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Trcasurers' Eeoeipts. We havo m linnd a stnck of Townsliip Treasuri'rs Ii'tci ipts. piiiitcii nn goud (muer Ard f'T sale c!iea i-'t'nd in your oiders. Alaoa full auorttnent of Justicia' Blaak. Cards ! Cards ! ! Cards ! ! I If yon Wiint Business Curda, If ycu want Ball Cr;l, If you -srunt Wedding Carda, If jou want Addre-s CüiiIs, If you wiint Concert o' L, o ure Carda, yon tan get them ehwiper nnd better nt the AUGUS OFFICE tian at any otliercetnblishment in tliis Citi'. We h:v a fine stock of Garda 011 bod. Einding1 ! Binding ! ! You have jnst completed tlie volumes of your Tarious Mognzine; an;l Papors for JS6O nd now is tlii? timn to gt tho.m bounj Tlie ARGOS BINDERT has juut received a fine ass'irtment of Turkty Moroojo, Knglish Calf, Imiiation Tursey. Law Cnlf, Slieep and ■lier Lcathera, and all .n adrised to bring in their booka immediately Work dune ia goodstyle and at Detioit irioes. D r . J . Q . HOLLAND, Editor of íhs Springfirld República, and Author of' TuioTiiy Titoomb's LetTEKS, "GrOLD FOIL," "Ü1TTKR Swijet," "Miss Gilb&iít's C.VRSKIÍ," &3., &C, "Will LECTtTBK beforn the STÜDENTS' LECfüKE ASSOCIAriON, at the METHODISV GHÜRCH TUK3DAY EVUMNG, JAN.1'. tt'ORK A ND PLA Y ' Whoever ha reaj any uf Mie above woiks - atifthere were tho aliglitcst probability that any persoa of intelligeneo liaj failed to read thtse deliglitful goms - will eerlainlv not inias thj opportunity of lieiu-ing Mr. Holland, himself. Th8 (we believe) is hia first visit here and hs may not come again soon, ai the Associ.i tkra has fur two or three yearsFainly eudeav ored to secure a lecture from him.