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Illinois Legislature

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Chicago, Jan. 7. The Legislatura met at Springfield toda} The House adjourned without effeeting an organizatioii Gov. Wpod's message will probablv be delivered tomorrow. Iu !t he recoininends a complete reconstruction of tlie present militaiy plan dividiug the State into three divisions. of battalion, régimen tal and j brigade fonnation; that most liberal legislativo encouragement be giveu for the fonnation of volunteer compauies throngh out tlio State; recommüiids tliat the Banka of tlie State be equired to secure thoir circulation cxclusively by United States ! and Illinuis stocks. In rogari to the difliL'ulties at present existing in the Sonth, he says if grievances to any part i on of our confederation have arisen withiu tho Union, let thoni ba redressed wi.hiu the Union. If u:constitution;il law, trenching upon the goarfinteed lights of any of our sister State have found place upon our siiitnte books, let tlieni bu removed. Ifprejudioo and alienation townrds any ot'our fellow-countrynien lias fastcned upon our minds, let it bo disniissed and forgotten, let us be just to ourselves and eaeh other allowing neiilier threata to drive us fr.mi wdat we deern to be our duty nor prido of opinión prernnt us correcting wherein wo may have : crred. Kooliniítancta if Illinois has passe! ;i:iy laj's to ding to obstruct tlieoperation oi Federal autkoritj, or oonflictrag with tbo opnstitutional rightd of otliórj, ihat (Fioy ahould at once be repealod. - Spoaki g not nierely for liimaelf tut rcfli'cting vrbat !u :i::su:;i-'a to bo "tho " ice of the wlio'.o pooplo of lili oisii, irrespeotiveof rarty, it rcaches liini fröni nll quartcK, be adopta the eentiiu 1 1 of PrOAident - 'Tiic Federal Union - Itr must bc preBervcd." To whioli sentimoiit lio trusts the 1 turo wil] gie omphatic ftspresaion at ;ui : o uly ú iv. 'l'!u! Bmtlfcea at the Statu :iro ropresuteU as in a very prosperous dttion. T!m )i'.--( business after the orgaiiiiat:;iii ef both l!;m,rf will prob:iblj be tho elputioo uf lï. 8. Senator


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