiuiity and see iluit the titlo and security ítrcAI.L fV!IÍT. &- Ihe bjurowcr paying all WiPWtB, including reeordinfr. W. UOBOAN, Aim Arbor, Gct. 7, 1859 715U 10O0 Tests, Shirts and Drawers, Jtr? 8nWhHp nt GUITERMAj" & Cb's 3JIEATBARGAIJÜ8 AT rlaynard, Stebbins & Wilson's. TTK HAVKAGAIN RIïfLKNE [BD OÜB STO1 f V tin' uu iti - üt ntWAS ever ortbred in nny ono eBtabUftluaent ii 10 Stu tecali of vrhic'u we offlét for AM G3 [p K O E) (ÜJ O 1 k low as can btí fouiid in il t L'uioa We want SsConey ! ml wil! mak jreal Sacrifices 021 Anyiliins e_li;vvc to obtain it, not oyccpttag DLD IÍOTES AKD AC0OU.N1S We cordially imit ALL CASH CCSTOMERS o rali and examine our GuoJs aud Prlcos. Wc als ti vite our Prompt Paying Customers 0 como rtivï lm y thelr ibpptiM for Ihe Winter. To thst ïaslilul onu tbat are atïaid ta cali, v say to tbem, tfkk without Itmger wüitii.g for higher price?, come in, IP-L-ST XJ3E= 'ld acures, and then d ucli piicffl as will ni ke up all losse!. It Ís hard!; teccossary to euuinciateoui Goodi, for We have Sverything! A large assortmonl nf UARPETIXG, CROtKERY D 11 Y CIO O DS, MBDIIÑES. ÖKOÉRIES, TAINTS, OILS, [JAT APS, BOOTO, SIIOES YANKEE NOTIONS &c., &c,, &c. O A (L L A 30 O H H (UI O S (nut) MAYNAnn. sTi.r.mvK .■- whso M. W. HAWLEY'S Celebrated Embrocation. For Human i'lvsh and Animáis. ÍN calllijff tbo attention of the PubHo to this Medicine, we would 8ay that it haa been iiilly trird, and bunireds who havo uSdl it spcak in the most complimentury terms of lts wonderful effecto npon llunmn Flesh and the bruto creittion. It Is fat gaining jiopularity. Wherevw . iBed it 1b receivcd with acclamntions of loy, and pro ! aounccd jo ha the greatest Keintdy for A ches and Paluí ■ ïverolTered to the Public. lts matcrly cffects over disoase, when applied, gives it 1 clebrlty unsurpasscíl by any esternal preparation uow nxiso. Theroforo wo con say, with tbe utmost conüdouotx ,hat the ffimbrooftU) wlll Card Bbenmatism, BurniandScalds. "Weaknössof Jointo, Swollings and Tmuori, Ilemorrhoids or Piles. ■ Chilblalna, a Tooüiachö and ('hupped UuxH ifloWooUon will Caro Oíd Sores ml Cianipe, " Boils and Corns, Contracted Muscloe, 14 Gallsofallkind, u Ring Bone and Poll EtIL u Callous and Spavin, Embrocatlon wlll Ome Sweeny and Sitfast, u Sprinehault and FUtnl, Scratciies or Gtoam - Eiternal Poieons. ■ Band Cracks, ' - Lameness and Btrtfln BxnbroeatloQ wlll Care Foundcred Feet, " Mango " Crackel Tate, " n Gargot In Co we, foot Rot inShop. Aubukn, ü, ln March 9, 18M. we, the nndêratgned, do certify, that we have useA M. ft". Uawlby'b Crlebrated Eníeooation, for Inflammt ory Rti.l Chronic Khcumatiem, and cherfully reoommeod t as the best reraodr we have ever iiscd. J. M. Morris, M. D., James I. Heww. L. W. elementa, Orrin Hurd, Peter Fiero, S. F. Gould. J B. RobineoD, of Prophetstown, 111., says: I oteem R b best Liniment I haveevorknown. It givee univerna! atinfactiont and I can totify to ita efücacy ironi my own ixperienco. Manufactnred by M. W. HAWLEY, Aubnrn N Y C. N. TUTTLE, Aubnrn, N. T., General Áeñt.'w rhom all orders ehould bc addreseed. Hoiii by all DruggtotA and Merchanu tbraufbont Um ouutrjr. .ud by MAÏNAK1, 8TEBBINS fc VytLtfUN, Aun Albor, Mich . C3r O O X S - RICII ÖOODS! CheapGoods! ! BACH & PÏEE30N HAVE JUST UI'ENfcU THE OHOICEST STOCK -ét- FALL AND WINTER GOODS to be found in this City, consisting of GOODS FOR GENTLEMEN ! subatautjftl and durable, GOODS FOR LAD1LS! GOODS FOB TUE MECHAN 1C GOODS FOR TEE FARMER! DOMESÏICS, STAPLhS, Carefullv 6elected, Wftranted to plcaoo, and for sale ehenp. CJO3VE33 -A.KT3D S33E. BACH & PIERSON October, 180, 768tf THE PÊÖEÏA MARINE &FI RE INSURANCE COMPANY. OF PEORÍA, ILLINOIS. Capital, - - - 8500,000 ono of Urn HEATIEgT, SAFEST aud BKSI InuranciCo'i. in thfl S. InurO (1" rjsonaljle ter mf andal.mj-H iy i)rply j Tíi o betr Tird iiroKiu Scrofula, or King's Evil, ' is a constítutionul diaease, a corruption of tho blood, by which