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Native Americanism In Michigan

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Liet week we referid to ihe fact that a portion of the whijr "ere str-ngiy disprel {0 go over to the Nalive American party.- Col Webb of the New York Courier and Enxuirer led the way for the younger bretliren of the Pres?, n an elabórate erticle, ia wlnch hegoed bryond the Nat jve Americana in liis projscis against foreigners. In a iccent paper the Col. says; "We would provide that from the moment a foreiener wit his foot upon our shows and files a cerr ficate of hje inton.ion to become a resident, he etioulá be entitled to every right. power and privilege which a cii.n SLeBses, eW he should never have ihe privUcgmf vfing bui by a special et of Congres,, and sbould never be required to do military duly. . , We of course spenk for ourseives only; bu thereis no doubt that iust in the rano that the Whig party embraces the intellgence and patriotism of the country, it cordial ty reBponds to the cali of the Amencari Repubican narty, now that it is divested of ita pro scripüve charncer. The whigs are, in polnt of facf. the legitímate American Ropubhcans. becau.etheystru-leatall limes andón ,aU occasions, to sustain the grent princ iple which can alone secure to the country prosneritv, and fo our ioetitutions permanency ano respect. It is to the tohigs, lherefore,and tonoolhcr party, (kat those loho denommaU themtelves ihe American Repubhcan. ?%% turn in their appeal for aul And wherè che should they tur ? WÏfh P else should they vote ? From whal olher party can they êxpect aid or sympalky ? Ia not the locofoco pariy pledged soul and body, ncraiusL every jrreat national measure, and abóve 1! n-rainst any hïterference with the ex Nuturalization la ws ? To vote for bat party5, or any of its candidates, would indeed be sucidai." The Oakland Gazeite, the Whig paper published at Pontiac, bas the honor of giving the first signal guu for the new party in this State. The Gazette of Nov. 13, before the result of the Presidential election had been received from all the States, c-ame out with a leaúing editorial, enlitled "Alarming to AMERrcAN6,': in which the ncw doctrines are broached in the following detnagogue style: Our naturalization laws require a foreigner to reside here five years before he can become a citizen. By the tricks and arts of politicians, these laws are evaded, and foreigners now become citizens al most as soon as they land on our shores. Our country is already overrun with them. It is estimated thot in our large citie3 and villages at least two-fiftbs of all the persons who voted for presidential electors were foreigners. Should the foreign emigration continue to increase as it has heretofore done until ths presidential election of 1343, a full majority of the voters in America will bo fonegners. ín 1852 the nativo bom Amencans will be m a minority, and the election of our president, 'vice president and congress will be completely within the control of foreigners. We would not unnecessarily excite the alarm !of any inan- but we ask every native bom American to rcflect upon the imminent danger, wbich now threaiens our native land. In all human probability, at the close of the polk, üt onr presidentail election in 1848 (only four years henee) Ihe question will be settïed that Araericans no no longer go vern America. In 1852, should they feel so indined, the foreigners enact a law declaring that henceforth no native born American citizeD, shall hold ony public office in the United States. Tbe civil'zed world have accused us of injustice towards Ihe Indians. That we have been guüty no one can deny. We have overrun thtir native land, and driven them back that wo mig'it lake possession of their country and establish therein our institutions and laws. - Ia it impossiblo that Providence intends to punish us by subjecting us to the same process of exlirpalion. The entire floating and raoving population of Europe have iheir eyes fixed upon the United States. They are coming upon us by thousands and tena of thousands. Instead of abandonding their European notions, when they orrive here, and becoming Americon citizens at heart, they seem to imogine that our country is a fit theatre upon which to let looBe the mosi lawless passions of human nature." In nnother article in the eame paper, tha editor says: ' "It has been said that it is too early to settle the question of Native Amcricanism. If the question ia evor to be settkd, the eooner we begin the better for our country. Ten years henee the man who proposes lo meet this que8tion, wiil be told that it is too Sc it will assuredly be too late then; for the country will be under the control of foreigners. - The American citizen, will then be told to etep aside to make room for his superiors - ' Americana shan 't rule us." We shall then be told, as was remarked by a foreigner, whom Ihe people of Oakland have just elected to the mo6t profitable office in our county, that Americans being bom here, "are here by nccident,:' while the foreigners come here by choice, and, therefore, have the beller righl here. If euch eentiments are thrown into our faces now, the eleetion of '48 will shake our Republic to ihe foundation. We reqnire the native born to live among ns 21 years before we permit hun to vote, or hoMan office. Is there any good reason why the foreign born should not be subjected to the saine rule? ïa the foreign born any better tben the native born Americani Wben we consider the prejudiced with which the foreigner has Igrown up, 8nd hi utter anc complete ignorance of the theory and principie of our government, is he not, in one eense, when he lands on our shores, as much an infant as the native born American is the moment of his birth 1 After a residence o L1 year?, ia the foreigner auy beller fitted to exercise the rilits of FuiFragf? ihan the native born American is? T;iese are pertinent eiiquiries, that t hould be oondrrod on by all our CÏtizertf. whethcr nnlivc or nntnralized. The projudices of tbe moment cannot smnggle ths truth. In regard to the principie thát Arnericans:an govern Americn, thcre probably wül be 10 difterence of opinión among the people vhen tbequesiïcn is rightly understood. Indeed if ihis principie is denied us we had beter abandon our country at once. If the siranjercau come among us and mie U9, we had )clter blot our country from the map of na[on. nnd wande over the world wit!) the shildren of dismembered Putnnd. Stich is he frame work of our happy governmeni bat the civil aiithorify is p-irainonnt to mdinry. lf our civil offices are to be filled wiïli oréiirners. to wi-m slïaU the American peopie look for src.irity in the honr of danger." A ihird article in tho sanie paper altack he Caiholicsas fóllows: CHURCM AND STATE. Now that the president al rlection is over ho cloven foot of pupery begin lo exhibir tself in the public streets. On Monday evening the cburch Si siate portion of the democ racy assembled around the liickory pole nsar the Hodge's House and jfnve three ciieers for the CATHOLIC RELIGIÓN. This new movement aroused the protestant portion of tbe locofocos, and native Aniericanitm bristles ip in good style. That a unión of the Catholic church with he State will be theresult of the whole aiatter, no intelligent man enn doubt for a moment. Twenty years henee, tlie inqinsition will be erected in onr midst. With Catholic democracy, religiotis liberty is mere fallacy. - ünder ïheir rule and svvay, civil ai}d religious iberty consists in surrendering your soul and body to the priests. Rumora are already rife tbat . he papal tlirone is to be transferred to America. - Our Protestant Republic is to fal! a prey to the Roman Priesthood. Heretofore the foreign Catholics have used the Democratie party. Now that they have been convinced of their own strengt.'i, they shake off democracy and give three cheers, in .the highuay, for their religión. The stnke and the rack will probably wake us up to our danger in a few years." We give these quota tions at length, as specimens of the spirit which we tnay anticípate from the new party. The Gazette is a reEpectable paper for talent, and is publishcd at thevillage where Mr. George W. Wisner, ate whigcendidate for Congress, resides. ít ïas displayed much ingenuity and industry 'va is vilification of Mr. Birnjy. The conductor of the paper has acted wisely in taking the ead of the new party: for the remaimng whig papers will piobably follow in the space f a year. The Gazette assures us that '-the questions of Currency, Tariff, and Atmexaion are settled by the verdict ofthepeople; and that "Yative Jlmcricanism tcill he an topic in 1843.'' We commend Lhese asertions to the notice of whig editore. Let ihem no more trouble Liberty men about hese "other great issues."


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