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Thecitizensof the VI lage of Anti Arbor, wilh others adjoining the City, are moving forannexation tothe Cily. A public meeting was held -down Uiwn," last weel; w:d annexation molutions ■naaimumly adpptedThe raaeting áppointe i a 01 nmittae of mtea toconferwith tha Coiiirnon Cuuncil of the City. This Oommittee appeared befira -. he Council on Monday v.ning. :ln 1 a committe' i offive was appoint-d by the Cui.cü to coopérate in advaneing the movjinent Thra etms to be a general dispoíitíon tu eff-et a unión The cominitte afttr coiiferring will ' probablyeal' a public meeting of our oiti lene. CO.i FriJiiy övenin Iv-t, P,-op. A. J.Uracx of Hamilton College N Y. aádreseed the Student.' Lecture Aaswiation at ihe üonreffational Chiirch. Owing t: a muiti plicity of calis uPon oiir ciüzens, hi3 Audienee was lees than the usual loctui-e-oing number foct woregret.for to our mini t wa deoi' dedly the best lecture duliveret! in tb il scason' course Prof. U. is a .lish.-d elegant nnd eloquent speaker, and lus subject Ibe Child Likfl Spirit wasmaJo both intoresling nd instructive. lts thoulita wt-r thou jhts for the young man just enieri.,g u,on'the tBge to ponder upon and protit by, poining out the genuine element of charaeu-r and sueeei. We wish we were able to present a sy nopeii. C3T The annual meeting of the stockholderofFu,estHili Cemetery Oompanj w„8 ! heM attlie office of the Vlerk, on Tudj at 2% o'clock, P. M.. and the following offir eleeted for the enauing ye r: President- W. S. Maïnakd. Cltrk-K. B Pond. Treaturer-E. W. Horoa.v. Trmtea-H. D. Borran, P. Baoh. Sexlon- J. Warxke. The report of the Treasnrer st ated enougli due the Oompany oq lote s .ld and on th sub onption notes origm.illy taken to pay the ntireindebtedivïssof the Oumpnny. Thls is a good showing, muci bitter th:in w.ia anticipated by those who had witnessed the im provemeots mado on the gruun ds.


Old News
Michigan Argus