this iluid becomca vitiated, wenk, and poor. Being in tho circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in diseaso on aiiy part of it. No orgnn is free from its attacks, nor is there one which it may not dostroy. The scvofulous tailït is varionsly cnusecl by mercurial disease, low living, disordeied or unhcalthy food, impure air, fi'.th and tilthy habito, the depressing viocs, and, above all, by the venérea! infcetion. Whatever bc its origin, it ís hercditary in tlie constitution, déseending " from paients to children unto thethird and fonrth m neiation ; " indeed, it seems to be the rod of Him vlio says, " I will visit the iniquitics of the fothers upon thtir ehildren," Ita effeots commence by deposition from the '' blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, i" tho lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tuberdes in tho glands, swelunjra ; and on tho surface, cruptions or sores. This foul ruption, which eendere in the blood, deprosses the energiea of life, so that scrofulous constitutions not oniy sulfer from scrofulous i plaints, but they have fer less power to vitlistarid Ihe attucks of other di oases ; eonsequently va-t numbers pcrLsl by disorders which, although not Bcrofulous in thcir nature, aro still rendered fatul by this taint in the system. Moot of the eonsumption which i cimatcs the human fainily has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructivo discases of the liver, kklneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the samo cause. Óne quartev of all our pcoplo are pcrofulous ; thcir persons aro invaded by this lurking in- tVction, and thcir health is nndermined by it. To cleanse it from tho system we must renovate l the blood by an alterativa medicine, and , vigórate ie by healthy food aiid eitreisu. Such a medicine we supply in AYER'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, : the most effcctual romcdy which the medical , skül of our times can devise for this everywhcre prevailing and fatal malady. It is combined froiri the most activo remediáis that have been discovered for tho expurgation of this foul disorder from tho blood, and the rescue of the system from its dostructive consequences. Heneo it should be cmploycd for the eure of not only Scrofnla, but also those othcr afFections which nriso from it, such as EruPTIYB and Skin Disbases, Sï. Axthony's Fiiíií, Rosb, or EuTsiPBiA, Pimples,, Bl.OTCHES, ]!l.AIN'SaivlliOIT,S,Tl'MO]ts, Tf.TTEB and Salt, S:am IIi:u, Kixgwoum, JllIEOlATIKM, SVPHU'ITIO IllulJitllClüUI, Dl.SA8Es, Düoi'sv, DvsreiMA, I)i:iiii.ity, and, Indeed, ai.t, Cumpla i nis abtbiKO ïitoM Vitiated oh Impuse Blood. The popular belief in " iinpurity of 'the blood" i fpuudcd in trutb, for scrofula is a dogeneration of tho blood. The particular pi; ' virtuc of tliis Sarsaparilla is to purify and regenérate this vital fluid, without which sound health is imponible in contominated constitutions. Ague Cure, TOR THE SPEEDY CUPE OP Intermlttent Pevcr, or Fever and Agne, Remittent Pever, Chili Pvcr, Duml A gO, Perlodïcnl IIenin lic, or Bilious Headachc, nutl Ililions Fevcrs, indeed for tlie wlole class of discnes oilscinntiii Iiï bilinrytrrauemeut, cnnscd ty tUe Pialaría of Itliusmutlc Couatrlet. We aio eiiabled liere to offer tho comiminiíy a remedy which, while it curea lbo Above complaints with coi tainLy, is still perfoctly Larniless in nny qimntity. Such a remcdy ia invahutblo in districts wlicro these afllictiiig (liwjrtlen pieTflil. Tliis "Curb" expela tho iniasmaLic poison of Kever and Ague from tlie system, and pre? ventd the development of the discaso, if taken on the first approach of its preinonitovy symptoms. It is not only tho best remecí] ever yet discover etl f"r this class of complaints, but ilso ihe chertpeat. The largo quaqtity W6 supply fop a dollar bringá it within the reaoh uf every bodv ; and in trilkraa dfotrictaj wbore Fí:vi:r a.nd Agoi provails. eviry bwly