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The Government And The Secessionists

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Washington, Jan. C Tho cxcitenient to-day is Boinewíiat i:i crrased. Thurlow Weed, EJamilton Fisti, Eiasius Corniug, Is.cic Bell, aud other nfluot.tial York rj ha?e arrived - White tlioy counsel moderatiou nnd conservatism, it is untlerstood tkat they are unanimous fcir the preservution of tUe Union :it aity cost Weed sajs ho sees little probabilty that any satisfactory compromiso will be arranged. Mr. (.'rittenden was ready to substituto tho border States' proposition liïs ovvii, if t lic sentiment iu tho oommittee had boon nnaniinouti in favor of it. He saj's fie thinks there is gtr.'ng rcason to hopa for a sntisfactory adjustiiK'i.'t yet, through the niediation of tho berder States. Tho tiecessioni; ts per ss havo chnnged their programaio. I.istead of pursuing any ! longèr thoir idea of "plungiog the eottou States iiito revolutioD," by sudacing (liem in t o individuallj followiiig the lead of South Carolina in "separate State action.'1 their present purpose is to eeeva to yield I to ''co-operation,'" by seuding Coiumissioners from South Carolina to the o her southern States; t rusting to the efforts of tliese Coininissionörs, howuver, to induce Georgia, Florida, Alábanla and Missis sippi, to agree to instant action with tliem. One State, they sec, is not strong enouglj to force the issue upon the South; so now they want to try the experiment by joint action of fivo of tbein. The secessiou leaders inay urgo the fact thut to pystponc the revolution until a cnnvcütion of all tl.o BOUthero States can be called together is to defeat disunioc altogether. Henee South Carolina yields a part of her prograinine of precip itation iü the oxpectation of getting hor sister cotton States to yield something of their dispoaitioD to make liaste slowly, Conversations with prominent secesion leaders indícate that, in pursuance of the policy above itidieated, they are determiiied toavoid tbeñring oí' a first gun agiiinst the general goverinnent. They iutend to provoke Mr. Buofaanan into "coerción of a State;" and they predict, with a good deal of self gratulation, that, within litteen days from this time, Mr. Buchanan will invade southern soil to put down secession. They adiuit that, so long as the general government can reinaio on the defensive, its posilion is a Btrong one, and that it will bc dillieult to unite the South in anus against it; but tliey do not doubt their ability to provoko ittack. Í do not undersfand that Mr. Buchanan pvoposes anything of tliu sort. His failurc to reinlorce fort not already in the hands of the revolutionists shows that he does not inteud to rely upon the anny to repress secession. If s Ooilector goes ti Charleston, and i provented from ful filling liis dutifS, tho President will ulearly havo th(! puwor to prevent merchant vessels going iüto that port, because thero is, practioali', no oiistum-honso there. - The people will dema .d nt him the ; tion of this rcsponsility; and, iu tlms blockadjng tho port by naval tbrce, the , government will still maintaiu a poéition ''■ iu wLich the attaok must ooine from the socessioniat8. Even the Griug of a gun frtmi Sumpter, to bring i merchant sel to, or to aink her it she fails to obey the order, will qot bn a gu;i ügtiost Sontii Carolina, and tho leaders say emphatU cal! y that they will not tiro tho first gun A day or two will probably show whothor this doclaratiou is sincere or only a foint. Capt. Stonc bas rocoived hia counnissiou froui the President, and is aotivoly engiiged in the orgauisiiig the militia of tho District, Mayor BoiTott, ;i Virginian. vigorously opposes these step by the : for tho protoction óf the j tal, urging that the oitiïona aro fully : equal to tho vroservatiou of the peaee; but tho administration justly consid cis i the duty of the government, and will persevero. Now that tliese steps are takiug, a Btrenuous effort is making to créate tho iuipression that there. never -is any ! ger; but I have it from high secession i authority thut the soizure of the capital was contomplatod, although it is now abandoned. Cour hundrei marines aro ordcred to Washington from Portsinouth, Boston, and Brooklyn. As they arivc they are sent to Fort Washington, nine milos below Washington on tho Potoinao, Scvflntyfour went down on the stcainer Philadi-lphia last uight. Fifteen othors arrived tc-day. The secession syinialhizcrs in Maryiand express great indignación at j this occupancy of that fort, professing to consider it an iniputation upon their loyalty to the Union. As it cannot bc the j purposo to garrisou a fort with marines, ! it is suspected that they are sent to that ; post as a positiou from which they may DO shipped any time soutinvard without excitiug public attentiou, as there is no telegraphio station south of that point, thisside of Richmond. Several volunteer companies of Washington were on parade yesterday, and, 1 ing disinissed, were direetod to oarry their arms to their homos, witb forty rounds of balls and cartridges eaeb.


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