shonlti huve it and uso it iVfcely both for cure añil protectloti. It is lunwd tikte prics ill place it vvitliin the reach of all - Iho poor as well ns the rich. A great superiority of this ra(uêdy over auy other ever discovered for the speedy and certitin euro of Interinitteni-i ifi. that it coni&los no Quinine or niineMl, conseiuently it produces no qmnism or other injurlotis effects whatóvör upon the conslitution. Thosc cured by it fstt left as healtiiy as if thy had ñever had the diaease. Fevor and Agtio is not alone the of tho iniasmatic poison. A great variety of diaorders arise IVum Lts Irrltiitlon, among which are Neuralgia. MJteun Gout, Hèaduchff BUndness, Tooltache, Karache Gifan-h, AslJima, PalpUation, Painful jJjTectim of Uta Spleen, Jfisterics, Pain in Vu Bowds, Colic, Paralysis, and DetyatgtBUlU of the Stc-muc'i, all -jf vrbJcb] v:eu oriinaíing in thiiï cautie, put on tl;o inUrm.Ucnt type, or become perlodical. This "Cl'ke" expels tho poison from tho blood. and consequently cutes theitt all alike. It ís au iiivaliiablo protectloD to Immigrantfl trad perjpa travelliug or tcmporaiily rwMixig in tho nKiIanous ditricls. IX taken ocoastonally or dnily while exponed to tho iufectifii. t:iií v.lll 1 -e-: croted from the syaieni, and rannot accumulato in sutïicient quantity to rtpen intu i Udnce it is even more vftluable for protection tlmn cure, and few will ever sulfer from Intcrmittouts if they avail themsclvea of thfi protectípu thie ri-medy affordsu Prepared by Dr. J, C. Ayer & Co., IiOWELL, MASS. MAVXARD STEBBIN8A WILSON,find by all Druggist nnd Doalors evorvwhere. J. BUIMMLL Travelina Agent. An apérient Stomachic preparation of TROX purietd in 1 'M .'■'■ri : :: I Oftrbl 11 hj . eliuiieiï by the highètil Medical Authorities, both in Eu i-opeand the [Tnitéd State?, and pcescribed in tht-ir pracThe oxpericKce of thnusaod dalïy prove tk&1 áóprepa rat ion of Irofi aii be compftred with i. (nopurities uf the blood, d]] twiuna of vital energy, palé ami otherivise sickiy coqjplexíons indica tos its uece.sMty ii $Unpat evöry concoivable case. Innoxiin in alt loalftdios in which it has been Wed, tas proved absolutely cur&tive ín eaoh of tho follpwEng :i mpla'Ui -. '. i : In Déblllty.lVerroiu AíTnrltln, KmncKatlon uysjM'lïsin, Constipa tlon, fianliini, OyHentery, Iíitíplíot ConnipOon, Snoini u Tu 'Hrciilii'i-, Salt Rheum Mismn$truation, IVhita. Chlorosis. l.'iftf Oomptainlê, Chronic Il-adachest Rkciimaiijijn, Intermittettt Fevers, Fiptptcson the Fcce, kc,,. lur.i o pf Gnreiui. Dbbiutt, whether the result of acute or of the eotttttauèd (ttintnatfon ol nerróui nd muscular energ from chronfc complalnts, one trial of iliis reetoratíre Saa proved súcevaa al tb nti exteiit whioh no dscrfptton borwritten atttjitiön wouïd rendw crcrlible. Invnlids no long biti rldden as to have bocome fprgotten n thejr owa neigliborhoodá, have odtWnly rt-iicanii in the busy woilii as if just reinrned from protracted !r'l n;i distant land Étómo very sïg nal Instancofl of t h Mpfl i reattestedof témale BtïffirerB, emaoiatod victims of (tpparoni marasmuS] sango ii, cril leal elapges, and ii... of nervous nnd dynpojlic ÉtTöreion l air ainl 4crcise for n liiih the physicfan ba-a tto Dame. In Nervoi b AvpRonoits of all kfnds, and for rnsnns fai ui l iü r to medical men, tfco btoeraUqn of thia p tion of iron must necertarlly Qq salui :i ry, fof , the old 'xldje8,itfHrigorous!y tonie irftboul beins exolting and overheatfng; and gently, ragalarly apetihf, even Hm moBt obstinate cases of Htbrfqt enu beinjra gastrio purgativa, or Inflicttnga diitagreeable seosatioi Iti8 thmfatter propertv,ainonsrotb) ■, w-li ;h tnakeslt (W etnarkahly clTectual and pennaoent a remcdy Eu apon ■ bien it aleo appen.8 to exert a dintinci ai dflc actloD l'V dtapersiug tlio local tendenoy which forma Iii DYBrVPSIA, innumerable as nrf its churos, a sinelí; box of these Chhty'beate Pflln have often emffloi mos1 habitual 0A4ee,fiududSog :!.e attendont CostiveMM In pnefcectoed EMubrbiu, oven irhflDadvflDced to Dysfn !rr èonfi] :n t, GniAciatiDg .'(U'f ui]t;irently maligiutnt, the effeote bavwc bero equallj deoisive and astooirthiiig ln the local paipsloasol lesb andstrengtn, lebilitatidg j cou.E;h, ani) renautent hectl ■. ■■■'..'-■ !i gent rallj tndicauj Inapimt Consumption, ui sevi ifyiDg and lO ■(■■. In SOFÓfutout Tubercjw.'jis. lii-í mcih"catí'l ÏTOD DSfl had (At uioee than the good affeott of the most c&utiously bfl Utncod proparaHona ol io.line, without any of i iioeir wet! fenown liabiuties. Tlie attntinn of femaleM c:innot be tooconfidcntly ïni ted to tlii remedijnwl rc.itorativc in uliarly affecttng tbem In lififíitmatiítm, both chronic nnd inflaiiiutatory-in tho latter, tiowever.máredecideruy - it baa befln invariably ri I, !■ tfa ■ üUoviating - r. and roducing the swellinnftnl BÜffneasof thejotn and muM l. In Intermittent Fevtr it miiatneccKsarily bea pjreat remviy and enorgetia reatomttlva, and its progreaa Ln tho qgw settlemenUi of tlu.' West, will probubly bc one of high renmvu and uSL'l'iilness. Koiemedy haaover d n ■ 1 1:1 vfxdehl tory if me lifini', wliii-h exorts raoh prompt, a.t-pvt :uj rally restorattve effeots Oood appehtoi oompisté -nL'fst;ll. rapld Jli' iniT dl' Btrenffi l. v, itli ;t:i UI] 1 ■ ;i i dinposttion flor aettve and dv ■- immediately íollow t use. Put tip in neat flat metal boxea oontainfng 50 pills, prir.c 50 a-ui por box; tor sata bj druggiatu aad dealere. W'ilf lir sent frae feo nny sddresB on coceipi of the prloê. 11 letters, orde ddn edte B.B. LOCKE.&Oo , Gnwal Agent, 1 477yl 889 Broa a-.,v.n. Y. ' Howard Asaoci -ition, Pliiladelphia. A fíetievoteut TnttituiioH $8tabUskd special mr' nomet for the rrtiffiif fhc Stek and pññ m i !. nffiiat ú wttJi ViTitUnx nnd Epidemie DtÈeasn, nnd r.prally for 'In; ■ f Diseases nf ihe Semal Ort' irtjfrte to palien tu nll imrts of the. United States, VAXUABLERLPORTSonspermtftorrhoaa,andotJii c Oh eaaMol the Sexual 0rgana,andon the NEW REMEDIES pHiyed, ent t: tl '■ , free l'.Mi ■! three 8taui[) lor " ■t:iiii ba will be 1 tóresfcDa. J,8KILLJNH0üaHT0N, Aoting Sur apon Howard Auootaftton No '2, somli NintbSI reet] l'hilnitel(ina., "■'■.! 1000 Fine Övercoats! For Snle Cbonp at GPÜITERMAN & 00'8. G&EAT.GREATER GREATEST B V RG alNB EVE R OFFERED 1859. JLkL"} 1 9 In this City, are now bping offerod ut tbo CIIEAP.CLOCK, WATCH, & & O X77 fcálry JStorOIII K Subscribor wouldany to the citizensol Ann Arfoor, i particular, and tbe ren of Wmhtenaw 'oubH i:i wiu-ral, th.-il liehnsjuat ÏMPOHI'ED Dl!:!■:; 'I'I.Y trom KÜROPK.a Tremendons Stock of Watches! Ali of whicli hn bindshimselfto ell CHEAI'KR thnn can bc bonght:wést of New York t'ity . Upen Face Cylinder Watches Irom $6 to $10 do do Lever do do 8 to 21 [lunling Cftsn dO do do 14 to 35 do do Cylinder do do 9 to 28 Gold Wi.telice frota 20 to 150 1 hare alao tfto ; KLEUR ATE D AMERICAN W AÏCHES, wliich I wlll seu ttr $31. Evory Watch warranttd lo . perform weil, or the monty retunded. Clocks, cwelry, Platcd Ware, Fnncy Gooda, Gold Pen, Musical Instruments and Strioge, Cutlery, 4c, and in tact n varirty of cvcrythinir uaually Icopl by Jew eIt:rB eau be bnughtlorthe noxt niuety daya at v-v OWN TRICES! l'ersone buyin.' iiy tliin-i fit tbis well known establiatime ut enn rc]y upnn getting goods exnctly as representad, orthfinnny rH'undrri. Cali car) y and ae cure tho bost bargaiua over olie red in thU City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : Wc preparud to make any repairs onfine or common Wiiiclü-H, even to mtiltingo er the eottre watrh, t' neCfsaflry. Repniring ot' Clocks and JewHry as munl. AUo the mtuiufocturina oi RINGS, BROOCFIi?, ■r auything dusíred, fromCnlif irnia Gold on short notice. EnpraTÍr'e in fillita 'orancheaexoentcd with neat rjtsa anddispntch. J C WATTS. Anu Arbor, J?n. 28th!P59. 7Hw llüHACE WATERS, AGENT 33 3 R r o a d w a y , N r w Y o k Pti&llsher ofHttle m! Muslt Books AM) DKAI.KK IN Pianos, Melodeons, Alexandre Organ Organ Accordeons, Martin'w celebrated and other Guitars, Violins, Tenor Viols, Vioïincellos, Accordeons, Flutinas, Flutea, Fifes, Tri■ nles, Clari mett.Tuning ForksJESpea :ui(lHaminer, Violin Bows, best Italian Stríngs, Base Instrumenta for Bands, Piano Stools, and covers, and all kinds of Musical Instruments. Si lx o o 3VI -v. S3 o, rom all the publisliors in the U. S. , Bgrtinl1 Huntin's, uil Modern School; aii'l ;tll kinds ' lustrnction Books ir tlie abpve instrumenta; Charata Itasic Books: Music boupd: Mutiio paper, aad uil kiüds ut' Mubic 'rcbaüdise, V t t heLowcst Priccs. Wew Pianos, U. $175, S'200, $226, '26O. and op to $R00. Secotid, [iinn l'ianns frOtn $20 ■ I ■■■■v Ueli leotu 45, , I(X), nii'l up to $200; Second Hand Melodeona 'riro SÜO to $80; Uexandre Organs; with Bve stops, $160, . . $185 and Í22fi;tJiirteeii étops, $250, S2Ï6 and teen (tqpe, $3S0 and $375; A liberal dfscoun) i Clerfi n i--'), burches, Sabbath Schoolst Seminarios ,il Teftcbere. fhe raae sfapüed at the u.sual bnáe ltsCOODtB ' ,i;inotiinls oí the Hornee Wntcrs Planos and Mclodvung. .Tolm IIpwöU, of Cartliaiif, N"w Bark, who Ims h.iil me of the Horaa VTatéra t Eanos, wrïtesas foUows: - ■■. fi ci]il 'ï mine wiahwinetopurchaêBa piani or ii.t. Bhe '■.'.;- i hte on yon wW nic in Dejoember, 1856. P iii!:'r in thtfl plaC6, anl I think I ■ ui' or two more; they will be more popu■ auv m.ili1." "We havo two of Waters' Pianos in in ourSfmi. : v .iiL' df which ha been sevcrely testftl fr three ears. and we can teatify fco thelr gooa quality ml ilura■ i i 1 1 . " - tVóïd fc-Grcgory, Motm' Carroll, III. ■lil, waters, Esq. - DbAH Sir: Having used onf of your 'iano Fortes for two years past, I have fonnd it a very superior Instrument. Ai.ovzo Ckay, Prmcipnl Brooklyn Heihts Stmmary. "Tha Piano I received froto you oontraueto giverati, 1 regard it Lö one of the he( instruiuents in the IaXYX U ClaRKK, HwrUstoH, Va. 'Tlie Melodeon saTely arrlted. I feol obligfp.itn ynu fory our libera] discount." Iïev. J. il. McCoKMick, YarqntsvüUS C. 'The pi no was duly receivod. Iteame in pxcellont conditum, and Is totj mucli admired bymy aiiineroos imi ■. Accopt my thanka for your promptuess." - . OOOPBB, IVArrcnham, Bradjoed Co. Pa. "Yoor [li.uio pieases s wc-. It is the best one in our iüAty.'V-ïHÖM i ■ . l.'riAM, Camphtihon, Ga. rv much obüged to you for having sent -inch a fine inBtruvyeal (ür-WJW}." - Brak,Hhld& Co., Bujfaio Demcrai, "The Horace Vaiers Pianosare known as ainon the beat W are cnablod to spc;ik of these ingtrumenU with confidence, from personal knowledfe of thoir i -ceellent tobé aód durable quality." - N. Y. Evangelist. 'We ca a Bpealc of the merits of tho iinrac-e Watero planos rom perstmiil knowledge, asbeing the very fine-st quality. '.- Chriatian Intctligenttr. "The Howde Waters planos are built of th bet and : seasonea material. We ha ie no doubt thatbuyers can do as wolKperhapa beiter, ;;t thistban at any otnerhouse in thetfnïon," - Advocate and Jaurnnl. Waters' pianos and m lodeona challenge comparison with the fines t made any where in the country.'1 - Home Jour nol "lldrace Waterd' Piano Fortes are of fulT, rich and even tone and powerfnt - N. Y. Musical Re&ew. i'Öui friends wlll Bnd atr. Waters store the very best ftefiortmeBt of Knsic and of ríanos tobe fowod in : tal ïa.arid we ub our southern and western to gi (-un a cali whenever tUey go to Xcw York." - Qi-akam's Matfaiiiie. Warchouse 333 Broadway, Nt Y. Sa b ba t h S ch ooi Bel], lOO.OOO laaued In ten Monttas. The unpreecdented sale of thinbook has induced the . i to addsome 30 new tuncsandhymns to Ita present siw, without extra charge, except on thecheapediI Araong themnny ln-autitu] tum-s jnd In oins aaded mav be found:- "I öugtat tn lovo my inother;" "O I'U be ":i gooil child, indeed [ will." Tliese and eight otliers ïvtnn we Bsllj weare iung at the Sundaj School Anniver sary of tho M. K. Churcli at the Academy ol" Music, with ireal applausé The Rïll cootatns nparly 200 tunes and bymas and is one öftÏÏe besi oollections evorisaued, Pricd I8c; $10p6rhundred,postage-4oElegantrf bouml, embossed flt, 26o, $20 per 1-00 It bas b.eeu iutroduced ínfomanyol the PnbHc Qdhool. 'i'iif e Ifl pullitehed in innall numJbers entitled Anniversary and Sunday 8ohoOl Mario Book, Nos. 1,2, 3, & 4f in orderto accoinmodate the raillion; price $2 & $3 per hundrèd Ño. .r) will soonbe issued - commencement of another boek. AUo, Rertval Music Booka, No, 1&4 prtê $t & $2 per 100, postas More than ÍJOJ),000 copies of the above boots have been issued the past eighteen nionthé, anti the demaivi israpidly increasing. Publishod tv POKACE WATERS, Agent, ■S Broadway, N. ï". Publised by Horace Waters No. 333 Broartway, New York, Vocal, "Kind Words enn neverdie;" "The Angels told mo so;" "WllÖs of tl Wst' "Thoughta of God;" 'liiv.) ine bnok mv MWfntafn Home;' "I;iy Proams;" "Dandy Cock Elobm;" "lm wtth thee stttl; tPetaames;u "Th'-ii-v darilng llke niltíe:' "Sarah JaneXee1" er of thee;1 "I'm Icaving thee in 3rrov;" uBirdof !■. .ni u ;M Home of our birth;" "Grave of Kosabel," and 'Wake, lady, wake,,1 price 25c each. Ixstkimkniai. - ' 'Pjilacp Garden, or Sinarinfr Bird Polka, We; lt8wingïBg SiuhottiBohe;' tMlrabel Schottisch;" 'Thomas Bakert SohotHscne;" 'Ticcolomini PoTQfa, 36 oertts each. The abuve jueces have beautiful Vfgnetteè uWetaier Polka;" "Atablan Wai cryMaroh," i.LiMi;t Donlella MsiturRa; "Rea-l; Ing Powft;1 '■('ritioline Wnltz." and "Ijincer' Qua drUle," 25c caeh. "The Empire of Reich's Quadrille;" a oèw dsnee, and "Tlie EBberolan Quadiille," Sñceach. í;iiiy of hert pieeflfl are played by Haker's celebnited orohest ra wtth great applruse-J9r Mailed free. A lergelotof Foreign Music m hatt prioe. pianos, cíodeous and Organg# The Honvce 'Waters Plátkos and Melodeona, tor depth, purlty of tone and durability, ire unsUrpassed. Prices very low Seéond 11;. mi Planbfl ann Uelodeonsfrom $'25 to 1 150. VLnaia ajadJUuftioal ïnatxuotions of all kinds, at the lowest prices. HORACE W ATERÍ, Agent, No. 3:3:t Broailway.N. Y.; - "The Horace Waters Ptaftoa are known as among the very best.' - FransfrJirt, "We cap speai of thelr merite fron porsonal knowledge."- 'Christian InteHignicT. 'Xotliiiiiiat the Fair rifsplnyed greater excellence :"- Chiirchman. Waters' Pianos and Melodeons challenge cornpariRon with tlie Üuest made any vhere in the country." - Hom% Journal. . ?l9tf Irving's "Works - National Editiou mlIIS Fine Fdition of the Works of Washington Th 1 VLNC (iK-luding the Ufe oí WushingUn), will be pub'ishfd for SUBSCRTBERS ONLY In Montlily Volumes Price $1.50 Pnjable on D?livery, BQautlfully Prmted on boavy superñne paper, of th t quality, ftnd suBstantialry bound in heavj berelled board. GTT'Eftch Volumo illuatrated with Vignettei on Steel and Wood fj KnickorboeUers New York, Sketeh Book, Cloth. Columous, -i volrt, BraoebAdge Hall, Antoría, Tales oí1 a Tr.iveler, Crayon MI eollaujr, Capt, ItmitH'vil].-, Oüvr Goldwnith, M:ihmet i vols. Grenada, Alhambra, Woïferf'a Hoost, Life of Washington, 5 vúb. SalmagundI. Tlii.-i fdition will bc Bold XCÏÜfflTTLT to Subscriben and will W rreatly superior to any ewf bef(W issued,A vciv haníflome set of these nat ver&klly popular work. ití thug i'lacfd within tl ans of nl. G. !'■ 1MTNAM, Atft.. PublÍRÍior, lift Niwmn mre, Nsw Ywk. 2Nn3W" STORE 1 NEW GOODS! The citizeus of Ann Arbnr, Micïi., and vicinitj are iurormcü tliat A. & C LOEB EI YE OPENED A NEW STORE and stocked it entirely WÏtb NKW (JOODS, MjMcltUj adaJütcd to tht coming m-;isoii umi st-lecU-l with the g reates t car.e. At tho Cleveland Clotliing House Will lc found everythingdesirable and necessary for - at tho- LOWEST MAR KE T PRICES. As we are detorminefltn make óur store popular, ad to cunvinco the public tUal ours is the CHEaPEST STORE IET TZXB STATE ! OUR STOCK OF EEADY - MADE CLOTHING ! Is mudo up in tha IIANDSOMEST MENNER - or- ÍLATEST STYLE GOODS! Every attenlion paid to Cut and Fit I We have likewine procurad from Grat class houses a Öne assortment of BATS, CAPS, Trüüks and Carpet itags, FÜRN1SU1NG GOODS c„ ése, All of !; i.:li M ffer at ASTONISIIING LOW PKJCES ! Our Cacilities for procuriog Goods on The Most Favorable Terms aud from the Best tlouses in the East ABE "ÜNSUKPASBEP, aa 1 fi.ll we ask of those who want guods ís to OALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ! aid satiafy tiieipselvcs tbat we sell tbp v h( apei and best Goos. A. & C. LOEB, Soutii of the l'ark, a few doors west of Cook'a Hotel, Huron Street, Aun Arbor Mich. 765tf City Cbeap Xsiimber Sash, Doors Blinds, Piaster Paris, Grand River Piaster, Water Lime, Nails of all sizes, Glass, Paint and Putty, cèo., &c, D. DeForest, HAV1NG incrcaacd hi facilitiea tor Jolig buinees and enlarged hia Yard and .Stock, is prepared the present season, with tfce bee largest and est seaaonedafcock everin this marlet to atiaty the reasonable expectations )f uil. Our motto Is notto be. underaoldlor C8eh on deMvery I wü 1 not undertaketo frightopthe public bynaylng that thrywill getshaved it they buy elsewhere, for we presume that othero willsollaslüw aathey can atford to . All kinds of Tïmber, Joists, and dcantliag, Pine, Whitewood, Basewood, Hemlock, Flaned and Matched Pine, "Whitewood Aah K loo ring. Planedand rouuh Pine and Whitewood siding.Fenci Posts, OskandCedar PostB and l'icket ot all kiinN. íptnt Í atfj, anb tUIjttctwoob C ji Ptne, Ashan-1 Whitewood Shingle, Barn Boards and Barn Flooi Plank, BlaekW.uUt,and C'hnrry and thin stuf), Wagon and BÜGGY AXLES and TONGUES, Boxnd Body Lumber.Maple I,og Timher, Hlckory, Oak, Ash, Sim, Beech, Oí ti!h hii'knoasfie, widths and lengths, cc . . Sec. , Piaster Paris, and Piaster ofsllkind. ITiÍls of all 8Íze, Ac, Ac, ÜASIL DOORS. & BL1NDS, made by hand to order a a lo was factoiy p rices, on the shortestnotice bythe bostof' worktnen, and Best Seasoned Lumber. Bills ofall 'l.'s.-riptiou in the aboyn building line furnishedoD thonhortoel of notie e. for We have Mills Cutting Regularly. A ful! anda perlecl nsoortment of the above and otlior kindb of Kuilding Materials Oonstantly onhandatthi lowestpossiblerates Cali and be Convinced. A few rods south from R. R. Depot on Detroit Street . Ann Arbor, Ulich R O O F r N O. I amnow operating Bxtensirely in thePateat Cement Roofing. Ann Arbor Marble Wortes. o ideële & Vandercook. IJ AVK on hand a fine assortment of Atuerican aud 1TAL1AN MA. li B L E whü-h thcy are prepare! to manufacture into MONUMENTS. UgAD STONES, TOMB TARLES, i TABLE TOPX i Ac, Ac. tc, Ac, in all thcir varieties, and In a WOÜKMAXI.IKE marnier ; Saviug hafi cousi(ler:ible experionce in the business Hioy iLiit'T thcms.'lves tlmt they will be able to please all who may favor thunl with (.hoir ordere. ïheir price! are as LOW AS THE LOWEST, Those wishine any tliini in thwr 'ne are rc.ipectfuUy „■il,,l to cali " BISELE &VANDK1UÍIOK. , Arhor. Sept. 28, 1860. "8"yl i lllvE'VE and B f ' ÈiNgÊÈl DK F. A. CADWELL, B" OI'ER TOK ON TUK KYE AND KAR. Por Deafiir'. BUnilmn, and all lefccts oí , Slght nral Heártng. DR. C. BEINO A REÖULAE PflyBWivn.with TWKNTÏ YEAIÍ ' ex olni pr:ii:i ii'f in the trcatmfiit of lscases of the KYK AND EAR, wil) be fonnil qualiScrt to give relief ör clfcct a cure in any caso within the reach Of lininu) kill _ j I #3 No c.hargr. for (in ezanlnntlon or an opinión, ar for unttuccessful. sertiers. I Dn. C.'s Thkaiisk on tuk Kte and, of 308 pi., aontatning references, testimonial, Dcsoriptjonoi l)iCJisca, Cnf, aml othet impr!ant matter, illustratpil v.-iili i-„ts, to bo hóigratü, bj sending Ta Om" PJ ( poataire. Addreu Dr. CWi Uan'l'!'1' trwt onMtDwborn, Chicago Dl. 1Jr'" Repunlblo and Honst Agcuts -AT ANT t.D milKOUdHOl'T th Staten, to whom we wü L imv a salnrv of from $20 to $nOper month and cx,„„;,.; TillSlS NO HUMBUG. Kor particular, alilrwis (incWwng Rod Stamp, for return poetage,) or ipTÜsX"0 HM fe CLARH, BlTfiMI, MU. ANO TH ER A A AREIVAL A T THE ÈÊ ff 0LD AND RELIA BLE ifË CLOTHINC. EMPORIUMÜ Bi NO. 8 PHCENIX BIjOCIC, MAIN STREET. has juBt returru'.l from the Easteru Citieu, witl a Iftrjjt and tlesirable stock of F ALL AND WINTER Gr OPDS! which he is now offcring at unusuallj XjOXV PH.IOBSÍ Among lii.s Assortment mar be found BROADCLOTIIS, CASSIMERES, DOES KL NS, & VESTINGSL of all deacriptions, especially fftr FALL AND WINTER WE,AR!: which hfïfl cutting and making to order, in thelatMtamq beat ntyles, together with a superior aasortment of READY MADE CL0TR1NG! TRUNKS CARPKT BAOS, UMBRFXI.AS, and Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods with numerous other artieles usually fonnfl in limilai 0-s:;i1)i-,lnnMil. A ANEA1POBÍÜA1 OFFASHIOÜ, the aulflcrber flat tora himnelf,that hislong experïenc and gouent, success.will enable him to give the greatest Batisfaction toall who may trust him in the way of manufaeturtu earments to order. 769tf WM WAGNER. THE CAMP.AlGN UPEN. Campion's ]Platíorm ! fpiIK subacribar has just returned Crum tbe i mt wilh 1 his Fali and Winter C5r O O X O Which he is Determ hied to Sell AT THK LOtVEST PRICE FOK CASH! at wliieh, Pitst Quality (Joods enn ue afforded in this city. My eloths re all of the FINEST QUALITY and as I mnnufacture tlnm into clothing myaelt, I am cnablcd to WARRANT EVERY GARMENT I sell. to be WELL MA.DE, which is a strong iuducemeiit to cvi8tQraer3 tn patronize my store in preference to places where iarge quantities of half madi goods are kepi for sale. - I have theLATEST fasdions, and can give yo ai Fine and ioe'1 Fitting G-irmmtt at ean bt bought anywhere, I am buund to sell CHEAPER AKD BSTTni. C3-O DS I than ftuy other similar estabiishmsnt iu thii city. Tour cu8tom i mst respectfully inrited. M. CAMPION. AmArbor, Nv. 1-60. TTyl THE CHEAP CORNER. SE EK NO FARTHERi New Store, New Firro AND LOTS OP NEW G00D3 ! In Mack & Schmid's NeU Block. "PURCHARED rocoutly ander tliemost favorable dreun: X stances, much sothat we fe-l cnnlident in ajin to all our oM custime, and au many new ones as ca crowd :t" our New and Spacious Store Rooii Corner of Main and Ijitieity Streeta. That we are now prepared to geil you bf tter Good Inwrr [trk-r-? Outn nur usual low psices an'l ar? now ii tlaily f eceipf of eadless varioties of STAPLE AND FANCY 3D "EL TT GO O 3D S . LADIEf?' & SHOES HATS & CAPS, J3ONNETS, RIBBONS, RUSHES, CROCKERY, LUOKINÖ GLASSES, GLASS AND STONE WARE, GROCERIES, &cT of every varlety Lots more of tbe same good 50 cent Tea, that others sel. at 75 ets. Bear in mind that our Goods art all of the best qualiPy. EJPOur Stnple and Fancy Dry Goodi )rpas8 "II pvevi.ius stocks for beauty, vantty and excellence. EF'Our Ladies Dress oods, Shawls, &c, were never be'oro bn]ï s attracitx and cannot help but win smiles of approval from our fair friends. 8?g_Our Flats and Caps surpass all for style and pbeapfiesa ever h(3:rd of in Ann Arbor, culi and aee them. 8%,Our Ladies' and Childrens'Shoo combineeiliganceandease with strength and durability. f" Our Cloths, Casflinieres & Vestings are ill of the best qualitvee aud styles of the French, English & American productions which we will sell at the same price that others ask for slop shop stuff. J3P Our Grocories & Crockery aro frosh, new and cbeaper than ever. 83r Our Yankee Notions and smal} fixings in general are too numerous tp mention here, embracing every thing that a Merchant should keep and a Custorner should buy. E" And now having pure ased a much larger and botter stock of goods than ever before; we cpnfidently rely upon tho appreciation oí the publiu f;r a ready Sale of the f?ame, feeling confident that we cannot help' but euit all in pricee quality and styles. All kinds of Produce taken in Exchange lor goods as usual. C MACK, 772 F. 6CHMID. Ayer's Ague Cur. .